Each of them has a binary bonded companion known as a Guardian. This page was last modified on 10 February 2021, at 03:43. Decepticon Guardians are an enemy encountered in Transformers Fall of Cybertron. ", "Vector Prime has always lived outside of time. You're signed out. Cybertronian Guardians. 1 History 1.1 A.D. 484 1.2 The Staff 2 Members Some time in the past, the twelve Knights rebelled against Quintessa, whom they considered as a deceiver. However, his creations quickly became divided, eventually forming into the warring Autobots and Decepticons. I have seen oceans rise, continents shift and mountains crumble. Vector Prime then says that they must go back the way they came, initiating more Autobot argument. The Guardians patrolled the Decepticon-controlled ruins in the Sea of Rust under the orders of Shockwave in anticipation of Autobot snoopers. During a mission, Omega Sentinel joined his leader in interrupting a battle between Star Convoy and Ultra Megatron. The Cybertron Defense Team start to argue among themselves that it's impossible, then Scattorshot realizes they can use the three starships to power the device. To the Autobots, the Guardian robots are a reassuring sight, knowledge that they are safe. Shockwave-Elita friendly comfort, G1 (no one's AU) ~~0~~. Omega Sentinel was a member of the Primus Vanguard. The guardians of Cybertron are a small team of bots with special powers given by Primus. The Guardian Knights are a group of 12 Transformer knights that appear in Transformers: The Last Knight. Unless you're a Decepticon with some crazy death wish. He reverses time after bidding everyone a fond farewell, giving Bud the planet map. Farewell, Bud, the future is my gift to you.". The Omega Sentinels were truly ancient beings, venerated as Cybertron's ancient protectors. Eventually, the Autobots finally arrive home safely. Guardian (Cybertron episode)/Tech/Info/Episodes Then a short, traditional, “Primey” speech follows as Optimus suggests that they build a new space bridge generator. 2 love: guardian robots & jetfire The writers of War for Cybertron really did their homework when incorporating elements of the G1 series into their narrative. Force of Habit, Vector Prime noted that in some Aurex realities, Omega Supreme was the first and foremost of the dozens of Omega Sentinels. A silhouette of Generation One Optimus Prime appears in one scene. Optimus says that Vector Prime did the right thing and the Autobots try to decide whether or not to make a new generator, until Scattorshot declares that it simply can't be done. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. They are meant to be new versions of the Mini-Con team of the same name from Armada, who they are remoulds of. After being told to shut down the bridge, Scattorshot realizes that he can't control the mechanism any longer. PLEASE DO NOT FAVE-AND-RUN! guardians have two modes; patrol and assault. When Vector Prime's giant spirit appears in the sky, it resembles. They gave the Decepticons much trouble during the early days of the war but were eventually overcome. Info. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Transformers: War for Cybertron - Siege, now streaming on Netflix. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Although Cybertronians are immune to many things, this natural event burns the armor. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. To return the Autobots to their home safely, Vector Prime makes the ultimate sacrifice. Guardians are Megatron's elite bodyguards. Guardian (Cybertron episode)/Tech/Info/Episodes Share. 1. Another “Hmm?” from Vector Prime indicates that something is not right. Guardian of Cybertron. Info. Grimlock once t… Hardtop compares the corpse of a Combatronian soldier, whose giant shoulder he stands on, to an "Omega Guardian". Cybertronian Guardian Robot. Last Stand During the reign of the Thirteen Primes, some ten million years ago, the Omega Sentinels were heralded as the guardians of the Crystal City, where the Thirteen regularly convened. And always the great cycle continues, as new life rises from the ashes of destruction. After Bud asks him, Red Alert replies that he has no plan. The Guardians of Cybertron (sometimes Omega Guardians), were a group of ancient Cybertronians who sought to protect Cybertron from the threat of Unicron.Its members included Omega Supreme and Omega Sentinel.Each of them has a binary bonded companion known as a Guardian.. Optimus and Red Alert realize that they will be defeated by sheer numbers, and Vector Prime destroys the generator, saying that it is their “ticket to destruction.” The birds fade out of existence as Jetfire solemnly declares that it's over for all of them. Guardian (Cybertron episode)/Tech/Info/Episodes Up Next. Urged on by Onyx Prime, Pri… This article is a stub and is missing information. Optimus Prime takes action and orders the panicking to stop. Its members included Omega Supreme and Omega Sentinel. Tap to unmute. Rain on Cybertron is acid rain. And though that life now ends, I know that in the hearts of these friends I have made, I shall live forever. ", "We won't be able to ever see him again, but he'll always be with us in our hearts. After trying to take out some of them with his axe, Metroplex himself is taken out by the birds. Guardian (Cybertron episode)/Tech/Info/Episodes, https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian_(Cybertron_episode)?oldid=478485. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/23, More information on Omega Sentinel at TFU.info, https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Guardians_of_Cybertron&oldid=1482693. Main articles: Marvel Comics continuity and Marvel Comics timeline The demigod Primus created the Transformers with the intention that they would all be righteous and obedient. After Bud asks him, Red Alert replies that he has no plan. When Metroplex is asked if he can build it, he coolly says that he has the best crew in two universes, and they all get to work. Copy link. Adding the guardian robots (of whom Omega Supreme is one) as Cybertron’s austere and indifferent protectors was a nice touch, as was illustrating how Starscream became Air Commander. 2009 — The Guardian Microns (Guardian Powered, Guardian Sky, and Guardian Speed), a trio of Mini-Cons from the Revenge of the Fallen toyline. Guardian robots are a type of Transformer in the Generation One continuity family. Cybertron was the adopted form of Primus, who trapped himself and Unicron in barren asteroids which they then shaped into their physical forms. At the conclusion of the episode, Vector Prime appears as a ghost and says: “After eons of watching, I began a new life, with purpose and meaning. Dispatch the Guardian and some reinforcements, including another Guardian will enter the room. In Quintessa's base on Cybertron, there is also seen an altar adorned with twelve small knight statues. Optimus agrees to his plan and starts giving orders to get everything ready. Tap to unmute. Farewell, Bud, the future is my gift to you.”, "Every single thing in the cosmos has a fixed life. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cheetor (voiced by TJ Nelson) - Guardian of the AllSpark on Earth. Vector Prime does have a plan that is only noticed by a “Hmmm…” from him. Autobot snoopers did arrive in the form of Cliffjumper and Jazz.While the Guardians' sensors proved capable to see through Cliffjumper's cloaking ability, the Autobot's skill allowed him to sneak up and defeat the Guardians with ease. they appear in two levels; Chapter 4 Eye of the Storm and Chapter 11 Starscreams Betrayal. Fiction Energon cartoon. decepticon g1 mmd shockwave transformers transformersg1. They were colossal humanoid machines capable of unleashing incredible destruction, but even these mighty titans could not deter the Decepticons from their path of conquest. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/07 He also cited Aurex 604.0 Beta as a good example of a universe where an individual named Omega Sentinel led the Guardians of Cybertron. 1 Personalities 2 History 2.1 5TH Century 2.2 Present Day 3 Allies 4 Enemies 5 Notes 6 Navigation Like Optimus Prime and all the members of the seven Primes (except for the Fallen), The Guardian Knights care deeply for Earth and the humans. 17 Favourites 5 Comments 720 Views. Because it does. Scattorshot agrees and hundreds of Laserbeak-look-alikes (seemingly survivors from Planet X) swarm out of the bridge. Now after eons of watching, I too have become part of the cycle, starting a new life with purpose and meaning, and though that life might end, I know now I will never die. Transformers: War for Cybertron goes back to the 80s cartoons for its inspiration. ", "I finally understand the true value of time, for it is the bonds between us that give time its meaning. By Teleway. You left a piece out! Both Quintessa and Sir Edmund Burton state that there were twelve Guardian Knights, which, as Burton explained, matched the twelve Knights of the Round Table (apparently, King Arthur does not need a pairing). The Cybertron series features a strong presence from Mini-Cons, in the form of numerous repaints. To prevent the others from becoming trapped, Vector Prime makes the ultimate sacrifice The Space Bridge that appeared in the previous episode continues to fall apart. Coby suggests that the dimensional gate is closing and Bud laments that they're all doomed for the fifteenth time. Sworn to protect their people, they are now dying from the war, deceptions killing all remaining guardians and are now after them. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I alone have stood outside the reach of time, watching, ever vigilant, as the millennium marched past. Unlike human clothing, armor has sensitivity to it even if the 'kibble-armor' can be removed. And though that life now ends, I know that in the hearts of these friends I have made, I shall live forever. Can Vector Prime's "helmet" move? Cyber… Transformers: War for Cybertron - Siege ( Netflix, 2020), Transformers: War for Cybertron - Earthrise ( Netflix, 2020) Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy is a toyline and transmedia franchise that is part of the Transformers brand by Hasbro announced in February 2018. In the early years of the Great War, Guardian robots were used to quell uprisings in Cybertron's various city-states. You're signed out. A SIMPLE "Cool" IS BETTER THEN NOTHING. I HAVE HAD TOO MANY PEOPLE DO THIS AND IT MAKES ME VERY SAD TO NOT GET ANY FEEDBACK WHATSOEVER FOR TWO YEARS STRAIGHT. The Space Bridge that appeared in the previous episode continues to fall apart. ", "After eons of watching, I began a new life, with purpose and meaning. Optimus transforms to Super Mode, declaring open season on robot birds. Guild summary for the Alliance guild 'Guardians of Cybertron' on Velen - US For the Guardian robots have a horrifying ancestor, the Dark Guardians, who enforced the reign of the Quintessons during their rule of Cybertron. This article on a faction, government, organization or subgroup, is a stub and is missing information. The Guardian Knights (also known as the Knights of Iacon) are a group of Transformer Knights that appear in Transformers: The Last Knight. They flee cybertron and hope for a better life. Its members included Omega Supreme and Omega Sentinel. Originating as the Quintessons' Dark Guardian robots, the Guardian robots of the Golden Age of Cybertron were powerful giant blue robots that kept the peace. They prepare to activate it, and Hot Shot complains that the suspense is killing him. Whatever the case may be, you really shouldn't mess with them. While Unicron turned his prison into a transformable, humanoid body, Primus reformed himself into a home for a robotic race he created to fight Unicron with similar transformation abilities. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Shopping. With Garry Chalk, Brian Dobson, Michael Dobson, Brian Drummond. Then Bud realizes that Vector Prime can take them back in time. Sacrifices himself to purify the AllSpark from Shockwave's taint in "Battle for Cybertron IV". After Coby remarks that the new space bridge generator has “total perfection in both form and function,” Lori jokingly suggests that he marry it. Copy link. The Guardians patrolled the Decepticon-controlled ruins in the Sea of Rust under the orders of Shockwave in anticipation of Autobot snoopers. Guardian (Cybertron episode)/Tech/Info/Episodes]], To prevent the others from becoming trapped, Vector Prime makes the ultimate sacrifice. I have seen brother rise against brother, and the decimation it leaves behind. It was not always so. Autoplay is paused. Jolt, however, does not consent and is apparently a mind reader. Primal ScreamCybertron for some time was in the orbit of Alpha Centauri, and its inhabitants w… Dark Guardian robots are Quintesson drones from the cartoon portion of the Generation One continuity family. He and Jolt explain that since Vector Prime always lived outside of time, he must always exist. Finally, Prime gives the order, and a space bridge appears in the sky. Perceptor (voiced by Jeremy Levy) - Autobot scientist who remained on Cybertron following the launch of the Ark. in patrol mode they search the coridors of the levels. Shopping. The war on planet Cybertron rages on in this second … Shame about the pre-earth setting, writes Toby Moses Sometimes instead of being led by an individual named Omega Sentinel, they themselves are known as the Omega Sentinels. For that reason, Vector Prime will always exist, as long as time itself exists, but we will never see him again. 2005 — "Guardian", the 47th episode of the Cybertron cartoon. Originating as the Quintessons' Dark Guardian robots, the Guardian robots of the Golden Age of Cybertron were powerful giant blue robots that kept the peace. The Guardians of Cybertron (sometimes Omega Guardians), were a group of ancient Cybertronians who sought to protect Cybertron from the threat of Unicron. Eventually, it is done. Cancel. Although, they have no alternate modes, they can shift into three different forms: Patrol, Investigate, and Battle.. History Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Jolt protests, saying that doing so would kill Vector Prime. Like High Moon's first Transformers game, Fall Of Cybertron is an over-the-shoulder, third-person-shooter, which makes the occasional nod towards cover … Street Speed Mini-Con Team - Oval, Spiral, and Backtrack. 2006 — Omega Guardians, ancient drones from the original IDW Generation 1 comics. All Autobots begin firing on the swarm. But I know he'll be there, watching over us. In Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Siege, the Decepticons are pretty brutal, but the series' nastiest tyrants are the Guardians. Sometimes instead of being led by an individual named Omega Sentinel, they themselves are known … This article has been tagged since December 2019. A mech named Chromestorm killed their family unit and now after them. Coby suggests that the dimensional gate is closing and Bud laments that they're all doomed for the fifteenth time. This is probably the best episode in the series. The Guardians of Cybertron was a group of ancient Cybertronians who sought to protect Cybertron from the threat of Unicron. Super Megatron comic 3 At some other point, Omega Sentinel flew to Blue Big Convoy's position after his battle with three Specters. It is … This article requires cleanup to meet the quality standards of Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki.Please discuss this issue on the talk page or append this tag with a more specific message.