Simmons ordered him to release him, but Lennox told Simmons he and his men didn't take orders from people who didn't exist. A NEST team led by Lennox rushed to his aid and then they proceeded to Hoover Dam, where they found someone had broken in. Before they could leave, the group was forced to hide behind the wall they were using for cover, as the Constructicon Mixmaster was using it for the same purpose. En-route back to America, the team studied the tail segment they salvaged from the battle scene. Culture Shock Lennox later oversaw a hostage crisis at the Alamo, a secret NEST armoury. They encountered Macerator, Payload and Dropkick at the Zambezi River. Nefarious #1 Some time later at Edwards Air Force Base, Lennox found himself being told off by Galloway, who was annoyed at the operation at Kingdom Petrochemicals and the new Autobots who didn't have paperwork, and who informed him that NEST was being stood down. Lennox ordered the men to light up the target for the Air Force' radars to lock onto and fire upon. Der Sieger sollte beim Lennox transformers Test beherrschen. Transformers: The Last Knight ist ein Science-Fiction-Film von Michael Bay, der am 22. Suddenly, the base came under attack as the helicopter transformed and revealed itself to be the Decepticon Blackout. After a long battle Autobots said goodbye to their human allies when they returned to Cybertron. Decepticon activity resulted in a NEST team c… Once Agent Graham had a visual on Yellow team, Lennox ordered a flair popped to lead Sam to them. Lennox and his team evacuated the building and outside joined Optimus Prime in fighting off the Driller, managing to regain possession of the device, which Optimus told Lennox was a piece from an Autobot ship. The Autobots were lured to Rome, where Starscream challenged Optimus to a one-on-one duel. By Marc N. Kleinhenz May 17, 2016 Following the battle, Lennox and his men walked out onto the bridge where Optimus had defeated both Megatron and Sentinel. The Autobots pursued Sentinel to Washington, D.C., with Lennox riding in Bumblebee, but were unable to prevent Sentinel from bringing masses of Decepticons to Earth. Lennox had a message with the coordinates sent to General Morshower, including a warning to get ready to bring the rain, while spreading word among the NEST troops to be ready. Beautiful alt mode, and even better looking robot mode, Jazz is an awesome toy. Barely making away from the blast zone, Lennox ordered Sam to get back when he made a mad dash for Optimus' body. Namely, it was a mere feet away from their position. With Optimus's help, they succeeded in taking out the Decepticons, and in return aided Optimus in his fight against Sentinel by shooting at the rogue Autobot and helping to take out the Control Pillar. Although Lennox and Epps tried to defend the Autobots, Galloway dismissed them and asked if the Autobots would peacefully leave if they were asked to. A deadly threat from Earth's history reappears and a hunt for a lost artifact takes place between Autobots and Decepticons, while Optimus Prime encounters his creator in space. On the other side of the river, they set up an ambush to attack a group of Decepticons including Shockwave. Finally ready, NEST parachuted into the Gulf. After Santos releases several unmanned drones to try and capture Cade (and fails), Cogman arrives and takes Bumblebee and Cade to England. As the teams readied themselves, Lennox asked Optimus if Sideswipe wouldn't stand down and Prime made it clear that if he wouldn't stand down, he'll be... dealt with, but Ironhide requested to have first crack at trying to bring him into line since he trained Sideswipe, and was once like him. Gold And Blood, Lennox was at the NEST base when Decepticon activity was detected in Tokyo. Soon afterwards, he talked to his wife Sarah and their daughter on the satellite video phone. and deports … Touching down at Nellis Air Force Base, Lennox's men had barely walked off the plane when mysterious government agents pulled up in black SUVs and ordered the Rangers to come with them. Lennox claimed that the Autobots sometimes sneaked out without his knowledge. Rules of Engagement Later still, he planned and carried out a sting operation against Soundwave alongside the United States Navy, trying to stop the Decepticon from sinking ships. Members of Ironhide's team said that they were unable to reach the kid but told him where to go. Lennox and Ishihara accompanied Optimus, Ironhide and Salvage to the Australian outback, where they searched until they eventually encountered Kickback, Trample and Tread. Lennox pointed out where a sabot round had burned right through. As the others fought off Scorponok, Lennox attempted to call for help from the Pentagon, but had more than a little trouble with the operator, who demanded a credit card despite the life-and-death situation he was in. After Optimus relayed the warning of "The Fallen" to General Morshower, Galloway then interrupted to air the President's concerns, while also airing his complains over the Autobots' refusal to share weapons technology and continued sending of messages to space. After the deaths of the Decepticons, the Topkick named Ironhide gave him a ride home, where he was reunited with his wife and met his newborn daughter. Lennox, for his part, didn't tell Galloway that a mysterious group of humans had been involved in the Kingdom Petrochemicals battle. Suddenly, the base was under attack as the helicopter somehow transformed into a giant walking weapons platform. They traveled in by Osprey and used a combination of wingsuits and parachutes to reach the ground. As usual, Fig talked about his mom's cooking in Spanish, Epps commented that he'd never accept a dinner invitation to Fig's house and Donnelly reminisced about flat beer, cold hot dogs and baseball on weekends. With the battle won, Lennox then congratulated Simmons on his role in helping to save the world. Although Optimus Prime and Epps' group managed to take out Demolishor, he relayed a cryptic warning before he died: "The Fallen shall rise again". With the call of "Bring the rain! After Optimus relayed the warning of "The Fallen" to General Morshower, Galloway then interrupted to air the President's concerns, while also airing his complains over the Autobots' refusal to share weapons technology and continued sending of messages to space. When Megatron and thirteen Decepticons arrived, Lennox ordered a group to go with Ironhide and Arcee to find Sam and lead him through the pillars, where NEST would ambush the Decepticons. Lennox took a group to stop the Decepticon, deploying the Arcee twins and The Twins to intercept him. That evening, however, the Decepticons located the AllSpark shard stored on Diego Garcia and stole it, using it to resurrect Megatron. But at least he got to see the city of El Dorado before the Tanto Gang blew it up! After the Iceman began to thaw, Lennox and his unit headed for the armory, where they were having a special on forty mm sabot rounds. Shockwave himself soon joined the battle, turning the tide in the Decepticons' favour. Lennox ordered the soldiers to lower their weapons, only to learn that Director Galloway had managed to place himself in charge of NEST and order it deactivated, with the Autobots to be placed under guard. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end, as The Fallen teleported in, killing several soldiers, and stole the Matrix. Lennox greeted Chairman Morshower and told them that Optimus Prime needed to debrief him immediately. When three Decepticon contacts conveniently turned up, Lennox and Optimus grew more perplexed. The Fallen then raised the heavy weaponry attacking the Decepticons on the Great Pyramid of Giza, compelling the dying Jetfire to give his parts to Optimus. As the dust settled, the scorpion got up and dove into the sand, but not before leaving part of its damaged tail behind. Nun stößt er zu den Bösewichten in “Transformers 5: The Last Knight“, wie ihr hier sehen könnt. A month later, Lennox and Epps have a secret meeting with Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Ironhide. Lennox and Morshower learn that Yeager and Bumblebee set off England Megatron began to pursue them and Lennox begins starts flying to England with his detachment, Lennox arrives to the Fifth Fleet of the USA being in England. Lennox, Santos, Cade and Viviane, go there together with the Autobots with the help of the ship Autobots after arrival with Ospreys to reach the ignition chamber after boarding having reached the ignition chamber, the military and Autobots began to fight, but then they were heavily pressed after some time by Lennox and Santos together with the military unit had to retreat and strike a nuclear strike on one lan to destroy the camera, but nothing worked, Viviane must take the staff it turned out off and save the Earth, Lennox and Santos watched observed how the debris Cybertron, fell to the ground, the Autobots could get to the ground, and Viviane and Cade were safely protected in the mode of the Optimus car. Lennox attempted to attract the attention of the Autobots before they plunged off Victoria Falls. The Autobots pursued Sentinel to Washington, D.C., with Lennox riding in Bumblebee, but were unable to prevent Sentinel from bringing masses of Decepticons to Earth from the Moon. As they neared the outskirts of the village, a metal spiked tail rose out of the sand and was about to kill Lennox when Epps fired at it, saving his life. An analyst observed that it seemed to be covered in a Self-regenerating molecular armor. After their CV-22 Ospreys touched down, Lennox was writing a report when local boy Mahfouz visited him, carrying a bag of water. His final action in the battle of Mission City was to shoot a sabot round in the chest of Megatron, offering an opening to Sam to ram the AllSpark in his chest, thus allowing them victory. I want to tell you about the Transformers! Lennox determined that no matter what, they had to get the information back to the Pentagon, and asked Mahfouz to lead them to his village where they could find a telephone line. It is the fifth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to Age of Extinction (2014). It was only with the help of the Camaro and some girl that they were able to kill the thing. Lennox is given the nickname "Wild Bill" in the novelization. As it turns out, it wasn't some handy Autobot reviver. base, and is furious but nevertheless helpless when Galloway shuts down N.E.S.T. Lennox and Doctor Redway of the ecological survey team did not get on, both seeing the other as getting in their way, but they put their differences aside when it became clear Starscream was in the area and manipulating the locals. Videos! Nun wurde offiziell verkündet, dass Duhamel, der zuletzt in dem Drama „Das Glück an meiner Seite“ zu sehen war, seine Rolle des Lt. After moving in on the Junkyard, the Dinobots suddenly appeared and attacked several of their vehicles. Optimus said that they would, but posed a question of his own: what if they leave, and Galloway was wrong? Initially, they refused, until Sam called Epps's phone right in front of Simmons, blowing Lennox's excuse. Around the same time as a mysterious MH-53 Pave Low helicopter had landed on the base, his connection to Sarah became distorted, and he tried to tell her that he'd be home soon as the transmission was cut. The Decepticons find Yeager and autobots to his junkyard hideout in South Dakota, where he and many of the surviving Autobots are holed up. He accompanied the Autobots there, and drove around in his jeep until Optimus had defeated Barricade and Grindor. Landing in a village on the beach, Lennox ordered NEST ready for combat. Following this, The Fallen made the presence of the Transformers known and demanded that humanity turn Sam over to them. Though the Autobots managed to defeat Shockwave and send him fleeing, the victory was a slim one. With the F-16s about to fire, Lennox and Epps ordered everyone to run like hell. Below deck, Lennox, revealed more "meteors had been seen coming down to Earth, and proposed his militaty alliance idea, with the two leaders agreeing to mutual trust and disclosure. As they were driving away, their vehicle was caught by Divebomb, who ripped open the roof of their vehicle and held its passengers hostage at gun point. Unfortunately, the giant scorpion killed top kick Donnelly and the men ran for their lives to the relative cover of the village. When they reached the coordinates, the pilot faked engine trouble and ordered an emergency evac. Once Agent Graham had a visual on Yellow team, Lennox ordered a flair popped to lead Sam to them. Lennox and some of the other men parachuted down in an attempt to get on top of the Decepticons and engage them at close range. As soon as the Autobots left, that jerkface Agent Simmons from Sector Seven turned up, demanding to know what had transpired. Early scripts give Lennox's rank as Sergeant. Lennox and his men subsequently escorted Sam and the car to Mission City, meeting other good robots en route. To his delight, Sarah told him their girl had his laugh, though he wondered if she had merely farted. Duhamel made fun of his minor injury during the Second Life Virtual Press Conference (the shrapnel was made of cork and it cut his little finger) explaining that he wasn't allowed to do his own stunts. The scene survived in both the novelization and the children's novelization where (despite many changes made to tone down descriptions of violence against robots) he still died. Lennox gave Ironhide his cell phone for Sam Witwicky to call him with once they were safely away (forgetting that his wife would probably call him at some point). Lennox was frustrated that the pig-headed brass still didn't trust the Autobots. Man, Lennox has no luck in South America. Upon returning to Diego Garcia, Lennox ordered a video briefing with General Morshower at the Pentagon. As NEST returned fire, the Decepticon Sideways made a break for it. With the Decepticon threat mostly gone, Colonel Lennox's NEST teams mostly spent their time working on human problems. As a final insult to injury, Galloway then stripped Lennox's NEST badge off his uniform. Simmons ordered him to release him, but Lennox told Simmons he and his men didn't take orders from people who didn't exist. While Lennox tried to cut him free before the bomb in Starscream's head exploded, the pair were tossed around, and finally caught by Bumblebee. After their CV-22 Ospreys touched down, Lennox was writing a report when local boy Mahfouz visited him carrying a bag of water. Early scripts give Lennox's rank as Sergeant. Lennox organized a NEST team to enter the embattled city. Once NEST began firing on the Decepticons, Ironhide's team rolled out. Rising Storm #4. Sam in Danger. Lennox ordered Salani to stay behind and guard the shard with his life. A later scene where Lennox comforts the dying Figueroa was cut from the theatrical release of the film, but briefly seen in the December 2006 trailer. Finally ready, NEST parachuted into the Gulf. As NEST returned fire, the Decepticon Sideways made a break for it. The Pentagon sent in two A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from Strike Package Bravo. The Last Knight. Around the same time as a mysterious MH-53 Pave Low helicopter had landed on the base, his connection to Sarah became distorted, and he tried to tell her that he'd be home soon as the transmission was cut. Josh Duhamel's left foot was injured by a piece of fake shrapnel during filming. This troubled Lennox, and on the plane trip back to Diego Garcia, he confided with Prime his fears about there being more Decepticons and what they were looking for. Unfortunately, the A-10s did no appreciable damage to the metal scorpion, with Epps expressing disbelief that it could still be alive. They traveled in by Osprey and used a combination of wingsuits and parachutes to reach the ground. To their surprise, Simmons also offered Lennox and Epps positions within Sector Seven to help defend Earth against further Transformer aggression. Lennox and Epps ran to check on Fig, who had been struck by one of Scorponok's missiles. As the dust settled, a badly injured Scorponok retreated back into the sand, but not before leaving part of his damaged tail behind. When asked about what he wanted to do, Lennox replied that he only wanted to hold his baby girl for the first time, to which his men teased him for his sappy sentiment. Unfortunately, the A-10s did no appreciable damage to Scorponok, with Epps expressing disbelief that it could still be alive. On the other side of the river, they set up an ambush to attack a group of Decepticons including Shockwave. Transformers Movie Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. An analyst observed that it seemed to be covered in a self-regenerating molecular armor. Transformers 3 (dt. After arriving at Hoover Dam, Lennox and his unit met with Secretary of Defense John Keller, and were taken to see N.B.E.-1. Juli 2007, in Deutschland u… Lennox took his revenge on Blackout for destroying SOCCENT by blasting Blackout's groin, killing him. Sentinel trashed the NEST base in search of the Pillars, and Lennox had to restrain Mearing from trying to confront the Autobot. Unfortunately, that wasn't the end, as The Fallen teleported in, killed some soldiers, and stole the dagger. Transformers ist ein US-amerikanischer Action- und Science-Fiction-Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2007, der auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeugreihen des Herstellers Hasbro basiert. The Matrix dust in his sock reformed into the Matrix of Leadership, and Sam used it to revive Optimus Prime. Lennox and the TRF unit began to follow the Decepticons, then pursue the Autobots, then TRF unit ambushed the Dinobots and destroyed their convoy. When the AllSpark fragment seemed to react to the presence of Megatron, Optimus Prime left it in the care of Sector Seven scientist Professor Vine while he was away. Lennox found it strange, but realized that Sam had a better idea of the stakes and decided to trust him. When NEST reached the industrial center they last tracked them to, Lennox told the arriving Ironhide that they had echoes near the steel stacks, and the Autobots soldier confirmed that there was a Decepticon nearby. Although Optimus Prime and Epps' group managed to take out Demolishor, he relayed a cryptic warning before he died: "The Fallen shall rise again". Salvation arrived in the form of the Decepticon-turned-Autobot Jetfire, who killed Mixmaster. Nefarious #3 After Soundwave was freed by the Decepticons, Lennox lamented the position they were in, but then they received a distress call from Galloway. This page was last modified on 10 January 2021, at 16:01. ", Lennox suggested the biggest barrels the Air Force had: the 105 millimeter cannons of an AC-130 Spectre gunship. As Megatron moved out to the Autobots' hideout in South Dakota, Lennox and the TRF followed close behind, and Santos questioned Lennox on the release of some of their prisoners. Lennox determined that no matter what, they had to get the information back to the Pentagon, and asked Mahfouz to lead them to his village where they could find a telephone line. The remaining Decepticon, Fearswoop, surrendered, prompting Lennox to congratulate Ironhide on a job well done. Alliance #4 But one Autobot named Sideswipe was recklessly pursuing a Decepticon named Demolishor in South America. The scene survived in both. As they neared the outskirts of the village, Scorponok's tail rose out of the sand and was about to kill Lennox when Epps fired at it, saving his life. Lennox had a message with the coordinates sent to General Morshower, including a warning to get ready to bring the rain, while spreading word among the NEST troops to be ready. Der Film entstand unter Regie von Michael Bay, die menschlichen Hauptrollen werden von Shia LaBeouf und Megan Fox verkörpert. Lennox found it strange, but realized that Sam had a better idea of the stakes and decided to trust him. Following the attack on Chicago, Lennox went to Grissom Air Force Base to coordinate a response, networking with Morshower and Mearing by video. Upon returning to Diego Garcia, Lennox ordered a video briefing with General Morshower at the Pentagon. Going "woo-hoo", "yee-ha", or another exclamation of success. Unfortunately, Jetfire was then attacked by Lennox and Epps' old "friend" Scorponok, who in turn was killed. The Pentagon sent in two A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from Strike Package Bravo. The dust in his sock turned into some sort of dagger, and Sam used it to revive Optimus Prime. By the time they reached the United States, Lennox received a message from the Autobots: the battle with the Decepticons to rescue Sam Witwicky had not gone well, and Optimus Prime was dead. Lennox admitted that it was a good question. William "Wild Bill" Lennox is a member of the United States Army Rangers. Unknown to them, a second Decepticon, Scorponok, was listening to their conversation and stalking them. As they packed up, Lennox wished Epps was there so he wouldn't have to listen to Ironhide and Ishihara talking strategy all the way back to Diego Garcia. Anthony Hopkins stellt den Streifen vor. After seeing Bumblebee off, the team discovered that the Decepticons were once again active in force on Earth, and were authorised to hunt down and destroy the invaders. Wir vergleichen verschiedene Faktoren und geben jedem Produkt zum Schluss eine finale Gesamtbenotung. La série est distribuée par Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks SKG , et United International Pictures. The next morning, after making their way through the desert, the men discussed the past night's events, with Epps expressing his belief that Blackout looked right back at him as he was taking its photograph. Then Ironhide blew a hole through Divebomb. Lennox declared that their daughter was so cute that he just wanted to chew on her cheeks, and that they both made one good looking kid. Two weeks later, Lennox butted heads with unsympathetic, suspicious superiors at the Pentagon, who did not trust the Autobots and were not keen on Lennox's idea of a joint military alliance. Lennox subsequently met with General Morshower, and reported to Mearing that the Decepticons had gone into hiding, but then they received a recorded message from Sentinel, demanding the exile of Optimus's Autobots from Earth. Lennox subsequently met with General Morshower, and reported to Mearing that the Decepticons had gone into hiding, but they then received a recorded message from Sentinel, demanding the exile of Optimus's Autobots from Earth. Alles erdenkliche wieviel du zum Produkt Lennox transformers erfahren wolltest, findest du auf dieser Website - sowie die genauesten Lennox transformers Tests. Touching down at Nellis Air Force Base, Lennox's men had barely walked off the plane when Sector Seven agents pulled up in black SUVs and ordered the Rangers to come with them. With the air strike incoming, Lennox told Sam and Mikaela to stay with him as they ran. He'll never use that company again. Fortunately, General Morshower eventually discovered what was really happening and sent heavy armor to assist them. Decepticon activity resulted in a NEST team co-led by Lennox and Optimus Prime to Zambia, where Lennox began to develop a mutually antagonistic relationship with Ishihara. Sergeant Epps soon got a thermal ripple from an excavator, and as Lennox ordered NEST to be steady, the Decepticon Demolishor transformed and struck the stacks sending them and several NEST soldiers flying.