Maximilian Brückner Luise Heyer Leonard Kunz Jasna Fritzi Bauer Florian Bartholomäi Matthias Lier Aurel Manthei Julius Nitschkoff, ARTE Arsam International One Two Films WDR, 97 mins   With Maximilian Brückner, Luise Heyer, Florian Bartholomäi, Jasna Fritzi Bauer. Director Cast. Of interest:, *german-language films *in average rating order (highest to lowest) *links in the notes where available. I felt it was lacking. Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! We are the official "The most beautiful couple" page! Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! Starring: Stefan Kurt, Marianne Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter. Interessante Parabel über Liebe, Gewalt, Macht und Ohnmacht. Two young teachers, Malte and Liv, are spending their summer holiday on the Mediterranean coast, when they are suddenly attacked by three young men and Liv is assaulted. (Fast) alle Filme, die auf Amazon Prime Video Deutschland verfügbar sind. I appreciate if you're irritated that I'm presuming the man would not be the rape survivor, but contrary to this ironic title, the husband's good looks aren't turning on him too. Directed by Sven Taddicken. Two years later, Malte and Liv are not only still together, but demonstrating an … S. 16 Samara. 46 talking about this. Am Ende ist man unschlüssig, wie das Leben weitergehen soll, aber irgendwie muss es das ja. But once he is facing the longed-for confrontation, he realizes that the situation has gotten out of control once again. The final title from the 25th year of KIFF proved to be another surprise, and helped cap off a bittersweet edition on a fairly positive note. Filmfestivals und Wiederaufführungen ausgeschlossen. With daily news, interviews, data bases, in-depth investigations into the audiovisual industry, Cineuropa aims at promoting the European film industry throughout the world. Two young teachers, Malte and Liv, are spending their summer holiday on the Mediterranean coast, when they are suddenly attacked by three young men and Liv is assaulted. Producers : The Most Beautiful Couple ( Das schönste Paar ), The Most Beautiful Couple, Das schönste Paar; ASIN : B085C13CJZ; Number of discs : 1; Reviews Germany released, PAL/Region 2 DVD: LANGUAGES: German ( Dolby Digital 5.1 ), English ( Subtitles ), German ( Subtitles ), WIDESCREEN (2.35:1), SPECIAL FEATURES: Deleted Scenes, Interactive Menu, Scene Access, … Eclairplay Highlights THE COMEBACK TRAIL THE COMEBACK TRAIL DCP-TLR (4) Release date 2021-03-04. 0:59. Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! What are the next steps? A girl roams through the city looking for a place to sleep, but between yoga studios, art galleries and the beds of strangers there is no space for her. 5 shasmine. 40bars. Login to report an issue . 有着Funny Games及Turist式的开头,而后再继续探讨不同的受害后应对方式及夫妻关系,直至伤口反复揭开及二度伤害。此外也令人强迫症似地想多问一句:Is this a 难民 thing? Michael K. Williams and Marsha Blake talk about what it was like to play the parents of Antron McCray in the new Netflix series When They See Us. Two years later they believe the trauma to be overcome – when Malte recognizes one of the perpetrators and follows him. But Lara is not welcome at his debut performance. . the six-part Netflix Original Series stars Luna Wedler, Jessica Schwarz, Adrian Julius Tillmann, Caro Cult, Thomas Prenn, Jing Xiang, Sebastian Jakob Doppelbauer und Benno Fürmann. work in progress. Ärgerlich, unentschlossen, schlecht gespielt... Nach dem Trailer erwartete ich einen guten Film. Yuri is a young musician. Germany / France / 2018 / German / 98 minutes / DCP . I can handle the truth. "Think about" muss hier groß geschrieben werden, denn der Film macht es sich zur Aufgabe, mit nicht wirklich kleinen Nadelstichen den Zuschauer zum Nachdenken anzuregen. He hasn't told Liv, he didn't call the police and now the couple's fragile relationship, which they have fought so hard to preserve, is threatened once more. No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. Nichts für leichte Gemüter. 再看一次,我還是很喜歡。這次發現這部片音樂用得好滿。也很喜歡男主角是音樂老師的設定。第一場性侵戲後,切換到女主角上體育課,然後再從辦公室走出來時,和男主角在走廊上相遇,那時有著明亮的光線照在兩個人身上,他們彼此輕輕的碰觸對方的手,然後回眸相笑。跟第一場戲,有了很明顯的對比,彷彿告訴大家:我們現在很好。然後,我們看到女主角的心理諮商即將告一個段落,接著看到男主角在打拳擊,從這裡似乎就可以看到女主角面對創傷的方式,都是比較溫柔、陰柔的;而男主角需要比較有力、直接的方式作為宣洩,雖然後來知道兩人都有心理諮商,只是男主角的療程比較短。這次再看一次,發現除了第一場戲還是覺得好痛之外,另一個眼眶泛淚的是,當男主角結束樂團表演,走去買沙威瑪時,居然遇到兩年前的加害者,走回表演場地時,看到女主角開心的跳著舞,自己心裡卻五味雜陳的樣子,然後只能對朋友大吼,剛剛發生了什麼事情,然後親吻著女主角,回到家躺在床上時,腦袋仍在煩惱著這件事。日後,開始在地鐵站等待著加害者的出現,覺得男主角把那種很想做些什麼,但又害怕、有點不知道該怎麼辦的樣子演得很好。我很喜歡這部片,大概有一個地方是,這對夫妻共同面對一件事情時,雖然態度跟處理方式都不太一樣,雖然會起口角,但他們總是能一起面對。尤其在看完《婚姻故事》後,更加覺得這樣多難能可貴。雖然兩對夫妻遇到的問題不一樣,很難相比。但這對夫妻對彼此的呵護,就如同在走廊遇到時那樣輕輕的碰觸,很微小,但是卻很溫暖。(就像女主角總會輕輕的觸碰、撫摸男主角的背)最後一場戲,還是很喜歡、很感動、很溫暖。當男主角拿起水杯往牆上砸,特意先拍了女主角的臉部表情,然後女主角又拿了另一個更大的東西,狠狠的往牆上砸。所有能砸的東西,他們都砸了。電影一開始,他們還曾經一起在長桌上工作,一起慶祝女主角的療程即將結束。片末,他們一起坐在同一張桌子上。這時候的他們,才是真的痊癒了吧?一起相擁、一起哭、一起笑。超美。, 影展介紹中寫著一句:電影開頭《發條橘子》般慘無人道的暴力遭遇僅只是序言,柏格曼式的兩性沉思才是本片重心。雖然知道12/13就上院線了,但還是忍不住在影展中先看,也是這次最期待的一部。這部電影探討的面相是,當一對夫妻共同面對性侵的創傷後,兩個人該如何面對?第一幕的殘忍,應該是像《不可逆轉》一樣。電影中,我們可以看到女主角接受心理治療,很快的看到她已經結束療程而痊癒,在一席聚會中,可以很自在的談論這這段創傷,知道這件事情自己和丈夫兩人都沒有錯;但丈夫並不太想談論此事,回家後也是如此說道。後來,丈夫偶然巧遇兩年前的加害者,開始跟蹤他,並直接正面跟他起了衝突。在這中間,可以看到男女主角兩人,對於加害者的出現,有著不一樣的處理方式和態度。女主角起初選擇忽視覺得所有事情都過去了,男主角或許還帶著當年的愧疚及仇恨,於是決定報仇。電影好看之處,在於兩人如何共同面對加害者再次出現。最後的結局,我蠻喜歡的,它讓我想起《崩壞人生》象徵新的開始的樣子。很快也到了今年年底,突然發現今年我所喜歡的電影,好像都是差不多類型的,關於自我療癒、自我和解、孤寂感、羈絆、共生的議題,也許那就是生活中,我至今仍無法處理的難題吧。, With all those folks complaining about the idea of rape-and-revenge movies, I don't think their solution was a man exacting the revenge for the woman. Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! After her return from a Russian Gulag, Antonia is forced to keep her horrible experiences secret in favor of the new socialistic GDR. 45 talking about this. Drama, Certificate: 16 Christian Ditter (Girlboss, Love, Rosie … Stronger than everything else around them! For this reason, he hardly leaves his apartment. Das Schönste Paar. Two years later, the couple seems to have moved on, but it all comes back to Malte when he encounters one of the rapists, and decides to fall back…. No keywords have been added. "Das schönste Paar", ein Spiegelbild zur realen Welt! Telepool GmbH NOBODY Thriller NOBODY DCP-TLR (6) Release date 2021-04-01. 0:31. TIFF - Toronto International Film Festival (1976 -2020), Amazon Prime Video Deutschland - Alle Filme, Tobis Film GmbH … „Das schönste Paar“ läuft konsequent auf ein Ende zu, das keine Katharsis mit sich bringen kann - weder für die Opfer noch für den Täter. Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! Report. Surprised by its very confident combination of a psychoanalytic examination of a traumatized couple with genre elements and a unique love story. In order to help Jan, Walter has to confront not only his crooked boss but also his own past. The Most Beautiful Couple Two years later, Malte and Liv are not only still together, but demonstrating an amazing strength in dealing with the trauma, determined that it will not tear them apart. The Shadow League . Use the HTML below. On her wild quest for love, 9-year-old Benni's untamed energy drives everyone around her to despair. Title: Movie Party. Directed by Sven Taddicken. Schmerzhaft und beeindruckend gespielt. Replicated film poster designs. Two years later, Malte and Liv are not only still together, but demonstrating an amazing strength in dealing with the trauma, determined that it will not tear them apart. 53 talking about this. Watch all you want. Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! DAS SCHÖNSTE PAAR. Popularity Trend. Keyboard Shortcuts. Written by At times, you question the validity of some of the actions of the characters, and with that comes several moments of coincidence and bad-decision making that often drives the plot. ‘Das schönste Paar’ Her brothers insult and threaten her, until she finally reports her oldest brother to the police. It's Lara's 60th birthday, and this very evening, her son will be giving his debut piano concert. Dieses bleibt jedoch unspezifisch.. was macht dieses "schönste Paar" denn aus? He recognizes in one of the tenants about to be evicted his estranged son, Jan. Browse more videos. Das Thema: Vergewaltigung/Misshandlung und die Verarbeitung damit. Outlaw King was the opening night film and…. Christmas is just around the corner, but Pettersson and Findus are worried the snowy weather (and lack of a tree) may keep them from celebrating. Benedikt Erlingsson's 'Woman At War' wins top award at 2018 Filmfest Hamburg, Germany Sends Strong Lineup to Global Fests, German Films Faces Market Challenges Under New Leadership. A (never-ending?) This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. The Shadow League. Aber ein wichtiges Thema. Then, there is a childlike level of revenge, but the movie never really decides what it wants to do. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! Yes! Have you ever had a Déja Vu? I was on the edge from the beginning! Between chaos, inadequacies and losses, they search for a path that might lead to happiness. © Letterboxd Limited. Report this film, Review by Allison M. @ Slamdance 2021 ★★½ 1. More details at … Ein Hauch von FUNNY GAMES. Dieses bleibt jedoch unspezifisch.. was macht dieses "schönste Paar" denn aus? Ryan Howard-Scotts Field Refurbishment. Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! Add the first question. I like almost everything about this film: the narrative, the actors and especially the ending. Lara mapped out his musical career. Das schönste Paar Awards and Nominations. Universal Pictures International Germany CATWEAZLE Comedy CATWEAZLE DCP-TLR (4) Release date 2021-03-11. It can't be denied that Writer/Director Sven Taddicken understands tension, drama and conflict. Alles wirkt extremste real - wirklich toll gemacht. Comedy, Certificate: A Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! Hat mich nachträglich noch sehr beschäftigt. However, Taddicken never fails to keep the viewer engaged, crafting an incredibly timely, honest portrayal of the emotions from assault and how they impact our lives. 70K likes. Status Released Original Language German. 99 talking about this. Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! Adults Party Theme. Wir sind die offizielle "Das Schönste Paar" Seite! About us. Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! View Edit History. URL. Bu bizim resmi "En güzel çift" sayfamisdir! First, the summary gives everything away, so I wouldn't read it. The Shadow League. (2018).