Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online.  • Ravage One day, Bumblebee heard someone communicating with Megatron. Bumblebee was one of the few characters from the beginning of the series to continue appearing in the show's third season, set in 2006, in which he could regularly be found performing duties in Autobot City on Earth. A parody of the Generation 1 Transformers was aired in the December 23, 2008 episode of Frank TV, called "Frank the Halls". Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. Jetfire subsequently seems to die battling Sunstorm, shaking Bumblebee's resolve so badly that he decides to leave the Autobots. Shop for transformers starscream armada online at Target. The Wraith then attempts to discredit Bumblebee at a college football game by trapping the Autobot with a car boot and using his holograms to make a fake Bumblebee attack the stadium. Soon afterward, however, the group, low on fuel, is caught up to by the Protectobots, under Grimlock's command, and Blaster is captured. Favorite Hangout: Bumblebee and his fellow Autobots were stranded on Earth and he adopted an Earth car alternate mode. Bumblebee survives the massive battle at the film's climax, although he loses the use of his legs after helping Ironhide deflect missiles from Starscream. Augie has the gold shell of the pearl sold and the money given to charity when he learns the race was a fake set up by the Decepticons merely to get his car. Arriving first, Breakaway is warned by Soundwave to leave, but unwilling to give in, the Autobot is swiftly defeated.  • Slipstream Bumblebee es el nombre japonés de Perceptor en Transformers: Armada. Sporting his original alternate mode again, he is shown to have something of a crush on Arcee. With Earth and Cybertron finally safe, Bumblebee officially joins the Rescue Bots Academy as a full-time mentor. Kre-O Bumblebee appears in the flash video game Kre-O Transformers Konquest. Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Battle Call Officer Class Bumblebee, Luces y Sonidos de energía activados por Voz, Edades de 6 y más de 10 Pulgadas. Bluestreak, Tracks, Bumblebee and Augie are able to stop the Decepticons by unleashing the power of the pearl, but to stop the pearl Bumblebee has to destroy it. He serves as the deuteragonist of Transformers: Prime and the main protagonist ofTransformers: Robots in Disguise.  • Skywarp They plan to travel to New York and obtain an electrical generator in hopes it will make them all-powerful. However, they refuse to speak long enough for Prime's secret plan to take effect - launching the All Spark into outer space. Sparkplug was saved by Jolt and Longarm and made his way outside, where he wondered if the Leader-1 and the rest had been corrupted, or if they just had been jerks all along. Bumblebee shows excitement at the thought of going with Sam to college, only to be disappointed later when Sam tells him that he can not come. After Sam kills Dylan Gould, Bumblebee destroys the Control Pillar by crashing through it, shutting off the Space Bridge and destroying Cybertron and the remaining Decepticons. In "Transwarped," Bumblebee is first seen traveling back to the plant, then going back to the mines to find some space bridge parts. However, Bulkhead had given them explosive oil, and the Constructicons lost their memories. Bumblebee and the rest of the Autobots abandoned Blackarachnia's lab when Waspinator's transwarp energies grew to critical excess mass, seemingly expunging him and Blackarachnia. For discovering the traitor, Sentinel was prepared to give Bumblebee Elite Guard membership. The Decepticon is not able to take in so much, and finally falls. One by one, the energized Mini-Cons around him passed into the Matrix, combining their power to resurrect Optimus Prime, good as new. During the battle, some of his hydraulic fluid is spilled. They would lure him to the Autobot Command HQ with false information, then destroy the building with the Decepticon leader still inside. Goldbug is seen among the Autobots being repaired on the Ark when Optimus Prime sends Landmine and Cloudburst on their mission to obtain computer chips to repair fellow Autobots in issue #52, "Guess Who The Mechannibals Are Having For Dinner?". This, however, is in almost direct opposition of the film's prequel. He is playable in both the old and new Camaro cars. Transforms from the original G1 Optimus Cab to the Movie Optimus Prime figure! Although a well-known character because of this, Bumblebee is quite unusual in that, unlike many other Transformers, his name has not been re-used and applied to unrelated characters throughout the ensuing twenty years of Transformers media, due to the loss of the trademark until recentlyTemplate:When. Anywhere there are lots of humans and loud music! Comrade, After being rescued, Sparkplug was seen hanging around the Autobot base with Jolt. Joe, and help to free their fellow Autobots. Armada #4 They watched Optimus Prime and Megatron talk trash about each other for a while before attempting to sneak away, but ended up captured by Demolishor. The drone calling itself Brains runs into Bumblebee and Sam Witwicky in Philadelphia.[24]. Encuentra Transformers Bumblebee Hasbro - Juegos y Juguetes en! While searching, Bumblebee and Bulkhead have a fight, but they eventually make up later, even though they were close to Megatron's hideout. Jet Optimus (Jet Convoy) Combination of Optimus Prime and Jetfire (and later Overload). Shop affordable wall art to hang in dorms, bedrooms, offices, or anywhere blank walls aren't welcome. Bumblebee made a cameo in the pilot of the Transformers: Animated series on a historical video being viewed by Optimus Prime. Bumblebee and his team fire on Soundwave, who escapes. Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Officer Class Bumblebee. In the second crossover, Bumblebee is among the Autobots sent back in time due to an accident with the spacebridge computer Teletran-3. He retains some elements from his Generation 1 design, such as the iconic horn-like pieces in his head, which are articulated in the films. In episode 22, "Rise of the Constructicons", he is grabbed by Mixmaster, who threatens the Autobots that if they ever want Bumblebee back 'online', the Autobots must give them (Mixmaster and Scrapper) the fragments of the Allspark. Megatron had managed to combine the Air Defense Team into the Star Saber, so Sparkplug hurried back to the Autobot base and Powerlinxed with Optimus Prime, granting him the power needed to stand up to Megatron. Upon arriving in the Earth system from transwarp space, they witness the arrival of the deranged clone of Starscream, Sunstorm. Soldier While exploring a forest for other Mini-Cons, Optimus Prime left Sparkplug to guard his trailer. I'm Bumblebee, and I'm just about the coolest KREON character you'll ever meet. [27], Bumblebee appears among the characters in Re-Unification, the 2010 TFCon voice actor play prelude comic.[28]. Bumblebee teamed up with transformer named "Joe" to help him and Flareup get their friends. Coventry Evening Telegraph (England); November 14, 2008, Transformers Prime episode #1 "Darkness Rising Part 1". Megatron, on the other hand, sees power and wishes to control it, which boils down to controlling all of the Mini-Cons. IDW's core universe was introduced with the six-issue mini-series, The Transformers: Infiltration, making it clear that the company's take on the Generation 1 universe was radically different. (Also, in one of the Halloween scenes where Bulkhead and Bumblebee first see Halloween night, a boy can be seen walking in the far left-hand side wearing a Bumblebee costume.). While Ratchet works to restore the deactivated Autobots to life, his attempts consistently meet with failure. Ultimate Bumblebee bonus pack with Deluxe Scorponok and Deluxe Brawl found! In the Operation: Bumblebee two-parter, Bumblebee loses his transformation cog, robbing him of his ability to transform and his speed. He is also one of the few Mini-Cons to advocate siding with the Autobots. Encontrá Transformers Bumblebee - Figuras de Acción de Transformers en Capital Federal en!  • Cheetor Bumblebee is rescued by his fellow Autobots, and in the subsequent battle with the Decepticons, uses his greatest weapon - his obnoxiousness - to trick Blitzwing into changing into tank mode in mid-air, causing him to fall into Lake Erie. In this game Kreon Optimus Prime attempts to avoid bombs and collect parts to rebuild Kre-O Ratchet, Mirage, Prowl, Oprimus Prime and Bumblebee. [25] Frenzy is regenerated upon coming into contact with the All Spark, and so it is entirely plausible that Bumblebee's voice, along with his legs, is also healed by the All Spark, though no mention of this is made in the film. While the twins have a sibling argument (resulting in a fist fight) inside the ruins of Petra (which supposedly houses the Matrix when everyone thinks it is a dead end), Bumblebee breaks them up and tosses them out before seeing their fight. They are captured and tortured by Swindle, with Megatron intervening personally to torture Bumblebee for information. When the Decepticons first began capturing Mini-Cons, Sparkplug attended a meeting where Dualor proposed a plan to assassinate Megatron. According to his extended biography from the Target store exclusive Robo-Vision web site, Hardtop came to Earth and discovered the Witwicky home before any of the other Decepticons, but was unable to attack the Witwickys because Bumblebee found him first and buried him under a hundred tons of rubble in the Rocky Mountains. Optimus Prime sent Sparkplug to retrieve the Mini-Cons for their input in the discussion. The 1976 Camaro movie vehicle was sold on eBay with a winning bid of U.S. $40,100.01. In one, he goes AWOL to track down and capture Ravage, in the process running into a Decepticon trap and needing rescuing. Eventually, the Mini-Cons just plain left both Autobots and Decepticons and took off into space, only to crash on Earth and go offline. In the alternate Dreamwave Transformers/G.I. During the auctions, Bumblebee is among the Transformers sent to attack the Smitco Oil Refinery as a demonstration of their power. Impatient, Mini-Cons set out on their own. See more ideas about transformers armada, transformers, armada. Encontrá Muñeco Transformers Bumblebee - Figuras de Acción en! In 2005, Hasbro fought with multiple companies to reclaim its Bumblebee trademark until it finally just made toys with Bumblebee's name as an unregistered trademark. However, Bumblebee is able to convince them of the truth, by playing against Wasp at a game of Ninja Gladiator, forcing Wasp to retreat. In doing so, he nearly destroys their house. They eventually purchase Bumblebee, due in no small part to Bumblebee damaging every other car at the dealership to ensure his purchase. He does however retain the traditional warm-heartedness and human-friendly attitude of the original due to his friendship with Sari Sumdac and Bulkhead. In the moments where Hot Shot has managed to be selfless in his act, especially on the battlefield, Jolt has become more than willing to put up with his attitude a good majority of the time. In the story, Optimus Prime and his Autobots (Bumblebee, Jazz, and Wheeljack) battle Megatron and his Decepticons (Soundwave and Starscream) when Optimus runs out of gas. Big Plan: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While most Mini-Cons view the differences between the Autobots and the Decepticons with apathy at best, Sparkplug is firmly aware of what those differences mean to Mini-Cons. Sparkplug tried to keep Leader-1 from returning to them, but was dissuaded from it by Mirage. Bumblebee would often say or do the wrong thing, resulting in the entire platoon receiving Transformation push-ups as a result, which made him unpopular with Wasp and Ironhide. In addition to his firearms, in the game Bumblebee can extend an axe-like "stinger" from his wrist, in a similar fashion to how Optimus releases his sword. For Transformers: Dark of the Moon, his color changes from yellow to amber with thicker black stripes that run across his hood, roof and trunk. It was released in early 2002. Es un robot tipo femenino, apareció por primera vez en la película Transformers de 1986. Goldbug also makes a brief appearance in the fourth and final season of the series, defending Autobot City and Cybertron against a massive Decepticon attack. Sparkplug is a good-natured, energetic young Mini-Con who through the fates of war has become partnered with Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. [18] It is painted yellow with black stripes, primer and rust patches, riveted hood scoop, Cragar SS wheels up front, Eric Vaughn Real Wheels in the back, marine-grade vinyl seats, and even an eight-track player. Bumblebee is one of the members of the main group of Autobots in the 2010 computer-animated seriesTransformers: Prime. Descubre la mejor forma de comprar online. In it, Bumblebee and Prowl apprehend the Angry Archer as the villain attempts to steal money from a used car salesman. He is overpowered even when Megatron uses a mechanical arm to throw Starscream outside. He is then executed by Serpentor, who would later comment that Bumblebee's death is the only thing that ever really made him feel emotion. Bumblebee is an Autobot from the Transformers: Cyberverse continuity. In the end, the point was moot, as the Decepticons broke into the base. Expecting Decepticon activity, he is surprised to find that the source is humans building a railway. This historical video was stock footage from the original animated series. Sam thinks Bumblebee is being stolen, and chases the car on his bike. The biography for the Decepticon Hardtop figure states that he and Bumblebee are old rivals and it was not Megatron who damaged Bumblebee's vocal processor, but a shot from Hardtop's gun. Starscream hits Bumblebee with a laser and sends him hanging for his life. Of course! Bumblebee, Breakaway, Jolt, Knock Out and Dune Runner are sent to investigate spark fragments detected at Kingdom Petrochemicals. Optimus demands to speak directly to Megatron, but while en route to Megatron's location, they are ambushed by Barricade, Brawl, Crankcase, Frenzy, Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker, under orders to kill them all. The Mini-Cons then returned to Earth safely. With the secret of his power revealed, The Wraith loses much of the respect he used to command in Detroit. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Commons category template with no category set, Fictional characters who can move at superhuman speeds, Transformers: The Battle to Save the Earth, 2006 Chevrolet Camaro concept/2009 Chevrolet Camaro, "Movie Review: 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen' brings incredible visual effects plus comic relief",, "Entertainment/OnlineGames/GameSelect/Action Games/Transformers/Transformers Battle Circuit",, "Animation Corner: Transformers Satire For FrankTV",, "PingMag - The Tokyo-based magazine about “Design and Making Things” Â» Archive Â» Transformers’ Toy Design",, - Transformers Hall of Fame Robots, Transformers Set Visit Preview! It was released in the United States on April 11, 2004, and in the European market on April 7 of the same year. Goldbug takes the disk to Nebulos, where Prime is restored to life as a Powermaster. The Mini-Con Sparkplug was also based on the original Bumblebee, while Hot Shot was in fact going to be named Bumblebee but had his name changed due to trademark reasons. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 They ended up finding Over-Run, a Mini-Con from another dimension, and Sparkplug agreed to help him find his lost null-reality pods, which could be used to find their Optimus Prime. Galvatron set up a false distress signal from Sparkplug that the Air Defense Mini-Con Team detected. The Autobots were at a considerable disadvantage during the inevitable confrontation due to the Decepticon strength in numbers and the fact they had to protect their human passengers. Bumblebee returns to Sam and his crush Mikaela Banes and protects them from an attack by Barricade and Frenzy, earning Sam's trust. Because of the incident at the Witwickys' he is also forced to leave their garage. However, in the "A Bridge Too Close" two-parter when the Autobots are captured by the Decepticons, Longarm reveals that he is actually the real double agent, assuming his true form while taunting Bumblebee with the realisation that Wasp was innocent, and therefore imprisoned for nothing. Sparkplug pleaded with Prime to change his mind and give the Mini-Cons a reason to stay, and eventually succeeded. The Autobots' teen-aged human allies would have teased him for not being old enough to have a driver's license. Bumblebee is assigned to guard Sam from the Decepticons, and poses as a dilapidated 1976 Chevrolet Camaro as Sam and his father are buying a car for Sam. Bumblebee is easily thrown down by Soundwave. Bumblebee appears in the 2007 live-action Transformers movie, returning to his role as the friend of the Autobots' human ally - in this case, Sam Witwicky. Force of Habit, Before the war, Sparkplug resided in Mini-Con Village C52. Set shortly after the events of "Total Meltdown" is the Transformers: Animated comic issue #2 by IDW Publishing. Among the humans is the legendary John Henry, who is concerned that the train - a spike-driving device designed to lay railroad - is intended to replace him. Bumblebee se une a los Autobots cuando Megatron comienza su insurrección. After he gets back to Earth, he and the other Autobots try to control a teenage Sari after she loses control of her new form. Later, Bumblebee traps Soundwave in a magnetically sealed bubble in Cyber Missions 2. Unique Bumblebee Transformers Posters designed and sold by artists. Bumblebee then volunteers to head into space to stop Megatron from acquiring the All Spark. Meanwhile, Mikaela attempts to free Optimus Prime, but she is attacked by Frenzy. Being one of the smallest of the Autobots, Bumblebee uses his size for espionage and reconnaissance. Screenwriter Roberto Orci explained Bumblebee regained his voice through the regenerative laser Ratchet fires at his neck as they meet, and it eventually works its magic by the end of the film. Given the choice, Sparkplug gladly prefers the Autobots. Sympathetic to their plight, RAAT operate Walter Barnett removes their brain components and installs them in toy cars while their bodies are destroyed.  • Tidal Wave Cody and the rest of the Burns family are unable to understand Bumblebee and requires one of the Rescue Bots to translate. Sam eventually negotiates his release. When the Elite Guard arrive on earth, they try to arrest Bumblebee, believing him to be Wasp. In "Predacons Rising", after losing Wasp when Swoop snatches him, Optimus explains to Bumblebee that he as responsible for Wasp as Shockwave is.  • Blackout  • Blitzwing  • Demolishor  • Dreadwing An mirror-universe version of Swoop appeared in the Transformers: Timelines fiction.  • Leo Prime This weapon was most notable in the video game. Before he was the silent warrior he is today, Bumblebee was a nonstop chatterbox, charged with carrying the most vital Autobot communications. He later drove the Combat Deck into battle, allowing Prime to combine with it and him to form their Powerlinxed Super Mode and unleash a Maximum Blast. After finding the plasma dynamic thruster, Bumblebee is sent to a dark part of some galaxy, then to a lighter part where meteor like aliens live, and one eats him. If you're one of the older Transformers fans, when you think of Bumblebee's alternate modes, you think of a Volkswagen… Later, Sparkplug had the brilliant idea of infiltrating the Decepticons' Silver Ridge headquarters and freeing their captured Mini-Cons. A member of the alien race called the Quintessons subsequently repair and restore Optimus Prime to life, so he can stop the "Hate Plague" and repair Bumblebee. Su mayor proyecto ha sido la creación de los Dinobots aunque estos hayan causado grandes problemas al … Bumblebee holds the distinction of being the second character to appear on-screen in the original Transformers animated series, while on a mission to recover a small clutch of energy conductors with Wheeljack, illustrating the energy crisis holding sway over their home planet of Cybertron. The profile series, More Than Meets the Eye, featured entries for Bumblebee as both a Pretender and as Goldbug, but gave no in-story reason for his upgrades to these forms and they never appeared in the fiction of the series. Bumblebee is the Japanese name of Perceptor in Transformers: Armada. Transformers, This comic was written as a tie-in to the, More information on Sparkplug at, More information on Super Mode Sparkplug at, More information on Kinpika Convoy at Lucky Draw Transformers, More information on Corona Sparkplug at, More information on Built to Rule! Entrá y conocé nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (w), Nick Roche (p), Joana Lafuente (i). When Bumblebee is assigned to watch over the launch of the mobile Power Station Alpha, also guarded by the daring special mission force G.I. Four million years later, they woke up thanks to Rad White and Carlos Lopez. He was later reconstructed in a stronger, more mature form as Goldbug. Playable characters include Rodimus, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Jetfire, Starscream, Astrotrain, Trypticon, and Menasor. As both Sam and Alice are riding inside Bumblebee, the Autobot attempts to warn Sam through his radio. After that, Omega Supreme comes to Earth, under the control of Megatron. 2.9 out of 5 stars with 74 reviews. Some people think he looks like Sunstreaker due to his exotic car mode and his roof chest. Buster takes him back to his family's automotive garage, where his father Sparkplug repairs the car, and is shocked when it transforms into a robot. When Cobra attacks the base, the Autobots help repel the Cobra Battle Android Trooper armies. Bumblebee then drives Sam and Mikaela to an alley where they meet the other Autobots. Director Michael Bay states in the special features of DVD 2 of the first film, that the change of Bumblebee's alternate mode was due to the fact that a Volkswagen Beetle reminded him of Herbie. Eventually arriving on Mars in his protoform mode, Bumblebee then proceeds to Earth in 2003, his arrival tracked by the Hubble space telescope. Curious about their train, he is almost caught by the humans, but hides by adopting the train's form as his alternate mode. Entrá y conocé nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Here, it is revealed he could still communicate with the other Autobots via digital link. Naturally, Blades overthinks everything except how much he may mean to his old friend. As the Autobots evacuated their headquarters, Megatron never entered it and the assassination failed. Fire & Ice He then came with the Autobots on their mission to Alaska, located and bringing back an injured Iceberg. Later, when the two Autobots arrive with Bumblebee crashing into the reformatted Waspinator, Bumblebee managed to apologize for his actions, though Waspinator yells he has no intention of ever forgiving him and attempts to kill him before he suffers the side effects of his evolution. When dormant Mini-Cons were discovered on Earth's Moon, Sparkplug created a probe to fly up there and activate them. Unlike most Autobots, who had new alternate modes, Bumblebee and Wheeljack had their original Generation 1 alternate modes in this series. Bumblebee's body is seen among the deactivated Autobots Ratchet is trying to revive in Transformers #56, "Back from the Dead". In this message, Sparkplug explained the Mini-Cons' reason for leaving behind their homeworld, and provided the coordinates to the Mini-Cons' hiding place. Earthshaker! Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. After breaking out of their cells using intratools, Sparkplug and High Wire used magno-clamps to walk on the barge's outside and disconnecting it from Cyclonus. After using Carlos Lopez's tools to repair themselves and build a hovercraft, the four Mini-Cons began to search for their lost brethren on Earth. $19.99. Upon rendezvousing with Optimus, he relays the message of Zeta Prime's death at the hands of Megatron; after which, he joins Optimus and Ratchet in their resistance against the Decepticons on the planet. Hot Shot was originally named Bumblebee but was changed to avoid problems. Bumblebee (known as Bumble in Japan, Moscardo in Portugal, Å°rdongó in Hungary, Maggiolino in Italy) is the "little brother" of the heroic or protagonistic Autobot faction and a mascot, constantly striving to prove himself in the eyes of the other robots - especially his leader, Optimus Prime.