0000014581 00000 n 0000070053 00000 n Learn more about NAYZILAM, a rescue medication used for the short-term treatment of seizure clusters in patients 12 years of age and older. "I have been using the RX card for almost a year now. 0000091965 00000 n Most insurance companies do cover the cost of the medication based on certain qualifiers, with there also being a $10 savings card … Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNINGS, and Medication Guide for SPRAVATO® and discuss any questions you may have with your healthcare provider. Adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) Depressive symptoms in adults with major … Physicians or other qualified health care professionals should report only Spravato … The quantity limit is three devices per day or up to 23 devices per 24-day period. 0000090566 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Privacy Policy | Legal | Site MapSite Map | Contact UsContact Us, Indications and Important Safety Information, Indication & Important Safety Information, https://womensmentalhealth.org/clinical-and-research-programs/pregnancyregistry/antidepressants/, Adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD), Depressive symptoms in adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) with suicidal thoughts or actions. | 877-CarePath (877-227-3728) Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET. 0000094333 00000 n 9Š�u,� �d���4q�E穱M�'� f�� U,b�3�������9�w���ݲ�}�3�ոe�4ug�S�.�-&�D3� Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings. Third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners. 0000102116 00000 n Offer good only … Janssen CarePath Savings Program for SPRAVATO® If you are eligible, the Janssen CarePath Savings Program may provide savings on your out-of-pocket medication costs for … Applies to: Spravato Number of uses: per prescription per calendar year. For … Taking SPRAVATO® with certain medicine may cause side effects. If you have commercial or private health insurance and need help paying for SPRAVATO®, the Janssen CarePath Savings Program may be able to help. �U�S>�I�|T���QI�$'�����|��G���UW͇�~��̏��)k�LR��J7�֐�d�B��.~>�9����-"F���,��iʷ���+ �V�M��,�&Z�*)��|�/�c�^��G{M�]�|��}�����utL��t��zH� 1T&����pֶX��˵�N��^z>���K�5HRs���Y%j�K���O�#�x����\P��Q��р��o�c��@[0wG�ip�c��9p�7���M��K�ݺA�������%T7;o�8\Cϑ����g���r� ���&�qZ*�h;�X��O���^�μ�U������Α�`��m�%0\s� n�-6$��p8Z±��#%��]8�r�t#��~�F��(p�H��\����c׍D����g���A�-+0�SR����+0��r$���RX��6$Ӂ��ߒ{�����V���@Mb �ݠ���\nʑ���Tst����ñ+[cm�6���RF��U���r�س�K9�5�]:�L�K:�]�E�;�x��a_ݏ��k���$�-�[(�K�SN{�H�]]�ha{$����5�[��z���/ѺՑ/I��5�C�K����i�&��q�b���5���vai��,;���� ��ZB��v�†.�����ONƑ����~�w=�^1ə_�>)^8z��`�u|���*����9�w���bx���g��Ĵ����llv6�Y��ǭ�H�j)��Z���Vq�1u����-�S �Nݫ,���@h�����z�_������z���:4m� ����V��Z0qѫ����wP+���=�0�?�N�/���v�j0A��Oժ�v�`���MbJl1�U>�+��_|�+���arή��Ia.��-��m�Ӽ�Kb�N�ql�_:�V5�HLgX�� I am insured but would like help affording my monthly co-pay. 0000002483 00000 n 0000048179 00000 n 0000040941 00000 n Do not take part in these activities until the next day following a restful sleep. 0000091414 00000 n With the Janssen CarePath Savings Program, eligible commercially insured patients may pay as little as $10 for their prescription to Spravato. SPRAVATO, Tell your healthcare provider right away if you become pregnant during treatment with SPRAVATO, If you are able to become pregnant, talk to your healthcare provider about methods to prevent pregnancy during treatment with SPRAVATO, There is a pregnancy registry for women who are exposed to SPRAVATO, are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. We cannot guarantee a foundation will help you. † Independent co-pay assistance foundations have their own rules for eligibility. Janssen CarePath Savings Program for SPRAVATO™ Eligible commercially-insured patients pay $10 per treatment for SPRAVATO™ medication costs with a $7,150 maximum program benefit per … Your co-pay may be reduced to as little as $10 per treatment, with a maximum savings … SPRAVATO ® is intended for use only in a certified Healthcare Setting. You must be enrolled in the Savings Program before receiving your Janssen medication in order to qualify for out-of-pocket cost savings. Janssen CarePath strongly recommends you consult your payer for the most current coverage and reimbursement information. See full eligibility requirements. Program Details. 0000048468 00000 n Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. 0000016130 00000 n Call a Janssen CarePath Coordinator at 844-777-2828, … At your direction, your provider may submit the rebate request and EOB on your behalf by mail or through an electronic billing system. Create your own personalized MyJanssenCarePath account to: Use Express Enrollment for a fast way to enroll in the Savings Program only. Call your healthcare provider between visits as needed, especially if you have concerns about symptoms. 0000004392 00000 n 0000033086 00000 n Visit MyJanssenCarePath.com to create an online account, check your eligibility, enroll in the Savings Program, manage your Savings Program benefits, and receive timely alerts and program updates. Your healthcare provider can tell you more about the differences between physical and psychological dependence and drug addiction. 0000090326 00000 n 0000083483 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� SPRAVATO ® is a prescription medicine, used along with an antidepressant taken by mouth to treat: . 0000115676 00000 n trailer <<98A8C2DB777C40A582C008C003AF1952>]/Prev 193777>> startxref 0 %%EOF 127 0 obj <>stream Janssen CarePath provides information to you regarding whether the treatment is covered by your insurance or third-party payer. Eligible commercially insured patients pay $10 per treatmentfor SPRAVATO® medication costs with a $7,150 maximum program benefit per calendar year. 0000063803 00000 n 0000001976 00000 n endstream endobj 45 0 obj <>>> endobj 46 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 48 0 obj [49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R] endobj 49 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[105.864 423.814 204.761 413.34]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 50 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[451.049 436.09 541.986 425.616]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 51 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[130.592 46.146 245.747 33.4501]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 52 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[409.079 46.146 489.117 33.4501]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 53 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[159.546 64.3781 214.746 52.7401]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 54 0 obj <> endobj 55 0 obj <>stream By using the Savings Program card, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the program requirements shown on this page, and you are giving permission for information related to your Savings Program transactions, including rebates and any funds placed on or balance remaining on the Savings Program card… There is no income requirement. 0000010735 00000 n While Janssen CarePath attempts to provide correct information, they assume no responsibility for and do not guarantee the quality, scope, or availability of the information and assistance provided. You may download and print a card … It is not known if SPRAVATO® is safe or effective as an anesthetic medicine. 0000016581 00000 n 0000015152 00000 n For all people who take PROCRIT®, including patients with cancer or chronic kidney disease: Serious heart problems, such as heart attack or heart failure, and stroke. 0000057539 00000 n The selling, purchasing, trading, or counterfeiting of the card is prohibited. 0000102155 00000 n 0000090910 00000 n Is this for me? If you are eligible for Medicare, you (and your caregivers) will learn how to choose and buy a plan, and existing members will find information about benefits and member perks. We do not endorse any particular foundation. Keep a list of them to show to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. 0000002525 00000 n Eligible commercially-insured patients pay $10 per treatment for SPRAVATO® medication costs, with a $7,150 maximum program benefit per calendar year. When you obtain your medications from Prescription … 0000063840 00000 n H�tWˎ%G�߯��|?�xd6 ��]Htc����8'���`Yv;nf�gd��o�/��s8���G8��/?~���/�?=����������Ǘ?���}��x�3�#���ǿ��o��ģ�y���s9{�x~�x��,�xl��9ÙS���=ʙ�8���z��΁}o��a`��]�D�x���Yp9�lS1e-�$���;�s��=6���x��i}���a��u���jC��ۙ��6��?0��`o�0p����Z�,3�Ve� f��e��`�������u���Ї>�C����r5�@�Ѳ������[�[;CBz��Y���3��ǹ�I�,`D@p�:P��u �8pE�IR��0X��ab!�.F��zX�r�p�����^��ʼ�7yD�=�oM�A����*�ܳ�4�Ld'��Ib�n���3�V����^Š��צ=db�7J��v�����366@#EKD�#�ڛ����\7��:����$�Ȼa�+�y���"���DR�QY��b�_V �J)���`�L��ȣ׎�l��a! Program limits apply. The use of the information on this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy. h�b``Pg`��c`c`d>� �� ��,K�U00�0�>������>���cRR666�� J0 0000048242 00000 n All rights reserved. �2�FJ��^��#�i���˕~��6�t�9‰v�\U@�0T��N fԻ�����0}'�{@�Q��%�t�e���a;�݌˖�ˉ�N�\�N�t� D�`t�������(�{H� b �|�$�!����Q �Q66���pQO#H8XtǢ�K��~�Y��ϟc�9��4 �� G�7e��('�yh�~����˸��,��SF�z��Q9�dnw ���7'�޾R�U��V��B�S�wou�ӝ+�iޙ�Yo�嘑~�7�N{aj�a�(���,����b�����iu@��Ks��ݧ]��"��%1�} H������N���Z�H'�O�{X#�=�e�����6��T���@KN���0p�ƧWoJA{�Ŗ �. Ask your physician for a prescription of 20 capsules of Uribel (with refills if … �A�^b4��a��ap�¡���%T�Ql�k�0  $�f1���߂C�OK�,P`�VV���(t�|�%�ڡ�<>CKO-�1:�]W��e0^B*'al��ұ��>����s�TM3�2o���jpy�r�������0.�,��ڪ B����t���"�~�SR��W :�&R+��ݿ� 0000009190 00000 n 0000004254 00000 n Welcome to the Omnitrope Savings Program. 0000003843 00000 n *Eligible patients may save up to $250 a month for 12 months (maximum annual savings of $3000). Or call a Janssen CarePath Care Coordinator at 877-CarePath (877-227-3728), Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET. Summary of Resources to help you pay for SPRAVATO®. Pay close attention to any changes, especially sudden changes, in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. It is not known if SPRAVATO® is safe and effective for use in preventing suicide or in reducing suicidal thoughts or actions. Xarelto (rivaroxaban tablets) CONTACT INFO. 0000040975 00000 n All claims and other submissions to payers should be in compliance with all applicable requirements. Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Program. If your doctor's office or pharmacy cannot process your Janssen CarePath Savings Program card, you can submit a rebate form and proof of medication payment to receive a rebate. 0000024894 00000 n My husband and I … SPRAVATO … *Ut�t �ӱ @: ��"J|�����H1��ItD4~�4Qajl�e_�8��`6[�§|�u��L0��7�ew�=���v����,��C�F ���7�x�n�g�m��p�����؁�kdW�)x�2��V�>���� j�~ԛ�.큰C+�v�2LwP}����� �@� � �GA. H�lWI�#;��)�h�(����s�}�E?�h�Q@�C�YT���Ņ�R�E5ݥ�{��og��?�R�>:N@@��Ι��M�ݰp�]S ':T�J��X%����̻�J�[-�������e�4�7 Register online to download and print a card. 0000094055 00000 n To enroll in the Janssen CarePath Savings Program. This offer may not be combined with any other coupon, discount, prescription savings card, free trial, or other offer. Your healthcare provider must monitor you for serious side effects for at least 2 hours after taking SPRAVATO. We have no insurance, and the RX card has been a God send. These include people who have (or have a family history of) depression or a history of suicidal thoughts or actions. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. 0000083520 00000 n Janssen CarePath is not available to patients participating in the Patient Assistance Program offered by Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation. Janssen CarePath Savings Program: Provider: Janssen Pharmaceuticals: Phone Number: 1-844-777-2828: Website: https://spravato.janssencarepathsavings.com: How do I get the discount? Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take central nervous system (CNS) depressants, psychostimulants, or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) medicines. SPRAVATO® is a prescription medicine, used along with an antidepressant taken by mouth to treat: SPRAVATO® is not for use as a medicine to prevent or relieve pain (anesthetic). There is a "Print a Card" feature to provide you with a Savings Program card. If you only want to check your eligibility and enroll in the Janssen CarePath Savings Program, visit the Express Enrollment site at MyJanssenCarePath.com/express. 0000049784 00000 n 0000002311 00000 n 0000115515 00000 n 0000004117 00000 n 0000090441 00000 n 44 0 obj <> endobj xref If you are using a government-funded healthcare program to pay for SPRAVATO® or have no insurance coverage and need help paying for your medication: Janssen CarePath can provide information about other resources that may be able to help with your out-of-pocket medication costs for SPRAVATO®. �/�|�` ���� endstream endobj 56 0 obj <>stream 44 84 0000029889 00000 n 0000010112 00000 n It is not known if SPRAVATO® is safe and effective in children. SPRAVATO® is not for use in place of hospitalization if your healthcare provider determines that hospitalization is needed, even if improvement is experienced after the first dose of SPRAVATO®. You will not have a Janssen CarePath account and will not be able to view and manage your Savings Program benefits. This form is intended to be used by a member of a patient's "Care Team," which includes individuals who provide care for a patient and have permission from the patient to assist with patient enrollment in the Janssen CarePath Savings Program and activation of a card. Capitalized product names are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson or its affiliated companies. 0000103552 00000 n Treatmentmay include up to three devices … Tell your healthcare provider right away if you feel like you cannot stay awake or if you feel like you are going to pass out. Maximum annual savings is $7,150. Would you take a brief survey so we can improve your experience on our website ? Spravato Janssen CarePath Savings Program: Eligible commercially insured patients may pay $10 per treatment with savings of up to $7150 per calendar year; for additional information contact the program at 844-777-2828. This information and assistance are made available as a convenience to you, and there is no requirement that you or your healthcare provider use any Janssen product in exchange. Call a Janssen CarePath Care Coordinator at 877-CarePath (877-227-3728) or visit JanssenPrescriptionAssistance.com for more information about affordability programs and independent foundations† that may have funding available. 0000003706 00000 n 0000041052 00000 n 0000115054 00000 n Information and resources regarding your insurance coverage, affordability options, and treatment support are provided to you by third-party service providers for Janssen CarePath, which is operated by Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. on behalf of Actelion Pharmaceuticals US, Inc., Janssen Biotech, Inc., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Janssen Products, LP (Janssen). ©  Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems Inc. 2021. SPRAVATO® may cause serious side effects including: The most common side effects of SPRAVATO® when used along with an antidepressant taken by mouth include: If these common side effects occur, they usually happen right after taking SPRAVATO® and go away the same day. 0000027664 00000 n Program does not cover the cost to give you your treatment. Spravato. 0000103617 00000 n 0000004505 00000 n Register for the Savings Program at Register.JanssenCarePathSavings.com to get a card for use at your healthcare provider’s office or pharmacy. 0000090833 00000 n 0000009578 00000 n Treatment may include up to three devices administered on the same day. Optum Behavioral Health reimburses Spravato services when reported with E/M codes in which time is a factor in determining level of service in accordance with CPT guidelines. What should I avoid while taking SPRAVATO®? u�u-A��Np���t8U�n��/_ZA)�{�O�\�� SAVINGS OF 70%! In that time, it has saved my family over $4000. We can help you explore options to lower your out-of-pocket cost for SPRAVATO®. esketamine hcl. 0000092424 00000 n 0000003980 00000 n Once enrolled, you can share your Savings Program card with … At Janssen, we don't want cost to get in the way of treatment you need. JOHNSON & JOHNSON PATIENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION. If you are enrolled in Medicare, our resources below provide information on sources for cost support that may be available. 0000095086 00000 n You should not breastfeed during treatment with SPRAVATO, Your healthcare provider will tell you how much SPRAVATO, During and after each use of the SPRAVATO, You will need to plan for a caregiver or family member to drive you home after taking SPRAVATO, If you take a nasal corticosteroid or nasal decongestant medicine take these medicines at least 1 hour before taking SPRAVATO, feeling disconnected from yourself, your thoughts, feelings and things around you, decreased feeling of sensitivity (numbness). 0000006977 00000 n 0000092850 00000 n 0000114943 00000 n Medicare Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) Brochure, Medicare Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) "Extra Help" Resource for Patients. Tell your healthcare provider if you have ever abused or been dependent on alcohol, prescription medicines, or street drugs. 0000095863 00000 n 0000013945 00000 n If you use commercial or private insurance to pay for your medication: Janssen CarePath Savings Program for SPRAVATO®. 0000070090 00000 n Although Prescription Hope is not a Spravato coupon, individuals looking for a Spravato coupon can find more savings through Prescription Hope! Multilingual phone support is available. 0000017142 00000 n No matter what type of coverage you have – or even if you don't have coverage – Janssen CarePath can help explain your medication insurance coverage and potential out-of-pocket cost and help find programs that may help you pay for SPRAVATO®. 0000090363 00000 n ?���:�J4K���z�* �X�Š��hc?̒�j߻PB)Y�0�BUS \���w�(�.uS��.���������, ����^�|�o�s�1Yn�C&К�匽�Ƥn �b ~����+܆Z�Ԙ�$����hc�q�j?LŊ�v�=Jwc:z|�"�"� ��ן=��[MY���2:����a����[��n2�9V~�(gKƦ�۳8�%{T�V�%�sc�7�QQ��ǂH�4a���)A�ZOލF��%��T��,j��6X>�B�`�-x�5O�� If you use your medical/primary insurance to pay for your medication, you are responsible for submitting a rebate request including an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to receive payment under the Savings Program. 0000019668 00000 n ... Go to any of our participating pharmacies, show your Blink card … 0000014056 00000 n ... Blink Health is driving down the cost of prescription drugs in America with up to 80% savings on prescription medications. Do not drive, operate machinery, or do anything where you need to be completely alert after taking SPRAVATO®. … 0000057502 00000 n This site is intended for use in the United States. Please ensure you and your provider coordinate who will submit the rebate request. Terms expire at the end of each calendar year and may change. �7�D�je2j�68R���a���be�ʅ�)�_?��-$z���U�j�0�!��N'~�&;����/���`?�������_�����5Hk�h� ���6nL�IS��%52� �|Z"|F�LvEq�Rg;'�2 �*�5e���˻~���Ȭ&)�"Y��niC�^�k4֋���*��5=A� &��iu*u�D]�]��� This copay savings card is intended for patients only. Access the full Medication Guide to learn about the safety and side effects along with benefits and risks. 0000003653 00000 n 0000050472 00000 n Benefit coverage and reimbursement status is affected by several factors and therefore may change, even over short periods of time. SPRAVATO® can cause serious side effects, including: If you are not sure if you have any of the above conditions, talk to your healthcare provider before taking SPRAVATO®. Before you take SPRAVATO®, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you: Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines that you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and herbal supplements. Some people may have a higher risk of having suicidal thoughts or actions. 0000047856 00000 n SPRAVATO Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy Program - Columbia Associates - Arlington, VA - SPRAVATO is only available under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program. 0000022436 00000 n The Johnson & Johnson Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc. (JJPAF) is an independent, nonprofit organization that is committed to helping eligible patients without insurance coverage receive prescription products donated by Johnson & Johnson operating companies. 0000050098 00000 n 0000095470 00000 n More information please phone: 844-777-2828 … If you don't have commercial or private health insurance, you may find help from the programs and resources found on JanssenPrescriptionAssistance.com. Janssen CarePath Savings Program for SPRAVATO ® If you are eligible, the Janssen CarePath Savings Program may provide instant savings on your out-of-pocket medication costs for … 0000077243 00000 n Keep all follow-up visits with your healthcare provider as scheduled. For this reason, the information provided to you may not be current or comprehensive. These are not all the possible side effects of SPRAVATO®. What are the possible side effects of SPRAVATO®? Depending on your health insurance plan, savings may apply toward co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible. 0000094702 00000 n To see if you might qualify for assistance, please contact a JJPAF program specialist at 800-652-6227 (Monday–Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ET) or visit the foundation website at JJPAF.org. If you are eligible, the Janssen CarePath Savings Program may provide instant savings on your out-of-pocket medication costs for SPRAVATO®. are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Not valid for patients using Medicare, Medicaid, or other government-funded programs to pay for their medications. We only can refer you to a foundation that supports your disease state. 0000048356 00000 n This information is provided as a resource for you. 0000115221 00000 n 0000037332 00000 n What is the most important information I should know about SPRAVATO®? Information and resources regarding your insurance coverage, affordability options, and treatment support are provided to you by third-party service providers for Janssen CarePath, which is … SPRAVATO ® is intended for patient administration under the direct observation of a healthcare provider, and patients are required to be monitored by a healthcare provider for at least 2 hours. How to use the Uribel Savings Card STEP 1: Download the savings card to your phone or print out and bring to your doctor’s office. There is a quantity limit of 24 devices in a 24-day period for one use per lifetime. You may die … If you are enrolled in a state or federally funded prescription insurance program, you may not use this savings card … How much can I save? Depending on how your insurance covers SPRAVATO®, there is a program benefit limit of list price of the medication and a quantity limit of three devices per day or up to 23 devices in a 24-day period. If you have questions, please call a Janssen CarePath Care Coordinator at 877-CarePath (877-227-3728), Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET. See “What is the most important information I should know about SPRAVATO®?”. 0000115368 00000 n 0000027433 00000 n have ever had a condition called “psychosis” (see, feel, or hear things that are not there, or believe in things that are not true). The Omnitrope Co-Pay Savings Program helps eligible patients with their co-pays for … 0000105071 00000 n 0000011345 00000 n 0000015733 00000 n 0000077280 00000 n Depression and other serious mental illnesses are the most important causes of suicidal thoughts and actions. other unusual changes in behavior or mood, have blood vessel (aneurysmal vascular) disease (including in the brain, chest, abdominal aorta, arms and legs), have an abnormal connection between your veins and arteries (arteriovenous malformation), are allergic to esketamine, ketamine, or any of the other ingredients in SPRAVATO, slow or fast heartbeats that cause shortness of breath, chest pain, lightheadedness, or fainting, history of brain injury or any condition where there is increased pressure in the brain.