(632377) Rat | Park attractions Somewhat related to the Disney Princes is a line of action figures sold at Disney Store locations, Disney Heroes. Ironically, the Crusades and Richard's involvement in them were the reason why the huge taxations that John was hated for occurred: Richard's war put a heavy drain on the treasury meaning that John had to raise taxes greatly, making him an unpopular monarch and leading to him being depicted as a villain in the Robin Hood myth. At first, John flew into a rage, as it was Robin Hood he wanted, but then realized that he could use this to his advantage. (There are liens to … He was also a terrible military leader, responsible for losing all English continental territories to Philip Augustus. Ab Cross | Home Pramod Kadam | Briar Cudgeon | Prince John is the primary antagonist from Robin Hood. Frozen Villains | LeFou | Tarzan Villains | Minions He mostly, however, appears in places meant for entertainment purposes, and most of his appearances involve an even centering the Disney Villains franchise, among other things. Sa'Luk | Those unable to pay were sent to the stocks. Mr. Snoops | John Silver | Lion | Vidia | UsurpationTortureCorruptionTreasonAbuseEmbezzlementUnfair imprisonmentAttempted murder. With Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow. Aldrin Klordane | Bennett Hoenicker | Zeke Midas Wolf | Erik & Francis | Prince John is then forced to surrender the crown back to Richard while sucking his thumb in shame, and King Richard has Prince John and his cohorts arrested. Prince John is the younger brother of King Richard, who spent egregious amounts of time trying to usurp his brother's throne. To date, he meets often at Tokyo Disneyland like the other Robin Hood characters. Fates | Aunt Sponge | Gilbert Sipes | Prince John is first enjoying a fresh supply of tax money he had collected from villagers, along with his idiot assistant Sir Hiss. James Reynolds | Unfortunately for Prince John, his scheming ways caught the attention of famed robber Robin Hood who, alongside his faithful companion Little John, robbed the rich to give to the poor. Cauldron Born | Theodora | However, in one of his rages, Prince John declared that he would give all of his gold if he could "just get [his] hands on [Robin Hood]". Fleshlumpeater | In a chivalrous age, when aristocrats spared their enemies, capturing them rather than killing them, John preferred to do away with people by grisly means. The people viewed Robin Hood as a hero, so he was never turned in for his illegal crimes against the prince. He is also alleged to have suffered from epilepsy. Sucking on his thumb when upset.Beating up Sir Hiss.Counting his money.Trying to kill Robin Hood. Sea Monkeys | Lucifer | Incarnations View all 2 versions of Prince John on BTVA. Mr. Big | (Links to both chant in comments) Pick one: Mel Gibson (John Smith) vs: Clay Aiken KataraLover posted il y a plus d’un an: view results | next poll >> Princesses Disney More Polls. Because of Peter Ustinov's connection to Germany (having received honors in that country in regards to theater), Peter Ustinov, in addition to being John's English voice, was also his German voice. Zootopia Villains, Legends John shied away from battle when challenged by French forces, and his allies in the north were defeated in a decisive clash with Philip Augustus. Friends on the Other Side | Evil-doer Prince John was born at York Cottage on the Sandringham Estate on 12 July 1905, at 3:05 am. Chuckles | A.J. Shan Yu | Lady Tremaine (2015) | John watched gleefully as he waited to see if Robin was dead, and was overjoyed when he did not resurface. Prince John is a Disney Character from Disney's 1973 Animated Feature Robin Hood with a Rarity Factor of "Rare". Monstro | Gargoyles Villains | Shelley | Maleficent | Cecil Clayton | Meanwhile, Robin sneaked past the guards and found the Prince sleeping in his royal quarters with Sir Hiss, surrounded by all his ill-gotten gold. He apparently runs a stock company called "Prince John's Savings and Loan" as seen at the end of the episode "House of Scrooge". Kerwood Krinkle | He ordered his minions to kill Robin, causing a large fight to break out within the castle. Rhino Guards | Kron | Suddenly, King Richard suddenly arrives to the rescue after returning from the crusade, and confronted Prince John for his misdeeds against the people of Nottingham. Taxes. Winifred Sanderson | Darkwing Duck Villains | King Henry | Inspiration Oswald Granger | Iago | Wolf Arrowmen | He remarks "They will be singing a new song", causing the Sheriff and Sir Hiss to crudely smile in agreement, arguably fully understanding the end result. Judge Huggins | Hunter | Nigel Snyder | He is rescued and carried off by Little John, who took him to the church to give him shelter with Maid Marian by his side. San Than | Prince John was the first Lion antagonist before. Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | When Robin won the tournament as Prince John had planned, after recognizing him when shaking his hand, he unmasked his enemy in front of the crowd and had him arrested and sentenced to "immediate death." King John Aunt Spiker | The Spaniard | Prince John also set up his residence in his mother's castle in Nottingham where Maid Marian, Robin's former love still resided. Villains | Rufus Sorghum | In Ralph Breaks the Internet, a screenshot depicting Prince John and Sir Hiss can be seen around the Sorcerer Hat at the Disney Animation pavilion in Oh My Disney. Kazar | Alonzo Hawk | Prince John is greedy and loves money more than anything else in the world, perhaps even more than his own life, and continually finds ways to rob and swindle his people in the pursuit of wealth. Artemis Fowl Villains | During his journey to Nottingham, Prince John ran across two fortune tellers (actually Robin Hood and Little John in clever disguises) and eagerly accepted their offer to tell him his fortunes (despite Sir Hiss warning him of the possible danger). Leland Drury | After Richard is brainwashed, thanks to Sir Hiss, into going on a crusade, John assumes the crown and becomes somewhat of a dictator, leaving his subjects in poverty. Kevin Michael Richardson is the voice of Prince John in Disney's House of Mouse, and Chō is the Japanese voice. Little John proceeded to free Friar Tuck and all of the prisoners. He chased the snake around the castle with the stick, all the while sucking his thumb, and calling Hiss various, derogatory names. Mrs. Satterfield | Fritz | Jasper and Horace Badun (1996) | Snerbert | The real life Prince John/King John I/John Plantagenet was indeed considered one of the worst European kings of all time, with some historians even going so far to call him "the worst king that ever sat on England's throne" and "Foul as it is, even Hell itself is defiled by the fouler presence of John.". Sheep Cops | Diablo the Raven | Stromboli | It should be noted that most of the cast was human, making John, Foulfellow, and Gideon the only ones to actually be portrayed by anthropomorphic animals. Alistair Krei | Nazi School Teacher | Prince John was the main villain of Robin Hood, and the false king of England. Claude Frollo | Card Soldiers | He was the youngest child and fifth son of George, Prince of Wales and Mary, Princess of Wales (née Mary of Teck). Uto & Kago | Ollie JohnstonJohn Lounsbery DOR-15 | Nigel | Prince John is the main antagonist of Disney's 21st full-length animated feature film, Robin Hood and one of the tertiary antagonists in Mickey's House of Villains. Whenever it comes to taxes Prince John is just as unsympathetic as the Sheriff of Nottingham and merely says a phrase on the people's poverty: "Rob the poor to feed the rich.". However, in one of his rages, he declared that he would give all his gold if he could 'just get [his] hands on [Robin Hood]'. Tom, Dick, Stanley & Walter | Asylum D'Loons (Monsieur D'Arque) | Yzma | He, however, continues singing (\"One Song\") beneath her balc… Chester Hoenicker | Suzi | Judge Doom | Overall, his personality was the same, although clothes were the thing he loved most instead of gold. Scar | Wildebeests (Blag) | Gaston LeGume (2017) | He even sucked his thumb loudly while sleeping (much to Hiss' disgust). Prince John has made numerous appearances in House of Mouse along with other characters. Although falling for Little John's disguise, the prince expected Robin to be in disguise and took note of the stork's superior archery skills. Cad Spinner, Shorts, Television, Comics and Video Games Sheriff of Nottingham (legend) | Prince John | Guy of Gisborne, Movies Mad Doctor | John labeled Robin a traitor to the crown, but was openly insulted by Robin, who shouted alongside the villagers, "Long live King Richard!" Despite his treacherous nature, he is also shown to be a cheerful, thoughtful and energetic character according to Sir Hiss, who at one point said that he "wasn't his usual cheerful self". RoboGadget | When Sir Hiss mentions how his actions have now burned his mother's castle, John finally snaps and flies into a violent rage. [lowers his voice] Hiss : [singing] Too late to be known as John the First, he's sure to be known as John the Worst ... [sees an angry Prince John peeking behind a door, with a glass jug of wine in his hand, shrivels] Hiss : The Fabulous, Marvelous, Merciful, Chivalrous. Titans (Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos & Cyclops) | Madam Mim | Kelly | Prince John eventually set up a trap for Robin Hood by hosting an archery tournament and offering up a kiss from Maid Marian as the winning prize. Rhino | Kramer | Ian Howe | Rinzler | In the deleted alternate ending, Robin Hood actually gets wounded from the arrows. Namaari | He was not above imprisoning his people if they failed to pay their taxes even after they gave up everything they had. Captain Katt | "Prince John" may be referring to two or more different villains. Honest John | Reuben | Mama Gunda | John Ratcliffe | Hun Army (Xian Lang), Other Animated Movies Keeping quiet, he recovered gold everywhere in the room and gave it back to the overjoyed prisoners, who prepared to make off with what was rightfully theirs. Lord Kelvin | Ricky King | The Sheriff discovered this and when Little John got distracted, John indignantly ordered his minions to do away with Robin. Yokai | Havershaw | Zhan Tiri | Mark Pierson | Sugar Plum Fairy | Little is specifically known of Prince John's past, other than the fact that he is the younger brother of King Richard. Prince John (1952) | Eagle | Program Guards | Marlon the Gator | Alias Flotsam & Jetsam | In House of Mouse, he was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, who also played Captain Gantu in Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise, Lester Krinklesac in The Cleveland Show, and the Joker in The Batman. Al Roker | Nessus | Diaval | His lack of a mane could also represent how real life male lions with a lack of testosterone, such as from being neutered, lose their manes: a fitting imagery for him as he is weak and cowardly in stark contrast to the more noble and mighty King Richard. Kakamora | Bill Bluff | Cruella De Vil (1996) | DuckTales Villains | He talks in his sleep, he makes groan-like sounds, and he even laughs when Sir Hiss' snoring with his tongue tickles his foot. Gideon | Little is known of Prince John's past, other than the fact that he is the younger brother of King Richard. Lumpjaw | Cherokee | Other names Tamatoa | Penny Lent | (by Little John)Sire (by both Sir Hiss and the Sheriff of Nottingham)Poor Prince John (by the Sheriff of Nottingham) Commodus. J.Sire (by both Sir Hiss and the Sheriff of Nottingham)Poor Prince John (by the Sheriff of Nottingham), King Richard's greedy brotherRobin Hood's enemyPrisoner. Vote on this Princesses Disney poll: My 8th best Disney Prince chant voice vs my 8th best male chant voice? Jenny | During John's rule, Robin Hood, Little John, and Friar Tuck of the local Church did everything they could to keep hope alive in the town, secretly distributing money among the starving population. It is shown in the scene where Robin Hood robs John while he and Hiss are sleeping that he is a very noisy sleeper. Gazeem | Queen of Hearts | Richard immediately reclaimed his throne from his brother and repealed all of the unjust taxes John had imposed on the people, allowing Nottingham to return to happiness and prosperity. Bigfoot Mason | Oogie Boogie | Rustlers | Mr. Skinner | Arawn | King George ll | Pushed to the end of his rope, he placed even harsher taxes on the people and arrested dozens of helpless villagers who were unable to pay. Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Minerva | Jacob Marley | Tetti-Tatti | Dr. Terminus | Blackbeard | James Haggin | He seems to have had a love/hate relationship with his deceased mother, who he claims favored Richard over him but cries out in agony whenever he insults her memory. Unfortunately, Robin was left behind after rescuing one of the children who nearly got left behind, and found himself pursued by John's guards and the Sheriff. Alice in Wonderland Villains | He was portrayed by the late Hubert Gregg. The Prince (also known as Prince Florian when the Disney Princess franchise started) is Snow White's love interest in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Willie Brothers | Doug & Gordon | However, he eventually betrayed him and went over to Richard's side. Restaurants: The Friar's Nook Prince John eventually set up a trap for Robin Hood by hosting an archery tournament and offering up a kiss from Maid Marian as the winning prize. Occupation East India Trading Company | Stabbington Brothers | He ends up tricked by the con artists, represented by J. Worthington Foulfellow and Gideon, and parades through the kingdom in his long johns, only realizing his mistake when a girl pointed out the truth. Allies Full Name Viscount Mabrey | Sergeant Clairbourne | Wooly Bill Hitchcock | Aaron Burr | Sofia the First Villains | The Sheriff trapped Robin in a tower by setting fire to the castle, forcing Robin to jump in the moat, where he was shot at by archers. He seems to have had a love/hate relationship with his deceased mother Eleanor of Aquitaine, who he claims favored Richard over him but cries out in agony whenever he insults her memory. Mr. Dawes Sr. | Robin Hood and his Merry Men, poverty, his brother, not getting his way, being bullied, being humiliated, being robbed, Sir Hiss hissing in his ear, being reminded of his mother, being denounced Lady Tremaine | Kronk | Little is known of Prince John's past, other than the fact that he is the younger brother of King Richard. Lucinda | Status He was animated by the late Disney veteran Ollie Johnston. - See if anda can answer this Disney trivia question! There was also evidence that he intended to break the treaty, although he died a year after its signing before he could ever get a chance to do so. False Shadow Blot | Speckles | Oswald Gardner | If you came here from a link, please go back and make the right link for one of the villains listed below. She is the seventh official Disney Princess. However, Robin caught on to this plan, and he and Little John agreed to trigger a jailbreak that night to save the Friar's life. Edgar Balthazar | Luke & Tinker | Cerberus | Wilse Owens | Kingdom Hearts Villains | Injun Joe | The King and the Duke | John Wilkins | Mitch Wilkinson | Polar Bear Thugs (Koslov, Raymond & Kevin) | Somehow, Little John, Robin Hood, Sora and others sneak into his convoy and manage to take the gold, then flee after taking out some of John's guards. Feature films Shark | Lazlo | To date, of the 195 churches I have visited, I was spoken to in … Frank Slater | In the original film, he was voiced by the late Peter Ustinov, who also voiced his older brother King Richard in the same film and Manny Rat in The Mouse and His Child. Mike | Unable to resist this opportunity to see his lost love again, Robin eagerly enrolled in the tournament, disguised as a stork while Little John disguised himself as a duke. Armando Salazar | The Sniveling, Groveling, Measely, Weaseling. Neverland Pirates (Mr. Smee) | With Brian Bedford, Phil Harris, Roger Miller, Peter Ustinov. By the time of the film, he had set his sights on the wealthy village of Nottingham and proceeded to assert his rule over the city. Usurp his brother's throne, so he can become the richest king in all of the land (succeeded for a time, but then failed).Collect all of the taxes from the poor people of Nottingham.Kill Robin Hood (both failed). 1 Background 1.1 Personality 2 Appearances 2.1 Robin Hood 2.1.1 Alternate ending 2.2 House of Mouse 2.3 Once Upon a Time 3 Gallery 4 Trivia King Richard was the older brother and, according to Prince John, was favored by their mother. Headless Horseman | Directed by Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson. The Wolf | fanpop quiz: Who provided the voice of "Prince John" in 1973 Disney classic, "Robin Hood" - See if wewe can answer this Disney trivia question! Linda Walker | Dr. Frankenollie | Animators Beast | Fillmore! Princess Mombi | One notable appearance was in "Gone Goofy" when he was asked by Iago if he could kiss Abu awake after eating a poisoned apple. fanpop quiz: Peter Ustinov provided the voice of Prince John in the 1973 disney cartoon, "Robin Hood" - See if tu can answer this disney trivia question! Prince John likely knew the result of this; he was not seeking to get even more money, rather he was aware that most, if not all of the citizens of Nottingham would be sent to the dungeon as they could not afford such a crushing tax rate. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, just flip a coin. Sarah Sanderson | If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, just flip a coin. Bandar Log (1994) (King Louie (1994) & Kaa (1994)) | Jasper & Horace | Prince Achmed | Sir Hiss criticized him for his failure with John threatening to hit him with a wooden stick if he didn't shut up. Undertow | While traveling near the Queen's castle, he hears Snow White singing into the \"wishing\" well (\"I'm Wishing\"), and approaches her. Relatives 32 Prince John Played Red cat In All Mice Go To Heaven 2 (Nikkdisneylover8390's version) 33 Prince John played Nigel in Rio (Disney and Sega Style) 34 Prince John played Hans in Frozen (CoolZDane Animal Style) 35 Prince John played Mr. Burns in Disney The Simpsons; 36 Prince John played Judge Claude Frollo in The Young Mouse of Notre Dame He would return for the same event in 2014. Television programs Mother! Voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, he has speaking roles in the episodes "House of Crime" and "Pete's House of Villains". Hobby Bandits | Wilson Croft | Borra | Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marian, Lady Kluck, Friar Tuck, Trigger and Nutsy, King Richard Toby Stephens played a similar interpretation of Prince John in the BBC TV series. Shadow Blot | He is also outraged about news of what his subjects really think of him; when the Sheriff reports to work humming and singing "The Phony King of England" and the prince asks what it means, the Sheriff says it is the latest hit song. Meghan Markle's making her Disney debut as a voice-over artist nearly a year after Prince Harry lobbied Bob Iger. When pushed to the end of his rope, he ordered the Sheriff of Nottingham to "double the taxes, triple the taxes" and squeeze every last coin out of the townspeople and did not care about what would happen. Vince Heber | Crew of the Black Pearl (Bo'sun, Scratch, Pintel & Ragetti) | V.A. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Lyle Van de Groot | Utterly humiliated, John swore revenge on Robin Hood, labeling him a wanted man in Nottingham. and orders the Sheriff to squeeze every last coin from the peasants. Opal Koboi | Villains. Kendall Duncan | He also has a very bad habit of sucking his thumb intensely at the most inappropriate times, making him appear childish and immature but also making him a tr… Morgana le Fay | Eddie Taffet | Julius | Shere Khan (2016) | Pinocchio Villains | Mr. Winkie | Surrounded by a very large army of henchmen, he easily robs the people of England of all they have, causing misery and despair among the population. Utterly humiliated, John swore revenge on Robin Hood, labeling him a wanted man in Nottingham. Robin Hood Villains | The Sheriff discovered this and when Little John got distracted, John ordered his minions to do away with Robin. Cardinal Richelieu | Unable to resist this opportunity to see his lost love again, Robin eagerly enrolled in the tournament, disguised as a stork while Little John disguised himself as a duke. Neils Skellig | Eli Squinch | Tin Soldiers | Sark | He is usually seen with Sir Hiss. Hercules Villains | Scab and Scraw | (Elimination by COMMENTS) - Read the results on this poll and other Disney Princess polls Skeletons | When Robin won the tournament as John had planned, after recognizing him when shaking his hand, he unmasked his enemy in front of the crowd and had him arrested and sentenced to "immediate death". In 2013, Prince John took part in "Long Lost Friends Week" at the Magic Kingdom. Star vs. the Forces of Evil Villains | Sykes | Drizella Tremaine (2015) | Harpe Brothers | Timber Wolf | Marvel Animated Movie Universe Villains | He is also extremely short-tempered, belligerent, unruly and quarrelsome, often being set off at the slightest criticism, or when he is humiliated and lashes out at anybody nearby. Collect all of the taxes from the poor people of Nottingham.Kill Robin Hood (both failed). Pixar Villains: Sid Phillips • Scud • Hopper • Molt • Emperor Zurg • Stinky Pete • Randall Boggs • Henry J. Waternoose III • Bruce • Syndrome • Chick Hicks • Chef Skinner • AUTO • Charles F. Muntz • Lotso • Miles Axlerod • Professor Z • Mor'du • Thunderclap • Ernesto de la Cruz • Evelyn Deavor • Dragon the Cat The King (2017) | Huntsgirl | Agent Woods | And it was all in vain. Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) | Maid Marian pleaded with him to show mercy, but her pleas fell on deaf ears, even after Robin proclaimed his undying love for Maid Marian. Juice | However, Prince John and Sir Hiss entered the church, where Prince John pulls out a dagger to finish the wounded outlaw, despite Maid Marian's attempts to defend Robin. J.Sire (by both Sir Hiss and the Sheriff of Nottingham)Poor Prince John (by the Sheriff of Nottingham) Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Dr. Kozak | Keeping quiet, he recovered all the gold in the room and gave it back to the overjoyed prisoners, who prepared to make off with what was rightfully theirs. He ends up getting tricked by the con artists, represented by J. Worthington Foulfellow and Gideon, and parades through the kingdom in his long johns, only realizing his mistake when a girl points out the truth. Mary Sanderson | Little John proceeded to free Friar Tuck and all of the prisoners, mostly residents of Nottingham who were locked up for defaulting on taxes. Fat Cat | Jabberwock | Speed | Crew of the Flying Dutchman (Maccus & Kraken) | Fanpop quiz: Peter Ustinov provided the voice of Prince John in the 1973 Disney cartoon, "Robin Hood" - See if Du can answer this Disney trivia question! Professor Siles | Prince John also set up his residence in his mother's castle in Nottingham where Maid Marian, Robin's former love, still resided. Wolves | Arpine Lusene | Wynnchel & Duncan | Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, David Hand. Bruton | Beast (2017) | When he found Sir Hiss inside the same ale barrel (having been forced in there by Friar Tuck to prevent the latter from exposing Robin Hood's true identity), due to his anger at being humiliated as well as Sir Hiss supplying information about the stork's true identity that he by that point already knew, vented his rage by tying him to a knot on a pole and daring him to get himself out of it if he can.