[50] In Plutt's possession, it would sit unused for years in Niima Outpost. Solo: A Star Wars Story covers a lot of ground for Han's backstory, and the film ends with him winning the Millennium Falcon from Lando after preventing Calrissian from … Calrissian promised that they would rescue Solo, as both he and Chewbacca understood Fett was taking their friend to Jabba. [38], As Rey searched for the dagger to get more clues, the group later rescued Chewbacca but managed to get themselves captured. Obviously, Han had not yet won the ship from Lando and another crew was flying her. Lando's Millenium Falcon - Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game Expansion Pack - Auc. Affiliation This exquisite model is the perfect replica to bring to the table and battle against the Empire, in style. he had it stored at Niima Outpost. [11], The ship had three deflector shield generators: the bow was protected from both lasers and concussion missiles by Torplex and Nordoxicon units, while a Kuat Drive Yards generator shielded the stern.[11]. Unique Ability 1 : Coin Toss – FINAL TEXT: Lando’s Millennium Falcon has +5% Critical Damage for each enemy without a buff. George Lucas confirmed that it was the Millennium Falcon and not just another ship of the same class. Power 90595; Speed 206; Health 104,471 The crew were unaware that the recently repaired hyperdrive had been disabled by Vader's men, and only a last-minute patch by R2-D2 prevented the Falcon from falling into Imperial hands. [2] As was intended, the ship began its career as an intermodal tug pushing container in orbital freight yards. We know about the bar, the cape room, and the very comfy bed. Han Solo and Chewbacca once again take ownership of the Falcon. Solo was impressed with how much Rey knew about the ship itself, and how it worked. As iconic as the character himself is his ship, the Millennium Falcon, which looks a little bit different in its earlier days. Characters of Star Wars: The High Republic, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Alliance to Restore the Republic starships, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Poe Dameron Book VII: The Awakening, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual, Star Wars: Millennium Falcon: A 3D Owner's Guide, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, 29L electromagnetic countermeasures package, First skirmish in the Mesulan Remnants Belt, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition. Calrissian was able to pilot the craft into the energy core housing the main reactor, fired upon the reactor, and headed for the exhaust port. [17], Millennium Falcon blasts out of Echo Base, Three years after the Battle of Yavin, the Falcon was undergoing repairs in the main hangar of the Rebel installation Echo Base as the Empire began its assault on Hoth. For Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections, the author Jason Fry intended for the book to include information about the freighter series being able to act as a cargo pusher, but was unable to get the image in time. Their search had missed the crew, who were hidden in a series of secret smuggling holds. [38], With the Final Order destroyed by the combined forces of the Exegol strike team and the galaxy fleet, Rey and the Resistance emerged victorious, left Exegol to return to Ajan Kloss. Crew [2] Calrissian modified the freighter, inside and out,[11] converting it into his own speedy sports vessel as Calrissian saw how powerful its freight-pushing engines were. The Falcon barely outran the massive explosion that destroyed the powerful battle station. The collector Karr Nuq Sin traveled to Jakku in his quest to learn about the Jedi Order, and he and his friend Maize Raynshi boarded the ship. Kristin Baver Kristin Baver is a journalist who loved science fiction before she could even write her own name. Bandai Hobby Star Wars 1/144 Plastic Model Millennium Falcon (Lando Calrissian Ver.) [51], After the confrontation with Kylo Ren following the death of Solo, Chewbacca rescued Finn and Rey aboard the Falcon, managing to escape the planet as it exploded. When challenged by Kenobi about his ship's speed, Solo bragged that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0.5 past lightspeed, and that it "made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. Navigation system Kylo Ren later arrived on Kef Bir, destroyed Rey's wayfinder and dueled with the scavenger. [46] Under the captaincy of Solo, the Falcon was further customized. The expansion features a detailed miniature of the Millennium Falcon as it was presented in the ownership of Lando Calrissian. When Skywalker joined the conversation and asked where Solo was, Organa told him about what happened and promised that they would find him. [8] However, Calrissian was injured during a raid on Kessel, leaving the smuggler Han Solo and Wookiee Chewbacca in command of the ship. Metal Earth Star Wars Imperial AT-AT , R2-D2, and Millennium Falcon. First skirmish in the Mesulan Remnants Belt[15]Job on Kullgroon[16]Raid on Kessel[12]Secret mission to Tatooine[17]Battle of Yavin[17]Cyrkon Extraction[18]Assault on Cymoon[13]Rescue of Luke Skywalker[19]Battle of Vrogas Vas[20]Hijacking of the Harbinger[21]Siege on Tureen VII[22]Escape from Skorii-Lei[23]Mission to Akiva[24]Mission to rescue C-3PO[25]Mission to Jedha[26]Mutiny on Mon Cala[27]Assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks[28]Mission to Shu-Torun[29]Mission to K43[30]Escape from Cloud City[4]Battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three[31]Battle of Endor[32]Skirmish on Takodana[33]Liberation of Kashyyyk[34]Escape from Jakku[5]Skirmish aboard the Eravana[5]Battle of Starkiller Base[5]Battle of Crait[35]Mission to Mon Cala[36]Mission to Minfar[37]Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony[38]Mission to Pasaana[38]Mission to Kijimi[38]Mission to Kef Bir[38]Battle of Exegol[38] The detail is incredible, down to the hyperdrive initiation lever. share. "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Visit the Bandai Hobby Store. Before we begin, let’s take a look at Lando’s version of the Falcon: Here’s the outside of the ship. Owner(s) $24.95. The Empire had arrived first, however, due to Fett tailing the Falcon to Bespin. Chewbacca and Calrissian were discussing Solo, with the latter questioning what they would have done if the Falcon had caught up with Slave I, noting that firing Fett's ship out of the sky would have killed Solo. George Lucas has confirmed that it was the Millennium Falcon that was seen and not just some other YT-1300 freighter. Double Down-Buckle Up- The weaponry of the Millennium Falcon was normally suited for a much larger warship. [38], Poe suggested traveling to the planet Kijimi to have the Sith text extracted from C-3PO's memory. Lando makes a final decision to plow the Millennium Falcon through the force field in a self-sacrificing gesture for the Rebel Alliance. in Empire? She then buried Anakin's and Leia's lightsabers beneath the sands of the homestead, having built her own. The wreckage was reconditioned by a salvager, who used several sections and modules from a scrapped YT-1300p freighter to repair the ship. Armament Skywalker, however, began to be distracted by thinking about Kenobi and Vader, but he then used the Force on the TIEs, ripping the controls from the pilots' hands, allowing them to deviate from their course and collide with each other; giving Organa a chance to blast them. That means that for our purposes here, we will need to restore the ship not to like new, but back to Lando’s taste, which is basically as fancy as possible. Forced to travel into the depths of the colony by a wall of TIEs, the Falcon destroyed a number of its pursuers before jumping to hyperspace through one of the colony's walls. [10] According to Ralsius Paldora, the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive failed 1.22 times more than the one on the YT-2400 light freighter. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Lando and the Falcon explode in a beautiful burst of energy and color.’ After rescuing Skywalker, who was dangling from a weather vane on the underside of Cloud City, the ship left the planet and attempted to jump to lightspeed. Archived. Lando Calrissian’s slick droid co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon in the Solo trailer might be a deep-cut Easter egg to really old school Star Wars books. The Lando’s Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack is a really nice model I am using for the Star Wars D20 saga system for my RPG Group , Fantasy Flight Games do really nice models for the Star Wars Universe. Rey, accompanied by BB-8, later took the Falcon to Tatooine, to visit Luke Skywalker's old, abandoned home. Later, the Falcon's crew arrived at Takodana and met Maz Kanata. The Falcon's combination of sublight speed and maneuverability was comparable to most of the starfighters fielded by the Rebellion and Empire, while its shielding, hyperdrive, and heavy weapons were on par with those typically found on capital ships. But long before Han Solo owned the Millennium Falcon and made his own brand of special modifications to the ship, it belonged to infamous gambler and smuggler Lando Calrissian. Please click the dropdown below to see the full list. [38], The group, save for Rey, returned to base. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! The Falcon was later carried by a group of TIE fighters to the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. 1 Publisher's summary 2 Media 2.1 … They then killed a scanning crew before they could be detected by the scanner. Light freighter[1] Cargo capacity Navy Photo etch detail set for Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars Solo from Bandai in 1/144 scale. However, thanks to Chewbacca, its smuggler captain had a change of heart. Landos millennium falcon. Corell Industries Limited[3]Republic Group[2]Alliance to Restore the Republic[17]New Republic[39]Resistance[5] In 34 ABY, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 stole the vessel to escape an attack from the First Order on the outpost. While the pair were conversing, a Nikto named Gannis Ducain offered to co-pilot for Solo after overhearing that Chewbacca was with his family and that Solo was short-handed for a job. Lando, promoted General Calrissian, flew this ship again while Han Solo was held hostage by Jabba the Hutt and during the Battle of Endor. best. $25.00. Escape craft These effects can't be Evaded or Resisted. Upgraded Chedak subspace radio[1] Thanks to quick thinking by those aboard the Falcon, the ship was made to appear as if the crew had escaped soon after taking off from Tatooine. A Technician[3]Lando Calrissian[4]Han Solo[1]Chewbacca[1]Gannis Ducain[1]Vanver and Toursant Irving[1]Unkar Plutt[1]Rey[5]Rose Tico[6] 3 years ago. He permitted her to kill Organa if she was able to, as he had no use for her, but Vader explained to her that there was someone else who was often aboard the Falcon. Pieces. Durasteel shell[2]Duralloy plating[11]Military-grade armor[2] Lando sees many of his comrades dying for the Alliance. $21.00 + $10.00 shipping. [34], Prior to the Battle of Jakku, Temmin tried to convince Solo to lend him the Millennium Falcon so that he could travel to Jakku to rescue his mother Norra, who was hunting for the Imperial fugitive Grand Admiral Rae Sloane. [32], Several months later, Solo and Chewbacca traveled through space on the Millennium Falcon. Star Wars has introduced a number of characters, alien species, planets, and starships since A New Hope was released in 1977, but the most famous starship is the Millennium Falcon, primarily commanded by Han Solo and his loyal friend, Chewbacca. The Falcon then attempted to make the jump into lightspeed, but was stopped short by an equipment malfunction. YT-1300 "Lando’s Millennium Falcon. At the start of its turn, the Falcon has a 50% chance each to Dispel all debuffs on a random ally, Dispel all buffs on a random enemy, Target Lock a random enemy, and grant Speed Up for 2 turns to a random ally. Lando's Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack is a supplement to the Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition miniatures game from Fantasy Flight Games. Movies. [4], Forced to take drastic measures to avoid capture, Solo made the decision to pilot the Falcon into a nearby asteroid field in an attempt to lose the Imperial pursuers. YT Dart (under Lando)[12] FreighterSmuggling ship [34], The Millennium Falcon after the Battle of Endor, Norra and her team found Solo and the Falcon on the planet Irudiru. [2], During the Clone Wars, the freighter was property of the Republic Group. He feels that the Alliance might die itself if something is not done soon. [38], The First Order later captured the Falcon, Chewbacca, and the dagger; attempting to save Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroyed a First Order transport with Force lightning. May 19, 2020 3:36AM edited May 2020. Each model is made from a pair of completely flat laser-etched steel sheets. However, his repairs were cut short as he had unknowingly landed inside a space slug. The Millennium Falcon, originally designated YT 492727ZED and formerly known as the Stellar Envoy, was a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter most famously used by the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca, during and following the Galactic Civil War. 1[5] It had not gone far: Solo had attached the Falcon to a blind spot on the conning tower of the Star Destroyer. Fascinations ICONX Star Wars STORMTROOPER 3D Laser Cut Metal Earth Model Kit. Rey dismissed the pilot, quipping that he was a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joined her in condemning his companion. Model The Falcon's only real combat weakness was its sheer size in comparison to starfighters. Here are some more facts about the prequel films. However, during Han Solo's infamous record-breaking Kessel Run, in which he piloted the freighter for the first time, many of these additions were destroyed or lost, leaving the ship battered by the time Solo won it from Calrissian shortly afterwards in a game of sabacc. I dont know why i farmed this but i did. [5], The Millennium Falcon's Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines were heavily modified through the addition of a SLAM overdrive that rerouted energy for acceleration bursts. Adhering to standard Imperial procedure, the Star Destroyers of Death Squadron ejected all scrap and garbage before entering hyperspace. The Lando’s Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack contains a fully-assembled, pre-painted customized YT-1300 light freighter miniature, including a detachable Escape Craft miniature that can be piloted as a separate ship. [49] It was later stolen by Toursant Irving and Vanver Irving—also known as the Irving Boys—before finally ending up in the possession of junk boss Unkar Plutt on Jakku. He feels that the Alliance might die itself if something is not done soon. Lando expects to entertain, and as a result the Millennium Falcon's interior is far more impressive under his captaincy. © 2021 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines (2) (heavily modified)[11] circular Rectenna dish reinstalled after it lost its rectangular one at the Battle of Crait. At least two of its members speculated on whether it could be the Millennium Falcon that they'd heard so many stories about, but at the time they could not confirm whether it was. $5.75 Add to Cart Add to Wishlist Share 2 . Using the Falcon, Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrated the base, lowered the shields, and reunited with Rey, who had been captured on Takodana by the First Order. Solo: A Star Wars Story covers a lot of ground for Han's backstory, and the film ends with him winning the Millennium Falcon from Lando after preventing Calrissian from cheating yet again. [1] After Solo was captured on Bespin, Calrissian took command of the Falcon once more to search for him. The infographic Fictional Travel Times estimated that the Millennium Falcon, with its class 0.5 hyperdrive, can travel at 6.13 quadrillion miles per hour, and that it may be capable of traveling from one galaxy to another within 100 days. Norra was joined by her son Temmin Wexley, the B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, the former Imperial Sinjir Rath Velus, the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari, and the New Republic Special Forces soldier Jom Barell. The Falcon is pursued as it flees Cloud City. A year later, Solo corresponded with his wife Organa via hologram on the edge of Wild Space. During the Falcon's time in the possession of the smuggler Lando Calrissian, it accumulated numerous modifications in the name of convenience and luxury, including painted exterior paneling and a large escape pod. And now, they can be unlocked in Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes™. An expert pilot, he served as Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor, flew an X-wing in the raid on Starkiller Base and survived the First Order’s assault on Crait.