The diminutive Mini-Cons and Unicron's building presence were the driving force of Transformers: Armada. Image not available. Popular features include daily news, toy galleries, a … January 21, 2017 Nexus . The already formidable hands of the Chaos Bringer will now have 15 points of articulation, 3 per finger, so Unicron can … (If you don't believe us, look at the response to the Star Wars prequels.) The second anime-influenced Transformers series to hit western viewers (called 'Micron Legends' in Japan), Armada presented a curious mixture of exciting storylines and downright stupid elements. Unicron is the overarching antagonist of the Transformers franchise. Here is my Pitch. Adventure Fanfiction Transformers. Mouse over to Zoom- Click to enlarge. transformers armada/energon unicron parts lot wings planet ring. He is a giant cosmic Cybertronian god who serves as a multiversal singularity desiring to find peace by consuming and destroying all reality around him, as well as the twin brother and arch-nemesis of Primus, the creator of the Transformers. That is, if Unicron doesn't destroy everything. Opens image gallery. These Transformers gives their masters a massive power boost either to defend or destroy. Naturally, the two were eventually revealed to be connected— Unicron created the Mini-Cons to exacerbate the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. That's pretty much it. Energon: The IDEA of a corrupt Megs and 'cons trying to revive Unicron is good, Just reanimate the show, revoice act, and rewrite in new parts continuing plots from armada like Starscream. Add to library 10 Discussion 18. UNICRON, Transformers Armada, Hasbro When fans are waiting for and anticipating something for 17 years, expectations get damn high...and that means the odds of disappointing those fans also become higher. Transformers Armada: True calling. Transformers Armada: When Alexis finds out Starscream may have survived she and her aunt head to Cybertron to save him. Beware the inescapable clutches of the mighty Unicron! Picture Information. Unicron - Armada - Toy Gallery (Page #1) is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. The Autobots and the Decepticons are going at it again, but this time the two factions are fighting over little transformers called the Mini-Cons. RELATED: 5 Of The Best Transformers TV Shows (& 5 Of The Worst) With Garry Chalk, David Kaye, Michael Dobson, Matt Hill. Start | Continuity: Unicron Trilogy | Energon Japan Equivalent: Micron Densetsu (Legend) Transformers: Armada marked the second sea change in the history of the Transformers. Transformers War for Cybertron Unicron Reveals New Features and Accessories! And, again this battle is on Earth. Transformers Armada Unicron Leg Replacement Parts. Bursting onto the scene in 2002, Armada presented a new unity of series design that had been lost since Beast Wars, as well as a series-wide play pattern, the first of several series, led by Japanese fiction, to do so. $44.44. Part of Hasbro's Platinum Edition offerings for 2016 intended to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Transformers: The Movie, Unicron is a redeco of the 2010 Transformers Unicron toy, itself a retool of Armada Unicron. Free shipping. Armada: Fix the first season's animation and some voice acting. $9.99 + $3.25 shipping!