TOUR DETAILS. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Saint Augustine was the bishop of Hippo Regius (modern-day Annaba, Algeria), located in the Roman province of Africa. Emperor Honorius endorsed the outcome of the council and Donatist churches and properties were confiscated. Hippo regius. Destroyed by the Vandals in 431, Hippo Regius passed to the Byzantine emperor Justinian in 533, and about two centuries later (697) it was overcome by Arabs. In der Antike lag hier die Stadt Hippo Regius.Die Araber nannten sie Beleb el-Anab und während der französischen Herrschaft 1830–1962 lautete der Name Bône. Premium PDF Package. Das ph nizische Hippo (Bucht, Schutzhafen) wurde zur r mischen Zeit Hippo Regius, Hippone, die K nigliche. This paper. [1] In even earlier days, the city was a royal residence for Numidian kings. Dieter Quast. Hier lebte und wirkte, bis zum seinem Tod im Jahre 430, der Bischof Aurelius Augustinus. Download PDF. PDF. VÖLKERWANDERUNGSZEITLICHE FRAUENGRÄBER AUS HIPPO REGIUS (ANNABA/BÔNE) IN ALGERIEN. Augustinus war der Bischof von Hippo Regius (dem heutigen Algerien) in der römischen Provinz Afrika. Annaba Annaba ist eine Küstenstadt am Mittelmeer im äußersten Nordosten Algeriens mit etwa 207.000 Einwohnern. Hippo Regius is the ancient name of the modern city of Annaba, in Algeria. Die germanischen Vandalen von Geiseric zogen 429 in Nordafrika ein, und von 435 kontrollierten Küsten-Numidien, die keine bedeutende Ansiedlung auf dem Land machten, da sie von lokalen Stämmen belästigt wurden. Set out to the ancient port close to the Tunisian border and that was the home of Augustine of Hippo and a center of early Christianity known as Hippo Regius. Earn free nights, get our Price Guarantee & make booking easier with! 9.AM. Zur Zeit der Franzosen wurde die Stadt B ne genannt. TOUR DURATION. A short summary of this paper. Château de l’ Ouenza 1.4 km: Plage du Lever de l’Aurore 1.9 km: Pointe du Lion 1.9 km: Plage Gassiot 1.9 km: Basilique de Saint-Augustin 2.9 km: Basilique de Saint Augustian 2.9 km: Basilique d’ Hippone 2.9 km: Kef Lemettee 3.2 km: Kef Lemette 3.2 km: Plage Fabre 3.5 km: Hippo Regius 4.5 km: Ruines d’ Hippone 4.5 km: Col des Chacals 5.2 km: Massif du Bou Hamra 5.6 km (St.) Augustine, Bishop of Hippo Regius, was a fierce opponent of the Donatists and in 411 a council at Carthage declared their theological views to be heretical. STAY IN. Basilika zur Erinnerung an den Heiligen Augustinus. They did not make any significant settlement on the land, as they were harassed by local tribes. Time Travel Back to the Past. Download Free PDF. PDF. Cancel free on most hotels. Hippo regius definition, a seaport of ancient Numidia: St. Augustine was bishop here a.d. 395-430; the site of modern Annaba, in Algeria. The Germanic Vandals of Geiseric moved into North Africa in 429, and by 435 controlled coastal Numidia. PDF. Annaba. PDF. See more Hippo Regius (Hippo Regius) ist ein/eine Ruine (s) (class S - Spot Feature) in Algeria (general), Algerien (Africa), mit der Regionkennziffer Africa/Middle East. Under this name, it was a major city in Roman Africa, hosting several early Christian councils, and was the home of the philosopher and theologian Augustine of Hippo. Free PDF. Compare 10 hotels near Hippo Regius in Annaba using 71 real guest reviews. 2.5 hours . PICK-UP TIME. Follow us on Instagram: forthebone Our Facebook page: Bône In Tape. Hippo Regius later became a centre of Christian thought, housing the Council of Hippo (393 ce) and forming the bishopric of St. Augustine (396–430). Download PDF Package. Download Full PDF Package. OVERVIEW. An early centre of piracy, it remained one of the small cities of …