Human Resource Management is essential for every organisation’s success. Human Resource Management is a profession in which no two paths are exactly the same. Human Resource Management, International Business... Bad Honnef, München, Düsseldorf, Berlin... Business Administration (Schwerpunkt Human... Internationales Management (Schwerpunkt Human... Stuttgart, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, München,... Hamburg, München, Düsseldorf, Idstein, Berlin,... Fernstudium, Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium, Fernlehrgang. The University of London sites uses cookies. Institution Profile. latest Human Resource Management (HRM) research insights and concepts taught by a top-class international teaching faculty; opportunity to put theory and practice into an organisational strategy; exposure to and practical experience in the real business world through internships; interactive classes in an international student group. For this degree, you will also need Adobe Flash Player to view video material and a media player (such as VLC) to play video files. He is Chartered MCIPD, an Associate Fellow of the HEA and a Member of the Association of Business Psychologists. You study one module at a time over a sixteen-week study session. A Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management offers an academically sound and practically relevant study program for future HR professionals. The MSc Leadership and Human Resource Management is designed and awarded by The University of Law and delivered at GISMA’s campus in Berlin. Studium MBA; Program studia. You study at a time and pace that suits you (subject to course-specific deadlines) using the study materials provided and support from a dedicated tutor. bachelor). We advise you to explore the local recognition status before you register, even if you plan to receive support from a local teaching institution. Each module includes interactive study materials, including videos, quizzes and online discussions. Aber du siehst, was möglich ist. It also considers international examples of human resource management and some aspects of comparative HR practice, helping to prepare you for work in the global economy. Each module also includes a revision week and revision guidance. Meist endet sie für das Wintersemester (Start September/Oktober) im Juli und für das Sommersemester (Start März/April) im Januar. Video(s) On Campus. Je nachdem, wie groß die Nachfrage nach Studienplätzen ist, kann es sein, dass es einen Numerus Clausus (NC) als Zugangsvoraussetzung gibt. In manchen HR Studiengängen gibt es auch einen Schwerpunkt bzw. To get the best results, simply enter your predicted grades here. People working in human resources can transition into administrative services, compensation and benefits management, labor relations specialists, and even executive-level positions like CEO, COO, or company president. Read more . Birkbeck is a world-class research and teaching institution. Ein Human Resource Management Studium ist für Dich ideal, wenn Du Dich gerne um die Personalführung und -verwaltung kümmerst. Study full-time or part-time with the support of a local teaching centre. Offenheit für Neues und Spaß am Umgang mit Menschen sind zwei grundlegende Eigenschaften, wenn man im HR erfolgreich sein möchte. Start Your HR Manager Career! To study modules on an individual basis, you should meet the same criteria. HR Management; HR Management . Für den Bachelor braucht man in den meisten Fällen nur eine sogenannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, also das Abitur oder Fachabitur (Fachhochschulreife). Denn auch in Studienangeboten wie International Management bzw. Apr 2021. Zu den Studieninhalten gehören ökonomische, psychologische und/oder pädagogische Fächer – je nach Ausrichtung des Human Resources Management Studiums. Expand your horizons and gain international experience at our Institute in Paris. Die Regelstudienzeit liegt bei 4 Semestern, Start ist im Sommer- und Wintersemester. Build extensive knowledge about human resource management (in areas including careers, personnel selection, training, employment relations, practices in human resource management, and well-being at work). What is Human Resource Management? Design and evaluate qualitative and quantitative research, and carry out basic forms of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis on quantitative data. Wenn du International Human Resources Management studiert hast, sind deine Gehaltsaussichten ebenfalls positiv, denn du bist durch deine internationale Kompetenz vielseitig einsetzbar. bei der IUBH richtig. On completion of this programme, you'll have acquired the knowledge and understanding to apply for full professional membership of the CIPD. Course type Location University Related subjects: Human Resources Management (212) Management (963) Administrative Management (1) Management Skills (424) Management … Use technology to obtain research data in human resource management. Design and evaluate qualitative and quantitative research, and carry out basic forms of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis on quantitative data. Tutorials, examples and mutual talks will be transformed to the special position of managers in the education. The main responsibilities of HR are to recruit new talent, manage employee compensation and benefits, offer training, and both appraise and increase the overall performance and satisfaction of employees. Damit du dir ein ungefähres Bild machen kannst, haben wir dir ein paar Gehaltsbeispiele für Personaler zusammengestellt: Bitte bedenke immer: Diese Angaben sind Durchschnittswerte und dienen lediglich zur Orientierung. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Darüber hinaus bietet Dir das Studium schon ab dem ersten Semester personalwissenschaftliche Vorlesungen. Aber manche Hochschulen – besonders die privaten Anbieter, die in der Regel zudem individuelle Bewerbungsverfahren haben – weichen davon ab. Successful people management, effective recruitment and a knowledge of employment law are keystones to the running and development of any company, whatever its size. She is currently also in charge of the qualitative forums of the Research Methods module. Betriebswirt Personalwirtschaft, Berufe in Pflegepädogik und Pflegebildung, Fern- & Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium Bachelor, Fern- & Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium Master & MBA, Personalmanagement Studium Erfahrungsberichte, Personalleitung | HR Manager International, HR Leiter| HR Business Partner International, HR Director | Personalreferent International, Personalcontrolling | Internationales HR Reporting & Controlling, Elemente der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. You need a high standard of English to study this programme. The full degree course consists of four … Grundsätzlich wirst du im Studium mit sämtlichen Facetten der Personalwirtschaft vertraut gemacht. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser to get the best experience. Tutors oversee all modules; they respond to queries, monitor discussions and provide general guidance. 2021 Best Colleges for Human Resource Management. Human resource management (HRM) is the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing an organization's employees. The combination of theory, practice and professional accreditation ensures that these programmes give students the skills and knowledge they need to pursue a successful career in HRM. Ein Human Resources Studium gibt es in drei Varianten: Wir können keine konkreten Branchen für HR Manager nennen, denn man kann überall zum Einsatz kommen. Human Resource Management, Natural Resource Management, English, Finance, Public Policy, Human Rights +9 More Selected Countries Citizens of eligible countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Eurasia, Middle East and North Africa, East Asia and Pacific, South and … One example is the University of Birmingham's MSc Human Resource Management. It is unique in its special mission to enable mature students to gain higher education qualifications via part-time study. Obwohl die Studiengangsbezeichnungen in Englisch sind, werden die Studieninhalte in den meisten HR Studiengängen auf Deutsch unterrichtet. You can then access your University of London email account and other key resources: We are committed to delivering an exceptional student experience for all of our students, regardless of which of our programmes you are studying and whether you are studying independently or with a Recognised Teaching Centre. Focus on strategic and individual-level improvements, considering factors such as the role of human resource management (HRM) in modern organisations, the issues involved in developing strategic aims (including on an international basis), and employment relations. He has worked internationally as a Director of HR and gained his MSc in Organizational Behaviour at Birkbeck. OUR Vision HRMI will be the Global Centre of Excellence and shaping the future of the Management profession through our members in worldwide . Human Resource Management is a function within an organization which focuses mainly on the recruitment of, management of, and providing guidelines to the manpower in a company. Our flexible approach offers you a range of study options. All study materials (articles and/or set texts) are included in the programme fee, with the exception of materials required to carry out the Research Project. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel Vorlesungen wie. In this MOOC you will engage with some HR theories and then see how they translate into every day working life. Approximately 22,232 human resource management degrees were awarded to students last year in the United States. Human resource management skills apply to many areas allowing you to take your career in a direction that fits your talent and personality. Und natürlich gehört zu den formalen Voraussetzungen auch, dass du die Bewerbungsfrist nicht verpasst. Dr Keely Jo Frasca joined the OPHRM programme in 2018 and currently convenes the Selection and Assessment, Employee Relations and Motivation, and Learning and Development modules. These may increase by up to 5% per year. If you do not meet them, we may still consider your application if you can demonstrate your ability to undertake advanced study. Nahezu jedes Unternehmen, was mehr als nur eine Handvoll Mitarbeiter hat, beschäftigt jemanden, der sich mit der Personalarbeit auskennt. Grundsätzlich lässt sich sagen, dass du im Personalmanagement sehr gut verdienen kannst. Career prospectives. Das mögliche Arbeitsgebiet nach dem Abschluss ist vielfältig. Degrees in Human Resource Management (HRM or HR degrees) prepare students to hire, oversee staffing decisions, and create and maintain the organisational culture within a company. Online On Campus. Du solltest dir zudem darüber im Klaren sein, dass zu deinem späteren Beruf auch unschöne Aufgaben wie beispielsweise Kündigungen gehören können. die Frau für alles“ rund um die Mitarbeiter. Wer eine berufsbegleitende Alternative sucht, ist z.B. Katerina Penna joined the OPHRM programme in 2014 and has since convened several modules on both the Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management programmes of study. This MSc in Organizational Psychology focuses on the social and psychological processes operating in organizations. Human Resources Management degrees 73 universities offer 212 courses including Human Resources Management NEW SEARCH YOUR GRADES Add your grades. He has had papers published at EGOS, OPUS, EURAM. The programme is offered online and is fully supported by a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Alle Fachbereiche auf einen Blick findest Du unter:, (International) Human Resources Management, SRH Fernhochschule – The Mobile University. Es gibt in Deutschland aber einige Studiengänge, bei denen die englische Bezeichnung sinnvoll ist, da sie sehr international konzipiert sind. If you want to develop an academic career, the course provides training in research and academic skills and is ideal preparation for doctoral studies in the field of HR management. Oder lagert diese Aufgaben an Personaldienstleister aus. Study this programme anywhere in the world and receive a fully accredited University of London degree. Exams are usually held in December, March and July. Read more . Vorab: Nachfolgend findest du passende Studiengänge im Bereich Human Resources Management, aber auch Angebote mit dem deutschen Namen Personalmanagement. 'Students are given the opportunity to examine, in some depth, human … Wismar, Stuttgart, Hannover, Leipzig, Frankfurt am... International Management (Schwerpunkt Human... Göttingen, Stade, Berlin, Dortmund, Hannover,... BWL (Schwerpunkt Human Resource Management). In globalisierten Märkten und in Unternehmen, die länderübergreifend arbeiten, kommt die internationale Komponente zusätzlich noch ins Spiel: andere Länder, andere arbeitsrechtliche Regelungen, andere Arbeitsmentalitäten etc. Build extensive knowledge about human resource management (in areas including careers, personnel selection, training, employment relations, practices in human resource management, and well-being at work). It's best to choose a course that is approved or accredited by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD). Organizational Psychology & Human Resources... Human Resources Management, Info-Webinar zum MBA... Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium, Fernstudium, Berufsbegleitender Präsenzlehrgang. Birkbeck was founded in 1823 as the London Mechanics' Institute. So step forward "human resource management"! Das Human Resource Management Studium gehört zu den betriebswirtschaftlichen Studiengängen. You will also need to budget for exam centre fees, which are paid directly to the venues where you sit your exams. Each module is assessed by a series of written online activities (30% of the module mark), and a coursework essay of 4,000-5,000 words (70% of the mark). Informiere dich also vorher bei der Hochschule bzw. The key difference is HRM in recent times is about fulfilling management objectives of providing and deploying people and a greater emphasis on planning, monitoring and control. A career in Human Resource Management (HRM) can be really rewarding, and incredibly well-suited to anyone who might consider themselves a ‘people person’. This programme content was designed following the professional standards of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Daher stehen im Grundstudium einige Fächer auf dem Plan, die auch bei einem BWL Studium zu finden sind. Without the cost of moving to London, studying for your University of London degree anywhere in the world represents excellent value for money. Campus Read More Earn a scholarship worth up to $10,000. Many of the modules can be studied individually. Mr Mark Stringer has spent the last 35 years in a variety of posts within business and academia in the UK. With so many options it can be a challenge finding the best fit for you. im Studienplan, falls du lieber keine englischsprachigen Module möchtest. Auf stellen wir dir hunderte Studiengänge vor – von A wie Agrarwissenschaft bis Z wie Zahnmedizin. Das gilt vor allem für die Studienangebote, die berufsbegleitend konzipiert sind. Zunächst mal ist “Human Resources Management” (kurz HRM) nur der englische Begriff für das Personalmanagement. International Business gibt es zum Teil einen Schwerpunkt im HR Management. Aber vor allem in den international ausgerichteten Bachelor- oder Masterprogrammen gibt es auch einige englischsprachige Fächer. The aim of the course is to increase the social competence of managers in the field of human resources management and leadership. Rechtliches Wissen eignest D… Develop a critical understanding of people and organisations with this distance-learning Master's in Human Resource Management. Studying with us is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Graduates of this course go on to become training professionals, motivators, careers advisers, managers and consultants within large multinational companies, government departments, or in any company where advanced knowledge of organisational psychology may be useful. Studium; Master; Strategic HR Management in Europe; Strategic HR Management in Europe "After I completed my bachelor’s degree at the FH BFI Vienna and spent several years working in HR and Temporary Placement Services, I decide to continue my studies with the master’s programme “Strategic HR Management in Europe”. Human Resource Management combines the study of management techniques in a general M.B.A. program, with specialized and expert training in Human Resource or Personnel Management.