Juilliard's ACT code: 2778. The Juilliard School offers bachelor’s degrees in music, dance, and drama and postgraduate degrees in music. Juilliard will not make pre-admissions inquiries as to whether or not a student has a disability; however, applicants with documented disabilities who require reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the audition process must notify the Office of Academic Support and Disability Services (OASDS) in writing by the appropriate deadline. The Juilliard School Dance Division offers a four-year conservatory program leading to either a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree or an undergraduate Diploma.The training for all Dance students is based equally in classical ballet and modern dance techniques. What relationship (formal or informal) exists between your home school and your state (or provincial) department of education? These scores must be sent directly from the testing agency. 8 The World Is Waiting Juilliard alum Stephen McKinley Henderson was the 2017 commencement speaker. At various points in the application and audition process, Following review by the Admissions Committee. The 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree program trains dancers in ballet, modern and contemporary techniques. The Juilliard School, founded in 1905, is a world leader in performing arts education. You must submit one of the following test types to prove your mastery of the English language. We recommend that .mov files be converted to another accepted format (.avi, .flv, .m1v, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .webm, .wmv) to avoid uploading difficulties. No skirts, loose fitting tee-shirts, leg warmers, or costumes are permitted. For information about tuition, fees and expenses, please visit Student Accounts. Students who enroll in the Diploma program instead of the B.F.A. We expect each audition to take 3 - 4 hours. Founded in 1905, The Juilliard School is a world leader in performing arts education. In order to be admitted as a Bachelor of Fine Arts student, you must: If you apply to this degree program and are denied admission, you may apply again. If you are requesting a fee waiver, please submit your application (including fee waiver documentation) but do not pay the application fee. Essay Avoid placing yourself in front of a strong light source (for example, a window or an overhead lamp). As a homeschooled student, you will have to respond to the following questions within the online application: Transcript Requirements You may be exempt from the requirement to provide proof of English language proficiency if you meet certain criteria. Located at Lincoln Center in New York City – the arts capital of the nation – Juilliard prepares dancers for all the possibilities that lie ahead. To qualify for an exemption you must: The ability to speak, read, and understand English fluently is an important factor in admissions decisions. About the Artist Diploma in Opera Studies, Center for Innovation in the Arts Courses, Frequently Asked Questions About Juilliard Pre-College, Applicants for whom English is not their native language, SAT/ACT Scores (homeschooled applicants only), notify the Office of Academic Support and Disability Services (OASDS) in writing, Office of Academic Support and Disability Services, Prescreening Notification/Callback Audition Invitations, Possess a high school diploma or its equivalent by the time you enroll, Have a minimum of three years of prior training in ballet and modern or contemporary dance, Currently be training for a minimum of 10 hours per week, Reach the age of 16 by the time you matriculate at Juilliard, A serious commitment to dance training and a career in dance performance, Talent and potential as a performer, including a vivid imagination, courage, and emotional accessibility, An articulate body promising significant development in dance, A willingness to re-evaluate technique and explore new approaches to training, The ability to work as a part of an ensemble including: the strength and sensitivity necessary to partner/be partnered, the ability to work openly and honestly with other dancers, the ability to be flexible in the artistic process with choreographers, directors, or rehearsal assistants, An official College Board fee waiver form signed by a high school guidance counselor, An official SAT fee waiver form signed by a high school guidance counselor, An official NACAC fee waiver form signed by a high school guidance counselor, A letter on school stationery from a college/guidance counselor stating that you qualify for the free lunch program, A letter from someone other than a family member that addresses your financial situation, If you are independent, copies of prior year tax forms, A letter on school stationery from your current college's Financial Aid Office stating that you have financial need of a fee waiver, A personal letter describing your financial situation, written in English (not translated from another language), An electronic record of your academic progress, including grades earned, sent directly to, A paper record of your academic progress, including grades earned, sent in a sealed envelope directly from the issuing institution(s) to the Juilliard Office of Admissions (mailing address below), Your official transcript(s) must show all prior and current high school coursework, Report cards, grade reports, and other student records are not considered official transcripts, If your transcript is not in English, we require the transcript in its original language as well as a certified translation, Your official transcript(s) must show all prior and current coursework equivalent or similar to a US high school curriculum, You will be notified if an official evaluation of your transcript is required in order to verify your academic level. You will receive an email with the results of your request as soon as it is processed. In lieu of a high school diploma, you have the option to submit the following high school equivalencies: If you do not have proof of high school equivalency by the appropriate deadline, you must submit one or more of the documents listed below to demonstrate your academic preparedness. 353 likes. Program: Dance, BFA - The Juilliard School - Acalog ACMS™ Course catalog for The Juilliard School, a performing-arts college in New York City offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in dance, drama and music. Within 12 hours of starting your application you will receive an email with links and a password that will allow you to access the demonstration videos. The faculty is interested in how quickly you pick up choreography, how you respond to and incorporate corrections, and how you function as a member of an ensemble in a rehearsal-like setting. La Juilliard School (ou la Juilliard pour les personnes du milieu) est une école privée de spectacle de New York qui accueille chaque année 800 étudiants dans ses sections musique, danse et art dramatique. The catalog for Juilliard's continuing education program, the Evening Division, is also here. Dance Division faculty and current students have created demonstration videos that will guide you through the ballet technique and modern technique sections of the prescreening. Hard copies of official transcripts may be mailed to: Office of Admissions Notable alumni Dance division. If you have not already done so, you may start an application here. Online Application In our 4-year dance program – leading to a bachelor of fine arts degree – students learn the great traditions of both past and present. The official test results must be sent directly from the testing company and received by the Office of Admissions by the appropriate deadline. During this global pandemic, The Juilliard School has striven to make decisions based on the values of safety and excellence. You are considered a transfer applicant if: Essay Requirement The School makes reasonable accommodations or adjustments for qualified individuals with known disabilities in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). However, women are welcome to do the technique and/or the performance section en pointe if they so choose. Established in 1905, the school trains about 850 undergraduate and graduate students in dance, drama, and music. Dancers who receive favorable prescreening results will be invited to participate in callback auditions that will take place remotely via Zoom at the end of February. Callback auditions will take place remotely via Zoom. Our Applications Requirements Wizard will tell you everything you need to know about applying to Juilliard. The School Dance Spotlights Spotlight on Dance events will be held virtually this year and will include a tour of Juilliard and an in-depth information session, followed by … If you receive favorable prescreening results, you will be invited to participate in callback auditions. You do not need to submit proof of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, ITP Plus). En 1… Official test results must be on file before a decision of admit or waitlist can be released. NOTICE: By clicking the link above, you will be redirected to a third-party website. En 1920, la Juilliard Foundation est créée en l’honneur d’Augustus D. Juilliard, américain d’origine française issu des huguenots. The greatest number of undergraduates are admitted to the music department, and the level of competition varies depending on the instrument or program. Incomplete or insufficient materials may affect consideration for an invitation to callback auditions, If you receive favorable prescreening results, you must participate in callback auditions in order to be considered for admission, An invitation to participate in callback auditions is, If you receive unfavorable prescreening results, you will not be invited to callback auditions, If you are not invited to the callback auditions, you may reasonably conclude that you are no longer under serious consideration for admission, Prescreening results will be sent to you by the date on the, A brief close-up shot of your face, from the shoulders up, Clearly state your full name, current city and country of residence, A prepared solo, either ballet, modern or contemporary, to musical accompaniment, State the title of the solo, the choreographer, and the composer of the music before performing, The solo may be original choreography or from standard repertory, The solo should demonstrate your artistic qualities and flow of movement, The solo should be approximately two minutes in length, You may record your solo at home or in a dance studio, or submit a performance video, (if you have enough space to execute the combination safely), Must be with musical accompaniment (see suggested playlist below), Please note, pointe work is NOT required as part of the video audition. The inability to pay a college application fee should never be a barrier to applying to The Juilliard School. The videos will be made available to dancers who have started an application. Part 1: Ballet Technique Class (60 minutes)  Note that providing other test scores does not exempt you from providing a detailed curriculum. However, we will carefully evaluate your academic record and required essay to make sure you have the scholastic competence necessary to succeed in college-level coursework. Exemptions are determined by your answers to questions on the application form. We reserve the right to review your Juilliard enrollment record to assist with admissions decisions. You will be taught and coached on a brief modern repertory sequence. Let us help find your exact application and audition requirements. If your request for a fee waiver is denied, you will be required to pay the application fee by the deadline. The following outline shows the required distribution of credits by year for the four-year Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) There will be no callbacks between sections; you will participate in the entire audition. The Juilliard Store is the official bookstore for the students of The Juilliard School. Please note, pointe work is NOT required as part of the video audition. To be considered for financial aid and scholarship, you are required to submit the following items by the appropriate deadline: More information about our awarding policies can be found on the Financial Aid section of the website. This list of Juilliard School people contains links to Wikipedia articles about notable alumni and teachers of the Juilliard School in New York City. If you have further questions, please consult our FAQ, or contact us at (212) 799-5000, ext. You may choose to address academic, artistic, or professional goals that you believe could be accomplished by returning. Should a place become available, the Admissions Committee evaluates the waitlist, making offers of admission as necessary. Dance, as an art form, reaches across centuries and cultures. Professionally recorded video is not required. At Juilliard, you will be encouraged to become a versatile and nuanced performer through the exploration of ballet, modern and contemporary techniques. You are required to show proof of English language proficiency by the application deadline if your native language is not English, regardless of citizenship. You will be interviewed alone by a panel comprised of Dance Division faculty. Most students in the Dance Division pursue the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) You are considered a former Juilliard college student if you have not been in attendance during the previous academic year. A letter from a dance teacher that addresses your dedication, openness to corrections, technique, performing skills, and citizenship both in and out of the classroom. The videos will be made available to dancers who have started an application. The purpose of the interview is to gain insight into your interests outside of the dance studio, your personal and professional goals, and to help assess whether you are intellectually and emotionally ready to enter a rigorous conservatory environment. During the application process, there are three points at which you can be denied admission: A denial at any of these stages results in notification that you are no longer under consideration for admission. Course catalog for The Juilliard School, a performing-arts college in New York City offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in dance, drama and music. To learn more about the awarding process, visit our Office of Financial Aid. The 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree program trains dancers in ballet, modern and contemporary techniques. You may use music from our suggested playlist or any music of your choice. In addition to a high caliber of technical training and performance opportunities, dancers will learn about the craft of choreography and immerse themselves in other facets of the field. Should you be admitted and enroll, your final official transcripts, indicating your graduation date, must be received by July 1. The recommendations themselves are not due until later in the application timeline. degree which includes 18 credits in the Liberal Arts Department and 12 credits in Dance History and Anatomy. College - Dance - Bachelor of Fine Arts Application & Audition Requirements, You will receive notification of your admission status (admit, wait list, or deny) through your. Documents must be in either .doc or .pdf format.