Community Triff andere Eltern. Tienda para mascota online Zoomalia. For cross-referencing, the new number's entry also includes the old number (preceded by an asterisk) in parentheses. j'aime" (No.13) from the opera. Unsere Dienstleistungen im Bereich Zahnimplantate. Beethovens (6) geistliche Lieder von Gellert: arr of the song from the incidental music to. Bunte Reihe (24 Stücke von Ferdinand David): Die Gräberinsel (Lied von Ernst, Herzog zu Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha), arr of the song by Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Szózat und Ungarischer Hymnus (Szózat és Magyar Himnusz), Spanisches Ständchen (Melodie von Graf Leó Festetics), Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen (Lied von Robert Franz), Liebesszene und Fortunas Kugel aus dem Oratorium Die sieben Todsünden (Fantasiestück nach Adalbert von Goldschmidt), Löse, Himmel, meine Seele (Lied von Eduard Lassen). Liszt – la partie du violon par J. Joachim) (Hungarian Rhapsody No.XII). [Lyubila ya] (I Loved!) [U] [M] "Romance", 2nd version of S.576b, S.577i/a, S.577ii; see also S.167l, 3rd version of S.576b, S.577i, S.577ii; see also S.167l, Autrefois (Romance du Comte Mikaïl Yourievitch Wielhorsky), 4th version of S.576b, S.577i, S.577i/a; see also S.167l., l'animalerie en ligne au meilleur prix. from Act III of the opera, 2nd version of S.443i; arr for org/harm as S.676ii, O du mein holder Abendstern (Rezitativ und Romanze aus der Oper Tannhäuser), based on Wolfram's aria from Act III of the opera, based on the March from Act II of the opera, 3rd version ("Neue vermehtre Ausgabe") of S.445/1a, S.445/1b, based on Elsa's bridal procession from Act II of the opera, based on the Prelude and Bridal Chorus from Act III of the opera, based on Elsa's Dream from Act I of the opera, based on Lohengrin's Rebuke to Elsa from Act III of the opera, Isoldens Liebestod (Schlußszene aus Wagners, arr of the transfiguration scene from the opera, based on themes from the final scene of the opera, Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Gral aus Parsifal, based on the theme of the march from Act I of the opera, based on "Und ob die Wolke sie verhülle" (Act III) and Waltz (Act I) from the opera, Leyer und Schwerdt (Heroide nach Carl Maria von Weber), based on the themes of Nos.6, 3 and 2 from the choral song collection, Einsam bin ich, nicht allein (Volkslied aus dem Schauspiel Preziosa), based on Preciosa's song (Act II, No.7) from the incidental music to, Reminiscences de La Scala (Fantasie über italienische Opernmelodien) [Fantasy on, 2nd version of S.461i; arr for pf4h as S.633, for org/harm as S.658, originally intended to include only the Symphonies Nos.3, 5, 6, and 7, 2nd version of S.463b, S.464/6; only the 5th mvt differs from the 1st version. Accessoires et alimentation pour animaux, blog animaux Willkommen in unserer Community! Finden Sie hier Traueranzeigen, Todesanzeigen und Beileidsbekundungen aus Ihrer Tageszeitung oder passende Hilfe im Trauerfall. This first publication by Ernest Knop (who also wrote the song No.2 is based on) was formerly catalogued by Searle mistakenly as S.155a, believing it was an earlier version of S.156/10–12 published 1842 by Haslinger, and its later revision S.156a. Georg Friedrich Prinz von Preußen heiratete 2011 Sophie Prinzessin von Isenburg, Tochter von Franz Alexander Fürst von Isenburg (1943â2018) und seiner Ehefrau Elisabeth Christine, geb. es la tienda para mascotas online a precios de escándalo que te ofrece más de 100 000 referencias en alimentación, comida, productos y accesorios para animales. Verkäufer aus dem Ausland können Ihnen Artikel regulär über einen internationalen Versandservice zuschicken. The unpublished manuscript was identified in the Liszt Museum at Weimar in 1894, and was still present as late as 1901, but as of 1993 its whereabouts are unknown. Sie liegt auf dem Weg zur Nürnberger Burg ⦠), 1st version of S.75ii, S.75iii; arr v pf as S.306i, Titan (Auf des Athos blauen Felsenspitzen), 4th version of S.79i, S.79ii, S.700j; arr for bar mch orch by Liszt and, Le forgeron (Le fer est dur, frappons, frappons), Arbeiterchor (Herbei, herbei, den Spath' und Schaufel ziert), Hungaria 1848 (Aus Osten aus der Sonne Tor) (Ungaria-Kantate), Chor der Engel aus Goethe's Faust (pt 2) (Rosen, ihr blendenden), 3rd version of S.85i, S.85ii; arr for ch orch by Liszt and, Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Denkmals in Weimar, Weimars Volkslied (Von der Wartburg) (Zur Enthüllung des Carl August Denkmals in Weimar am 3. (b1875?) Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Coburg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Coburg ein Stück näher kommen mit! 2nd version of S.108i, S.108iii; optional choral section (mvt 3b) added 1857, rescored for full orch (including added brass and organ/harmonium) and further small revisions 1857–61, 1st performance this version 1861 cond. Heil! (2) Orchestersätze aus dem Oratorium Christus: Fest-Cantate für die Inaugurations-Feier des Beethoven-Denkmals in Bonn, Pastorale (Schnitterchor aus dem Entfesselten Prometheus), Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe (From the Cradle to the Grave), Epithalam (zu Eduard Reményi's Vermählungsfeier), arr of S.129; Liszt's authorship doubtful, arr of S.185a/10; 1st version of S.613/10, arr of S.185a/11; 1st version of S.613/11, arr of S.185a/12; 1st version of S.613/12, arr of S.186/10; 2nd version of S.612a/10, arr of S.186/11; 2nd version of S.612a/11, arr of S.186/12; 2nd version of S.612a/12, Grande valse di bravura (La bal de Berne), arr of S.225/2; Liszt's authorship uncertain, arr of S.244/18; Liszt's authorshop doubtful, arr of S.244/19; Liszt's authorshop doubtful, Grand fantaisie de concert sur des motifs favoris de l'opera La sonnambula, arr of S.353; Liszt's authorship doubtful, Réminiscences de Robert le diable (Valse infernale), arr of S.413; Liszt's authorship doubtful, Adagio von Die Zauberflöte (Der welcher wandelt diese Strasse), Introduction, Fugue, and Andante after Bach, arr of the introduction and fugue from the cantata, Einleitung zur Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth, arr by Liszt and Carl Müller-Hartung of the introduction from S.2, arr of No.8 from S.3; 1st version of S.664ii, arr of prelude from S.6; see also version for org without ch S.268a, Offertorium aus der Ungarischen Krönungsmesse, arr of S.20ii; incomplete sketch as S.701n, Einleitung, Fuge und Magnificat aus der Symphonie zu Dantes Divina commedia, arr by Liszt (and Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg?) Falls ein Verkäufer in den USA oder Großbritannien ansässig ist, kann er das eBay-Programm zum weltweiten Versand (GSP) nutzen. ), (3) Morceaux en style de danse ancien hongrois, manuscript lost; Liszt's authorship doubtful, arr of the overture from the incidental music to, arr of the soldiers' chorus from Act IV of the opera, Fantaisie sur des thèmes de l'opéra Guitarero, arr of extract from S.9; lost; Liszt's authorship uncertain, 5 Variationen über die Romanze aus der Oper, spurious, incorrectly attributed to Liszt, actually by, arr of an unidentified composition, attributed to "Radovsky"; lost, arr of S.339; Liszt's authorship doubtful, Grosse Fantasie über God Save the Queen und Rule Britannia (Fantasie über englische Themen), arr of S.194; Liszt's authorship uncertain, symphonic poem after Johann Gottfried Herder; lost, based on S.261; arr for 2vv (+org) as S.36, for ch orch as S.3/8; Liszt's authorship doubtful, arr of prelude from S.6; Liszt's authorship doubtful, melodrama to words by Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart; lost; Schnapp.79, Simplified 3rd version (c1846) S.242/13a (see also S.242/10), 6th version (orch version arr for pf) (1863) S.244a, orchestra (arr of 4th piano version, 1863–67) S.117, piano duet (arr of orch version, 1870) S.608, 2-pianos (arr of orch version, 1870) S.652a, male chorus, winds, brass, percussion (1857) S.87i, 3-part children's chorus (1870s?) Grand Duo concertant (sur la romance de M. collaborative composition with an unknown musician; unpublished, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc pf as S.130ii, for vn pf (+harm) as S.130iii; arr for small-orch as S.710a, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc hp pf harm as S.130i, for vn pf (+harm) as S.130iii, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc hp pf harm as S.130i, for vc pf as S.130ii, arr of S.197; alternate version of S.131ii, arr of S.197; alternate version of S.131i, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132ii, S.132iii, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132i, S.132iii, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132i, S.132ii, arr of extract from S.107/1; 1st perf 22 Oct 1881 Rome for str qt; unpublished (in private collection); Schnapp.84, arr of S.200ii; alternate version of S.134ii, arr of S.200ii; alternate version of S.134i; 1st version of S.134a, using theme from the Prelude of S.6; arr for pf as S.202, for org as S.267, published as Op.6; originally intended as 1st series of 48 exercises; 1st version of S.137, S.139, intended for 2nd series of 48 exercises (with S.136 as the 1st series), introduction uses intro from S.150; 1st version of S.139/7, 3rd version of S.136/4, S.137/4, S.139/4; arr for orch as S.100i, 3rd version of S.136/7, S.137/11; themes used in S.166o, preludio based on No.5 (transposed from A minor) and the etude based on No.6 of, 2nd version of S.140/1, S.141/1, incorporating No.2 of, 2nd (difficult) version of S.140/4a, S.141/4; the original published edition included both S.140/4a and 4b versions, 2nd version of S.140/3, based on Paganini's 2nd Violin Concerto only and not the 1st and 2nd together as in S.140/3, Album-Leaf ("Introduction to the Grande Étude de Paganini No.6"), the original Theme of these Variations was used in S.125a; published as Op.1, (7) Variations brillantes sur un thème de Rossini, published as Op.2; the Theme of these Variations is 'Ah, come nascondere la fiamma' from the opera, Impromptu brillant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini, theme used in S.125a; published as Op.4/1; arr for orch as S.700a, theme used in S.125a; published as Op.4/2, Grand solo caractéristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panséron, 1st version of S.154ii, S.172a/8, S.173/4, 2nd version of S.154i, S.172a/8, S.173/4; later intended to be No.1 for S.171d, published 1841 by Richault (Paris) as "Album d'un voyageur: Prèmiere année (Suisse)", main theme from S.153b; 1st version of S.160/1, based on folk melodies and popular art songs; published 1840 by Latte (Paris) as "Album d'un voyageur: 2me année (Suisse)", 1st part of S.156/7b, S.156/7c (the three parts are one piece), based on various unidentified folk/popular melodies; 2nd part of S.156/7a, S.156/7c (the three parts are one piece); themes used in S.160/8, 1st version of S.160/3; 3rd part of S.156/7a, S.156/7b (the three parts are one piece), based on a folk horn call and an unidentified Hungarian march; 1st part of S.156/8b, S.156/8c (the three parts are one piece), based on a melody by Ferdinand Huber; 2nd part of S.156/8a, S.156/8c (the three parts are one piece), based on various unidentified folk songs including a (Polish) polonaise; 3rd part of S.156/8a, S.156/8b (the three parts are one piece), 1st part of S.156/9b, S.156/9c (the three parts are one piece), based on a melody by Ferdinand Huber and on a folk horn call; 2nd part of S.156/9a, S.156/9c (the three parts are one piece), based on an unidentified Hungarian folk/popular theme; 3rd part of S.156/9a, S.156/9b (the three parts are one piece), 1st version of S.156a; originally published 1836 by Knop (Basle) as "Schweizerische Alpenklänge", Op.10, based on a Swiss art song by Ferdinand Huber; 1st version of S.156a/1; published Knop 1836 as "Improvisata sur le ranz de vaches: Départ pour les Alpes (Aufzug auf die Alp) de Ferd Huber", based on a Swiss art song by Ernest Knop; 1st version of S.156a/2; published Knop 1836 as "Nocturne sur le, based on a Swiss art song by Ferdinand Huber; 1st version of S.156a/3; published Knop 1836 as "Rondeau sur le, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses, second theme used in S.160/8; published as Op.5 No.2, arr of S.270i/2; 1st version of S.161/4; later intended to be No.11 for S.171d, opening from S.701e; 1st version of S.158b, S.158c, S.161/7, fragment (2nd subject) from S.158c; published 1988, 2nd version of S.156/4; arr for vn vc pf by, 2nd version of S.157a; arr alt fch org/harm as S.60, 2nd version of S.157b; themes used in S.112/2, 1st version (1st sketch) of S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 2nd version (1st draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 3rd version (2nd draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 4th version (3rd draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 5th version (4th draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 6th version (5th draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.163/1, S.672c, Sunt lacrymae rerum (in ungarischer Weise), 8th (final) version of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.672c; arr for 2vn va vc as S.378i, for 2vn va vc db as S.378ii, Album-Leaf ("Andantino in E major") ("Valse mélancolique"), themes used in S.242/11, S.244/3; written for, Album-Leaf ("Adagio — religioso in C major"), Album-Leaf ("Andante religioso in G major"), Album-Leaf ("Andante religiosamente in G major"). (Marche hongroise de Szabady), Einleitung und Ungarischer Marsch von Graf Imre Széchényi (Bevezetés és magyar induló Gróf Széchényi Imrétõl ), additions and revisions to Mazurka No.2 by, Любила я! Jahrhundert in der Gegend von Nürnberg lebenden Einsiedler Sebaldus), ist die älteste Pfarrkirche Nürnbergs und neben der Frauenkirche und der Lorenzkirche eine der herausragenden Kirchenbauten der Stadt. ); Liszt's authorship doubtful; orchestrated by Liszt and, lost; possibly the same as S.761 or 1st mvt of S.690, lost; reconstruction by G. Darvos not based on authentic material; Schnapp.81, arr of S.527; Liszt's authorship doubtful, The Fall of Paris, a Military Air with Variations, jointly composed with the child flutist Antonio Minasi (c1815–1870); lost; performed by Minasi and Liszt in London on 5 June 1827, Grand Fantasie on God Save the Queen and Rule Britannia, based on S.98; spurious, now attributed to Leopold Alexander Zellner, but performed 16 Feb 1871 in Budapest by Liszt, Reményi, and others, original version of S.242a; lost, possibly never existed, 3 mvts; lost; Schnapp.5; several bars copied down from memory later as S.692b, 3 mvts; lost; Schnapp.6; only three bars were copied down from memory in a letter from Liszt to his mother, lost, possibly improvised and never written down, arr of S.42ii; discovered, no longer lost (renumbered as ? ); incomplete sketch; probably related to S.125a, Melodie in Dorische Tonart (Prose des Morts), incomplete sketch of the opening of S.158a, incomplete sketches on the same manuscript. (3) Lieder zu Tannhäuser (Komponiert von Otto Lessmann): 3 Stücke aus der Legende der heiligen Elisabeth: San Francesco (Preludio per il Cantico del Sol), Cantico del Sol di San Francesco d'Assisi, Excelsior! Several catalogues list the composition date as 1838, and a 1st publication in 1838 in Vienna. Hier kannst Du Dich mit anderen Eltern und werdenden Müttern und Vätern über Vornamen und Elternthemen austauschen. Alle freien Wohnungen zur Miete in Franken finden Sie im regionalen Immobilienanzeigenmarkt bei (Jagdchor und Steirer aus der Oper, Schwanengesang und Marsch aus Hunyadi László, Marcia Circassa tratta dall'opera Russlan e Ludmilla di Glinka (Marche des Tcherkesses de l'opera, based on Chernomor's March (Act IV, No. Liszt performed this arrangement with Frank Mori during his 1840–41 tour of the British Isles. Ausschnitt aus: Die Lokomotive, 1916, S. 61 ANNO/ÖNB. 75i, 76 and 89a/1–2 were published by Eck (Köln) in 1844 as, 75ii, 84i, 85iii, 227? 1st version of S.260ii; arr for pf as S.529i, 2nd version of S.260i; arr for pf as S.529ii, arr for pf as S.530, for pf4h as S.625, for orch as S.361; rev for v pf as S.766; rev for 2vv (+org) as S.36; rev for ch orch as S.3/8, arr of mvt IV of S.95iv by Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg, with revisions by Liszt, Missa pro organo lectarum celebrationi missarum adjumento inserviens, Angiolin dal biondo crin (Englein hold im Lockengold), 1st version of S.269ii, S.269iii, S.269iv, S.269v; arr for pf as S.531/6, 2nd version of S.269i, S.269iii, S.269iv, S.269v, 3rd version of S.269i, S.269ii, S.269iv, S.269v, 4th (transposed) version of S.269i, S.269ii, S.269iii, S.269v, 5th version of S.269i, S.269ii, S.269iii, S.269iv, 1st version of S.270ii/2 (for tenor voice); arr for pf as S.158/1, 1st version of S.270ii/1 (for tenor voice); arr for pf as S.158/2, 1st version of S.270ii/3 (for tenor voice); arr for pf as S.158/3, 1st version of S.272ii; arr for pf as S.531/2, 1st version of S.273ii; arr for pf as S.531/1, 2nd version of S.273i; arr for pf as S.532, for v orch as S.369, 1st version of S.274ii, S.301b/i, S.301b/ii; arr for pf as S.534i, 4th version of S.274i, S.301b/i, S.301b/ii; arr for pf as S.534iii, for vc pf as S.382i, for vn pf as S.382ii, 1st version of S.275ii, S.275iii; arr for pf as S.531/3, 3rd version of S.275i, S.275ii; arr for v orch as S.370, 1st version of S.276ii; arr for pf as S.534, 1st version of S.278ii; arr for pf as S.531/4, 1st version of S.279ii, S.279iii, S.279iv; arr for pf as S.531/5, 1st version of S.280ii; arr for pf as S.167a; 1st setting, for 2nd setting see S.280a, 2nd version of S.280i; 1st setting, for 2nd setting see S.280a, 1st version of S.282ii; arr for pf as S.536, 1st version of S.283ii; arr for pf as S.537, 1st version of S.284ii; arr for pf as S.538, "gastibelza" is a Basque word meaning "gossip"; arr for pf as S.540, 1st version of S.287ii, S.287iii, S.287iv, S.287v, S.287vi, 2nd version of S.287i, S.287iii, S.287iv, S.287v, S.287vi, 3rd version of S.287i, S.287ii, S.287iv, S.287v, S.287vi, 4th version of S.287i, S.287ii, S.287iii, S.287v, S.287vi, 5th version of S.287i, S.287ii, S.287iii, S.287iv, S.287vi, 6th version of S.287i, S.287ii, S.287iii, S.287iv, S.287v, 1st setting, for 2nd and 3rd settings see S.288ii, S.288iii, 2nd setting, for 1st and 3rd setting see S.288i, S.288iii, 3rd setting, for 1st and 2nd setting see S.288i, S.288ii, 2nd version of S.292i; arr for v orch as S.372, 2nd version of S.292i/1; arr for v orch as S.372/1, 2nd version of S.292i/2; arr for v orch as S.372/2, 2nd version of S.292i/3; arr for v orch as S.372/3, 1st version of S.293ii; arr for v orch as S.373i, 2nd version of S.293i; arr for v org as S.681a; for v orch as S.373ii, 1st version of S.298ii; arr for pf as S.540b, 2nd version of S.298i; arr for pf as S.541/3, En ces lieux tout me parle d'elle (Élégie), 2nd version of S.274i, S.274ii, S.301b/ii; arr for pf as S.534ii, 3rd version of S.274i, S.274ii, S.301b/i; arr for pf as S.534ii/a, 1st version of S.311ii, S.311iii, S.311iv, S.311v, 2nd version of S.311i, S.311iii, S.311iv, S.311v, 3rd version of S.311i, S.311ii, S.311iv, S.311v, 4th version of S.311i, S.311ii, S.311iii, S.311v, 5th version of S.311i, S.311ii, S.311iii, S.311iv, arr for various choral configurations under S.87, for orch by Liszt and, arr for vn pf as S.383, for v orch as S.374, J'ai perdu ma force et ma vie (Ich verlor die Kraft und das Leben), Go Not, Happy Day (Weil noch, Sonnenstrahl), Verlassen (Mir ist die Welt so freudenleer), arr for pf as S.543, for pflh as S.543a, for org/harm as S.674, for pf4h as S.755a, for bar mch ww br perc as S.345a, for vn pf as S.381a, arr for various choral configurations under S.93, Do Not Reproach Me, My Friend (Не брани меня, мой друг), Der traurige Mönch (In Schweden steht ein grauer Turm), Des toten Dichters Liebe (A holt költó szerelme), Слѣпой [Slyepoi] (The Blind Man) "Der blinde Sänger", Zweite Ouvertüre zum Barbier von Bagdad (P. Cornelius), Szózat und Hymnus (2 vaterländische Dichtungen von Vörösmarty and Kölcsey), arr of the Hungarian patriotic songs (now the Hungarian national anthems), Heroischer Marsch in ungarischem Styl [Première marche hongroise], arr of S.231; basis for S.103; unpublished; written for the King of Portugal, Benedictus aus der Ungarischen Krönungsmesse, arr of S.425/2c, S.426; arr for pf4h as S.632, arr of S.176; sketches only; score prepared from manuscript sources by, arr of S.392; score prepared from manuscript sources and orchestration completed by, arr of the song by Francis Korbay; arr for v org as S.683a, Die Allmacht von Franz Schubert (Gross ist Jehova, der Herr), arr of 2nd mvt of S.108ii by Leopold Alexander Zellner with corrections and additional material by Liszt; published 2013; arr for small-orch as S.711a, Rapsodie hongroise (pour violon et piano par Franç. in 1859(?). Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H.z.S.-C.-G. Études d'exécution transcendante d'après Paganini, Élégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse, Sarabande und Chaconne aus dem Singspiel Almira, Paraphrases: 24 Variations et 15 petits pièces sur le thème favori et obligé, René de Galard de Béarn, Marquis de Brassac, Rondeau fantastique sur un thème espagnol, Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral Ad nos, ad salutarem undam, Cadenza to the first mvt of Piano Concerto No.3, Symphonies de L. van Beethoven. S.87iii/a, mixed chorus, optional piano (1875?) 1st version of S.168ii; later intended to be No.4 for S.171d, uses themes from S.189b; 2nd version of S.171d/4, 1st version of S.172a/7, S.173/6; arr (set) for fch pf/harm (+hp) as S.19i; later intended to be No.9 for S.171d, 1st version of S.172a/11 and S.173/3; intended to be No.2 for S.171d, possibly intended as an "alternative" for No.6, the title is the initials for Marie Kalergis; 1st version of S.540a, S.541/2; incomplete sketch, completed by Leslie Howard; intended to be No.6 for S.171d, 2nd version of S.171a/1; arr for vc pf/org/harm by Liszt and Jules Deswert as S.382a/1, 2nd version of S.171a/4; arr for org/harm by Liszt and Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg as S.672d/2, for vc pf/org/harm by Liszt and Jules Deswert as S.382a/2, 2nd version of S.171a/5; arr for org/harm by Liszt and Alexander Wilhelm Gottschalg as S.672d/3, new coda uses theme from S.171d/4; 2nd version of S.171a/6; arr for org/harm as S.672d/4, 4th version of S.154i, S.154ii, S.172a/8; themes used in S.16i, simplified version as S.175/2a; arr for orch as S.113a/2, for 2ten 2bass mch org/harm (+3 tbn timp) as S.28, 2nd version of S.175a; arr for 2pf as S.258i, for pf orch as S.365, based on the basso continuo of the 1st mvt (Sinfonia) of the cantata, uses same theme and some fragments from S.179; the Theme of the Variations is the basso continuo of the 1st mvt ("Sinfonia") of the Cantata, 1st version ("Paris manuscripts") of S.186; arr for pf4h as S.612a, 1st version of S.186/1; arr for pf4h as S.612a/1, 1st version of S.186/2; arr for pf4h as S.612a/2, 1st version of S.186/3; arr for pf4h as S.612a/3, 1st version of S.186/4; arr for pf4h as S.612a/4, 1st version of S.186/5; arr for pf4h as S.612a/5, 1st version of S.186/6; arr for pf4h as S.612a/6, 1st version of S.186/7, S.186/7a; arr for pf4h as S.612a/7, 1st version of S.186/8; arr for pf4h as S.612a/8, 1st version of S.186/9; arr for pf4h as S.612a/9, 1st version of S.186/10; arr for pf4h as S.612a/10, 1st version of S.186/11; arr for pf4h as S.612a/11, 1st version of S.186/12; arr for pf4h as S.612a/12, 2nd version of S.185a; arr for pf4h as S.613, 2nd version of S.185a/1; arr for pf4h as S.613/1, 2nd version of S.185a/2; arr for pf4h as S.613/2; rev for ten fch org/harm as S.49, 2nd version of S.185a/3; arr for pf4h as S.613/3, 2nd version of S.185a/4; arr for pf4h as S.613/4, 2nd version of S.185a/5; arr for pf4h as S.613/5, 2nd version of S.185a/6; arr for pf4h as S.613/6, 2nd version of S.185a/7, S.186/7a; arr for pf4h as S.613/7, 3rd version of S.185a/7, S.186/7; version for Lachmund, 2nd version of S.185a/8; arr for pf4h as S.613/8, 2nd version of S.185a/9; arr for pf4h as S.613/9, 2nd version of S.185a/10; arr for pf4h as S.613/ 10, 2nd version of S.185a/11; arr for pf4h as S.613/11, 2nd version of S.185a/12; arr for pf4h as S.613/12, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi, manuscript dated May 1865; published Dec 1935, 2nd version of S.189a; themes used in S.170, S.171d/4, by Liszt, composed 1869 based on the first two pieces.