As pacifists, they carried no weapons but carried farming tools or ropes. Mon Calamari are a playable species in Star Wars: Galaxies. ][citation needed] One such Kubaz, by the name of Garindan, led Imperial stormtroopers to the droids on Tatooine in A New Hope. The Lasat's origin is from the planet Lira San (the Lasats' true homeworld), and sometime in between they settled the planet Lasan. This is because they feed on animals called choobas and they must stand motionless for a long time until a chooba gets near them. Their homeworld is Glee Anselm, a planet of vast swamps, lakes, and seas located in the Mid Rim. He formerly met in the Star Wars Launch Bay at Disneyland from February 2016 until October 14, 2016, where he was replaced by Darth Vader. They have leathery skin with a cloak and a trunk. Only one Massassi, named Kalgrath, survived[citation needed]. 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Those who used the dark side were known as either Darksiders, Dark Side Adepts, or Dark Jedi when unaffiliated with a dark side organization such as the Sith. By the time Luke Skywalker and Prince Isolder landed on Dathomir in 8 ABY, the Kwi had split up into different tribes, two of which were the Blue Mountain People and the Blue Desert People. Additionally, Kel Dor have Low-Light Vision, letting them ignore partial concealment due to darkness, and they have a keen Force Sense, letting them reroll Use the Force checks made to sense the Force, keeping the better result!However, Kel Dor must wear protective goggles and a special breath mask outside their home planet; if they don't, they're considered blind and start suffocating. These are the ten best character races in the 2007 Star Wars Role-Playing Game! Most wear masks carved from the skulls of their most feared creatures such as the karabac and the mumuu. Many species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. When confronted by anger and violence, they respond in kind. It is a well-known fact[citation needed] that monkey-lizards laugh, a lot. Taun We and Lama Su are examples of Kaminoans. These appendages are almost useless out of water unless, like Kit Fisto, said Nautolan is used to environmental change). They appeared in the second book of the Junior Jedi Knights series. Tall, thin aliens with pale skin from the isolated planet of Kamino; the most distinctive feature of Kaminoans are their long necks. See also Nikto and Klaatu barada nikto, a famous quote from The Day the Earth Stood Still. When approached in a calm, civilized manner, they seem helpful and polite. Like humans, their basic stats aren't modified in any way, but they receive a handy +1 bonus to all defenses, boosting all three (Reflex, Fortitude, and Will) and becoming harder to hit on all fronts.Heightened Awareness also lets you reroll any Perception check, though you have to accept the reroll even if worse. Muuns are also known for having long life. Zabraks are well-balanced warriors who don't have as many strengths as some, but really don't have significant failings. The Massassi were an ancient primitive warrior race that were enslaved by the Sith. The Lurmen (also known as Mygeetans) are a diminutive, pacifistic lemuroid mammalian species native to the crystalline world of Mygeeto and also had a settlement on Maridun. Full Darkvision means foes can't hide in the shadows, and (like most races), Trandoshans can naturally speak their native tongue, granting a surprisingly versatile skill set. The most exalted Neimoidians rank a walking, This page was last edited on 26 February 2021, at 05:45. Much like many of the Imperial Officers in the Original Star Wars Trilogy were given British accents, some Neimoidians have been given Thai accents.[10]. Canine-muzzled humanoids introduced in Season 3 of the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. They were originally known as "Knives". Their most striking characteristic is their "hair" which appears to be made of small, diaphanous feathers of an iridescent color. [citation needed], While they tend to stay on Kushibah, the occasional Kushiban is called away by wanderlust or a specific need. Possessing a love of food and music, these small aliens are also adept at surviving the frigid temperatures of their homeworld Orto.[18]. That said, you won't find anyone with better melee prowess and HP regeneration than a faithful Wookiee. As a result, the Noghri turn against the Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, the Mon Calamari eventually joined the Rebel Alliance after the Empire used a Star Destroyer to destroy three floating cities on their watery world. One in a hundred Kiffar inherits a psychometric talent to read the history of objects that they touch. The Lurmen had heads protruding perpendicular from their chest two large golden orange eyes, a nose and a mouth. The Noghri appear extensively in the Thrawn trilogy of novels, written by Timothy Zahn, and are also playable in the Forces of Corruption Expansion for Star Wars Empire at War, armed with disrupter rifles. Humans have no stat modifiers, and they lack any bonus languages, but they're still a versatile bunch you can take in any direction. Instead, they came to rely on a latent ability to perceive the world through the Force. Even when talking with humans or other aliens, Kitonaks are painfully slow to answer any question, and equally slow to walk as they do not move their legs, but expand and contract the muscles of their feet. The Kubaz are an insect-eating species with long snouts [that have been known to be informants for the Empire. Training in organization revolves around Neimoidia's mass hives and huge fungus farms. They have mastered fire (used to frighten away hostile, fire-fearing Xinkras) and can use technology. [citation needed]. Trandoshans possess an ongoing enmity with the Wookiees, but they're surprisingly similar in functionality, favoring Strength over Dexterity. During the Liberation of Nelvaan, Anakin Skywalker, who was referred to by the race as "Holt Kezed" ("Ghost Hand" in their language), would free them as he destroyed the Separatist base. Their true form is not known because the cybernetic implants vary. They were natural enemies of the Tof, usually waging wars against them. When the Hutts were waging a war against Xim the Despot, they saw the Niktos' situation as an opportunity to recruit another servant species into their army. About five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a Sith starship crashlanded on Kesh; the crew, who came to become known as the Lost Tribe of Sith, subsequently subjugated the Keshiri, some of whom eventually joined the Sith. The meeting was convened to discuss the silent war being waged across the galaxy by Sith Lords Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion. Kaminoans were forced to reproduce through cloning after a natural disaster on Kamino. That said, you have three -2 penalties, so your overall stat adjustments balance out.Still, Wookiees can once per day fly into a rage (as a swift action), which grants +2 to melee attack and damage rolls, further increasing their physical dominance. Throw in a skill bonus for Perception (when possessed as a trained skill) and their native language, and you have a versatile character competent on many fronts. [citation needed], Kitonaks (also known as Kirdans) are white, pudgy aliens from Kirdo III. Jedi Master Ood Bnar was a Neti.[11]. Melodies are hatched from eggs, then live on land for a short time during their youth, and at a certain age, Melodies undergo a ritual called a Changing Ceremony, in which they change forms that will no longer enable them to live on land. Thus, you have millions of potential characters, but today we'll focus on your species. As long as they're proficient with rifles, they also gain automatic handling of the bowcaster (Chewbacca's weapon of choice).Overall, Wookiees are excellent units when balanced by others who can compensate for their failings. Despite its growing rarity, it only costs around $70. Many of the ninja clans are known for specializing in secret techniques to be taught and passed down the family line. Neimoidian culture is extremely hierarchical. Lurmen were able to cover large amounts of ground at great speed. During the Clone Wars, the Mon Calamari remained with the Galactic Republic, but the Quarren sided with the CIS. Another Rebellion-sympathetic male Mon Calamari named Quarrie, the spacecraft engineer character named for Star Wars visual artist Ralph McQuarrie,[8] was the designer of the B-wing starfighter prototype named the Blade Wing, as seen in the Star Wars Rebels second-season episode "Wings of the Master". [citation needed]. Neimoidians are born as grubs and placed in communal hives until the age of seven. The Lasat are a crafty and sneaky sentient species from Lasan. Distinguishing features include large black eyes, floppy ears, and a long tail. Damaged HK Unit: [It looks as if this droid is missing four critical components - its droid processor, a replacement droid chassis, the control cluster that's supposed to be stored in the chassis, and its vocabulator.] Kaminoans developed the Grand Army of the Republic, as shown in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. One famous face was Gaff, a Roon representative in the New Republic.[4]. They don't suffer any Strength or Constitution detriments, and their Dexterity penalty doesn't hinder you too much when wielding a lightsaber. This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014. Each Lurmen had a tail, and they communicated through speech; Lurmen were able to speak Basic. Their farming tools were used mostly as a leverage tool in these tactics and to provide something to tie the rope to, though sometimes they were used as a weapon for striking an enemy. [13] Ima-Gun Di is a Red Nikto Jedi Master in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Miralukas see through the Force, as they are a Force-sensitive race; they are often quite shocked if shown life not connected to the Force, like the Jedi Exile. What Are the Best Species in the Star Wars RPG? They are shore dwellers, but like to be close to water, and can breathe under water if necessary, being able to descend to depths of 30 or so metres without equipment. Qwi Xux is perhaps the best-known member of the Omwati species. They have extrasensory organs on their heads, sensitive to dryness. The Jedi Pablo-Jill was an Ongree. The children took them to the Elders, but because of the Elders' forms, they could not leave the waters. A Kushiban in a calm, normal state of emotions is white; a Kushiban in the deepest of despairs is totally black. A fleet of Huttese starships bombarded the Cult of M'dweshuu's stronghold from orbit, wiping it out, and the grateful Niktos eagerly signed the Treaty of Vontor, placing themselves in servitude to the Hutts indefinitely. [citation needed], The Ortolans are a race of a no armed, fat blue-skinned creatures with long snouts, not all that different from a small elephant. They also have a phobia of quicksands and caves. Darth Plagueis had the ability to use the dark side of the force to influence midi-chlorians to create life and to prevent people from dying, the only Force user to have such a power. They often would hide instead of using violence. Realizing that neither she nor her children would be truly safe as long as the Noghri serve the Empire, she goes to Honoghr in order to convince the Noghri to leave the Empire's service. They have saddles for lava fleas and carry defensive laser rifles. 1. Kitonak have two toes and three fingers. A millennia later, Sannah, a Force-sensitive Melodie, helped Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila (who had come to Yavin 8 with Lyric, a student from the Academy who was about to undergo the Changing Ceremony) to decipher the carvings. Through their acute sense of smell, the Noghri easily recognize Leia as the daughter of the revered Vader, and she is able to use this fact to convince the Noghri that the Empire has been lying to them and has kept them in virtual slavery for many years. By the time of The Phantom Menace, the Neimoidians control the galaxy's largest commercial corporation and are at the head of the powerful Trade Federation. The Keshiri were introduced in the Fate of the Jedi novels. While to Human eyes the halls of the Kaminoan cities were spotless white, to the Kaminoans they were vividly coloured. Because they're not seen much in the films, blue-skinned Duros are often forgotten, which is a shame considering their powers. This is said to be the source of their characteristic greed and corrupt nature. Thrawn dies when his Noghri bodyguard Rukh turns on him and stabs him. [16][17], The bombardment of Kintan by stellar radiation from the explosion of a nearby star had sparked rapid evolution in its native species. The Nagai are aliens with pale skin, jet-black hair and angular features, they lived on the planet Nagi, beyond the borders of the Old Republic and the Empire. A primitive, blue-skinned, saurians species native to Dathomir, the Kwi degenerated from the Kwa, the masterminds behind the Star Temples and Infinity Gate on Dathomir. Miraluka typically hide their lack of eyes by wearing a headband, a mask, or similar concealing headwear, because they are much less common than humans, and it is easier to travel if they are seen as being of the dominant species; thus the common confusion as to who is or isn't a Miraluka. Their bodies are elongated and thin, with equally elongated and thin heads. A famous Kyuzo is the bounty hunter Embo. They live on the planet Nelvaan on the Outer Rim. [citation needed], Neimoidians have been stereotyped by other races in the galaxy as corrupt and greedy, particularly after the Battle of Naboo. On their home planet their laughter is used to scare predators away, because of how loud they laugh. If you want to save the hassle of picking bonus skills and feats as a human, or simply want to imitate the iconic Darth Maul, try a Zabrak on for size. The CIS sought to overthrow the Calamari quickly by providing the Quarren with a huge underwater droid army. So, which intergalactic travelers reign supreme? One example is Max Rebo, head of The Max Rebo Band, contracted to play in Jabba the Hutt's Tatooine palace. The Neti were a race of sentient shape-shifting tree-like beings from Rykk. An alien species from Circarpous V, the Mimbanites were related to the Coway. A colony world of the Miraluka named Katarr was stripped of all life by a Sith Lord named Darth Nihilus approximately 3,955 years BBY, during a meeting of several Jedi Masters. More than that, they're the only race who can regenerate a lost limb, which occurs in 1d10 days (anywhere between 1–10 days based on a die roll). Duros also speak Durese and are expert pilots, letting them reroll any unsatisfactory pilot check, but they have to keep the result even if it's worse. Kobok were an insectoid species that live on planet Koboth. When born monkey-lizards come out in a larval state. They have bonuses to both Dexterity and Intelligence (which dictates how main trained skills you know), making them some of the best scoundrels and scouts in the game. They also have some double organs, including two pairs of lungs. They live in a nebula called ThonBoka where they are nourished by nutrients from their sun. [14] Red Nikto appear in The Phantom Menace (1999), Attack of the Clones (2002), and Revenge of the Sith (2005). One statue remains unchanged, but two more have the golden arms and mask that Grievous has as a cyborg.[2]. [citation needed] Much like Chewbacca did with Han Solo, the Noghri always make sure Leia has bodyguards. Since the new-canon timeline (Episodes 7–9) didn't exist back then, it's best used for Legends campaigns, although the base rules can easily be transferred to canon games.Like most tabletops, the Star Wars RPG lets you choose both a character race and class, further fleshing out your specs by having you select feats and talents. Admittedly, 2007 was a long time ago, but Star Wars' official Dungeons & Dragons venture was a treat I grew up with, one that I find holds up surprisingly well today. Inside the globe were the imprisoned souls of Massassi children whom the young Jedi candidates eventually freed with guidance from Jedi Master Ikrit. Zeb Orrelios from Star Wars: Rebels is a Lasat. Over time the Kwa sealed their temples and left large wuffa worms to guard them. Kylo Ren currently does meet-and-greets in the Star Wars Launch Bay at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World and Shanghai Disneyland. Nosaurians are reptilian creatures that have spikes on their head and beaklike mouths. The weak die, since the strong hoard food and resources. Leia and her entire family become very highly respected figures in Noghri society. The Lepi are a rabbit-like species that stand on two legs. After all, the Star Wars universe houses more than humans, with each alien arriving with different pros and cons. This unquestioning reliance on a central control is what will ultimately spell failure for the mechanized army. [citation needed]. Not only do they have a naturally thick hide that grants +1 to their Reflex defense (the most commonly used), they also gain the excellent Toughness bonus feat, which grants extra Hit Points as you level. When Exar Kun imprisoned the Massassi children on Yavin 4 during his reign in 3,997 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), the parents of the Massassi children went to Yavin 8 and met the Melodie children, whom they asked for help. Following this, Anakin killed all Techno-Union scientists there and managed to bring the mutated Nelvaanians back to their tribe. At some point Lasan was destroyed by the Empire. Since the Klatooinians thought it was some kind of sacred war, their leader Barada M'Beg signed a treaty so that the Klatooinians would be slaves of the Hutts forever. This was the Basic name used to describe the Lepus carnivorus, a species of tall, furred lagomorphs which was native to the planet Coachelle Prime. 10. Still, this vision, combined with their Perception rerolls, makes them superb anti-stealth units who can reliably spot ambushes and assassins before they attack your party. Neimoidians are the most visible villains of the film The Phantom Menace. There are very few Omwati with a stout physiology. You likely remember this race thanks to Admiral Ackbar's famous "It's a trap!" Although the Omwati are not a branch of humanity, the differences are extremely small. They never rush. When the Empire took control of their planet, they thought this species was not suited for the physical demands of slavery. According to the Star Wars expanded universe, Neimoidians are descendants of Duro colonists that landed on Neimoidia in the year of the Republic inception. The Kwa were an ancient, blue-skinned race that lived on the planet Dathomir. The Lepi were a carnivorous race, distinguished by their large incisors and the various colours of their fur, which ranged from green to dark blue. Beyond that, Cereans are simply unrivaled when it comes to acting first in battle thanks to their pair of Initiative bonuses: they can reroll any Initiative check, and gain a skill focus when possessing Initiative as a trained skill.Basically, Cereans are very likely to move first in any encounter, a handy bonus useful in just about every skirmish. Kaminoans seem to be unconcerned about the ethics of their workings. When the Techno Union established mining facilities on the planet, many of the Mustafarians took up jobs as workers at one of the many mining facilities. They are humanoid, about 1.7m tall, and are most commonly seen with salmon-coloured skin (though their skin may have other tones as well, including blue, dark blue, green, and purple) and a high-domed head with large eyes and webbed hands. An unnamed, fuchsia-skinned Kowakian monkey-lizard appears in 2 episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "Dooku Captured" and "The Gungan General", as the pet of Hondo Ohnaka, leader of a band of Weequay pirates. One of the thugs on Jabba the Hutt's skiff was a Klatooinian named Barada. This is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters K to O. One Klatooinian Jedi is Tarados Gon. Despite their appearance, the Lepi were a technologically advanced race, having achieved spaceflight and colonized the five planets in the system and the neighbouring asteroid belt. She was a researcher at the Imperial Maw Installation and a principal designer of the Death Star. A bipedal reptilian species, the Kaleesh have reddish brown scaly skin and cover almost all their bodies to protect them from Kalee's blistering sun, usually leaving only their four-fingered claws exposed. Even as adults, Neimoidians tend to be greedy, possessive, and fearful of death. While often mistaken for cute, pet-like animals, they are actually intelligent beings with a complex culture as well as both a written and spoken language. When the Hutts were waging a war against Xim the Despot, they looked for help on some planets. They proved an invaluable asset, primarily due to the Mon Calamari being masters of starship construction and supplying the Alliance with badly needed capital ships, Mon Calamari Cruisers, that could take on the Galactic Empire's ships of the line. The Kaleesh are a nomadic and politically neutral race from the planet Kalee. Muuns controlled the InterGalactic Banking Clan. They work creating and training clones for third parties from stations on massive platforms above the sea. One Kaleesh cyborg, General Grievous became the feared military leader of the CIS during The Clone Wars. An unnamed Neimoidian wears a lavender collar identifying him as a financial officer. Being the only native sentient species on Bakura, and few in number, they were quickly outnumbered by human colonists. Most Lurmen were pacifistic by nature and refused to fight or run even in the face of death. They also regain hit points at twice the normal rate, can take 10 on climb checks even when threatened, and may reroll persuasion checks used for intimidation, but have to accept the new result. [citation needed]. The Miraluka homeworld is Alpheridies. Eventually, the grubs learn that to survive, they must kill each other; therefore out of the many grubs that are born, very few survive. Basically, these guys are your go-to units for underwater excursions. Added to their overall stat gains and bonus language, these guys are formidable both on and off the battlefield, and I definitely recommend testing one yourself. You may recognize this species from bounty hunter Bossk's appearance in The Empire Strikes Back. Every race knows the default Basic language, but like many aliens, Kel Dor (think Plo Koon from the prequels) also naturally learn their native tongue. Jaro Tapal was a Lasat Jedi Master who appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The Lannik are a race of tan skinned humanoids from a plant of the same name. On a behind-the-scenes note, the name "Nelvaanian" may be a reference to Nelvana, the Canadian animation company who produced the Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks animated features for Lucasfilm. [citation needed], The Ongree are a bizarre looking species from the Skustell Cluster. They have purer eye colours than humans, some have either paler or darker skin colours, and tattoos covering some part of their face that represent individual achievement in some field. Although his original form was not shown in Episode III, Grievous had statues of his former self in his home at Vassek during the Clone Wars. Individual Lepi were known for their increased metabolism, a trait that often manifested itself as hyper-activity[citation needed], There was also the native language of the Lepus carnivorus race, which was also referred to as Lepp or Lepese[citation needed]. [citation needed]. Nautolans reflect the moods of those around them. Kaminoans were able to see colours in the ultraviolet and the infrared spectrum. Let’s delve right into it! On their hind legs they stand at 0.5 meters or 1.6404 feet tall, with an extra 0.3 meters' worth of tail. For several centuries, the Niktos were ruled over by a violent and fanatical religious organization called the Cult of M'dweshuu, which was much despised by the majority of Kintan's population. While knowledge checks in life sciences aren't especially common, if you choose it as a trained skill, Ithorians automatically gain a skill focus, a nice bonus to offset its general scarcity.The Survival Instinct ability is more helpful, letting you reroll (and have to accept) any survival check. [Repair] Diagnose the droid. [3] They are also known for their Force Sages, the Baran Do. The Letaki are a race from the planet Letaki in the Star Wars universe. Lepi were considered sexually mature at just ten years of age, and females often gave birth to litters of three dozen or more offspring, resulting in a swift growth in their population. Since Perception is commonly used, this is definitely an appreciated bonus, and the Zabrak language on top of Basic is nice. The race characteristics seem to include dark, tanned skin and long thick dark hair, usually worn in dreadlocks, and there are certain tattoos that are ceremonial.