Da wir bald einen IPv6 Anschuss mit DSL Lite und Unitymedia ConnectBox bekommen, ist es wichtig für mich zu Wissen, ob sich eine ZyWALL USG 20W sich als Bridge hinter einem Router (Unitymedia Connect Box) betreiben lässt. I forced a restart of the USG from the controller to get the script executed and confirmed rule x5999 was present. The workaround I found is to simply disable NAT via the CLI and have an additional subnet between the gateway router and the USG. Wenn es noch an ist, kommen alle Pakete aus der 192.168.1.xx zu einer 192.168.178,yy immer von der Onderwerpen 1 Berichten 10. Odd, I swear it is working correctly for us to do GUI changes after putting a config.gateway.json in place, but maybe I need to do some more testing. Hallo, ich versuche mal mein Glück bei Euch. After updating the firmware on the USG, I SSH’d in and ran ‘show nat rules’. Ubiquiti Unifi USG and USG Pro. I have got the UniFi security Gateway 3P, 1 (but soon 2) UniFi AP-AC-Pro and a UniFi Switch 8 POE-150W. in { Rule x5999 was not listed- the script was not run. Problem with that is – you may not be able or willing to just swap out a gateway router, plus the Unifi firewall config is still not where it should be in my view. } Eventually I got tired of it and just automated the steps (hint – add timers!). After placing the script in /config/scripts/post-cfg.d, make it executable with chmod +x [script filename]. Hier erfahren Sie mehr zur entsprechenden Konfiguration von Routern, NAT, VoIP und Firewalls. 3. Das Ganze wirkt erfreulich schick und hochwertig. Der USG, bzw. Also just wanted to confirm that the file only needs the tweaks that aren’t done via the Gui? Und auch ein Loop. Du kannst an der UDM auch das NAT abschalten und als Exposed Host hinter der Fritzbox betreiben, das funktioniert auch problemlos. Mit einer ZyWall / USG / ATP / VPN können Sie vordefinierte Einstellungen auf Ihrem Gerät für Ihren IPsec-VPN-Client bereitstellen. Rule 5999 was persistent throughout a software upgrade as well as GUI config changes. Achteraf zag ik dat de USG in tegen stelling tot de EdgeRouterX (die goedkoper is maar net zo goed presteert / gelijke rekenkracht) default de DHCP-server actief heeft. Make sure it’s placed before the predefined ones. 30. The ‘+’ just means the config was added but not applied yet. I just wanted to migrate to the USG because of the nice UI and easy to use interface. Das einzige was jetzt noch stören könnte wäre das USG, das habe ich nicht im Einsatz. Anschließend in der FRITZ!Box das USG al Die Kombination FRITZ!Box 7490 und UniFi Security Gateway läuft mit wenig Aufwand ohne Doppeltes NAT zusammen und die FRITZ!Box bietet mit ihren vielen Features für mich einen deutlichen Mehrwert. Ich würde das sowieso ausschalten, da es zu unnötiger Last auf dem USG führt. BG guezzz. }, In my particular test I tried to modify/remove/add a network to LAN2 with no success. If I’m understanding this correctly, we’re just concerned with the WAN port (hence, eth0) since the inbound traffic is coming through there. Edit: Du kannst prüfen ob NAT von der USG zum Haus B aus ist. BUT – the USG will NOT be in bridge mode! Meine 6490 ist keine freie. Turning off NAT is helpful if you have another gateway router or firewall and you’d like to see traffic streams per enduser device rather than just one NATed address. In de webinterface van de controller ga je naar settings en dan naar Controller Configuration en scroll je naar beneden naar Element SSH Authentication.Hier vink je Element SSH authentication aan en kies je een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord. Ist eine Geschwindigkeit Drosselung spürbar? Möglichkeit 1: NAT im USG ausschalten und statische Routen zwischen FritzBox und USG einrichten. So if you are planning to use a web server on the 89.149.x.x/27 range, you’d still have to create a firewall / port forwarding rule that permits / forwards incoming traffic on port 80/443. Hi, can I ask, which jobs operates USG and which jobs operates GW router? Viel Erfolg. However, without having Unifi switches and gateway router (USG) you won’t get detailed traffic statistics. For this to work you’d need to add the 89.149.x.x/27 network to LAN or LAN2 and as type ‘corporate’. So I am wondering what I am missing. ipv6-name LANv6_IN Re: Unifi USg an LAN 2 im Bridge Mode. Pi-hole. I forced a restart of the USG from the controller to get the script executed and confirmed rule x5999 was present. Lars- Can result in a re-provisioning loop. } $cmdwrap delete interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall I’m trying to get my USG working behind a pfSense router. I’ll add the adjusted procedure in a few days as it makes this whole process a little shorter. It actually says in that UniFi documentation I linked to that it is dangerous to have anything in your config.gateway.json file that can be changed in the GUI. “6003”: { As the USG runs in layer 3, it can have fire-walling turned on or off. On my PRIVATE LAN subnet everything works great. Classic Web UI DHCP Options. Nach dem Anschluss an den Kabelanschluss wird die FritzBox zunächst von Vodafone provisioniert, sodass unter anderem die Rufnummern, die mit de… medicus07 14. We run a MPLS network, so all our network traffic/ internet routed from our layer 3 core switch (IP: through our Transit VLAN 90 to the ISP router (IP:, which then sort. Late the the party here. The IP address of the modem must also be different to the UniFi network range. It was the “Router” entry in the Networks –> WAN settings within controller. Daarna klik je op Apply Changes. Mein UniFi-Controller läuft allerdings auf Windows, da ich keinen Cloud-Key habe. The directory should be /config/scripts/post-config.d, Just a quick note regarding the shell script method. More information on DHCP can be found in the Intro to Networking - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) article. Dazu müssen wir folgenden Eintrag in die config.gateway.json machen: {"service": @MIKESSS Mooi, dat kan natuurlijk ook. Es ist wichtig alle möglichen Komponenten zu deaktivieren die die ... so wie ich, die UniFi USG per Exposed Host eingetragen hat. Zu meinem Problem. I really hope Ubiquiti will add all the CLI functionality to the GUI soon to make all of the above obsolete :). NOTES & REQUIREMENTS: Applicable to the latest firmware on the UDM and USG models. } Erachter komt: 1.) Not sure about the cloud key… As someone here pointed out here a while back, you only need to push the manual changes to the config.gateway.json file, so it could very well be that it doesn’t exist until you make a custom change. $cmdwrap set service nat rule 5999 type masquerade, # Disable Firewall $cmdwrap end. If you don’t have other (internal) networks on the WAN side of the USG that need to connect to networks on the LAN side you can actually leave the USG firewall on and feel safe behind 2 firewalls :). }, teege, this sounds like an interesting alternative! VLANs und WLANs für Gäste verwendet, kann die DPI in diesen Netzen deaktivieren, protokolliert für seine eigenen Clients aber weiter mit. } Hallo zusammen,nach dem ich mein VoIP erfolgreich mittels eines öffentlichen STUN Servers eingerichtet habe, schaue ich mir nochmal das Thema NAT an.Ein Ansatz für mein VoIP Problem verfolgte das einrichten von NATs über die config.gateway.json Datei.… Contribute to brianjbeach/unifi-usg-aws-vpn development by creating an account on GitHub. I assume (VLAN 2) and for Corp. WAN subnet could be with .1 for FW and .2 for the USG WAN interface. name LAN_OUT 1. Doppel-NAT habe ich über die Konfig des USG ausgeschaltet. William, you can still use the USG/UniFi controller to create your networks. So have gone down the backup WAN route, and have to use the CLI for a little but of tweaking to ensure when 4D LTE switches back and drops connection when the fibre is re-established. address If so, I found that it is not running after making changes from controller’s web ui. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. So I have a firewall as my gateway doing the SNAT infront of the USG. For this rule, I setup two groups. Lars, I need to place our USG between our core switch and ISP Router but keep the VLAN90 tag intact so the ISP route can forward on to the right place. I’ll be setting up a new controller in a few days and will check for it. UniFi Switches. 29. Using rule 5999 ensures that the custom rule processes first and “wins”. Ich zahle auch bei einer freien den Mehrpreis für die 10 Nummern und 2 Leitungen. Ingo Homeyer . Alle congstar Tarife im Überblick. Bleibt mir also nur das NAT im USG zu deaktivieren Schade. Also, use the NAT overrides described below by ‘teege’ and ‘Noffie’ to avoid loosing any other custom configs. Now let’s turn of NAT! Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) USG Pro4 - Unifi Switche PoE - AC Mesh Pro - Wir haben für unseren Einsatzzweck die falsche Hardware, und suchen einen Weg Ohne Nat aus der USG zu kommen. INTERNET USG PRIVATE LAN ( WORKS ), INTERNET USG PUBLIC LAN 23.x.x.90/29 ( NO INTERNET ). “nat”: { Here an example config with VLAN 100 added to Eth2: ethernet eth2 { Well, if you only use the small section of the config.gateway.json file you can’t follow the ‘delete interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall‘ route. It’s not that hard to do , I think you need to both read section “Editing config.gateway.json” on this page: Was Passiert, Wenn Deutschland Aus Der Eu-austritt, Hope someone is able to assist, driving me bonkers. I’ve been looking for a way to do something “similar”. $cmdwrap set service nat rule 5999 exclude Om toegang te krijgen tot de USG via SSH moet dit geconfigureerd zijn. Hier kann man sich wie gesagt einen WLAN-Accesspoint dazu denken. Hello again, You have two possible issues. So sollte es normalerweise aussehen. Prev: Mikrotik RouterOS CHR on VMWare ESXi, https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/215458888-UniFi-How-to-further-customize-USG-configuration-with-config-gateway-json#3, https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Routing-Switching/Guide-to-disabling-NAT-on-USG/td-p/2012460, https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/61cb6u/execute_script_after_usg_provisioning_through/, copy this file over to your Unifi controller, make sure it’s in the right location. + vif 100 { But yes – that should be the only thing in the config.gateway.json file (unless you have other non-GUI configs). Alongside this, the update has been found to wipe the previously configured session timers Fix issue with WAN IP address not assigned intermittently on … UniFi Protect 1.16.9. My ISP provided me with a public IP 83.212.x.x and behind it routed a subnet class 89.149.x.x/27 so I can connect some of my computers with their own public IP to the Internet. Antwort. https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Routing-Switching/Guide-to-disabling-NAT-on-USG/td-p/2012460. STUN. Boo. Learn how your comment data is processed. The painful workaround is to remove the config.gateway.json file before making any changes through the GUI and re-do all manual configs after provisioning. Perform a manual device provision of the USG. UniFi Accessoires. Why I am asking, because I want similar network settings, but I want see statistics on GW router but also on USG. Controller is connected to cloud, I can see all my devices and see cameras Anyway, this type of problem is exactly why I started this thread :). Fix issue which might have affected LAN port speed setting. “6002”: { instead of publishing the entire USG config, only push in the changes you want. Refer to the troubleshooting steps below if the Port Forwarding or custom Destination NAT rule is not working. hosts on PUBLIC LAN can reach the gateway address on the USG WAN and the actual ISP gateway not but pass that. Google doch mal nach „unifi ohne doppeltes nat“, dann hast du die Lösung für dich ;-). Ich habe hinter der Fritz Box eine Unifi USG und ab da geht das Netzwerk los (Wifi, Lan). Nun verhält es sich mit der Netzwerkhardware von Ubiquiti wie mit jeder anderen: Ohne Zutun des Nutzers funktioniert das Netzwerk nicht. The config.gateway.json file overrules whatever configuration is in the USG. I can ping from the USG to MAIN NETWORK Michael Barton 14. Das Modem hat eine öffentliche IP-Adresse und zum LAN hin eine Private. Been trying to get DPI working behind our ISP route for along time now but keep hitting brick walls. USG Pro4 - Unifi Switche PoE - AC Mesh Pro - Wir haben für unseren Einsatzzweck die falsche Hardware, und suchen einen Weg Ohne Nat aus der USG zu kommen. [Voor 4% … Last week I discovered that … Firmware 4.4.44 and 4.4.50 have been found to cause potential issues with the NAT mapping over UDP. Doppeltes NAT ist nicht immer wirklich nötig. - 1 x UBNT-USG Ubiquiti USG UniFi Firewall - 3 x US-8-60W Ubiquiti UniFi US-8-60W 8-poorts 60 Watt PoE Gigabit Switch ... Het plan is net al bij TS om de USG te gaan gebruiken als DHCP server voor mijn LAN en de Hitron in bridge modus te laten plaatsen. I don’t need to concern myself with eth1? } name LAN_IN If you use their controller software you can get some useful graphs and a dead-easy configuration utility. I have a guest network (vLan2) defined and corporate network defined.