Peperoni Books, approx. Every morning, receive the latest world photography news and events. MICHAEL WOLF – LIFE IN CITIES. Fino al 22 luglio 2018, negli spazi espositivi in Corso Magenta 61, si terrà Life in cities, la prima mostra in Italia dedicata a Michael Wolf, artista e fotografo tedesco che ha studiato con il maestro Otto Steinert alla Folkwang School di Essen e alla Berkeley in California. } })(); Keep an eye out for the latest photography news! 22 May 2013 . Due to the temporary closing of the gallery, some of you have not had the opportunity to view our Michael Wolf exhibition, so we are bringing the exhibition to you in a Viewing Room. In today’s edition (link in bio) : Janet Borden, [The Agenda]⠀ Paris Rooftops #8, YEAR. On the one hand he … Wolf’s key 21st-century theme is “life in cities”, as he observes it in vast metropolises like Tokyo, Hong Kong and Chicago. } For more information click here. Wolf's photographic work tackles the complexity of city life through observations of how vernacular architecture and public space are used. Startseite » Terminsuche » Ausstellung » MICHAEL WOLF – LIFE IN CITIES. Its static form, frozen in the nineteenth century by its Haussmannian architecture, and the weight of its photographic past convinced him of the need to find a new photographic approach. The Robert Koch Gallery was the first gallery to represent Michael Wolf, and did so exclusively for … This commitment and engagement remained central throughout his career. German photographer Michael Wolf’s started his series entitled Life in Cities in 2011. In the series 100 × 100 (2006) he took portraits of one hundred residents of an apartment complex there, who live in spaces of just nine square meters. No one saw it. Subscribe for full access to The Eye of Photography archives!That’s thousands of images and articles, documenting the history of the medium of photography and its evolution during the last decade, through a unique daily journal. Michael Wolf’s work on life in cities was always driven by a profound concern for the people living in these environments and for the consequences of massive urbanization on contemporary civilization. ‘Life in Cities – continued’ gives an comprehensive insight in Michael Wolf’s extensive, culturally investigative and artistic work. For over four decades Wolf, who died in April 2019, examined the layered urban landscape, addressing juxtapositions of public and private space, and anonymity and individuality in relation to history and modern development. They reflect living conditions in major cities such as Hong Kong, Tokyo, Chicago, and Paris and address issues such as population concentration, mass consumption, privacy, and voyeurism. Words Francesca Esposito. The striking feature of these impressive series is the changing points of view adopted by the artist in order to show the complexity of modern city life. Michael Wolf’s work on life in cities was always driven by a profound concern for the people living in these environments and for the consequences of massive urbanization on contemporary civilization. forms: { 104 avenue Raymond Poincaré 75116 Paris phone: + 33 (0) 1 85 73 19 45 Call for applications. 50 Euros, Deichtorhallen Internationale Kunst und Fotografie Hamburg. House of Photography This commitment and engagement remained central throughout his career. Als Fotograf und Dozent für Fotografie hat Thomas Gust den BesucherInnen einen Überblick über die ausgestellten Werkreihen von dem Fotografen Michael Wolf während der gesamten Ausstellungsdauer „Life in Cities“ vermittelt. Whether in Hong Kong, Chicago, Paris, Tokyo or in digital worlds through the use of Google Street view, Wolf’s always fresh, widely varied work reminds us why the world’s streets continue to capture our attention. Was: Ausstellung. CH–8008 17 November 2018 — 3 March 2019. Previous slideshow slide Next slideshow slide / Overview. from February 1st, 2021 to February 28th, 2021, Paris Robert Koch Gallery. That’s thousands of images and articles, documenting the history of the medium of photography and its evolution during the last decades, through a unique daily journal. Paris Street View #9. Michael Wolf Life in Cities Interviews. Photograph, dimensions variable . The series is a visual collection of a dizzying array of fragments from the city streets: […] Wolf is able to reveal the surprising diversity of the urban ecosystem, capturing the beauty of the vernacular while simultaneously illustrating China’s concern with functionality over form. Life in Cities & Real Fake Art. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Die Stadt ist damit nicht nur einer der am dichtesten besiedelten Flecken der Erde, sondern gehört auch zu den Orten mit den höchsten Lebenshaltungskosten der Welt. } L’exposition du photographe allemand intitulée Michael Wolf : Life in Cities comprend douze séries de photographies et une installation murale qui donne aux visiteurs à réfléchir sur les conditions de vie de millions de personnes vivant dans les mégalopoles à travers le monde, et en particulier en Asie. Every morning, receive the latest world photography news and events. German photographer Michael Wolf’s started his series entitled Life in Cities in 2011. Wolf’s views of high-rise buildings in Architecture of Density (2003–2014), which show neither sky nor earth, resemble endless abstractions and underscore the beauty of Hong Kong’s monotonous, brutal architecture. Shooting from public rooftops [in Chicago] over the course of several months, Transparent City (2006) adopted a similar visual approach to his architectural work in Hong Kong. Michael Wolf: Life in Cities virtual exhibition Mar 31 — May 31, 2020. The exhibition, which is curated by Wim van Sinderen, is a production of The Hague Museum of Photography and was first shown in summer 2017 during the photography festival Rencontres de La Photographie in Arles. on: function(evt, cb) { London { from January 14th, 2021 to March 4th, 2021, to continue improving our independent magazine. Explore how photography, as an art and as a social phenomenon, continue to define our experience of the world. Transparent City No. From May 10 through July 22, 2018, great photographic work is at home at Fondazione Stelline with the first Italian retrospective exhibition devoted to Michael Wolf. And it’s free! The Robert Koch Gallery was the first gallery to represent Michael Wolf, and did so … He raises his sniper rifle, holds his breath, and … Seit 1994 lebt der deutsche Fotograf Michael Wolf in Hongkong. The Robert Koch Gallery was the first gallery to represent Michael Wolf, and did so … Wann: 17.11.2018 - 03.03.2019. … The shy and sometimes resigned faces of these individuals contrast starkly with the overwhelming number of brightly colored, mass-produced toys. Michael Wolf (30 July 1954 – 24 April 2019) was a German artist and photographer whose work focused on daily life in big cities. 118, 2007. Explore Michael Wolf: Life in Cities from Robert Koch Gallery on Artsy. Michael Wolf. Michael Wolf: Life in Cities. Imagine, Hong Kong houses seven million inhabitants on a space smaller than the province of Groningen. The exhibition also includes the enormous, new installation Real Toy … Opening speeches by Dirk Luckow (General director of Deichtorhallen Hamburg) and Ingo Taubhorn (Curator House of Photography), The exhibition will be accompanied by the book Michael Wolf Works, which will be supplemented for the House of Photography wih a booklet containing the newest series as well as essays in German by Marc Feustel, Jan-Philipp Sendker, Wim van Sindern and Michael Wolf. Photographs from his series ‘Architecture of Density’, ‘Night’, ‘Paris Rooftops’, ‘Tokyo Compression’, ‘Transparent City’, as well as a large ‘Informal Solutions’ installation are also on view at Christophe Guye Gallery, Zurich. from January 25th, 2021 to April 25th, 2021, NOT A GALLERY These images are made with a “no exit” photographic style, trapping the gaze of the viewer within the frame just as the passengers are unable to escape the confinement of these temporary cells. ⠀ Michael Wolf’s work on life in cities was always driven by a profound concern for the people living in these environments and for the consequences of massive urbanization on contemporary civilization. More than 20,000 cheap toys »Made in China« provide the framework for portrait photos of workers in Chinese toy factories. callback: cb Life in Cities by Michael Wolf on view at the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg, Germany until 3 March 2019. His projects document both the architecture and the vernacular culture of metropolises. An up-close look at real life in megacities . event : evt, Architecture of Density #102, 2009. Updated … ⠀ It will be accompanied by the English-language publication Michael Wolf Works and a German booklet of texts published by Peperoni Books, including essays by Marc Feustel, Jan-Philipp Sendker, and Wim van Sinderen.In cooperation with the Fotomuseum Den Haag, On Friday, 16 November 2018 at 7 p.m. at the House of Photography. The Robert Koch Gallery in San Francisco currently presents “Michael Wolf: Life in Cities”, a survey celebrating Michael Wolf’s life and work. Two offers are available.Subscribe either monthly for $5 or annually for $50 (2 months offered). Feb 6th – Apr 11th. His series, in particular Architecture of Density and Transparent City, zero in on the lives of people in the ever-shifting metropolises of the world. Donnerstag, 7. This commitment and engagement remained central throughout his career. His first personal project in the city, Architecture of Density (2003–14), uses the city’s iconic skyscraping tower blocks to great effect, eliminating the sky and horizon line to flatten each image and turn these facades into infinite abstractions. (function() { Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von : Deichtorhallen Hamburg. Michael Wolf’s work on life in cities was always driven by a profound concern for the people living in these environments and for the consequences of massive urbanization on contemporary civilization. Tokyo … He lived and worked in Hong Kong and Paris. Die zwölf Werkserien und eine riesige Wandinstallation umfassende Ausstellung MICHAEL WOLF − LIFE IN CITIES im Haus der Photographie zeigt Werke von Wolfs Anfängen als Dokumentarfotograf bis hin zu den jüngsten Arbeiten. @peterbarberie, In today’s edition (link in bio) : Edition Spéc, In today’s edition (link in bio) : Cornell Fine, In today’s edition (link in bio) : Agence Roger-. Photographer Michael Wolf captures some of the world's biggest metropolises. This commitment and engagement remained central throughout his career. He took to the rooftops to find an expression of the city’s character. That still damp pair of underpants had fallen from the skimpy windowsill of some 18th story or … The, The Agenda:⠀ Hong Kong has been his home since 1994, and became the main focus of his research and the subject of many of his series. Paris Street View #16. Hong Kong, his home since 1994, features prominently in his works. From 17 November 2018 to 3 March 2019, the House of Photography at the Deichtorhallen will be presenting a major exhibition by the German photographer Michael Wolf (*1954). Paris Rooftop #1, … Mit seiner Kamera dokumentiert und inszeniert Michael Wolf das Leben in Hongkong, von innen … Dufourstrasse 31 16.000 Einwohner pro Quadratmeter leben hier. Join our Newsletter, from February 16th, 2021 to April 14th, 2021, from February 1st, 2021 to February 28th, 2021, from January 25th, 2021 to April 25th, 2021, 104 avenue Raymond Poincaré 75116 Paris phone: + 33 (0) 1 85 73 19 45, from January 14th, 2021 to March 4th, 2021, In today’s edition (link in bio) : Mari Katayama, In today’s edition (link in bio) : Galerie Faide. Februar 2019, 18.30 Uhr DEICHTORHALLEN Haus der Fotografie, Deichtorstraße 1 , U1 Messberg oder Steinstraße Michael Wolf. Marc Feustel is an independent curator, writer and editor based in Paris. The Robert Koch Gallery was the first gallery to represent Michael Wolf, and did so … The exhibition Michael Wolf: Life in Cities, which features twelve series of photographs and an enormous wall installation, shows works ranging from Wolf’s early days as a documentary photographer to his most recent creations.