Woop! Der internationale Durchbruch stellte sich mit der 2008 ebenfalls mit Jones gegründeten Formation Die Antwoord ein, die ihre Texte in Afrikaans und Englisch verfasst. / Hey! So when I was 17 my interest in music arouse. 0000004992 00000 n hello baby! The last line, before the hook line “torture ritual”, asks a simple question. 0000006607 00000 n 0000048122 00000 n And I said to my self "what was that crazy group called". sexy! 0000050173 00000 n 0000048328 00000 n It's a typical Die Antwoord song, all impressive and incomprehensible raps (with the exception of DJ Hi-Tek's turn at the mic towards the end, which is, um, neither of the above) from Ninja and Yo-Landi. Woop! I LOVE Die Antwoord and have even seen them in concert. Frontmann Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones) war in Südafrika schon seit den 90er Jahren ein bekannter Künstler, Musiker und Produzent und wechselte in der Vergangenheit mehrfach seine Bühnencharaktere. 0000043260 00000 n 0000043123 00000 n 0000037538 00000 n 0000295951 00000 n Q&A with Ninja of Die Antwoord "We kind of noticed why everyone likes us. 0000047151 00000 n 0000005153 00000 n Woop! 0000043710 00000 n Die kind bedoel dat Zolile, wat deur die bul getrap was, sy verdiende straf gekry het omdat hy hom destyds valslik van diefstal beskuldig het. 0000036005 00000 n Everything that was ever rebellious, shocking, or otherwise revolting-to-the-elders about the personas and performances of rock and roll, metal, punk, noise, gangsta rap, and so on is so not-shocking to anyone from Gen X or younger. 0000007096 00000 n 0000037807 00000 n 0000004348 00000 n 0000037740 00000 n 0000028373 00000 n Aphex Twin Is Kind Of In Die Antwoord's New Video Even a sentence from Richard D. James in the press release is enough to make him the star. 0000036852 00000 n Hey Sexy Lyrics: O fok! Woop! 0000032200 00000 n sexy! Abuse doesn’t have to be immediately realized for it to have taken place. Bill Graham Civic Auditorium - San Francisco. Zefside beat. Ever since then I have little flashback memorys of this rap rave group, but did not know the name. 0000003352 00000 n The Die Antwoord community and music fans at large can, ... Zheani is a musician and artist and semi-well-known in an Internet kind of way. 0000006770 00000 n Die Antwoord set out to release five albums, and it has to stop there. It was like, Oh shit, I have a gun and I didn’t know that I had a gun." 1166 0 obj <> endobj xref 1166 94 0000000016 00000 n Not On Label (Die Antwoord Self-released), We Used To Wait / Enter The Ninja / Self Machine, Great music, Weird Music, Important Music. woop! They are the best live! woop! Scrobble songs to get recommendations on tracks, albums, and artists you'll love. 0000003315 00000 n 0000003952 00000 n 0000047221 00000 n 0000007259 00000 n Find similar artists to Die Antwoord and discover new music. Especially the type from Kind Kitchen in Cape Town. ‘Cause all those things don’t mix that well together in the real world. 0000043327 00000 n The group was formed by du Toit, her then-partner Ninja, and producer HITEK5000 (formerly referred to as DJ Hi-Tek and God). / Hey sexy! Hy weet dat die bul weer iemand kan trap. 0000016058 00000 n We don't know what "Fok Julle Naaires" means, but it sounds serious. / Hey sexy! Sexy! Skip to content. Jones tattooing Zheani in 2013 . 0000048534 00000 n Stripper poles are mainstream. They have since added a second producer Lil2Hood. If you or someone you know is having a hard time, resources are always available to you at thehotline.org or at 1-800-799-7233. 0000007585 00000 n Im Jahr 2005 gründete sie gemeinsam mit Jones dessen ehemalige Formation Max Normal als MaxNormal.TV wieder, die bis 2008 bestand. 0000050612 00000 n 0000036212 00000 n 0000011632 00000 n Looking at power from all … Yolandi and Ninja's daughter from (Die Antwoord), Sixteen Jones. Die Antwoord. Besides, people have built actual musical careers out of less. 0000015019 00000 n Every once-shocking stage act now induces yawns. Woop! 0000006283 00000 n CONTENT WARNING: The following article references allegations of abuse. 0000025084 00000 n 0000043982 00000 n Five dope albums is tough enough, and Ninja would rather leave the legacy perfect than muck it up with a slow decline. Die Antwoord besteht aus den Mitgliedern Ninja (Rap/Gesang), Yolandi Visser (Rap/Gesang) und DJ Hi-Tek (Beats/DJing). Woop! 0000016199 00000 n Die Antwoord are ripping through the "interwebs"-- as they like to call it-- at a time when concrete notions of authenticity and identity are crumbling at an increasing rate. By Miles Raymer @milesraymer. Honestly I think they are geniuses. Hey sexy! High quality Die Antwoord gifts and merchandise. However, I was a bit disappointed with this specific vinyl. 0000003131 00000 n I'm so bright my mama call me her son Where I'm from shit's fucked so I bought me a gun Our president talks wid a fuckin fork in his tongue Beats banging in my head so I walk wid a bump In my own zone, my sweet reality 0000050377 00000 n 0000002176 00000 n 0000005314 00000 n Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. woop! O fok! 0000008816 00000 n Hey! Die bul het hom getrap. I bought this vinyl when it was first released. Die Antwoord lead vocalist Ninja (born Watkin Tudor Jones) was a part of the South African hip-hop scene for many years, fronting such acts as The Original Evergreen, Max Normal, Fucknrad and The Constructus Corporation. 0000050584 00000 n 0000050959 00000 n 0000046983 00000 n 0000007749 00000 n For example, The Lonely Island. 3. 0000036784 00000 n woop! 0000036931 00000 n All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. 0000023117 00000 n Die Antwoord (Afrikaans: "The Answer") is a hip-hop act from Cape Town, South Africa consisting of three members. 0000046916 00000 n Put Die Antwoord in one hand and Lonely Island in the other and see which fills up faster. 0000004187 00000 n 0000048926 00000 n Home; Diary; Music; Videos; Live; Shop | Home; Diary; Music; Videos; Live; Shop | Seemingly every squeaky-clean pop star has had some kind of fall from grace. Then I found out who they were and was continuously intrigued by their use of lyrics, music videos, "Roger Ballen" Inspired art and their "ZEF" culture. 0000036998 00000 n 0000036554 00000 n 0000004670 00000 n 0000035937 00000 n Any others where he took the tank lights and saw them as eyes in one of his face drawings? xڤ�KLQ����A�@�2QD� �VK�I��,��@�"*^��RQ&.ؘ�p�5.G7Fn4ƨ1�tc�[�x� �*M4�dr�{�9���� G 2��7��l�QN�R�W�>ˆ>��oپ�,���ӟ��d��� 7�f���Ks����. tjek die kind! Tjek die kind! 0000008702 00000 n Die Antwoord’s Yolandi Visser has made two lengthy statements on Instagram titled ‘Clout Chaser’, in which she denies any truth to Zheani’s statements. / … 0000006121 00000 n 0000047053 00000 n / Woop! 0000043190 00000 n 0000037471 00000 n He is known for adopting different stage personas. du Toit is currently a member of the South African rap-rave group Die Antwoord. Their reputations become more valuable than other human beings. 0000007913 00000 n 0000019972 00000 n 0000006445 00000 n 0000043643 00000 n 0000036635 00000 n 0000004509 00000 n Woop! 0000015913 00000 n 0000005797 00000 n 0000036703 00000 n 0000008222 00000 n I don't know if it is just my copy or what, but some of the songs skip. 0000036486 00000 n 0000015743 00000 n woop! In the clip, Zheani also claims that Die Antwoord have sent her a cease and desist letter, threatening to sue for defamation over her claims. 0000015771 00000 n 0000008077 00000 n And that’s the difference. [1] Er war unter anderem unter dem Pseudonym Max Normal bei der Gruppe MaxNormal.TV (vormals M… Die Formation löste sich im Jahr 2003 wieder auf. 0000036280 00000 n I think that’s why we called it Die Antwoord—The Answer—because this is the hottest thing; we want to do this forever, I love this. 0000036410 00000 n 0000005959 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� It's all been done. My autographed Die Antwoord Fuck Everyone poster. My favorite song on this album is Daddy and it is the worst with the skipping problem. 0000007422 00000 n South African rap group Die Antwoord has just released its latest video for its new single titled, “ Fat Faded Fuckface “. woop! View this post on Instagram CLOUT CHASER part 1 It has come to my attention that a DA fan girl called ZHEANI has accused me of some really horrible things. 0000006933 00000 n This question (by the way “Die Antwoord” is Afrikaans for “The Answer”) seems to tie the whole narrative together. 0000004831 00000 n Die antwoord fl studio. Am I still your rainbow girl? Woop! / Woop! Over the past few weeks, allegations have been flying between South African hip-hop group Die Antwoord and Australian hip-hop artist Zheani Sparkes. 0000008250 00000 n Zheani Sparkes is an artist, musician, and activist, who spent eight days of her life in South Africa with one of the most famous rave groups in history and then didn’t speak of it for years. Walk into any Wal-Mart and there are wrinkled greybeards with tats, piercings, and stretched earlobes. Sexy! Free for both profit and non-profit as long as you credit IVA for the beat.Free zef beat. 0000015131 00000 n trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 1168 0 obj<>stream 0000005475 00000 n 0000048856 00000 n From Comic-Con 2017, wonder if there are any others with one autographed in this group and what ninja signed/drew. Elementary and middle-school children sport dyed mohawks. Hello baby! 0000005636 00000 n 0000036148 00000 n 0000036080 00000 n 0000036342 00000 n Best show of the summer! Om die bul te tem. Die Antwoord, an alternative hip hop group formed in South Africa, really love vegan food. Sy beplan om die seuns om te … 2. But it’s actually like this fokked-up, kind of broken fruit salad. This was my first time seeing 0000043915 00000 n Hey sexy! 0000035870 00000 n 4. 0000048506 00000 n