The Rock voiced Cliffjumper on the Transformers Prime pilot episode: "Darkness Rising, Part 1," and was later re-cast in a flashback in Season 2 by Billy Brown. 10 Hilarious Transformers Memes That'll Make You Cry Laughing. Miko continues banging Bulkhead's foot, but a noise stops her and Bulkhead has to admit that his arms are starting to fail. You will have to emulate either/or to get a good feel for the Cybertronian interpretation of the Brahma Bull. The franchise has aired nearly a dozen different series in North America and Japan since it began in 1984 and the next show to take the mantle is Transformers: Prime, another full CG-animated series similar in style to the popular Beast Wars seasons of the late 90s. Waiting outside a mine opening, Miko complains loudly to Jack that she'd rather be at the Slash Monkey metal concert she's been looking forward to. No, Vince DiCola isnât the guy who wrote and performed the rock anthem âThe Touch.â Thatâs longtime friend of Kotaku Stan Bush.Mr. While they're still discussing the conundrum, Miko runs into the mine to take a look, resulting in Bulkhead chasing her in and Jack persuading Arcee to let him go in as well. With the Transformers Animated cartoon and toyline canceled last year, there left a need for the next Transformers series. It is the nineteenth episode of the series overall. Megatron seems awfully surprised that Starscream would run at the first opportunity. In the aftermath, Jack struggles up to find himself alone in the cave and goes searching for the others. Jack and Miko start trying to dig their way out, but Jack suddenly stops the drill dead as a large foot comes down in front of them. Arcee takes advantage of Megatron's distraction and fires, causing him to discharge his fusion cannon into the ceiling, which gives way. The Loop (TV) Do you like this video? He ⦠This is one of the few episodes storyboarded by the artist. Now not only will he be able to rescue Megatron, but he'll have Bulkhead as a gift. Starscream recovers from that, only to be knocked down by Jack's drill as it comes through the wall. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson(bornMay 2,1972) used to be a professional wrestler for WWE, where he is a ten-time world champion (eight-time WWE Championship and two-time World Heavyweight Championship). When Megatron returns more powerful than ever, the Autobots, ... Rock Bottom 22m. Miko yells out weakly, and Bulkhead tells her to hit his foot with a rock to make a noise. Rock Bottom I have been wise to your transgressions from the beginning. When the Autobots, along with Jack and Miko, fall victim to an Energon mine cave-in, they find themselves trapped with Starscream and Megatron. It appears as if he's gone wall-eyed. Arcee and Bulkhead emerge from the entrance, confused that the mine seems to be stripped, yet there's an energon signal coming from inside. Bulkhead points out there's limited oxygen, and she's using it faster by exerting herself. Starscream strains to hold up the rock that Bulkhead had been supporting when he spots Megatron leaning through the nearby opening. Transformers Prime. He eventually left to pursue a movie career, though in recent years he has made a few returns to the ring in a publicity capacity, even participating in some storylines and matches. Johnson's "The Rock" persona was the inspiration for the Mini-Con Smackdown's bio. As night falls outside, Miko is tiring from her work. She hits him a couple more times before someone starts to break through the wall. Elsewhere, Jack uses the drill to clear a path only to uncover Megatron's face, the rest of him still pinned by the fallen rock. Starscream is the slim, tall, and mostly silver colored robot. Voice roles Transformers: Prime. Starscream pleads for his life...and it's this scene that Jack and Arcee stumble on. HEATWAVE, CHASE, BLADES and BOULDER are tasked by Optimus Prime to study the ways of humanity and protect manking on the island of Griffin Rock, a highly advanced hub of technology where anything can happen. Transformers Rescue Bots follows the adventures of four young Transformers and their human counterparts- a family of emergency responders. Now that big bad Megatron has returned to Earth, Team Prime prepares for an epic struggle to save the planet. Even though the sounds of robots stomping around and yelling should echo throughout the cave, Megatron and Starscream go completely unnoticed until Arcee and Jack stumble upon them by accident. Starscream is confused as to why have they come to an exhausted mine, but Megatron leads the way inside. Massive rocks fall on Megatron, causing the floor to start caving in as well, and both Arcee and Jack fall into a swiftly widening hole. Transformers: Prime Season 1 Episode 19: Rock Bottom Summary: While searching for traces of Energon in a cave, Arcee, Bulkhead, Jack and Miko get unexpected company when Megatron and Starscream arrive as well. Bulkhead finds Miko testing the acoustics in a cavern. The ensuing battle between Autobots and Decepticons causes a cave-in, leaving them trapped inside struggling to survive and find a way out. Miko likewise picks herself up to find Bulkhead holding up a huge chunk of the ceiling from caving in on them. Bulkhead has Miko hit him with a rock to signal Jack. 1 Premise 2 Synopsis 3 Characters 3.1 Autobots 3.2 Decepticons 3.3 Humans 4 Cast 5 Quotes 6 Errors/Notes 7 Trivia 8 Gallery Bulkhead, Arcee, Jack and Miko investigate an old Decepticon Energon mine that was supposedly stripped clean. Megatron and Starscream find Decepticon mining equipment. In the first chapter of Netflix's Transformers: War for Cybertron trilogy, Optimus Prime seemed very lost as he searched for answers on how to cure Cybertron.The battle between his Autobots and the Decepticons took a toll on him in Siege, especially as he still felt he ⦠In fact, the sword is emitting an energy field around the rock to hold it in place and to keep the rock from being destroyed around the sword itself. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (born May 2, 1972) used to be a professional wrestler for WWE, where he is a ten-time world champion (eight-time WWE Championship and two-time World Heavyweight Championship). Bulkhead, Arcee, Jack and Miko investigate an old Decepticon Energon mine that was supposedly stripped clean. Still searching, Jack stumbles upon one of the Decepticon mining drills. Not so much an error as a curiosity, but based on the day/night cycle shown outside the cave, at least 12 hours passed during the episode. Transformers Rescue Bots follows the adventures of four young Transformers and their human counterparts- a family of ... A mysterious iceberg off the coast of Griffin Rock brings both danger and the interest of an ... (along with Optimus Prime) going on an unexpected mission below the surface of the earth. Considering Miko's concert was supposed to happen two hours after the start of the episode, they should have noticed something was amiss when no one came back. The first big-budget Transformers movie was the 1986 animated feature The Transformers: The Movie; however, far from being a blockbuster hit, The Transformers was a significant misfire that was controversial among fans. Ask Vector Prime. Starscream, speeding through the mine in his jet mode, is hit by rocks and can only cry out as the tunnel to the mine entrance collapses. He has also played Roadblock in G.I. Report. From Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, the writing team behind the megablockbuster Transformers feature films, and executive producer Jeff Kline comes an all-new series of sophisticated adventures for the Autobots, Decepticons and their human allies that boasts stellar computer animation and an impressive voice cast including Adam Baldwin (Chuck), Clancy Brown (Lost), Jeffrey Combs ⦠Miko: Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to see Slash Monkey? He to please his master and keep his job, he tries to make up for being a trader to the Decepticon cause. Moments after they step inside, Megatron and Stars⦠The comms, however, are useless due to interference from the rock surrounding them. Transformers: Prime Action & Adventure , Animation , Cartoon , Cartoon Network , English , Hindi , Kids , Sci-Fi 2 min. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. A page for describing Recap: Transformers Prime S 1 E 19 Rock Bottom. The 19th episode of Transformers Prime aired on Saturday the 17th July 2011 on the The Hub.The episode was titled Rock Bottom and featured Bulkhead, Arcee, Jack, Miko, Starscream and Megatron.. History Talk (0) Comments Share. Think of the glory—seize the day! However Megatron picked this very day and cave to execute the traitorous Starscream, and when the two factions clash, it results in a massive cave-in, trapping them under the ⦠ Rock Bottom (Transformers: Prime) Edit. Waiting outside a mine opening, Miko complains loudly to Jack that she'd rather be at ⦠Starscream is reduced to begging for mercy once more and the Decepticon leader responds with a menacing look. Jack: Well, there's a shock. Bulkhead and Miko hear drilling. While they're still discussing the conundrum, Miko runs into the mine to take a look, resulting in Bulkhead chasing her in and Jack persuading Arcee to let him go in as well. Starscream: Look into my spark, Lord Megatron! He experiences a brief moment of triumph before realizing that Megatron has survived worse and if he doesn't make some attempt to rescue his leader, the other Decepticons surely will, which will mean problems for Starscream in the long run. In the next scene, however, he's standing upright and holding up a far larger piece of rock than he had been previously covered with. Megatron: Soundwave is quite competent at surveillance, I can assure you. With Peter Cullen, Sumalee Montano, Jeffrey Combs, Frank Welker. Thank the Allspark. I mean, who doesn't love obscure Bulgarian shriek metal? - Jack refusing to kill Megatron where he is trapped. Besides, he can take the credit if he succeeds. Unfortunately for him, Arcee appears with a gun pointed at his head and tells him to raise his hands. Either he's devoting. In all that time, the other Autobots made no apparent effort to look for their lost comrades. Bulkhead's "Did I do that?" 22:56. When they decide that Optimus wouldn't do it, they go home instead. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise, now streaming on Netflix.. Additional Tags: (Based on the ending of S1E20) A branch between TFP and RID2015; A Transformers Prime/IDW mash-up with canon divergence; after con job but before one shall stand one shall fall Jun 17, 2016 - Explore Immortal-Strike's board "Miko, Jack & Raf", followed by 224 people on Pinterest. Bulkhead asks him to let Miko go, but Miko refuses to leave Bulkhead. Costing a budget of approximately $5 million (or possibly $6 â there are conflicting reports), and featuring a star-studded voice cast, Transformers (1986) was a ⦠Unfortunately, their joy is short-lived as it turns out to be Starscream. When the cave-in begins, Bulkhead gets down on his hands and knees to shield Miko from the collapsing ceiling. He eventually left to pursue a movie career, though in recent years he has made a few returns to the ring in a publicity capacity, even participating in some storylines and matches. Playing next. [ Yawns ] Relax, Miko. - Arcee and Jack watch Miko run into the cave. Starscream: Master! Enraged, Megatron fires after him. Starscream menaces her until Bulkhead gives him a solid kick. Miko: Forever! It took a lot of power and gumption from Optimus and the rest of his team in order to get rid of Sentinel. Starscream says "Rust in peace!" But you've finally become tiresome,'ve hit rock bottom. Despite Miko saying she has to get Bulkhead out, he says he's fine, though his creaking servos tell a different story. In the cavern, Bulkhead protects Miko from the falling rocks. Bulkhead decides to get a sample for Ratchet and begins breaking pieces off the rock he's found. Miko is quickly persuaded to hop aboard the drill, which she does tearfully, and the two humans back out, leaving Bulkhead and Starscream alone. Please! Megatron begins firing on the two newcomers and Starscream sees his chance to try to escape. In this new set of adventures the Autobots live on Earth and maintain their secret identity. He starred in movies such as The Scorpion King, Doom, Get Smart, Moana, Tooth Fairy, and Rampage. More once has he been replaced by others and now he has the looming threat of losing his rank to Shockwave. Notes. He's let Starscream continue until now for his own amusement, but enough's enough. The show doesn't start for two hours. Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Prime "Thanks again for letting Sierra and me come along," Stormracer said as she, Bulkhead, and Arcee scouted around inside an old decepticon mine. ... And much like Excalibur in the Stone, only a Prime can extract it from the enormous rock in which it's imbedded. watch 01:20. 20. Megatron: Do not take me for a fool, Starscream! Transformers: Prime is a computer animated robot superhero television series produced by Hasbro Studios and animated by Polygon Pictures.It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise originally created in the 1980s by Hasbro out of Takara's robot toys. Transformers Prime: The Medic's Assistant. Starscream tries to blame its presence on an error by Soundwave, but Megatron plucks a chunk of energon from the wall and explains that he's been keeping up with Starscream's many plottings, thanks to Soundwave's spying. Browse more videos. Rock Bottom is the fourteenth episode of the first season of Transformers: Prime. How does Jack, a human, know how to use a Cybertronian energon drill? Optimus would. Transformers is an American and Japanese media franchise produced by American toy company Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy.It follows the battles of sentient, living autonomous robots, often the Autobots and the Decepticons, who can transform into other forms, such as vehicles and animals.The franchise encompasses toys, animation, comic books, video games and films. The fact is Starscream, despite your treachery, I've allowed you to carry on this long because I took a certain delight in following your string of failures. They are joined by 3 teens as they battle the Decepticons. In Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Sentinel Prime was brought back to fight the Decepticons in Chicago, but ended up betraying the Autobots and killed Ironhide where he stood. I returned! I did not abandon you, master! Joe: Retaliation. Starscream is the shifty and somewhat trustworthy Second-in-command of Megatron. Rock Bottom is the fourteenth episode of the first season of Transformers: Prime. The episode begins with Jack and Miko sitting on some rocks outside of an abandoned mine. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Starscream is pleased. Starscream pulls himself free of the mine and into the open air. We're supposed to be at a rock concert, but all I see is rock. Bulkhead says that Autobots don't need to breathe, but when Starscream gets out of the cave, he coughs and gasps for air. To save you! Release year: 2010. Waiting outside a mine opening, Miko complains loudly to Jack that she'd rather be at the Slash Monkey metal concert she's been looking forward to. It's no secret that you lost an arm in the process, which you've since had replaced. See more ideas about transformers prime, transformers art, transformers. Transformers Prime Season 1 Episode 19 Rock Bottom. Jack gets the mining drill working and begins guiding it to find the others. While she's whooping and yelling, Bulkhead's detector bleeps, and he attempts to contact Arcee. Transformers: Prime is a computer animated television series which premiered on November 29, 2010, on Hub Network, Hasbro's and Discovery's joint venture, which began broadcasting on October 10, 2010, in the United States.The series was also previewed on Hub Network on November 26, 2010, as a one-hour special. The Autobots exit the mine with the kids and briefly discuss finishing off the Decepticons. You're alive! line is almost certainly a reference to Steve Urkel's catchphrase from Family Matters. My intentions were true! Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Megatron suggests that Jack uses the drill to finish him, but Jack doesn't believe Optimus Prime would want Megatron finished that way and drills off in another direction. It is also part of my very own Transformers Prime/TF RID AU where Elita One is alive! Cliffjumper ("Darkness Rising, Part 1") ; Fiction Ask Vector Prime. Miko exercises her right to charge into situations that almost get her killed, again. Not only did you pluck the Dark Energon from my chest in a failed attempt to snuff my spark, but you tried to raise your own undead warrior with it. A page for describing Recap: Transformers Prime S 2 E 20 Legacy. Vector Prime used The Rock as an example of a human name that might seem Cybertronian, in response to a question about why some Cybertronians had names like Billy or Roy. Watch Transformers: Prime Free Online. It is the nineteenth episode of the series overall. With Frank Welker, Steve Blum, Sumalee Montano, Kevin Michael Richardson. They have no idea as to what caused the cave-in, but Miko starts trying to clear the rocks away so they can get out. Season 1. as in "Rest in peace". What Rises Above. Directed by Shaunt Nigoghossian, David Hartman. Chapter 23: Rock Bottom . 11. Have mercy!! "No problem," Arcee said. Transformers Primeâs toyline occupies an unusual space in the history of Transformers toys as a whole, and is a showcase of the changing approach to Transformers toys as a whole by Hasbro.