Eager for revenge, Galvatron used his new cannon alt-mode to reduce the Seeker to ash, before crushing his crown with a single stomp. Landing on the fourth planet, they destroyed a primitive lifeform that seemed to have been created from the AllSpark, and felt the tag of the life-giving object on the third planet. One of the most infamous examples was in Issue #31, "Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash Of Doom." (1) Total ratings 1, AU $70.00 New. Things didn't bode well for the Decepticons when Autobot reinforcements arrived. Little did Starscream know that not all of the troops Soundwave had brought were so eager to serve him for merely succeeding to the Decepticon throne. DeceasedAlive(alternative timeline) The official Transformers Instagram have just uploaded our first images of the new Transformers R.E.D G1 Bumblebee and Coronation Starscream.. After the Cybertronan War, when Megatron disappeared searching for the AllSpark, Starscream took over as leader of the Decepticons. As he related this to first officer Ratchet of the Science Division, this time the alien ship did not maintain a safe distance, forcing Starscream to attack, and he was damaged in the subsequent battle (and was late for a meeting with Optimus and Lord High Protector Megatron). Faction To see more images go to: Starscream/Gallery, Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor stealth aircraft, Cybertronian Jet, Starscream (RotF) F-22 Raptor Jet using Missle Launcher. Tired of endlessly submitting to the Decepticon leader, Starscream snapped, and flew off with the intention of starting his own "New Decepticon Empire.". Starscream assumed the role of Decepticon leader on Earth following Megatron's defeat and the destruction of the AllSpark. Starscream dismissively replied, "Yeah, right... him too.". or Best Offer. Starscream stood next to Megatron, who had lost his right arm and had half his face blown off thanks to Optimus Prime, and advised that they should flee, something that Megatron acknowledged. In his testimony, Starscream aggrandizes himself while trivializing both the war itself ("We call it a war because otherwise would be to insult the dead, but really it was a riot") and Megatron's role in it ("This tinpot revolutionary would have you believe he is some grand architect, some military mastermind with destiny at his heels - in truth, he was sidelined long ago so that more accomplished monsters like Shockwave and Scorponok could use this planet as a canvas for their own dark designs") before delivering the final masterstroke of a conclusion - "[Megatron] doesn't deserve death - he deserves pity." With their plan in ruins, Starscream ordered Dropkick to retreat. Starscream starts out as a neutral being neither Autobot nor Decepticon. Starscream, having been pronounced leader of Cybertron since the war's end, took to the defense stand at his former leader's trial - ironically, it was his "defense" testimony that proved damning most of all. Starscream during the Battle of Mission City. This is no random image by any means since the tweet indicates that both figures have been designed by veteran Takara … Ratings and reviews. Transformers Starscream Action Figure 4.5 out of 5 stars 25. Megatron berated Starscream and hit him with the detached arm he was trying to stick in, furious that he lost track of "a single insect." Meeting Megatron atop the pyramid which hid the harvester, Starscream informed Megatron of his discovery, and Megatron ordered the assault to begin. Seeing Megatron leave the planet in pursuit of the AllSpark, Starscream decided that so would they. Though tempted to exact revenge on the humans, he realized he might be the last functional Decepticon on the planet, so he escaped Mission City to recover the badly-damaged Barricade. Ultimately, Starscream retreated from Earth into space. After biding his time and gathering allies, Starscream finally makes his move halfway through the series in the 23rd episode "Trap.". 1 product rating. His worries are confirmed when he learns that Starscream and Megatron are in fact lovers in a spontaneously unplanned, badly age-mismatched and somewhat physically abusive but sexually fulfilling affair. RELATED: Transformers: 5 Of The Most Effective Decepticons (& 5 Of The Most Useless) Starscream is famous for his unbridled ambition, making no secret of his desire to replace Megatron as leader of the Decepticons. After their ship sank into a cavern, Starscream revealed his true nature and abandoned them. He is shown to be working alongside his fellow Seekers Skywarp and Thrust. Damaged from the shock, Starscream decided to cut his losses and took off skywards. Starscream went to investigate it, intending to destroy it. Starscream and Megatron flew to the top of a New York City skyscraper, where Starscream revealed that they had lost track of the boy. 5 Starscream humiliated Megatron: Transformers Animated - "Transform & Rollout" Animated certainly features one of the boldest versions of Starscream, best shown in the show's pilot - he makes his move to assassinate Megatron in only their second scene together, surreptitiously planting a bomb on his leader's back when Megatron flies off to attack the Autobots' ship. AU $32.30 Used. During a search of an abandoned solar system, the Nemesis came across a vessel that bore a resemblance to Megatron's alternate mode. Starscream and Megatron at Decepticon High Command. After Blackout left the group for another nearby base, Starscream told his fellow Decepticons that their mission wouldn't always be this easy, as the Autobots were bound to turn up. Later, Starscream was leading an assault on the Autobots at Tyger Pax when Blackout arrived to reinforce them. The earliest concepts of Starscream's head were more skull-like and oblong in shape. 1 Doesn't Take Advantage of its Colorful Cast, The Swamp Thing Leans Hard Into Horror With Its New Protagonist, The Suicide Squad #1 Is Infinite Frontier's Bloodiest Launch, 10 Animation Studios That Rivaled Disney (Before They Went Out Of Business), 10 Ways Cyborg Changed After Joining The Justice League, RWBY: 15 Stunning Weiss Cosplay You Need To See, The Walking Dead: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Wolves, The Walking Dead: 10 Things About Negan The AMC Series Left Out, The Flash: Every Film & TV Appearance Of Reverse-Flash, Ranked, 10 Confusing Comics That Only Make Sense On A Reread, Hanna-Barbera's First 11 Superhero Cartoons (in Chronological Order), Tom Felton & 9 Other Actors You Forgot Were On The Flash, Milestone Returns: 10 Things You Didn't Know About DC’s Dakotaverse, Naruto: 10 Best Fights That Didn't Feature Naruto. This Studio Series 72 Voyager Starscream figure is inspired by iconic movie scenes and designed with specs and details to reflect the Transformers movie universe, now including The Transformers: The Movie! However, the Decepticon known as Shockwave appeared with Ruination and Deadlift at shooting range, explaining that he found the base by picking up Divebomb's trail. https://michaelbaystransformers.fandom.com/wiki/Starscream?oldid=25579. Furious, Megatron berated his lieutenant for yet another failure and ordered an attack on them. Though Starscream typically tried to suck up to Megatron, he secretly wanted to overthrow him as leader of the Decepticons. Though Megatron comes out in the end, the circumstances that led him to Unicron seemed like a win for Starscream at the time. After destroying much of the enemy fleet and eliminating its leader, Megatron ordered Starscream and his fellow fliers to destroy the alien flagship and conquer the surrounding systems. While the Autobots eventually destroyed the zombies, Starscream had escaped with several AllSpark energy fragments still in his posseioon. Bonecrusher hated him, but one shouldn't really read too much into that. But Bumblebee grappled him as he swooped down, sending Starscream tumbling into a nearby river after crashing through some power lines. Starscream und seine Seeker unterstanden Shockwave, während Megatron weg war . First, the AllSpark replica didn't work; then Dreadwing rebelled. The card back of Protoform Starscream's packaging features a completely different, earlier head sculpt. Starscream's final head design was one that was rejected for Megatron. Starscream hauled himself up and opened fire on Space Case, but quickly realized the identity of the rogue Decepticon. The humans told him of a robotic creature that they had found on their world, and Starscream, recognizing it as Megatron, told them it was an Autobot scout. Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Prowl, Starscream & Soundwave In-Hand Images Posted on December 19, 2020 at 7:50 pm by Black Convoy under Transformers Cyberverse Thanks to 2005 Board member Skillfulgram2003 and Twitter user @SoupCt123 we can share for you some in-hands images of the new Transformers Cyberverse Deluxe Prowl, Starscream & Soundwave. Swindle and Deadend drew NEST to Rome, where Starscream challenged Optimus to one-on-one combat in the Coliseum: it was a trap, and Optimus fell through a hidden door into a set of restraints in an underground tunnel built by Carrera. 3) Transformers Legends (Takara Tomy) Armada Starscream Super Mode - I'm a huge fan of the Aramda jet mold and this mold was a clever update. Unfortunately, Starscream experienced a minor mutiny when Bonecrusher and Blackout demanded answers, and even Barricade wanted to know why. He almost immediately met with the waiting Starscream, who repledged his loyalty to Megatron. Wounded by the detonation, Megatron is expelled from the Autobots' vessel by Optimus Prime into Earth's upper atmosphere, where he burns up on re-entry. Reduced to just a head, held by Isaac Sumdac, Megatron spends the duration of Animated Season 1 suffering the indignity of disembodiment, forced to deceive Sumdac into returning him to full strength. AU $47.60. Starscream claimed that she faced a rare opportunity and revealed his intentions for her to decode an encoded Autobot transmission for the Decepticons, assuring her that if she did so, she would die quickly. To amend this slight impediment, he attacked several AllSpark Mutations and removed the energy from their bodies, which he then proceeded to implant into the corpses of Blackout, Barricade and Devastator. Starscream set up a base of operations in a junkyard on the outskirts of Mexico City. Sometime later, they followed the AllSpark's trace energy pulse and the wake of Prime's ship to a solar system galaxies away. Starscream flew to Italy where he allied with criminal mastermind Bruno Carrera, promising him rule of Europe once Starscream ruled Earth if he helped kill Optimus Prime. Within seconds of Megatron's defeat, Starscream dubbed himself the new Decepticon leader, with the main problem being that he didn't actually have any troops to lead. Starscream also appears in the 2018 film Bumblebee, albeit in a non-speaking role. Get the best deals on Armada Starscream Transformers & Robot Action Figures. Using his powerful starship mode, he patrolled for light years around Cybertron, locating and on occasion clearing dangers before they reached his home planet. Later, Starscream and Blackout detected the unique radiation of the AllSpark and investigated, but Starscream soon realized it was a trap by Sector Seven. He thanked Bumblebee by blasting him, but was contacted by Soundwave before he could finish the job. Later, he was patrolling the Eshems Nebula when he encountered the fourth alien scout ship he had spotted in the same cycle. After chasing off Bumblebee, he communicated with the creatures aboard the vessel, who called themselves humans. Starscream attended a war rally at Trypticon where Megatron assumed dictatorship of Cybertron and its armed forces. Starscream was in Zambia where he gained control of the rebel Human Accessory Force by synthesizing gold coins with his own body. Naturally, the commander agreed. Defiance #2 Underground opposition to the new regime came in the form of Optimus and his science division, something Lord Megatron would not stand for. Foundation #3 During the subsequent civil war, Starscream blindly followed Megatron's orders, murdering those who did not bow to his Lord's will, even those who did not choose sides. Soundwave found the message upon his return to Earth, and deemed it a suicide note. Status These 5-inch Deluxe Class figures are inspired by classic characters from Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures and feature easy Transformers conversion. Decepticons And you always will. Shocked that Soundwave was still alive, Starscream left with renewed vigor, believing Soundwave held the key to making a new army. The shape was Space Case, who, tired of "bein' pushed around," immediately attacked Starscream, punching him into a Ferris wheel. Sending Megatron and Decepticons loyal to him off on a snipe hunt deep in space which culminated in their imprisonment within a trap Starscream had personally laid. After receiving co-ordinates to Soundwave's ship, a more enthusiastic Starscream left for the Nemesis, aiming to bring the troops aboard out of stasis while Soundwave carried out "other orders". Starscream, jealous of Megatron's power and resentful of how the Decepticon leader continually disrespects him, desires nothing less than to usurp him. After Dreadwing's betrayal, Starscream relocated to Earth, his aspirations for leadership and his faith in his fellow Decepticons shattered. Though usually doomed to failure by his own ineptitude, there have been occasions where Starscream won out, if only briefly. T1 Joe vs. the Transformers #5 His still-operational body was soon happened across by Cobra Commander, who was attempting to flee the escalating battle between the Autobots, Decepticons, Joes and Cobras that was engulfing the island, and Starscream made the human proposition: help him remove the grenade, and he would get him off the island. In the IDW Transformers run, the Autobots eventually win the war and while many remaining Decepticons attempt to scheme… To that end, he steals the personality components of imprisoned Decepticons on Cybertron and rebuilds them using human military vehicles into the Combaticons. RELATED: 5 Decepticons Most Loyal To Megatron (& The 5 Most Treacherous), Unable to bear the shame of his failure or Megatron's own humiliation of him, the Air Commander earnestly asks Megatron to permanently end his suffering. Two years after the battle of Mission City, Starscream spent his time as acting commander on the Nemesis engineering a new army. A number of Decepticons were working in secret to amass vast quantities of energy to locate Megatron and jump start his spark. Play the game at http://bit.ly/2u09eUs Starscream origins the movie universe history! After it was destroyed, the Decepticons attacked the base itself. What will happen?! Transformers Generations Power of The Primes Voyager Class Starscream. Alias Megatron was influenced by the mysterious relic found outside Simfur to wage a vengeful war against the aliens. It has been suggested that, following his attack on the F-22 squadron over, Starscream's bio for his Deep Space figure mentions that he re-energized himself at a power plant after the. Starscream aided in Sam Witwicky's capture by cutting open the car Grindor had captured him in, and watched as Megatron and Scalpel threatened to dissect him for the information in his mind from the AllSpark regarding the energon source. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The relationship between Decepticon leader Megatron and his second-in-command Starscream is easily the most complex and dynamic in all of Transformers. His protoform was not the only design to get a new head. Devin is a passionate writer always working to use my skill with words to express my love for film and fiction of all sorts. He arrived at the AllSpark construction yard, busted Crankcase's vocal processor for whining too much, and chained him up along with four enslaved Autobot prisoners on the new AllSpark, ready to offer up their lives in exchange for a new life for Cybertron. Starscream watched from the sidelines as Optimus was resurrected by the Matrix, and combined with Jetfire. Fleeing from Earth, the Decepticons vote to expel their wounded into space to conserve fuel and ensure the survival of the fittest - Starscream personally tosses out Megatron, who'd been mortally wounded in a battle with Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, Megatron declares, Starscream has expended his usefulness on even that front, having become "tiresome, predictable, [and] hit rock bottom" - a declaration that brings Starscream to his knees, begging for mercy. Starscream, Decepticon Air Commander. Starscream ordered Thundercracker and the drones to deal with them while he prepared for take off. Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Rescue Bots, The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers Generation One Not Rated No Archive Warnings Apply $88.17. AU $64.97. Let's look at both some of the aforementioned times and his absolute worst moments of failure. Shockwave then informed Starscream that his presence was requested by Megatron. Upon discovering the existence of this faction, Optimus surmised that Starscream would be hard pressed to withstand a coup, and the only way to secure his claim would be to destroy Optimus and the Autobots quickly. Starscream was then too focused on the Autobot to notice Sam taking a live wire, and sticking it into the water, electrocuting the Decepticon. other actor(s) After learning that a Decepticon Intelligence unit, called Brains, had escaped to Sam Witwicky, Starscream rallied a group of Decepticons and attacked his college. Leaving the scene of destruction, he radioed his fellow Decepticons to report in on their hunt for new disguise forms, which they did. In Transformers Prime episode "Rock Bottom," Megatron brings Starscream along on an Energon mine inspection, but truthfully, to execute him. TRANSFORMERS OPTIMUS PRIME & STARSCREAM 6" Action Figurine NWT. When the sky darkened, Optimus emerged and blasted both of them, allowing them to escape. After Megatron was injured in battle, Starscream rushed to his side to enquire about his condition and to ask for further orders. The Transformers comic wasn't quite as ludicrous as the cartoon, but the comic's version of the Decepticons could still indulge in some dubious hijinks. At the Decepticon camp in Namibia, Megatron made it very clear to Starscream, by way of a beating, that he did not appreciate being told how to do his job. AU $41.15 postage. The Autobots figured that Starscream would not risk traveling to Earth for fear of losing power, but Prime figured that it was only a matter of time before the desire for vengeance and the lure of the AllSpark brought the Decepticons to that world. As Arce… Jetfire | Skyfire/Starscream (Transformers) (5) Exclude Additional Tags Sticky Sexual Interfacing (41) Fluff (18) Dubious Consent (11) Angst (9) Established Relationship (8) Oral Sex (8) Dom/sub (7) Voyeurism (6) Alternate Universe (6) Hurt/Comfort (6) Other tags to exclude More Options After recovering, he made short work of the Autobots and dragged a damaged Thundercracker inside the ship, before activating the terminal and warping to Cybertron. Free delivery and returns on eBay Plus items for Plus members. $27.15. He handed Thundercracker over to Ramjet, and ordered construction of a replica AllSpark, based on Frenzy's data. Though executed for his treachery in the Transformers Animated Season 1 finale "Megatron Rising," Starscream soon returns the following season in "Mission Accomplished," when an Allspark fragment is lodged in his head, both reviving him and granting him immortality. Over Starscream's protestations of loyalty, Megatron reveals knowledge of his lieutenant's treacherous escapades through the season's earlier episodes, pouring salt in the wound by revealing he only kept Starscream around because his string of failure after failure offered some amusement. "Simple Insect" Pretending to be a part of their squadron, Starscream surprised the human pilots by transforming in mid-air and destroying three of the Raptors before he was fired upon. Playing over the proceedings is a broadcast from Megatron to the Decepticon forces across the galaxy, reminding them of who their rightful leader is; the accompanying images make it hard to argue his point. Starscream's team made planetfall on Earth in Afghanistan in 2003, quickly attracting the attention of a nearby US military base, which sent out an armoured personnel carrier to investigate. You always have. Optimus and Bumblebee arrived to rescue Sam: Starscream let Megatron do most of the fighting in the factory, before Optimus blasted him through the wall and drove off with Sam to a forest. TRANSFORMERS LOT OF 2 10.5" TITAN CHANGERS OPTIMUSPRIME & STARSCREAM NEW. Instead, Megatron delivers ostensible mercy wrapped in words of ice-cold ruthlessness: "Well, think back on the last thing you really wanted, Starscream, and remember what an utter failure that was, too.". Things sort of went downhill from there, though. The humans attacked Optimus and Bumblebee, but the two Autobots escaped. With Frenzy's sabotage, Megatron quickly broke free of his icy restraints and escaped the facility. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Starscream Transformers Action Figures, Starscream Transformers and Robots Action Figures, Takara Starscream Transformers Action Figures, Hasbro Starscream Transformers Action Figures, Plastic Starscream Transformers Action Figures, Armada Starscream Transformers & Robot Action Figures, Starscream Action Figures, However, Megatron cuts him off, revealing he isn't afraid of his former lieutenant in the slightest - "You are Starscream. In the ensuing chaos, Starscream, along with his few remaining loyal subjects, fought off the army of Dreadwing drones and assorted other traitors. This was a bad choice of words on Starscream's part, as Megatron slammed him into a hatchling sack and told him the simple truth: even in death, there is no command greater than Megatron's. RotF-DotM Before the war, Starscream was a Commander in the Cybertronian Defense Force and, who seemed to also have control over Captain Ironhide (to judge by his attitude) and the overall command of Lord Protector Megatron. Having captured Arcee, particularly pleased that he had captured a supposedly fast Autobot. He sent Macerator, Dropkick and Payload to blow up a series of dams along the Zambezi River. RELATED: Transformers: 5 Times Starscream Was Better Than Megatron (& 5 Of His Worst Failures). Starscream appears in Transformers: Armada as a young arrogant warrior who desperately wished to gain the approval and respect of his leader Megatron (in contrast of his G1 counterpart), but started to become confused as he began to hate both himself and his commander for the abuse heaped upon him as well as being disgusted with his leader's lack of honor and respect over his troops. Splitting up, Starscream scanned an F-22 Raptor fighter jet being tested by the US Air Force at Nellis Air Force Base. AU $39.99 New. For the last thousand years of the Great War, Starscream was in charge of an orbital facility that had the capability of producing Dark Energon, though they maintained only a small stockpile because of its unpredictable and uncontrollable nature. Throughout The Transformers' first two seasons, Megatron failed to ever inflict lasting punishment on Starscream - when the series went theatrical, things changed. Transformers (film) Starscream's voice changes in the films. One was "Spotlight: Megatron," which details the Decepticon leader's return to power after his wounding in mini-series "All Hail Megatron" and Starscream's subsequent (disastrous) turn as leader. Megatron decided to reveal the Decepticons' presence to the world: Starscream stood openly atop a skyscraper during the rejuvenated Fallen's announcement to the world. However, the trip, combined with the damage from the battle took its toll and upon finding his starship, he had to be helped inside by Thundercracker. After being cast into space by Starscream, a wounded Megatron was remade into Galvatron by the demonic deity Unicron. Once war broke out, he kept taunting his old friend, which eventually backfired when he told Grimlock exactly where the Seekers were going to attack, giving Grimlock time to set a massive bomb. Humiliated, Starscream and his crew limped back home for repairs. In a montage scene both hilarious and awesome, Starscream then spends an entire night making bold attempts on Megatron's life, only to be met with either the brunt of a sword or the blast of a Fusion cannon each time. As he brooded and carved AllSpark runes onto his exo-structure, he picked up a transmission from Barricade, informing Starscream of Optimus Prime's forthcoming journey to a Sector Seven facility where Wreckage was held. He was saved by Megatron and Shockwave, much to his irritation, but Megatron liked Starscream's "feisty" attitude, and saw a place for him in the future of Cybertron he hoped to shape. Only 1 left in stock. Starscream's appearance in Bumblebee closely resembles his G1 counterpart. Starscream (スタースクリーム, Sutāsukurīmu) was an Air Commander of the Seekers, Cybertron's finest air warriors. ", The Starscream of Transformers: Cybertron was one of the most patient iterations, and consequently, one of the most successful. Starscream and his Seekers ordered by Shockwave to destroy the launchpad. TRANSFORMERS 10.5" TITAN CHANGERS STARSCREAM . He enjoyed baiting his fellow combatant, Grimlock; in fact, he was a master at it. 5.0. Frenzy and Scorponok's opinions are unknown, but Frenzy's a complete lunatic and nobody cared what the pet thought. Starscream's life was saved only by the fast action of Skywarp. The attack had actually been a distraction from Wheeljack's theft of the AllSpark after the first assault had exhausted Simfur's Decepticons. Rendezvousing on Mars, Starscream informed Soundwave of Megatron's death and the AllSpark's loss, and was pleased when he was told a number of troops were headed for Earth, with more in stasis. As with other R.E.D figures, they will be released as Walmart exclusives in the US. Despite Megatron's desperate command to stand down, Starscream attacked Sentinel when he arrived on the Ark, causing the ship to disappear in a tremendous explosion. He then oversaw the Decepticons attack on a dam along the Zambezi, but the action saw the loss of Macerator and Payload. While Prowl and security officers arrested Optimus on trumped-up charges of treason, Starscream's squadron was given orders to capture Optimus alive and leave no living witnesses. The pair discussed Thundercracker's progress with the space bridge terminal, the physiology of humans and the abilities of Starscream's new form. item 5 Transformers Siege Starscream Voyager Class Figure War For Cyberton WFC-S24 NEW 5 - Transformers Siege Starscream Voyager Class Figure War For Cyberton WFC-S24 NEW. When the humans severed the connection, the Decepticons broke off from the battle and linked up with Barricade, who was in pursuit of the Autobot Bumblebee. Er nahm an einem Angrif… Deadlift stood up for the commander, but was blown to bits by the Decepticon assassin.