While standing in the video game aisle of their local Target store, owners of the Nintendo DS could direct-download a demo version of the Transformers: Autobots/Transformers: Decepticons video game. The second way is to use the following Action Replay codes: 620ADC2C 00000000. It introduced a new generation to the massive alien robots that transform into cars, jets, tanks, and other vehicles. On Transformers Autobots ds can you get skydive the jet in Australia? On transformers Decepticons you can use Starscream or Megatron as a jet or by getting 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars you can get … The first way is to get a WiFi connection and download the jet form from a DS Download station at a Target store. Top-down view; Get 3,000 WiFi tokens. Best answer. I don't think that is very likely though. The Autobots are benevolent, sentient, self-configuring robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron.Led by Optimus Prime, they are the main protagonists in the universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, cartoons, movies, graphic novels, and paperback books first introduced in 1984.The "Heroic Autobots" are opposed by the "Evil Decepticons". for the Autobots v1.1. Unregistered. Get 2,000 WiFi tokens. Unlimited energy; Get 1,000 WiFi tokens. 2 Answers. In the Nintendo DS game, Transformers: Autobots, he is an unlockable form that can be used by the Create-A-Bot, but can only be unlocked by taking one's Transformers: Autobots and Nintendo DS to a DS Download Station and using Download Play to watch the Transformers DS games' movies or can be unlocked by obtaining 2500 Wi-Fi Tokens.. Armageddon mode . the transformers cardridge needs to be in your ds for it to work. On his second attempt, Megatron sent the Stunticons, who were considerably more successful in engaging the Autobots. Copy link. were is the jet for transformers autobots ds. Go to target ds download station and put ds download play on your ds and download the transformers demo and then,well stop the demo whenever you want by turning of your console.when you turn it on back again, go play the transformers game. Up Next. Shopping. On the Nintendo Channel you can download demos for your DS. Tap to unmute. Play as Skydive. Review. Gamefaqs isn't really that specific, so if you're answering this question, can you be as specific as possible down to the very last tiny dot of details and information? I don't know how to download off of it. D2000000 00000000. Source(s): well i already knew it. Skydive was part of the Aerialbot team able to form a limb of the combined robot Superion.. Skydive would rather read about jet fighters than be one, and is fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. 4 … Target Exclusive Character; Go to any Target with a DS Download Station. then touch the name of the game. Can some one please make a Action Replay code to get skydive permanantly and i can use the codes only once to get the jet. allspark wars and dont look up any cheats they wont work i'v tried. Vérifiez transformers-autobots-ds-jet.acbbook.tk site est une arnaque ou un site Web sécurisé. In this mode, everything that is destroyed explodes. ou est l´avion de chasse dans AUTOBOT ? 00000004 00000001. ". ". Unlock Armageddon Mode; Beat the game. 1 decade ago. jet. If u wanna no more just ask my dood! Info. is there another way to get the sky drive jet ? My final suggestion: get the game, enjoy it, and get really good at using the stealth helicopter transformation because you're not getting the jet. next. Transformers: Autobots . Alternately, get a 100% completion. - Topic Avion De Chasse du 11-07-2007 10:11:28 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com Ver 1.6 July 2nd, 2007 - Updated section 4.00. Also see ... skydive (jet) : get at target ds download stations. He can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees and might be the most skilled flyer of all Transformers. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. Best answer. On transformers Decepticons you can use Starscream or Megatron as a jet or by getting 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars you can get G1 Starscream (Jet). Threat Level Always 0 (DS) North America. like...what do i do with my DS… I got skydive today by collecting 2500 wi fi tokens For Transformers: Decepticons on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How you unlock the jet on trans formers autobots? HI my name is rhett and i am 10 years old and i need the answers or keywords to Transformers ds cheats and i am BUSTING to unlock the skydive jet. … transformers-autobots-ds-jet.acbbook.tk détecter si elle est une arnaque, frauduleuse ou est infectés par des malwares, le phishing, la fraude et l'activité de spam si vous avez Relevance. je lis se forum..et voir ke perosnne ne sais ou se trouve l avoin de chasse me desol!! How do i download the Target DS Download Stations for the exclusive awesome Skydive Jet? There is one major difference, though, this game doesn't suck like every GTA game ever made. 0 0. bubbico. brainbox. Successfully complete the game to unlock Armageddon mode. Transformers: Autobots cheats, Easter Eggs, Glitchs, Tips, and Codes for DS. Play as any Autobot in Overworld. Also see Cheats for more help on Transformers: Autobots. Posted: jul 29, 2009 11:45 am. Go to any Target with a DS Download Station, and download the Transformers DS trailer to unlock Skydive. Ver 1.5 June 28nd, 2007 - Finished FAQ. Watch later. p.s. there is no way how to get the jet with a action replay you just get 1,000 tokens in. B20ADC2C 00000000. 0 0. its in the hanger where you fought devastator at hoover dam. 0 0. can't. It’s been over a decade since the first Transformers movie, directed by Michael Bay, hit theaters back in 2007. The Aerialbots were in the midst of reconfiguring their limb … !rrrrr ni a t-il pas un no-lif du jeux qui conaice la reponse? Transformers: Autobots for Nintendo DS will no doubt end up with the nickname Grand Theft Autobot, as the free roaming and mission based gameplay does have a very GTA-like "sandbox" feel to it, not to mention being able to ratchet up a "wanted" level. Threat Level Always 0 020adc04 00000000 d2000000 00000000. Posted: … U need nto unlock a jet on Wi-Fi How do you get a jet on transformers ds? pop the ****er in and look for the game you want. Answer Save. This page contains Transformers: Autobots, q&a, questions and answesr cheatsguru, Page 2 Corey Feldman Interview. Transformers: Autobots/Decepticons Vehicle Location FAQ Ver 1.9 Created By Bendilin Spurr 2007 --Version History-- Ver 1.0 June 28nd, 2007 - Started FAQ. there is a code witch makes you think you have every vehical. how do you find a jet in Transformers autobots DS. In the Revenge of the Fallen toy line, Skydive was … The DS iteration of Transformers The Game actually consists of two separate games: Transformers Autobots and Transformers Decepticons. Download the the Transformers DS trailer, and you will automatically get Skydive. Unregistered. There are two ways to get the jet. Lv 4. This is a list of characters from the 2000 anime series Transformers: Robots in Disguise. For Transformers: Decepticons on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I unlock the jet or where is it for me to scan? Favourite answer. Transformers DS skydive. 1 2. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. If they were to release Transformers demos to the Nintendo Channel then simply download from there. you can buy a action Replay ds card at a local gamestop. Share. Get 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars and you will get Skydive (Autobots), or G1 Starscream (Decepticons). If the Nintendo DS had a Transformers: Autobots cartridge inserted, the screen would say "Character Unlocked," and henceforth the player would be able to select Skydive from the vehicle … Damaged in jet modes, Skydive the Aerialbots chose instead to merge and form Superion. ". Posted: jul 24, 2009 7:21 am. VERY VERY EXTREMELY UNDERSTANDABLY SPECIFIC WITH DETAILS. The games have different storylines and environments, but the basic gameplay elements are shared between them. How do you get the jet in transformers autobots.if it involves a cheat,what is the cheat., Transformers: Autobots Questions and answers, Nintendo DS In both games, the player creates a character who can scan many different transforming forms. In Transformers Action Replay cheats. The series focuses on two warring species of Transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. well your in australia so you have to go on www.transformers.com and download it for free, also you can get megatron by... completing the game :) ! i cant play allspark anymore >< so i can't get the sky drive jet. This is all the vehicle forms in transformers autobots DS. As Superion, they possessed scramble combining abilities, but so did the Stunticons when they formed Menasor. For Transformers: Autobots on the DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do u get the jet unlocked or how do u find it? Each game features missions involving this … then go to the vheicle form list and you will see that the jet isn't locked anymore!!!