Sinds Transformers: Armada worden alle series uitgezonden met Nederlandse nasynchronisatie. [172][173][174] Yohana Desta of Vanity Fair called the film "an apocalyptic identity crisis come to life" and "an unruly Frankenstein's monster with shoddy stitchwork." For the third film, as a preemptive measure before the release of Revenge of the Fallen, Michael Lucchi and Paramount announced on March 16, 2009, that a third film would be released in IMAX 3D on July 1, 2011, which earned a surprised response from director Bay: I said I was taking off a year from Transformers. In dem Leinw… Hieronder vallen de eerste televisieserie en de Marvel-stripserie, opgevolgd door een aantal Japanse en Britse spin-offseries. Seit 1984 bahnen sich die Transformers-Actionfiguren ihren Weg in zahlreiche Kinderzimmer und sind spätestens seit dem ersten Blockbuster-Film 2007 auch außerhalb der Kinderzimmer bekannt. John Rogers wrote the first draft, which pitted four Autobots against four Decepticons,[9] and featured the Ark spaceship. (eq. Die Reihe startete 2007 und umfasst derzeit fünf Filme, die alle von Regisseur Michael Bay inszeniert wurden. Deze serie, geproduceerd door Sunbow Productions, volgde Budiansky's verhalen. Joe and Micronauts properties, Paramount began to negotiate with Art Marcum and Matt Holloway (Iron Man), as well as Ken Nolan (Black Hawk Down), to write the film. [20] Nonetheless, he wanted to work with Spielberg, and gained a new respect for the mythology upon visiting Hasbro. [22] Because Orci and Kurtzman were concerned the film could feel like a military recruitment commercial, they chose to make the military believe nations like Iran were behind the Decepticon attack as well as making the Decepticons primarily military vehicles. ", "Writers Reveal Theme Of 'Transformers' Sequel. [4] They made the Creation Matrix their plot device, though Murphy had it renamed because of the film series The Matrix. In de film is Megatron duizenden jaren terug op Aarde beland en ingevroren. [57] Bay originally was not much interested in the format as he felt it did not fit his "aggressive style" of filmmaking, but he was convinced after talks with Avatar director James Cameron,[58] who even offered the technical crew from that film. Die bisherigen sieben „Transformers“-Filme lassen sich grob in vier Gruppen unterteilen: Der Animationsfilm von 1986 ist ein eigenständiges Abenteuer und basiert auf der Cartoonserie. Die von Hasbro und Takara vertriebenen Figuren sind Roboterwesen, die sich in alltägliche Dinge – vornehmlich Autos – verwandeln und entweder auf Seiten der Menschen und gegen sie kämpfen. Joe: Retaliation director Jon M. Chu stated that he is also interested in directing a Transformers/G.I. Der Film entstand unter Regie von Michael Bay, die menschlichen Hauptrollen werden von Shia LaBeouf und Megan Fox verkörpert. [65] On the same day, Paramount Pictures and Michael Bay announced a June 27, 2014 release date for a fourth film. [104], Principal photography on the film began in July 2017, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. Critics also panned the film for portraying the Dinobots as mindless robots devoid of their personalities and reducing them to a deus ex machina appearing late in the film despite being a focal point in the marketing. [70][71][72] In November 2012, casting began to search for two more leads. De serie voegde nieuwe complexiteit toe, zoals het feit dat niet alle autobots geloven in de Primus, de corruptie van de Cybertroniaanse overheid en de onthulling dat de Aarde blijkbaar connecties heeft met Cybertron. [13] This appealed to Orci and Kurtzman because it conveyed themes of adulthood and responsibility, "the things that a car represents in the United States". "[148] Reviews also criticized the excessive running time, inappropriate humor, the rehashing of the MacGuffin-focused plot, nonsensical dialogue, heavy focus on the humans, and indistinguishable robots crashing into each other. "Bumblebee". Her character's relationship with Jack Reynor's also drew backlash as critics accused Michael Bay of treating statutory rape as a joke and attempting to defend it with the Romeo and Juliet law. Transformers ist eine amerikanische Science-Fiction-Action-Filmreihe basierend auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeug von Hasbro und Tomy. These are the Autobots, the good guys, and the Decepticons, the bad guys. Critics panned it for excessive product placement, the nearly three-hour runtime, poor writing and editing, the introduction of the "Transformium" element, and the idea of human-made Transformers. Fandom-Apps So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. A Transformers filmek 2007-ben indult egész estés amerikai filmek, melyek a Transformers franchise-on alapulnak. Transformers zijn fictieve buitenaardse robots en de hoofdpersonages uit een populaire[1] en gelijknamige mediafranchise bestaande uit een speelgoedlijn en een groot aantal strips, televisieseries en films. [33] The writing trio were paid $8 million. Once the general audience is fully on board with the whole thing, maybe Dinobots in the future. Joe for the soldier characters, being careful not to mix the brands. . De Generation 1-reeks kreeg al snel spin-offs in de vorm van nieuwe speelgoedseries en televisieseries. "Transformers: The Last Knight". Movie-wise, I mean. \"Ich bin Optimus Prime, und ich sende diese Botschaft, an alle Autobot-Fans, die nach der wahren 'Transformers'-Reihenfolge suchen ...\" okay zugegeben, diesen finalen Satz hat es so in Michael Bays Alienroboter-Franchise nie gegeben. The quality corresponds to the rarity (number of stars) of the item added into the device, to Quality 150. In de Amerikaanse versie werden een paar plotwendingen aangepast om de serie toch te laten aansluiten op haar twee voorgangers. Deze cross-overs maakten geen deel uit van de continuïteit van de G.I. Bis zum Jahre 2016 sind vier Filme innerhalb des Franchise erschienen. [119] In May 2020, Paramount scheduled a release date for one of their Transformers projects as June 24, 2022. Michael Bay praised the crew and highlighted the importance of sound saying "I have like 2,000 people — through their artistry — making my dreams a film," Bay said. No way. [63] After Revenge of the Fallen was almost universally panned by critics, Bay acknowledged the general flaws of the script, having blamed the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike prior to the film for many problems. this was followed by two more shows, Energon and Cybertron. Um den Verkauf der Figuren zu fördern, gibt es seit 1984 passende Zeichentrickserien im Fernsehen. In Japan begon men met het maken van vervolgen op de Amerikaanse serie. Critics praised it for its lighter tone, story, visuals, acting, direction, and faithfulness to the 1980s Transformers show. [51] It is the last film in the series to be distributed by DreamWorks. [91] A green military vehicle (later confirmed to be Hound) and a white emergency response vehicle were also revealed.[92]. Later in de serie werd een van de twee manen vernield en werd onthuld dat de twee groepen op een primitieve Aarde waren beland. In 2018 verscheen de zesde film in de serie. [Updated with Details]", "Michael Bay Returning to Direct TRANSFORMERS for June 2014 Release", "Ehren Kruger Returns to Write TRANSFORMERS 4; Shia LaBeouf Definitely Out", "Steve Jablonsky Scoring Transformers 4 – Transformers News", "TRANSFORMERS 4 to Take Place Four Years after TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON", "Mark Wahlberg May Star in TRANSFORMERS 4", "Michael Bay Considering Mark Wahlberg for TRANSFORMERS 4", "Mark Wahlberg Confirmed for TRANSFORMERS 4, Plus a New Logo for the Film", "TRANSFORMERS 4, DIVERGENT and NEED FOR SPEED Casting Additions", "Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4 – Peter Cullen Is Returning As Optimus Prime — Transformers News", "Tyrese Gibson In Talks For Transformers 4 – Transformers News", "Glenn Morshower Talks Transformers 4 And 5 – Filming Starts December — Transformers News", "Glenn Morshower Will Not Be Returning for Transformers 4", "Michael Bay Talks Transformers 4 – New Cast, Plot And The Budget — Transformers News", "Transformers 4 to Film on Location in London — Transformers News", "Jack Reynor Lands Starring Role in 'Transformers 4, "Nicola Peltz cast as Transformers 4 female lead", "Exclusive: Michael Bay Reveals TRANSFORMERS 4 Will Shoot the 'Showcase Scenes' With the New IMAX 3D Digital Camera", "Kelsey Grammer Lands Lead (Human) Villain In 'Transformers' Sequel", "Sophia Myles to Join Mark Wahlberg in Michael Bay's 'Transformers 4' (Exclusive)", "China's Li Bingbing Boards 'Transformers 4, "Optimus Prime in Transformers 4 feat Autobots — First Look Photos", "Transformers 4 Bumblebee New Vehicle Mode Confirmed – Official Photo Revealed", "New Transformers 4 Set Images Featuring New Vehicles", "Paramount Enlisting Akiva Goldsman To Ramp Up 'Transformers' Output", "Robert Kirkman Reveals He Was Only in the 'Transformers' Writers Room for One Day", "Daredevil's Steven DeKnight on the Transformers Writers Room and Planning Ahead", "Akiva Goldsman 'Transformers' Writers Room Leads Paramount & Hasbro To Set One For 'G.I. The writers' room members include: Christina Hodson, Lindsey Beer, Andrew Barrer, and Gabriel Ferrari (Ant-Man), Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead), Art Marcum & Matt Holloway, Zak Penn (Pacific Rim Uprising), Jeff Pinkner (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), Ken Nolan, and Geneva Robertson-Dworet. De Transformers komen van de planeet Cybertron en zijn onder te verdelen in verschillende groepen. [62] Having been called Transformers 3 up to that point, the film's final title was revealed to be Dark of the Moon in October 2010. Transformers are robots that turn into other things. De series waren The Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, Victory en Zone. [67][68] The film is set five years after the events in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but as they were unimpressed with their pitches, they convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. Joe/Transformers Crossover Movie", "How Bumblebee's 1980s Setting Turned It Into Every Transformers Fan's Dream", "Box Office: 'Bumblebee' Is First 'Transformers' To Be Saved By China", "G.I. Derzeit findet der Dreh des fünften Filmes in den USA und im Vereinigtem Königreich statt, der 2017 in den Kinos erscheinen … Beast Wars wordt ook gezien als de toekomst van deze continuïteit. "I recognize I am weird in that department", he said,[48] but he became fonder of them during filming because of their popularity with fans. [166][167][168], For The Last Knight, critics criticized the confusing plot, messy narrative, script, characters and screen time for some characters, excessive length and constant format changes throughtout the whole film,[169][170][171] while positive elements focused on the visuals, action, music and the performances of Mark Walhberg, Anthony Hopkins, John Goodman and Peter Cullen. Also criticized were Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson for being reduced to needless supporting characters, Shia LaBeouf's Sam Witwicky being an unlikable character, and actors John Malkovich, Alan Tudyk, and Ken Jeong for being used as "cheap-seats comedy relief. In 2001 verscheen de serie Robots in Disguise. [55] Due to the revived interest in 3-D technology brought in by the success of Avatar,[56] talks between Paramount, ILM, and Bay had considered the possibility of the next Transformers film being filmed in 3-D, and testing was performed to bring the technology into Bay's work. [66] Ehren Kruger would pen the script and Steve Jablonsky would score the film, as each had for the previous film. After half an hour it turns into the same headbanging, eardrum-brutalising action-fest as the other two films." The dark depiction of Optimus Prime also drew criticism for being unpleasant and unfaithful to the character. Hewitt praised the last 45 minutes and the best use of 3D since Avatar but panned the choppy editing, lazy writing, the slow first hour, the level of violence in the robot fights, and considered Bay's use of the Chernobyl disaster as a plot device as being in poor taste. In 1986 a movie came out. Die nächsten zwei Filme drehen sich um den Erfinder Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg), während der sechste … It was intended to be a prequel to the film series, and later declared to be a reboot of the franchise. [143][144] Roger Ebert gave the film one star, calling it "a horrible experience of unbearable length, punctuated by three or four amusing moments. "[110][111] In August 2017, following the poor reception of The Last Knight which Goldsman co-wrote, the filmmaker officially left the franchise. Scott also criticized the film for continuing the series' pattern of "tongue-in-cheek revisionist history" by using the Space Race as the catalyst for the film's events. De film focust op de Allspark, een grote kubus van energie die mechanisch leven kan maken. [76] Glenn Morshower stated that he was contracted for two films and he was to reprise his role. 2 years after the battle of Hong Kong and Optimus Prime's subsequent departure from Earth to search for his creators, Transformers have been declared illegal and are being hunted by the Transformers Reaction Force (TRF). Die Transformers-Filmreihe ist eine US-amerikanische Action- und Science-Fiction-Saga über dem Kampf zwischen den Autobots und den Decepticons. Engage in the classic battle of Good vs Evil, Autobots vs Decepticons; choose a side, assemble the ultimate team of Transformers characters and prepare your defenses in the final fight for planet Earth! "The artistry of this sound group is just amazing. [175] Christopher Orr of The Atlantic criticized the film for attempting to connect the Transformers to Stonehenge and World War II, and called it the worst retelling of Arthurian legend of the year, even worse than Guy Ritchie's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. Thank you. Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on the Transformers franchise which began in the 1980s. After a 2018 preview it began in earnest in 2019. Paramount wants to have their own cinematic universe for Transformers, similar to Marvel's/Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe (which had been one of Paramount's previous film series), and DC Comics/Warner Bros.' DC Extended Universe. Jump to: navigation, search. [8], Steven Spielberg, a fan of the comics and toys,[5] signed on as executive producer in 2004. Goldsman is the head of the future projects, and worked with franchise director Michael Bay, executive producer Steven Spielberg, and producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura to organize a "writers' room" that incubates ideas for potential Transformers sequels, prequels and spin-offs. [12] Spielberg suggested that "a boy and his car" should be the focus. Transformers: Robots in Disguise is an animated television series, scheduled to air on the Hub Netowrk in early 2015. Die Transformers-Filmreihe ist eine US-amerikanische Action- und Science-Fiction-Saga über dem Kampf zwischen den Autobots und den Decepticons. [11] The first draft also had a battle scene in the Grand Canyon. In 2005 begon IDW Publishing weer helemaal van voor af aan met de Generation 1-personages. In March 2015, Deadline Hollywood reported that Paramount Pictures was in talks with Akiva Goldsman to pitch new ideas for the Transformers franchise's future installments. 1 Handlung 2 Cast 3 Hintergrund 4 Fortsetzungen Der Teenager Sam Witwicky bekommt von seinem Vater … [184] David Fear of Rolling Stone noted the film for borrowing elements from E.T., The Iron Giant, and John Hughes films, and commented: "the usual Americana-on-steroids vibe of the Bay movies are M.I.A., replaced with a less bombastic combination of bot-outta-water shenanigans... and sensitive, not-at-all sappy Y.A. "[154] Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's Carly was criticized for being an undeveloped female lead with no purpose in the plot except to be a sex object and damsel with Tom Charity of CNN Entertainment claiming that she "makes Megan Fox look like Meryl Streep. In deze serie vochten de Autobots met de Predacons, en waren de Decepticons slechts een extra tak van de Predacons. Transformers on Hasbron ja Takara Tomyn vuonna 1984 aloittama lelusarja roboteista, jotka pystyvät muuntautumaan muun muassa autoiksi, lentokoneiksi ja robottieläimiksi.Tätä ”ensimmäistä aaltoa” kutsuttiin pitkään fanien keskuudessa nimellä Generation 1.Myöhemmin nimi tuli viralliseksi. [75] Tyrese Gibson was in talks to reprise his role as Sgt. [6] The treatment featured the Autobots Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, Arcee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee, and the Decepticons Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Ravage, Laserbeak, Rumble, Skywarp and Shockwave. 300 jaar na de grote oorlog (te zien in de originele serie) worden zowel een Maximal-schip als een Predacon-schip per ongeluk terug in de tijd geslingerd. Joe,' 'Micronauts, "13 Hours': Can Michael Bay Pull Off a Gritty Movie About Benghazi? Desta noted that despite the film's nonsensical/non-existent plot, the visual effects remain impressive. Den Anfang macht der einzige Teil der \"Transformers\"-Filme-Reihenfolge ohne dramatischen Untertitel. [4] Tom DeSanto joined Murphy because he was a fan of the series. Transformers ist ein US-amerikanischer Action- und Science-Fiction-Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2007, der auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeugreihen des Herstellers Hasbro basiert. Transformers: Devastation, ein Videospiel mit Transformers Generation 1/Transformers (Zeichentrickserien) Setting aus dem Jahr 2015; Videospiele von der Filmreihe von Michael Bay Konsolen Spiele Transformers, das Videospiel zum ersten Film für PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii und PC aus dem Jahr 2007; Transformers: Die Rache