People use personal computers the size of rings, pins, credit cards and books. Rotating computer hard drives are no longer used. Even among the remaining. Ray Kurzweil was 35 when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. "Bioengineered treatments for cancer and heart disease have greatly reduced the mortality from these diseases. Perhaps an infinite unification of infinite saturated universes, multiverses, and omniverses, an endless vast collection of united cosmic computers possibly. Most flying weapons are bird-sized robots. In TASM, he expected the following developments would occur by 2009: These three predictions (among others) did come to fruition. Scary, fascinating, or some combination of the two? This means that average and even low-end computers are vastly smarter than even highly intelligent, unenhanced humans. Of these, only 3 turned out to be totally wrong. There has not been a global economic collapse. Personal artificial digital assistants are in widespread use. According to Kurzweil, This technology is in widespread use. A lawyer might utilize a virtual researcher. In it, he makes hundreds of predictions about the next 100 years that will make you fall out of your chair. By the later part of this decade, virtual reality will be so high-quality that it will be indistinguishable from real reality. People spend most of their time in full-immersion virtual reality (Kurzweil has cited. Kurzweil, a Director of Engineering at Google, should be taken seriously. The distinction between virtual reality and "real" reality becomes confounded as. A $1,000 personal computer is 1,000 times more powerful than the human brain. Humans and machines merge in the physical and mental realms. Many devices offer high-speed network access via wireless technology. Cables connecting computers and peripherals have almost completely disappeared. Most portable computers do not have moving parts or keyboards. generated by human beings. This food is externally indistinguishable from "natural" food, but it can be made more wholesome since production can be controlled at the molecular level. The following predictions were made by Ray Kurzweil, now … ", Supercomputers will have the same raw computing power as human brains, though the software to emulate human thinking on those computers does not yet exist (. [32] This technology is based on “neuron transistors” developed by scientists at the Max Planck Institute that can control the firing of neurons.[33]. With that knowledge in hand, this recent Article describes some of Ray’s recent predictions. "Lifetime patient records and histories will be maintained in nationally (or internationally) coordinated data banks". Most communication occurs between humans and machines as opposed to human-to-human. Interaction with virtual personalities becomes a primary interface. People with spinal cord injuries can walk and climb steps using computer-controlled nerve stimulation and exoskeletal robotic walkers. Top Tech Stories, Tags Amazing Future future technologies future technology predictions KURZWEIL KURZWEIL predictions Lists most amazing top 20 Predictions Technologies Top Top 20 top 20 list top20 unbelievable, Michelin and General Motors are betting on near-zero maintenance airless tires for passenger vehicles of …, Researchers at the University of Maryland and the University of Zurich equipped a drone with …, Your email address will not be published. Speech-to-speech translation features will be available in cell phones in either 2009 or 2010. That said, many predictions fail because the prophet overlooks the fact that the changes required are of nature, not of scale. … that PCs would be capable of answering queries by accessing information wirelessly via the Internet by 2010. Instead of each device just sending and receiving its own data, more and more of the machines will be tasked with processing foreign data, creating a huge, interconnected network with millions of nodes. Then in 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov. Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted that the singularity will occur in 2045. Called "the restless genius" by The Wall Street Journal and "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes magazine, Ray was selected as one of the top entrepreneurs by Inc. magazine, which described … Non-biological intelligence will continue to grow exponentially whereas biological intelligence is effectively fixed in its rate of growth. Just as visual and auditory virtual reality have come of age. "By 2019, we will largely overcome the major diseases that kill 95 percent of us in the developed world, and we will be dramatically slowing and reversing the dozen or so processes that underlie aging.". Public places and workplaces are ubiquitously monitored to prevent violence and all actions are recorded permanently. Tailoring of products for individuals is common. In 1990 (twenty-five years ago), he predicted…. Examples include reading books, listening to music, watching movies, playing games, and teleconferencing. Artwork and music created by machines encompasses areas of the light spectrum and frequencies of sounds that normal humans cannot perceive. (1:40:00), In about a century, humans will saturate their part of the universe with intelligence. He also stated that the Internet would explode not only in the number of users but in content as well, eventually granting users access "to international networks of libraries, data bases, and information services". Kurzweil said the following in a November 2007 Computerworld interview: In the cover article of the December 2010 issue of IEEE Spectrum, John Rennie criticized Kurzweil's predictions: "On close examination, his clearest and most successful predictions often lack originality or profundity. Coupled with an auditory source (headphones), users can remotely communicate with other people and access the Internet. The following predictions were made by Ray Kurzweil in his book The Singularity Is Near. Medium Future 2029-2030 - Indefinite life extension achieved. Top 20 predictions from Kurzweil – Future Technologies We live in the most “interesting” period mankind has ever known. "Virtual sex"—in which two people are able to have sex with each other through virtual reality, or in which a human can have sex with a "simulated" partner that only exists on a computer—becomes a reality. "Accelerating returns from the advance of computer technology have resulted in continued economic expansion." This new plasticity of consciousness and ability for beings to join minds seriously alters the nature of self-identity. If the user looks at a building or a person's face, the computer will provide information through a "heads-up-display" beamed onto the person's retinas. People can talk to their computer to give commands. Use Word or Rich Text Format to type your essay. If Ray Kurzweil predictions continue to come true, machines will be smarter than humans in just a few years. As Inverse puts it, … By 2022, medical technology will be more than a thousand times more advanced than it is today, and the "tipping point" of human life expectancy will have been reached, with every new year of research guaranteeing at least one more year of life expectancy. The manufacturing, agricultural and transportation sectors of the economy are almost entirely automated and employ very few humans. Recreational uses aside, nanomachines in peoples' brains will allow them to greatly expand their cognitive, memory and sensory capabilities, to directly interface with computers, and to "telepathically" communicate with other, similarly augmented humans via wireless networks. Anyone can wirelessly access the internet with wearable devices such as computerized glasses, contacts, and watches. Although computers routinely pass the Turing Test, controversy still persists over whether machines are as intelligent as humans in all areas. Ray Kurzweil recently announced his year-by-year predictions of the future. Computers less than 100 nm in size will be possible. The VR glasses will also have built-in computers featuring "virtual assistant" programs that can help the user with various daily tasks. [citation needed], Kurzweil restated his earlier prediction from The Age of Intelligent Machines regarding the advent of pocket-sized, cheap, text-to-speech converters for the blind by 2009. The threat posed by genetically engineered. The human brain has been completely reverse engineered and all aspects of its functioning are understood. (1:37:00), In 15 years, we will hit life extension escape velocity. Included herein is a discussion of my predictions from The Age of Intelligent Machines (which I wrote in the 1980s), all 147 predictions for 2009 in The Age of Spiritual Machines (which I wrote in the 1990s), plus others. Computerized watches, clothing, and jewelry can monitor the wearer's health continuously. His most recent book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, was a New York Times bestseller. As a result, there are very few transportation accidents. The eyeglasses and headphones that used to deliver virtual reality are now obsolete thanks to computer implants that go into the eyes and ears. They are capable of augmenting natural senses and of enhancing higher brain functions like memory, learning speed and overall intelligence. People experience 3-D virtual reality through glasses and contact lenses that beam images directly to their retinas (retinal display). Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. Later, humans will saturate the whole universe. Of his 147 predictions since the 1990s, Kurzweil has kept an astonishing accuracy rate of 86 percent. Drugs are designed and tested in simulations that mimic the human body. Geek Tech, Amazing TOP 10 – Edit/proofread. High-resolution audio-visual cybersex is common, aided by falling costs of high-speed internet and computer hardware. It will apply to people of all ages, including old people. Telemedicine is common. Ray Kurzweil: Enhanced Longevity by 2030 Posted by Paul Battista in categories: biotech/medical , life extension , Ray Kurzweil , virtual reality People say, well, but we’re going to stop being human if we merge with machines. The vast majority of business interactions occur between humans and simulated retailers, or between a human's virtual personal assistant and a simulated retailer. Telephone calls are routinely screened by intelligent answering machines that ask questions to determine the call's nature and priority. For example, a doctor may seek the advice of a digital assistant. He predicts that artificial intelligence would outsmart the human brain in computational capabilities by mid-21st century. They will also come with speakers or headphone attachments that will complete the experience with sounds. Nanobots capable of entering the bloodstream to "feed" cells and extract waste will exist (though not necessarily be in wide use) by the end of this decade. By the late 2020s, nanotech-based manufacturing will be in widespread use, radically altering the economy as all sorts of products can suddenly be produced for a fraction of their traditional-manufacture costs. It ultimately consists of a nanotechnological system of nourishment and circulation, obsolescing many internal organs, brain-extension and an improved skeleton. Hundreds of distinct sub-regions with specialized functions have been identified. (9:40), In the 2020s, it will be possible to send machines into human brains through capillaries, allowing direct amplification of human intelligence. Click to View Full Infographic. Though this may seem incredible, he has made many outrageous predictions over the years with an astounding 86 … At least 50% of all transactions are conducted over the internet. People can have their minds in a totally different place at any moment. Feakins rated Kurzweil's accuracy at closer to 36% on predictions that could be verified at that time. Research has been initiated on reverse engineering the brain through both destructive and non-invasive scans. Since knowledge and skills can be instantly downloaded and comprehended by most intelligent beings, the process of learning is compressed into an instantaneous affair instead of the years-long struggle normal humans experience. The true cost of any product is now the amount it takes to download the design schematics. Natural human thinking possesses no advantages over computer minds. [1] In 2005, Mikhail Gorbachev told Kurzweil that emerging decentralized electronic communication "was a big factor" for fostering democracy in the Soviet Union. Cell phones will be built into clothing and will be able to project sounds directly into the ears of their users. Free from this time-consuming burden, AIs now focus their energies on making new discoveries and contributions. [This quote needs a citation] Additionally, Kurzweil correctly foresaw that the preferred mode of Internet access would inevitably be through wireless systems, and he was also correct to estimate that the latter would become practical for widespread use in the early 21st century. related reading: Raymond "Ray" Kurzweil (born February 12, 1948 in Queens, New York City) is an American author, entrepreneur, inventor, and futurist.. Kurzweil wrote seven books (five of them were national bestsellers) about topics like health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, immortality, the technological singularity, and futurism.He speaks to people and gives … Kurzweil has said that by 2014, humanity will reach a "tipping point" where the cost-per-watt from solar energy is cheaper than from coal and oil: By capturing only 0.03 percent of the sun's energy that falls on Earth, humanity could meet virtually all of its projected energy needs up to 2030[30] (thirty trillion watts); this will be capable through with extremely inexpensive, lightweight, and efficient nano-engineered solar panels together with nano-fuel cells to store and distribute the captured energy. …that a computer would defeat a world chess champion by 1998. The implants are either permanent or removable. The devices could also be used for keeping track of schedules, navigating, and querying for general information. Ray Kurzweil is one of the world leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists, with a thirty-year track record of accurate predictions. (52:00), Kurzweil believes the first machine to pass the Turing Test will be his VR avatar/chatbot "Ramona." Computers and medical software are capable enough at image and pattern recognition that they are routinely used to. Let’s start in 1990 when Kurzweil predicted that that “personal computers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and are commonly embedded in clothing and jewelry such as wristwatches, rings, earrings and other body ornaments.” Ray Kurzweil says it's the future", "Ray Kurzweil's Wildest Prediction: Nanobots Will Plug Our Brains Into the Web by the 2030s", The Kurzweil interview, continued: Portable computing, virtual reality, immortality, and strong vs. narrow AI |Computerworld Blogs, "The Grill: Ray Kurzweil talks about 'augmented reality' and the Singularity", The Singularity is Near: How Kurzweil's Predictions Are Faring,, Short description is different from Wikidata, BLP articles lacking sources from July 2016, Articles lacking page references from July 2016, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles needing additional references from July 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2016, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The most likely year for the debut of advanced nanotechnology. Or a shopper may receive recommendations from a software program that has learned his or her shopping habits. (16:50), In 25 years, there will be advanced nanobots that can go inside human bodies and keep them healthy. Kurzweil is known for making predictions about the future, which are right about 86% of the time. Titled "To Face the Future", the section is divided into four chapters respectively named "2009", "2019", "2029", and "2099". ("U.S. real gross domestic product (real GDP shown in constant 2005 dollars) grew every year except for a small decline in 2009. These special glasses and contact lenses can deliver "augmented reality" and "virtual reality" in three different ways. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. (The Future of Funko), High Kill Solo Vs Squads Gameplay Full Game Season 2 (Fortnite Ps4 Controller), Serena Williams’ Daughter … Next Great Tennis Star?! Computers are embedded everywhere in the environment (inside of furniture, jewelry, walls, clothing, etc.). Food is commonly "assembled" by nanomachines. Such devices would provide a visual experience on par with a very large television, but would be highly portable, combining the best features of a. Ray Kurzweil (born 1948) is a well-known futurist and advocate of the transhumanist belief cluster with a truly overwhelming fear of death.He makes predictions about what science and humanity will achieve in the next ten, … Devices monitor and relay health-related data of many patients and send that information to doctors remotely. That was tough enough, but his genes were stacked against him in other ways as well. In the learning process, human adults fill the counselor and mentor roles instead of being academic instructors. In 2010, a supercomputer simulated protein folding for a very small protein at an atomic level over a period of a millisecond. His first book, The Age of Intelligent Machines, published in 1990, put forth his theories on the results of the increasing use of technology and p… Users can engage in audio-video teleconferences. This decade also marks the revolution in robotics (. July 13, 2020 Star Wars Weekends 2015 Food, Merchandise and More! They allow direct interface with computers, communications and Internet-based applications. Chess Champion and International Grandmaster Larry Christiansen in a four-game match. Nanomachines could be directly inserted into the brain and could interact with brain cells to totally control incoming and outgoing signals.