Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2; Turnierorte. Short distances are guaranteed here. The "Nurdachhäuser" in Damp are small holiday homes with a kitchen, a bathroom and a living/dining area. Whether beginner or professional – here, every aquatic junky will get their proper dose of adrenaline! Due to the enormous width, the individual playing fields are arranged in a compact manner and therefore also particularly interesting for the spectators. The booking for the tournament usually contains half board. Handball am Weissenhäuser Strand has 282 members. Of course, you may contact your coach colleagues and share this information with them. Who we are Our website address is: Therefore short distances are also guaranteed. 🌬️🌊🤩 If we still have places available, we would be very happy if you make our special tournament a trip for the whole club. Datum: 14. Seid in Weissenhäuser Strand vom 04.06 bis zum 06.06.2021 oder in Damp vom 07.05 bis zum 09.05 oder vom 18.06 bis zum … The Weißenhäuser Strand beach is 5 to 10 minutes away on... Show more Show less. Beachhandball Cup Damp 1st Date; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2nd Date; Beachhandball Cup Weissenhauser Strand; Info Covid-19. In the past years, big-name stars such as Frida Gold or Kim Wilde play at Weissenhäuser Strand and in 2017 lots of great guests and super surprises again await. Some of the hostels are within walking distance of the tournament beach. Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2; Turnierorte. Vinder af Beachhandball Cup Weissenhäuser Strand 2018 U15 piger. Hótel í Weissenhäuser Strand (Seebad Weißenhaeuser-strönd er í 2,4 km fjarlægð) Situated a short walk from a long, sandy beach and surrounded by beautiful countryside, this hotel is located in Ferienpark Weissenhäuser Strand and offers spacious rooms and free spa facilities. Offentliggjort: 4. marts 2021. 16:00 Arrival/check-in & dinner19:30 Opening ceremony & opening matches, 06:30 Breakfast09:00 Preliminary rounds & BALLFREUNDE game stations17:30 Dinner, 06:30 Breakfast 09:00 Finals15:00 Award ceremony & departure. The hotel on the grounds of the Weissenhäuser Strand offers cosy and very cosily furnished rooms in close proximity to the beach. See 548 traveler reviews, 258 candid photos, and great deals for Ferienpark Weissenhaeuser Strand, ranked #2 of 2 hotels in Wangels and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. No, this is not possible. Sand unter den Füßen, Meeresrauschen in den Ohren und Seeluft in der Nase. full board (2 nights). Breakfast and dinner are usually included in the price and at lunchtime there is something to buy at the pitches at reasonable prices. Do the number of participants have to be determined when registering? Juni 2021. The youth hostel is located in the village of Kappeln. HÃ¥ndbold i et ferieparadis, hvad kunne være bedre?! Beachhandball Cup 2021 Seid im Sommer 2021 mit dabei, wenn an der Ostsee um den Sieg beim Beachhandball Cup gekämpft wird! Parents or siblings are welcome to come with you to the tournament - with the right fan club the tournament is even more fun. 660 likes. Of course, we will also accommodate you all in the same accommodation, you want to experience the tournament together. No, this is not possible. This website uses cookies. Ein häufiges Problem der Binnenländer besteht in der Suche nach einer geeigneten Unterkunft in Küstennähe. Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2; Turnierorte. incl. So there is something for every taste. D1, C und B trafen sich am Jahnstadion, um den Reisebus zu kapern. "Ich glaub es geht schon wieder los..." ist 2 Mal im Jahr das Motto auf dem Handballturnier an der Ostsee! The courts are all located between the beautiful dunes on one side and the Baltic Sea on the other. Frühstücksbuffet gut und das Essen abends im Restaurant war super Jasmin Jerman. Beachhandball Weißenhäuser Strand (2) Weibliche A-Jugend Saisonabschluss am Weißenhäuser Strand (Beach-Handball-Turnier) Nach dieser tollen Saison, hatten sich die Mädels einen besonderen Abschluss mehr als verdient. Can parents/accompanying people come along? Die neue Wellenrutsche im Subtropischen Badeparadies Weißenhäuser Strand, die es erst seit dem Umbau 2010 gibt. Kære ferievenner! Otherwise the distance has to be covered with your own car. Your Weissenhäuser Strand Team Dear guests, please observe the rules for using the orange Dschungelland admission armband with an electronic admissionchip: The armband must be worn visible during your entire visit in Dschungelland as documentation for valid admission The staff is allowed to ask you to present your armband by random checks For some accommodations you can also choose between half board and breakfast only. D1, C und B trafen sich am Jahnstadion, um den Reisebus zu kapern. Die beiden Turnierorte bieten Euch einen großen Turnierstrand, sowie verschiedenste Unterkünfte und viele Freizeitaktivitäten in der Umgebung. Is it also possible to participate without staying overnight. Damp; Weißenhäuser Strand; Turnierregeln; Kontakt; Kontakt. Da ingen af vores 22 turneringer kunne finde sted i år, vil vi gerne takke jer alle (trænere, spillere og alle andre involverede) for jeres support i disse meget hårde … Mai 2021. Diese sind mit einer Küche und größtenteils Balkon ausgestattet. At noon you can have lunch at the tournament beach. Ihr könnt somit ein spannendes Wochenende an der Ostsee verbringen. You can choose between half board and only breakfast. No, we are also very flexible here and give you the opportunity to make changes up to two months before the tournament free of charge. At dinner, drinks (water) and at breakfast juice and milk/cocoa are included in the price. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection. 💙⚓ Liebt ihr auch den frischen Wind? If you said yes – then look forward to an exciting adventure at our Jungle Adventure Land! von Ballfreunde. Do the number of participants have to be determined when registering? Damp; Weißenhäuser Strand; Turnierregeln; Kontakt; 7. – 9. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection. So there is something for every taste. Freut Euch auf ein unvergessliches Wochenende voller Handball direkt an der Ostsee! The hotel on the grounds of the Ostseeresort Damp offers cosy and very comfortably furnished rooms in close proximity to the beach. ... Durch die besonderen Beachhandball Regeln, sowie der besonderen Atmosphäre am Strand, soll dieses Turnier zum Abschluss der Saison allen Beteiligten noch einmal Freude und Spaß bringen. It is about 15 minutes drive from Damp. Das erwartet Euch; Turniere. full board (2 nights), under 150 € p.p. - 16. Da ingen af vores 22 turneringer kunne finde sted i år, vil vi gerne takke jer alle (trænere, spillere og alle andre involverede) for jeres support i disse meget hårde … Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand 14. Das Zimmer war wie im Prospekt beschrieben, sauber, hell und toll. ☀️🌾🌊🦀🐬 Genießt den tollen Sommer! Do we have to take care of food and water? We are also happy to reserve a starting place for you for a desired period. Mit über 200 m Länge (!) Das neue Aushängeschild des Subtropischen Badeparadieses Weißenhäuser Strand: der AQUA RACER. The fact that the apartments are located at the resort grounds guarantees short distances to the beach. Ihr möchtet beim Beachhandball Cup 2021 mit dabei sein und weitere Infos zu den Turnierorten, Unterkünften und Preisen erhalten? Tauscht Euch aus und das Problem ist gelöst. full board (2 nights). Live vom Strand: Moin Moin, Ihr Lieben! Accordingly, you must be mobile when choosing this accommodation. Breakfast and dinner are usually included in the price and at lunchtime there is something to buy at the pitches at reasonable prices. We have also organised this for you. Die beiden Turnierorte bieten Euch einen großen Turnierstrand, sowie verschiedenste Unterkünfte und viele Freizeitaktivitäten in der Umgebung. – 9. The various hostels are located in the immediate vicinity of Damp, but unfortunately they are not within walking distance of the tournament beach, so you will need to be mobile. Ihr könnt somit ein spannendes Wochenende an der Ostsee verbringen. For some accommodations you can also choose between half board and breakfast only. incl. Is there a fixed registration deadline for the individual tournaments? So there is something for every taste. The rooms are multi-bed rooms of various sizes. Erlebt ein unvergessliches Beachhandball-Erlebnis an der wunderschönen Ostsee. Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2; Turnierorte. Damp; Weißenhäuser Strand The size of the "Nurdachhäuser" cannot be chosen in advance and will be communicated to you 2 weeks before the tournament starts. Do we have to take care of food and water? Juni 2019. Beachsoccer Mini EURO Weissenhäuser Strand, within walking distance to the nightlife area, within walking distance of the sports facility, under 100 € p.p. Erlebt die einmalige Atmosphäre, direkt am Strand unvergessliche Tore zu werfen und Euer Team zu feiern. Alle Unterkünfte liegen fußläufig zum Turnierstrand - kurze Wege sind hier garantiert. Beachhandball Cup Damp 1. At noon you can have lunch directly at the tournament beach. Parents or siblings are welcome to come with you to the tournament - with the right fan club the tournament is even more fun. Beachhandball Cup Damp 1; Beachhandball Cup Weißenhäuser Strand; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2; Turnierorte. Hjørring Håndbold U14 piger. The booking for the tournament usually contains half board. Bed linen and towels for the shower are available. Die Mannschaften der weibl. There is no fixed registration deadline, but we recommend that you start planning as early as possible, because many tournaments are fully booked early. Damp; Weißenhäuser Strand; Turnierregeln; Kontakt; 7. The mixture of lifestyle event, music festival and beach holiday paired with lots of affectionate extras, make L-BEACH a … Verein: Ballfreunde. price/night: £59. Short routes to the beach are a given. Now $72 (Was $̶1̶3̶8̶) on Tripadvisor: Ferienpark Weissenhaeuser Strand, Wangels. Super Urlaub , Weißenhäuser Strand nur zu empfehlen Marek Jerman. Check availability. There are sufficient sanitary facilities on the campsite. Datum: 4. Of course, you may contact your coach colleagues and share this information with them. full board (2 nights), under 210 € p.p. Es verbindet Sport, Spaß, Sonne und Strand und macht Handball damit urlaubstauglich. 3 Turniere an der Ostsee Beach Handball – die Trendsportart begeistert immer mehr Menschen. Live vom Strand: Jedes Wetter macht die Ostsee zu etwas ganz besonderem. incl. Ostsee-Ferienwohnung-Nautikuss Wangels (2.3 miles from Seebad Weißenhaeuser Strand) full board (2 nights), under 210 € p.p. The travel is not included in the price. Click on the individual accommodation categories and get more info! Beachhandball Cup Damp 1st Date; Beachhandball Cup Damp 2nd Date; Beachhandball Cup Weissenhauser Strand; Info Covid-19. D-Jugenden beim Beachhandball-Cup am Weißenhäuser Strand Gepostet von: etb-handball 0 Kommentare Am Freitag reisten die beiden letztjährigen männlichen D-Jugenden zur Ostsee und spielen dort noch bis Sonntag beim Beachhandball-Cup. One of the accommodations, consists of a main house, various wooden bungalows and is located on an approximately 10,000 sqm large and park-like area. Simply choose between accommodation in a single or double room. Wir wünschen Euch allen einen wunderschönen und erholsamen Tag. Beachsoccer Mini EURO Weissenhäuser Strand, within walking distance to the nightlife area, within walking distance of the sports facility, under 100 € p.p. Here you can specify your desired allocation of the apartments. Mai 2021. incl. Vinder af Beachhandball Cup Weissenhäuser Strand 2018 U15 piger. In addition you need to bring your own sleeping bag, air mattress, towel and other camping equipment. Freut Euch auf mindestens acht Spiele für jede Mannschaft, die Ballfreunde Skill&Fun Area direkt am Strand und tolle Beachparties am Abend. Damp; Weißenhäuser Strand; Turnierregeln; Kontakt; Turniere 2021. It would also be a pity if some players would have to stay at home instead of playing in such a special tournament. Beachhandball Cup Weissenhäuser Strand. Durch die Mittelwelle gibt es Airtime. Beach Berlin Team. incl. The discovery pool and many other attractions such as water skiing, wakeboarding or wellness and fitness contribute to an unbeatable overall package. Strange landscapes, tropical climate and exotic animals – doesn't that sound like a holiday at Weissenhäuser Strand? Beachhandball Cup Weissenhäuser Strand Spielt am Strand von Weissenhäuser Strand drei Tage lang ein unvergessliches Beachturnier! Located directly at the resort, short distances are guaranteed, as all accommodations are also within walking distance.