We find that its much easier to simply run the routine (which will be saved when we’re done) manually when we need it. Once the process is over, you can manually eject your external drive by clicking on the eject icon located in the menu bar of Disk Station Manager: With your disk(s) stored safely away after restoring your backup, you’re done. For certain reasons, you may need to change the IP address of the Synology NAS that is running Synology Directory Server. He has over a decade of experience in publishing and has authored thousands of articles at Review Geek, How-To Geek, and Lifehacker. Restoring it is option. After you invest in a NAS as a file server to protect and share your data, there might still be a possibility of data loss in the event of human errors or any other disasters. Google Play Store vs. Google Store: What’s the Difference? Flexible Settings for You to Backup Windows Server 2012 to Synology. Click “Next”. Finally, you’ll see a summary of what will be restored (the configuration file, if applicable, the version, and the folders). A Synology NAS with a data port and its Disk Station Manager software up to date. Under Domain/LDAP, I have it set up to sync with our domain so I can better control permissions. Known Issues. Let’s take a look at how to back up your Synology NAS for the ultimate data redundancy. “Create a backup of my NAS?” you might say. Synology Drive Server takes this a step further, and offers versioning, where, if enabled, every file change or deletion creates a new version of the share that can be rewound to any point in time or any version of any file, and any recently deleted files can be recovered. Within the Update & Restore menu, click on “Configuration Backup” in the upper navigation pane. The system configuration was automatically backed up as part of the backup task, and is stored with the backup file created by Hyper Backup. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. You can then browse through the directory structure of the backup to select either a directory of file you wish to restore, doing so by either clicking the “Restore” button while the entry is selected or right clicking on it and select “Restore” from the context menu. When you click “Yes”, a file will be downloaded to your local computer with the filename formatted as NASname_timestamp.dss. “isn’t the NAS the backup though?” Not so fast—not all backups are equal, and a backup isn’t truly a backup until there’s a cold storage copy of it somewhere. An external hard drive or hard drive array with sufficient storage space for the data you wish to back up. See details and learn the guidance about how to create Windows 10 backup to Synology NAS (like DiskStation or others) easily and safely with AOMEI Backupper. Synology Webinar: Directory Server. Keep a backup directory server ready to take over in case of unexpected service disruptions and use the added capacity for load-balancing purposes. Further, if you want to obey one of the cardinal rules of proper backup practice, no bit of data is ever truly backed up unless there is an offline cold-storage copy of it somewhere. NOTE: if you want to manually connect an external drive on a set routine (say, every Sunday night before you go to bed), then you can schedule things accordingly. 2. Click Install for the Directory Server and the package will be installed on the Synology. If you wish to restore a single file, then click on the “Backup Explorer” button. (Note: if you are restoring data from a data backup set for which you no longer have the backup task in Hyper Backup, you can click on “Restore from existing repositories” to manually select the backup archive. Create a shared folder on Synology NAS for preparation . After clicking apply, the backup application will churn through the files and restore them, confirming the directories copied when complete. When you create a backup of the configuration file of your Synology NAS, the follow items are included in that backup file: Again, for emphasis, this process only backs up the configuration (settings and adjustments you’ve made to the operating system) and does not back up the actual data on your NAS’ hard disks. Click “Next”. For backing up the file server, Active Backup for Business supports the servers running with SMB (Windows) and rsync 3.0 or above (Linux) protocol. NAS Synology server powered by x86-64 CPU (any Intel or AMD; not ARM) 512 MB RAM System Synology DSM 5.2 or higher Ferro Backup System 5.1.1 or higher Introduction With the drive plugged in and powered up, you’re ready to follow along with the backup and restoration sections of the tutorial. Corrected the package name of Synology Directory Server displayed at Control Panel > Security > Firewall. Enabling backup rotation is completely optional, and given our focus on making a clean one-off backup, we skipped enabling it. You can check “All System Configurations” to totally restore every setting, or you can selectively pick one item at a time. Select “Create Backup Task” and then, from the “Shared Folder” dropdown menu, select “usbshare1” to select your external drive. Synology Directory Server is an efficient tool that allows your Synology NAS to become a domain controller. Although the Synology NAS platform—including the Disk Station Manager operating system that runs on it and the propriety automated Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR)—is a rock solid and easy way to back up data from your computers, it suffers, by the very nature of things, from some of the same issues that plague any always-on backup system. I have a lifetime license. In the following, we outline steps to convert a Synology NAS device into a backup DNS server for an Active Directory (Windows Server 2019) environment. Jason Fitzpatrick is the Editor in Chief of LifeSavvy, How-To Geek's sister site focused life hacks, tips, and tricks. So take the time to periodically backup your configuration file to keep all your settings safe and sound. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. The first step in Hyper Backup is to select your backup destination. Within the Update & Restore menu, click on “Configuration Backup” in the upper navigation pane. Ferro Backup System launch on NAS Synology server The article discusses how to install archive server and client directly on NAS Synology drive Requirements. Note: the list is not a complete list of all applications on your Synology NAS, merely those that have a component Hyper Backup can backup. Jason Fitzpatrick is the Editor in Chief of LifeSavvy, How-To Geek's sister site focused life hacks, tips, and tricks. He has over a decade of experience in publishing and has authored thousands of articles at Review Geek, How-To Geek, and Lifehacker. Your information is on your NAS, on the backup disks, and, thanks to the offline status of the backup disks, you’ve got a true blue cold-storage backup of your data. You’ll be prompted to select a backup task to restore (a simple affair for us, because there’s only one backup task in this set). How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. In the case of this tutorial, there is only one, called “Local Storage 1”. backup target) This sets up the directory where the backups are going to be stored at. Remember syncing data is not the same as backing up data and the backup feature on the Synology stinks. Select the “Control Panel” shortcut on your desktop or from within the main menu. If you want more information about what the system configuration backup contains, and what it will potentially replace/overwrite, then definitely check out our guide to backing up your configuration file here. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. Within the Control Panel, select “Update & Restore”. Select “Local Shared Folder & External Storage”. Select “Local Shared Folder & External Storage”. Once you’ve selected the volume and/or folders you wish to back up, click “Next”. Backup Windows 8/10 data to Synology using File History. Much like you can back up the configuration settings of other devices in your home (like the configuration of many routers, including those running the popular open source DD-WRT), you can also back up the configuration of your Synology NAS, so in the event of a restoration or upgrade, you can easily import most of the old settings. Within the application menu, select “Hyper Backup”. This area is where you can also apply backups to … Unlike most configuration backup and restoration tools, the Synology configuration tool allows you to selectively restore single parts of your configuration. The other restoration option involves clicking the “Restore” button from the main screen we highlighted above. Backup Windows 7 data to Synology using Backup and Restore. Yes, while the sync Synology Drive Client to your documents folder works well, the separate feature providing backup does not. Click “Apply” to complete the process if the displayed information is satisfactory. Click “Apply” when ready and, when prompted, click “Yes” on the “Back up now?” pop-up dialogue box. 2. To do so, plug the external hard drive back into your Synology NAS to remount it and then open up Hyper Backup again. RELATED: How to Set Up and Get Started with Your Synology NAS. If, for example, you mucked up your users and shared folders pretty good and just want to restore to your backup from a few months back (without changing anything else), you can do so by selecting to restore just the users and shared folder settings. We recommend setting up a new backup task in Hyper Backup for the updated package and run the task immediately. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, comics, trivia, reviews, and more. How to Back Up and Restore Your Synology NAS Configuration, How to Disable Reddit’s “Open in App” Pop-Up. Within the Control Panel, select “Update & Restore”. Click on the menu button in the upper left-hand corner. Email (optional): The email address of the user will be stored as the mail attribute. 2. On the next screen, select all the folders whose data you wish to back up to your external drive. Here, you’ll find our favorite part of the backup and restoration process: it’s selective. The first step in Hyper Backup is to select your backup destination. Confirm everything and choose Save settings and run backup. For file servers to be backed up and restored properly, please make sure the following permissions of the source Unlike the file-by-file restoration in the previous Backup Explorer method, you do not have granular file-level selection options here, and can only opt to restore and not restore entire directories or sub-directories. Confirm that you want to create a backup. Install DNS Package on Synology NAS – straightforward, by opening Package Manager. The server mounts that volume on startup and execute the script as a cronjob every day at night. Use the Synology Active Backup package instead. Install DNS Package on Synology NAS – straightforward, by opening Package Manager. In facts, the backup task conflicts with the sync task. With Synology Directory Server, IT administrators can manage accounts and install specific programs or system updates on all computers in the office. At this point, your Synology NAS will now be reconfigured with the old settings, and whether you’re transferring your settings to a new model or undoing the permissions mess you inadvertently made, your device will have exactly the configuration you want. My solution is a Synology NFS share volume (can also be any other Server with a NFS share volume) and a backup script from github by DerDanilo that is located on that share, and is available and executable to all Proxmox Servers in the network. Back up Synology Directory Server with Hyper Backup (see the section Back up and 2. Select “Back up configuration”. This is great feature if the backup system in question will be running with a high degree of frequency but of negligible benefit for one-off backups. Previous Active Directory Server backup cannot be restored after updating to Synology Directory Server. The above article may contain affiliate links, which help support How-To Geek. You may back up data to your Synology NAS using Active Backup for Business. We recommend keeping a copy of this file on your primary workstation as well as backing it up to a secondary location like a flash drive (obviously, despite what a great backup destination your NAS is, backing up the configuration file of the NAS to the NAS is a bad plan). Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. Description (optional): The description of the user will be stored as the gecos attribute. Once you’ve selected the folder and directory name, click “Next”. Namely, because it’s always on and plugged into your home power, any awful fate that befalls your home also befalls it (like a house fire or lightning strike). 1. To create your configuration backup, log into your Synology’s web-based control panel on your local network using your web browser. Join 350,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, comics, trivia, reviews, and more. ), RELATED: How to Back Up and Restore Your Synology NAS Configuration. It’s simple to restore your data using Hyper Backup, whether you wish to restore a single file, single directory, or the entire backup. Select the “Control Panel” shortcut on your desktop or from within the main menu. If you will be completing the second portion of this tutorial for offsite backups, ensure that your OpenVPN server is setup to assign static IP addresses.. Create Repository (aka. Backup Windows 10 to Synology NAS with AOMEI Backupper. In my case I did the backups over SFTP to my NAS so make sure you can log into your backup target via SSH / SFTP if you use this strategy. Another way would be to have two synology device but to keep everything homogeneous and with Windows Integration, I would highly recommend two servers connected through VPN with DFS Replication. Let’s take a look at what the backup process stores and how to create and use a backup. This will open a file explorer for the backup file you’ve selected. In the following, we outline steps to convert a Synology NAS device into a backup DNS server for an Active Directory (Windows Server 2019) environment. Please follow the steps below: 1. Google Play Store vs. Google Store: What’s the Difference? 1. To restore an old configuration, the process is just as easy. How to Resize Columns and Rows in Google Sheets, How to Mute Chats, Groups, and Channels in Telegram, © 2021 LifeSavvy Media. Desktop application to synchronize files and folders between the computer and the Synology Drive server to access, browse, and share files via file browser; Real-time or scheduled computer backup from the local computer to Synology Drive Server with the capability to restore files and folders on the client side I’ll take system backup as an example below. And there are six options provided: 1. All Rights Reserved. Synology and Windows server won't sync between each other unless it is in an rsync job between them (which is not realtime changes). We have two new employees that need READ ONLY access to the Archive NAS. The default directory name is simply “[yournasname]_1”, but you can change it to whatever you want. When the setup is complete, open the Directory Server from the launcher available in the upper right hand corner of the screen. How to Resize Columns and Rows in Google Sheets, How to Mute Chats, Groups, and Channels in Telegram, © 2021 LifeSavvy Media. The Hyper Backup application package installed on your Synology NAS (installed by default; download again via the package manager if necessary). But if you have multiple routines, you’ll want to select the one you created for your cold storage backup. Getting Synology Directory Server up and running If you are running DSM 7 or an older version the process will be the same, but all the images and steps here will be covering the DSM 7 version of this package. In addition, you’ll also see the “Restore” button in the lower left corner, shaped like a clock with an arrow spinning around it and the “Backup Explorer” button, a small magnifying glass with a clock in the center, located next to the “Back up now” button. By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By Mick_K, October 18, 2019 in Synology. Once you have made your selections, check “Overwrite conflicting settings” to ensure that the backup settings are restored over the existing settings, and click “OK”. 1. These are the two prerequisites we will need to complete to backup a Synology NAS to a Raspberry Pi. The backup rotation feature is essentially Synology’s take on incremental file versioning and, when active, will create versions of the files as they change over time (if there is available space on the backup media). Share ... System.IO.FileNotFoundException: backup directory not found at MBBackup.ServerEntryPoint.ExecuteBackup(BackupProfile settings, CancellationToken … After that, simply open up the web-based interface for your Synology NAS and sign into the administrator account. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. How to Create a Local Backup of Your Synology NAS, our guide to backing up your configuration file here, How to Disable Reddit’s “Open in App” Pop-Up. All these can be achieved just with a few clicks. Windows 10 should now start backing up to the Synology NAS. Bear in mind that this article is based on the beta version of the Synology Directory Server package (current version: 4.10.18-0274) and macOS 11.1. You’ve spent a lot of time configuring your Synology NAS to be just perfect. Because our goal is not to leave the disk tethered to the NAS (we want a cold backup we can run, create, and then take offline) we’ll be unchecking “Enable Backup Schedule” and “Enable Integrity Check Schedule” as they are unnecessary for our purpose. If you wish to back up any applications, now is the time to select them. Select “Create Backup Task” and then, from the “Shared Folder” dropdown menu, select “usbshare1” to select your external drive. In the main screen of the application you’ll see three things of note. Click “Next” to continue. This has worked great...until today. Synology C2 Storage offers our NAS users a plan for data availability and storage expansion on the cloud, thus maximizing business continuity. Simply click on “Restore configuration” instead of “Back up configuration”, select the configuration file you wish to restore, and click “OK”. Plus, if you’re planning on doing any serious overhauling of your Synology NAS (like a total swap of all the disks, migrating to a new NAS unit, or so on) even though the built-in tools for doing so provided by Synology are very user friendly, you should always back up your data to play it safe. Which button you use depends on your goal. Make your Synology NAS a directory server to manage company's accounts and devices over SMB. In the next screen, you’ll be prompted to select some or all of the folders contained in the backup. Confirm that you want to create a … If you are simply dealing with data and not restoring your entire Synology NAS, we recommend leaving it set to “Do not restore system configuration”. Plug your external enclosure into the appropriate port and, if applicable, make sure to turn the power on to the external enclosure. The LDAP server isn’t yet running as you need to … Otherwise, just backup the folder H2P mentioned earlier. Jason served as Lifehacker's Weekend Editor before he joined How-To Geek. Next, you’ll be presented with quite a few potential options for your backup, including whether or not you want to compress the data, encrypt it, schedule a backup routine, and so on. Click “Next” when you’re ready. Make your Synology Directory Server robust and highly available by adding a secondary domain controller. All Rights Reserved. Jason served as Lifehacker's Weekend Editor before he joined How-To Geek. Click on it and select “Data” (for the curious, “LUN” is an advanced enterprise level backup method that required specialized hardware outside the scope of both this tutorial and the capacity of most home users’ setups). First, in the upper left corner, you’ll see a list of your backup routines. To automatically backup Windows Server 2012 to Synology NAS or other locations, you could enable Schedule option easily backup. Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Set the backup running daily, weekly, monthly to backup your Windows Server 2012 automatic just in case you forget to backup. Finally, you can opt to enable “backup rotation”. LDAP Server User’s Guide 7 Chapter 1: Set up LDAP Server 3 Specify the following information for the LDAP user and then click Next: Name: The name of the user will be stored as the uid attribute in the LDAP database. Ensure that you have installed Raspberry Pi OS and can SSH into your Raspberry Pi. Within the application menu, select “Hyper Backup”. Once you’ve confirmed you wish to start the backup, you’ll see the Hyper Backup monitoring screen, as seen below: Once the process is complete (which, depending on the total size of the files you’re backing up, could take anywhere from minutes to days) you’ll see the success screen and your disk will be safely ejected. Emby Server ; Synology ; Server Configuration Backup Plugin failing Server Configuration Backup Plugin failing. Click “Next”. 1. To proceed, you’ll need the following things: To get started first locate the data ports on your Synology NAS. The shared folders are the basic directories where you can store and manage files and folders on your Synology NAS. We have a Synology NAS that we use for job archiving. This kind of versioning is handy if you find yourself, a year from now, in need of a much earlier version of some project files. By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. At this point you’ve successfully backed up your data and can now store the offline hard drive in a safe location. When I went to add them, I cannot find them in the list of DOMAIN USERS. The particular unit we’re using for demonstration purposes, the DS916+, has one USB 3.0 port on the front of the unit as well as 2 USB 3.0 ports and a single eSATA port located on the back of the unit, seen below. Synology Directory Server is normally set up with a static IP address. Click “Next” to continue. The above article may contain affiliate links, which help support How-To Geek. Further, we’ll check “Remove destination external device when task has successfully finished”, so that the drive automatically unmounts when the task is done. You do not need to select all the data on your NAS and can, if you wish, exclude any folders and/or volumes. I think you have to be a supporter to actually use the "Server Configuration Backup" plugin.