Germans showed a … Human Resources, Teambuilding & Adventure. Sélectionneur de l'équipe d’Allemagne. Dans ses conférences Dagur Sigurdsson fait uneparallèle avec le handball et l’entreprise notamment la cohésion d’équipes, le leadership et la réalisation de ses objectifs. Sigurdsson: Nein, da machen alle mit. Never before had a finalist prevented the opponent from scoring fewer goals. Ces interventions se font en anglais et en allemand. 5. After winning the European Championship with Germany, he is now nominated for the 2016 IHF “World Coach of the Year” award. Asia NO MERCY FOR DAGUR: Germany with two convincing wins conclude Japanese journey. Življenjepis. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Sigurdsson took over a team that was in the throes of crisis and had just missed qualifying for the World Championship. Dans une équipe, chaque membre a des forces et des faiblesses: ce qui s’applique au sports s’applique également aux entreprises: Dagur Sigurdsson vous expliquera comment promouvoir les talents et en même temps renforcer votre équipe. Erfolgscoach und Europameister-Trainer Dagur Sigurdsson wird wie erwartet die deutsche Handball-Nationalmannschaft nach der WM im Januar verlassen. Coach du club de Berlin, il amène une équipe de milieu de classement à participer à la Coupe d’Allemagne en 2014 et à la Coupe d’Europe en 2015. L’année suivante, en 2016, il remporte le championnat d’Europe ainsi qu’une médaille de bronze aux JO de Rio, contre toute attente conduisant en 18 mois une équipe jeune vers les sommets mondiaux de la discipline. Dagur has 4 jobs listed on their profile. Dagur Sigurðsson (né en 1973), joueur et entraîneur de handball islandais Gylfi Sigurðsson (né en 1989), footballeur islandais Guðjón Valur Sigurðsson (né en 1979), handballeur islandais August 2014 beim Sparkassen-Cup in Ehingen. Other business interests include the gastronomy, motorcar and IT industries. Watch Queue Queue If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Join Facebook to connect with Dagur Sigurdsson and others you may know. dagur sigurdsson 19 GIFs. During his active career he also held the post of player-coach at Wakunaga Hiroshima and A1 Bregenz. His motivational approach allowed the German team to “live the legend” and ultimately led them to claiming the title. Wenige Tage nach seiner Berufung zum Bundestrainer der Deutschen Handballnationalmannschaft. Kinder, chaque moment ensemble compte. Savoir utiliser les ressources de vos collaborateurs. Im Finale besiegte das Team von Bundestrainer Dagur Sigurdsson am Sonntag Spanien mit 24:17 (10:6). L’art du planning: comment créer une stratégie d'équipe: Dagur Sigurdsson vous expliquera comment mettre en place cette stratégie. Dagur Sigurdsson is on Facebook. Vor der Handball-Europameisterschaft ergreift Dagur Sigurdsson ungewöhnliche Maßnahmen. After sensationally winning the 2016 European Championship with the German handball team in Poland and winning the Bronce medal at the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Dagur Sigurdsson is being hailed in the German media as the “father of success”. Please call us or send us an email. Search, discover and share your favorite Dagur Sigurdsson GIFs. Dagur Sigurdsson / German National Handball Team Coach / 11 Freunde À la fin de sa carrière de joueur, il se lance dans le métier d‘entraîneur. Il remporte ainsi cinq titres de champion d’Islande avec le Club du Valur Reykjavik et participe à la Coupe du Monde avec l’équipe nationale d’Islande. After failing to qualify for the 2012 Olympics, the German team is – thanks to Sigurdsson – once again a force to be reckoned with in international handball and a talking point at home. His tactical artistry, strategic preparation and calm demeanour guided the team throughout the entire tournament, instilling within each and every player confidence in their own strength and by extension in the whole team. MOTIVATORDagur Sigurdsson is a creative thinker and tactician who not also makes plans but also follows them through to completion. Mais attiré également par le handball, il se consacre entièrement à ce sport à la fin des années 80. Der Isländer Dagur Sigurðsson wäre fast Fußballprofi geworden, hat ein eigenes Hostel und ein Auge für Talente. Never before had there been such a dramatic coup in international handball. Born in 1973 in Reykjavik, Iceland, Dagur Sigurdsson grew up in an athletic family. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. The triumph of this highly disciplined German squad was never in doubt – not for a single second. Wie schwer fällt es Ihnen, Deutschland zu verlassen? Dagur Sigurdsson (mitte) erklärt seinen Spieler das taktische Vorgehen beim Spiel gegen Argentinien während der Handball-WM. Dagur, Ihre Kinder sind 12, 14 und 16 Jahre alt. In addition to his stellar career as a pro handball player and coach, Sigurdsson is also enjoying success as an entrepreneur and founder. Dagur Sigurdsson se je rodil v športni družini kot drugi od treh otrok. Krakau (dpa) - Die deutschen Handballer haben in Polen den Europameister-Titel gewonnen. Under the command of the Icelander, the Nationalmannschaft spectacularly bounced back … Envoyez votre demande. Eric Hubler est un expert en leadership et en management. Published by Katharina Schlangenotto. Conférencier et formateur international, il est apprécié pour ses qualités de « révélateur » par les dirigeants qui font appel à ses services. Management, Cohésion d'équipes, Leadership, Management intergénérationnel. Dagur Sigurdsson – father of success. TLF: +, [email protected]. The next challenge waits• I must, I must, I must – the right way to use motivation and fun to enhance performance• Concentration makes winners – learning to focus properly• The desire to win and the fear of losing – faith moves mountains. No need to register, buy now! Dagur Sigurdsson a commencé sa carrière comme footballeur participant à plusieurs matches en équipe nationale junior. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display skip to content Dagur Sigurdsson : Stockfotos und Bilder bei IMAGO lizenzieren, sofort downloaden und nutzen ROLE MODELSigurdsson succeeded in keeping the team on the ground and maintaining focus. Heute in 7Meter: ein exklusives Interview mit Bundestrainer Dagur Sigurdsson. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Dagur Sigurdsson. Als Vorgeschmack hier schon einmal sein Meistertipp. All you need to know about Dagur Sigurdsson, complete with news, pictures, articles, and videos. View the profiles of people named Sigurdur Dagur Sigurdarson. So bildet sich Deutschlands Trainer bei Fußballlegenden fort. After sensationally winning the 2016 European Championship with the German handball team in Poland and winning the Bronce medal at the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Dagur Sigurdsson is being hailed in the German media as the "father of success". To date, 38 international games have been played with Sigurdsson at the helm, of which 29 have been won – an incredible result. The German national team ended Japanese tour on which they played two matches against home team. Sigurdsson’s team dominated the match from start to finish. Dagur Sigurdsson: DHB-Team ist bei der Handball-WM auch dank ihres Trainers so stark 27.01.2015 - 15:08 Uhr Carsten Lichtlein bei der Handball-WM: Aus dem Schatten ins Rampenlicht „Dagur Sigurdsson ist ein Glücksfall für den deutschen Handball." Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Book your keynote speaker Dagur Sigurdsson. Ces bons résultats font que les autorités nationales allemandes lui confie les rênes d’une équipe nationale en baisse de régime. His unconventional approach and ability to think outside the box and come up with surprising solutions is a recipe for success. Für das Turnier in Polen ist er optimistisch. 26.01.2015 - Die Seite 1 für aktuelle Nachrichten und Themen, Bilder und Videos aus den Bereichen News, Wirtschaft, Politik, Show, Sport, und Promis. Mit der Handball-WM in Katar beginnt sein großes Projekt. As an entrepreneur, he is best known as a co-founder of the acclaimed Icelandic Kex Hostel in Reykjavik. Join Facebook to connect with Sigurdur Dagur Sigurdarson and others you may know. Ces bons résultats font que les autorités nationales allemandes lui confie les rênes d’une équipe nationale en baisse de régime. In a nutshell – Content is King Hear how to put your information into the right form and learn why short and clear statements are more effective than long speeches. Er ist ein ehemaliger Handballspieler aus Island und trainierte bis 2017 die deutsche Handball-Nationalmannschaft der Männer. Lors de ses interventions, le... Stéphane Kaminsky est un conférencier, un coach professionnel et un animateur spécialisé dans le leadership et la cohésion... Nous vous proposons un large choix d’intervenants et de conférenciers adaptés à votre budget, votre public et vos objectifs. Sigurdsson is the architect of the German handball miracle – within a short time, he succeeded in moulding a team of nobodies into European champions. At the end of the 2014/15 season, Sigurdsson ended his tenure with Füchse Berlin to devote himself entirely to the national team. He is an architect of success whose high degree of authenticity gives him the skills to motivate others by focusing on the here and now. Dagur Sigurdsson est un entraineur de handball. The end score was an outstanding 24:17. Get in touch right now with
July 2016. German handball was at rock bottom. Ihre Kinder, die hier groß wurden, sind nicht zu 100 Prozent glücklich. Germany Germany prepares for last tests before Qatar 2015! Qu’il s’agisse d’un séminaire en petit comité ou d’une convention réunissant plusieurs centaines de participants, nous aurons toujours l’intervenant à vous proposer afin que votre évènement soit toujours un succès. Between 2008 and 2010, Sigurdsson managed the Austrian national handball squad, which he led to an excellent ninth place at their ‘home’ European Championship in 2010. In August 2014, Dagur Sigurdsson embraced his to date most important and biggest challenge by taking over as coach of the German national squad. Mais attiré également par le handball, il se consacre entièrement à ce sport à la fin des années 80. Améliorer la performance de votre équipe: savoir parler peu et montrer l'exemple. His greatest achievements as coach of Füchse Berlin were winning the DHB Cup in 2014 and EHF European Cup in 2015. After sensationally winning the 2016 European Championship with the German handball team in Poland and winning the Bronce medal at the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Dagur Sigurdsson is being hailed … Learn how to lead the generation Y and how to bring them on the right way to achieve the goals you set. Auch wenn Dagur Sigurdsson von Spiel zu Spiel hetzt und stundenlang Partien per Video analysiert, diesem Mann ist der Stress nicht anzusehen. And the father of this success is Dagur Sigurdsson. Dagur Sigurdsson a entraîné des jeunes inexpérimentés et en a fait des joueurs à succès. Wie … Découvrez nos produits et des expériences uniques qui apportent du bonheur chaque jour comme dans les grandes occasions. Despite suffering a spate of injuries, Dagur Sigurdsson’s squad eliminated one top team after the other until reaching the final and the showdown with their opponents Spain. 557 Followers, 363 Following, 442 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dagur Sigurdsson (@dagur6) After failing to qualify for the 2012 Olympics and the 2014 European Championship, participation in the 2015 World Championship in Qatar was also at risk. Dagur Sigurdsson! Ces résultats lui ont valu d’être récompensé du titre de “World Coach of the Year 2016”. Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé. It was the overwhelming favourites against a young and astonishingly good German side. Meticulous attention to detail, creativity and a unflappable temperament are important pillars of his success – both in and beyond a sports-oriented environment. It is noteworthy that Dagur Sigurdsson already knows Japan, as he spent three years in a player-coach role at Wakunaga Hiroshima between 2000 and 2003. Dagur Sigurdsson for HP: We made example of healthy club in Berlin. View Dagur Sigurdsson’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Dagur Sigurdsson de la plus haute qualité. We are looking forward to talk to you to find the right speaker for your upcoming event, conference, meeting, kick-off-meeting or congress. Dagur Sigurdsson a commencé sa carrière comme footballeur participant à plusieurs matches en équipe nationale junior. Dagur Sigurdsson – A Winner in all respects. Das ist Dagur Sigurdsson. Dagur Sigurdsson amène cette équipe en quart de finale en 2015. Sigurdsson embraced the story of the “bad boys”, the NBA champions the Detroit Pistons, to lead the national handball side to victory. A wild card opened up the opportunity to play in Qatar, and Germany finished the tournament placed seventh with a narrow quarter-finals defeat to the home team – two places lower than in 2013 but with newly found confidence and a coach with his sights set firmly on the future. And from the onset it was apparent that the Germans would not be cowed. 215 internationals, captain in the Bundesliga at the age of 24, today probably the most active coach the German national handball team has ever seen. Ou n’hésitez pas à nous contacter au numéro suivant. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Il a remporté le championnat d’Europe en 2016 à la surprise générale. privacy policy Accept. Coach du club de Berlin, il amène une équipe de milieu de classement à participer à la Coupe d’Allemagne en 2014 et à la Coupe d’Europe en 2015. Qu'est-ce que les entreprises peuvent tirer de cet enseignement? Official profile of Olympic athlete Dagur SIGURDSSON (born 03 Apr 1973), including games, medals, results, photos, videos and news. DAGUR SIGURDSSON: Ja, darüber bin ich sehr erleichtert. Former head coach of the Füchse Berlin in Bundesliga, Sigurdsson joined the German selection in 2014, at a time the team was going through a deep crisis. Il vous aidera trouver ca qui est important dans le leadership de cette génération. Dagur Sigurdsson speaks about:• Young and wild – team leadership for Generation Y• Adjustment or substitution – of individualists and team players• From regular guy to great guy: everyone can overcome their own limits• Attacking with limited qualities – from underdog to bad boy; from bad boy to winner• Goal reached, hungry for more – how to bother the big boys• Preparation is good, but implementation is decisive – reaching goals• Short and sweet – it’s all in the statement• Resting on the laurels of success? Nos intervenants sont aussi disponibles pour des évènements online. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass er Isländer ist. Fast booking and best in class service included. Find the perfect keynote speaker for your event. He made it into the Icelandic Under-17 football team before deciding to focus entirely on handball, and subsequently enjoyed an extremely successful career as a world-class player, chalking up 215 international games and coming fourth with the Icelandic national team in the 2002 European Championship. Après un passage au Japon, Dagur Sigurdsson rejoint le championnat autrichien. German national team coach and Fuchse Berlin leader in the last six years, Dagur Sigurdsson talked for about various handball topics.... 36. Dagur Sigurdsson amène cette équipe en quart de finale en 2015. Dagur Sigurdsson has garnered multiple accolades for his sporting achievements: in Austria he was a three-time recipient of the award for the foreign player of the year, in Germany “Coach of 2011”. He identified and embraced opportunities and was able win over an injury-stricken team of young players. The road to the European Championship title:Dagur Sigurdsson took on a German national handball team in a state of deep crisis. – One of the worldwide leading Speakers Agency with professional booking service. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has not only honoured Sigurdsson’s team in Berlin for its incredible spirit in winning the gold medal, but has also heaped praise in particular on Sigurdsson, who has achieved so much with his special talent for motivating his players. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Dagur’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Dagur Sigurdsson nach AOK Star-Training in Parchim und Stahnsdorf: „Die Kinder haben das toll gemacht" Dagur Sigurdsson war in seinem Element: „Hat es euch ein bisschen Spaß gemacht?“, fragte der Bundestrainer nach 90 Minuten Handballtraining. Wir holen auch gemeinsam einen Baum. Deutsch: Dagur Sigurðsson, Trainer der Füchse Berlin am 16. Dagur Sigurdsson: European Champion with German Handball Team 2016, Successful Coach & Motivator. Sigurdsson combines years of solid experience with versatility and the ability to captivate his audience both on and off the playing field. Gibt es da noch glänzende Augen oder ist das schon uncool? Dagur Sigurdsson – A Winner in all respects. À la fin de sa carrière de joueur, il se lance dans le métier d‘entraîneur. The 2016 European Championship success will accompany the squad as they embark on their Rio Olympics campaign. SUCCESFUL COACHSigurdsson won the Icelandic Championship five times, played in several European and World Championships and at the 2004 Olympics. "Seit Dagur Sigurdsson den Posten des Trainers übernommen hat, hat sich viel getan. Dagur Sigurdsson trainierte am Donnerstag mit Kindern der Recknitz-Grundschule Ahrenshagen (Kreis Vorpommern-Rügen). Dagur Sigurdsson - Young and Wild - Team Leadership for Generation Y. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Z rokometom se je začel ukvarjati že pri osmih letih v najbolj znanem Islandskem klubu Valur Reykjavík.Sočasno je do šestnajstega leta igral tudi nogomet in bil tudi islandski kadetski reprezentant (U17). This video is unavailable. This guy is intense. Vous recevrez une réponse rapide. Axel Bornemann fungierte als Schiedsrichter, Jacques und Sigurdsson feuerten die Kinder von der Seitenlinie an. But in just 18 months, the Icelander was successful in shaping a young and inexperienced squad into a team that made the impossible happen with its will to win, morale and a unique team spirit: the underdog – this young German side – lifted the 2016 European Championship title in Poland. Dagur Sigurdsson leads Japan until Paris 2024! He was at the same time coach of Füchse Berlin, a side that under his leadership became one of the leading DKB Bundesliga teams. Revenez vers nous si vous souhaitez en savoir plus. Jeunes et sauvages: comment manager la génération Y? Avec Kinder partagez des moments de joie avec vos enfants. Il remporte ainsi cinq titres de champion d’Islande avec le Club du Valur Reykjavik et participe à la Coupe du Monde avec l’équipe nationale d’Islande. And this is a role in which he wrote his own unparalleled success story. Il vous permettra d'atteindre vos buts. Icelandic coach Dagur Sigurdsson will stay on the helm of the Japanese national handball team until the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris.... 30. Trouvez les Dagur Sigurdsson images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. Dagur Sigurdsson proved that he is able to handle young and inexperienced players and bring them to the next level. Watch Queue Queue. Find the perfect dagur sigurdsson stock photo. 2016 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSThe German national handball team played itself into a true frenzy during this tournament. Stefan Kretzschmar Seit dem sensationellen Gewinn der Handball-Europameisterschaft 2016 in Polen wird er sogar mir Pep Guardiola verglichen: Dagur Sigurdsson. Dagur Sigurdsson im Interview : „Es wird schwer, mich hier wegzuholen“.