Die Weiße Rose (The White Rose) is a 1982 CCC Film production about the White Rose resistance to the Nazis led by university students in Munich in 1942–1943 whose members were caught and executed in February 1943, shortly after the German capitulation at Stalingrad.. Actress Lena Stolze, who played Sophie Scholl, reprised that role in The Last Five Days, also … Both Sophie Scholl and Willi Graf attended some of Kurt Huber's lectures at the University of Munich. The square where the central hall of Munich University is located has been named "Geschwister-Scholl-Platz" after Hans and Sophie Scholl; the square opposite to it is "Professor-Huber-Platz". 04:18 Min.. Sie trafen sich zu Lese- und Diskussionsabenden. Hier finden Sie Informationen zur Entstehung, die Flugblätter in Originalansicht und deren Texte im Wortlaut. Leaving before the lectures had ended, the Scholls noticed that there were some left-over copies in the suitcase and decided to distribute them. Coincidentally, on 18 February 1943, the same day that saw the arrests of Sophie and Hans Scholl and Christoph Probst, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels delivered his Sportpalast speech, and he was enthusiastically applauded by his audience. (…) Sollen wir auf ewig das von aller Welt gehaßte und ausgestoßene Volk sein? The Deutsche Jungenschaft vom 1.11.1929 (abbreviated as "d.j.1.11.") Auch die Wehrmacht wurde bald jeder politischen Einflussnahme beraubt, Hitlers Expansions- und Vernichtungspolitik entgegenzutreten. A musical based upon the activities of the White Rose is in the developmental stages with formal readings in March and May of 2021. The group wrote, printed and initially distributed their pamphlets in the greater Munich region. It was not enough to keep to oneself one's beliefs, and ethical standards, but the time had come to act.[7]. Copies appeared in Saarbrücken, Stuttgart, Cologne, Vienna, Freiburg, Chemnitz, Hamburg, Innsbruck and Berlin. Ein Hausmeister erwischt die Geschwister Scholl, als sie die Flugblätter im Lichthof der Universität verteilen, hält sie fest und übergibt sie der Gestapo. Grimminger was arrested on 2 March 1943, sentenced to ten years in a penal institution for high treason by the "People's Court" on 19 April 1943, and imprisoned in Ludwigsburg penal institution until April 1945. She was a key member of the Weiße Rose (White Rose)—a resistance group run by students at the University of Munich who distributed leaflets and used graffiti to decry Nazi crimes and the political system, while calling for resistance to the Nazi state and the … Alexander Schmorell was recognized, denounced and arrested on 24 February 1943, after his return to Munich following an unsuccessful effort to travel to Switzerland. On 18 April 1943, the New York Times mentioned the student opposition in Munich. Sie lernten Willi Graf und Hans Scholl während ihres Medizinstudiums 1941/42 an der Münchner Universität kennen. Eugen Grimminger of Stuttgart funded their operations. Sophie and Hans' sister Inge Scholl reported about the initial enthusiasm of the young people for the Nazi youth organization, to their parents' dismay:[9]. Trans. In February 1943, the German army had faced a major defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad. [6], Lilo Ramdohr at the registry office with Carl G. Fürst in Munich, February 1944. Es wird Zeit, dass jemand dagegen fällt". Students from the University of Munich comprised the core of the White Rose: Hans Scholl, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf, Christoph Probst, and Kurt Huber, a professor of philosophy and musicology. The three were executed the same day by guillotine at Stadelheim Prison. White Rose survivor Jürgen Wittenstein described what it was like for ordinary Germans to live in Nazi Germany: The governmentâor rather, the partyâcontrolled everything: the news media, arms, police, the armed forces, the judiciary system, communications, travel, all levels of education from kindergarten to universities, all cultural and religious institutions. Die anderen starben während der Haft. Thomas Mann sprach in einer nach Deutschland ausgestrahlten Rede in der BBC über die Mitglieder der Weißen Rose als Vertreter eines besseren, anderen Deutschlands, so klein ihre Zahl auch gewesen sei, und versicherte: "Ihr sollt nicht umsonst gestorben sein, sollt nicht vergessen sein.". Er wollte am Ende des Krieges nicht "mit leeren Händen vor der Frage stehen, was habt ihr getan". Voraussetzung dafür war ein Krieg gegen Polen. Die Weiße Rose knüpft Kontakte zu anderen Widerstandsgruppen. "[15], In 1941, Hans Scholl read a copy of a sermon by an outspoken critic of the Nazi regime, Catholic Bishop August von Galen, decrying the euthanasia policies expressed in Action T4 (and extended that same year to the Nazi concentration camps by Action 14f13)[16] which the Nazis maintained would protect the German gene pool. ZC13267, Volumes 1â16. The following is a non-exhaustive chronological account of some of the more notable treatments of the White Rose in media, book and artistic form. Isn't it true that every honest German is ashamed of his government these days? On this day, 78 years ago, on 18 February 1943, two very dark events in Germany ’s darkest history coincided on this same day.. One was the arrest of siblings Sophie and Hans Scholl, who as members of the White Rose resistance group at the university of Munich were distributing flyers, in which they harshly criticized the Nazi regime and declared WWII lost for Germany … He drew the Scholl siblings' attention to the persecution of the Jews, which he considered sinful and anti-Christian.[20]. On 5 February 2012 Alexander Schmorell was canonized as a New Martyr by the Orthodox Church. Um den jungen Familienvater zu schützen, hat die Gruppe ihn zuletzt weitgehend aus ihren Aktivitäten herausgehalten. Außerdem organisierte er eine Spendensammlung für die Witwe Kurt Hubers. Shortly after the arrest of the Scholl siblings and Christoph Probst, newspapers published all-points bulletins in search of Alexander Schmorell. The White Rose (German: WeiÃe Rose) was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in Nazi Germany led by a group of students from the University of Munich, including Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell. Kommilitonen! Youth organizations other than those led by the Nazi party were dissolved and officially forbidden in 1936. Alexander Schmorell and Christoph Probst had already been friends since their school days. The fact that she was a 21-year-old woman ace was not lost on the hero-hungry Soviet media, and soon this colourful character, whom the Germans dubbed " Thus, the execution of the White Rose group members, among many others, is considered as judicial murder. [3][4] Most were in their early twenties. Sophie Scholl stated during her Gestapo interrogation that from summer 1942 on, the aim of the White Rose was to address a broader range of the population. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, "1942/43: The White Rose Resistance Group". Eleven others were sentenced to prison, and Falk Harnack was acquitted of the accusations. Leipelt wurde am 29. They propagated a return to nature, confraternity and shared adventures. Hans Scholl had joined the Deutsche Jungenschaft 1. On the contrary, he was quite displeased with us. Die Medizinstudentin Traute Lafrenz hatte bereits im November 1942 Flugblätter von München nach Hamburg mitgebracht. At the Heart of the White Rose: Letters and Diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl. As the "Volksgerichtshof" was not bound to the law, but led by Nazi ideology, its actions were declared unlawful in post-war Germany. In January 1943, the fifth leaflet, "Aufruf an alle Deutsche!" Later on, secret carriers brought copies to other cities, mostly in the southern parts of Germany. Schmorell and Huber were executed on 13 July 1943. The "Bündische Jugend" Trials (Scholl/Reden): 1937â1938. [9], In summer 1942, several members of the White Rose had to serve for three months on the Russian front alongside many other male medical students from the University of Munich. Zwischen 1942 und 1943 rief die Gruppe in sechs Flugblättern zum Widerstand auf. It was carried to other German Cities between 27 and 29 January 1943 by the members and supporters of the group to many cities, and then mailed from there. It is not surprising that all of us, Hans and Sophie and the others, joined the Hitler Youth? [18] In his letters to Muth, Hans wrote about his growing attraction to the Catholic Christian faith. 1942 begann auch Sophie Scholl ihr Philosophie- und Biologiestudium und kam mit den Freunden ihres Bruders in Kontakt. The Scholls and Probst were scheduled to stand trial before the Volksgerichtshofâthe Nazi "People's Court" infamous for its unfair political trials, which more often than not ended with a death sentenceâon 22 February 1943. Das sechste Flugblatt wird der Gruppe zum Verhängnis. Why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanised state system presided over by criminals and drunks? These events encouraged the members of the White Rose. Three members of the White Rose weren't tried and executed until 1944, but no significant events occurred between February 22, 1943 and 1944. A draft of a seventh pamphlet, written by Christoph Probst, was found in the possession of Hans Scholl at the time of his arrest by the Gestapo. Gestapo and Nazi jurisdiction documented in their files their view of the White Rose members as "traitors and defeatists". Some, but not all, of the White Rose members had enthusiastically joined the youth organizations of the Nazi party: Hans Scholl had joined the Hitler Youth, and Sophie Scholl was a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel. "[30] Immediately before Hans was executed, he cried out "Es lebe die Freiheit! [33] However, the network of friends and supporters proved to be too large, so that the rumors about the White Rose could not be suppressed any more by Nazi German officials. In their diaries and letters to friends, both Scholl siblings wrote about their reading of Christian scholars including Augustine of Hippo's Confessions[14] and Etienne Gilson, whose work on Medieval philosophy they discussed amongst other philosophical works within their network of friends. The hopes of the White Rose members that the defeat at Stalingrad would incite German opposition against the Nazi regime and the war effort did not come true. Wilhelm Geyer taught Alexander Schmorell how to make the tin templates used in the graffiti campaign. Das einzige Beweismittel gegen ihn ist ein handschriftlicher Entwurf zu einem Flugblatt, den Hans Scholl bei sich trug, als er verhaftet wurde. He met Hans Scholl for the first time in June 1942, was admitted to the activities of the White Rose on 17 December 1942,[21] and became their mentor and the main author of the sixth pamphlet. This spontaneous action was observed by the university maintenance man, Jakob Schmid. The other, across the street, is dedicated to Professor Huber. [29] He had been sent down from Hamburg University in 1940 because of his Jewish ancestry, and had copied and further distributed the White Rose's pamphlets together with his girlfriend Marie-Luise Jahn. Time period. Hans Scholl ging es darum, ein "sichtbares Zeichen des Widerstandes von Christen zu setzen". Zu Adolf Hitlers grundlegenden Zielen gehörten von Anfang an die Vernichtung des "jüdischen Bolschewismus" und die Eroberung von "Lebensraum im Osten". Two large fountains are in front of the university, one on either side of LudwigstraÃe. Their experience during this time had a major impact on their thinking, and it also motivated their resistance, because it led to their disillusionment with the Nazi regime. schreibt mir einfach ein paar worte als kommentar. was produced in 6,000â9,000 copies, using a hand-operated duplicating machine. Because he did not want to issue too many death sentences in a single trial, he therefore wanted to postpone his judgment against those four until the next day. Nachdem der innerste Kreis der Weißen Rose ermordet worden war, wurde ihre Arbeit zunächst noch fortgeführt und ihr Gedankengut weitergetragen. For other uses, see, The German Youth Movement and the Hitler Youth, Experience on the World War II Eastern Front, Reactions in Germany and abroad during World War II, Primary source materials in English translation. In late January 1943 the battle for Stalingrad ended in disaster. On the contrary, Nazi propaganda used the defeat to call on the German people to embrace "Total War". Januar 1945 hingerichtet, Marie-Luise Jahn wurde zu zwölf Jahren Haft verurteilt. At the last minute, the prosecutor added Traute Lafrenz, Gisela Schertling and Katharina Schüddekopf. [9], Willi Graf had already been arrested on 18 February 1943; in his interrogations, which continued until his execution in October 1943, he successfully covered other members of the group. As Christoph's father had been divorced and had married again to a Jewish wife, the effects of the Nazi Nuremberg Laws, and Nazi racial ideology had impacts on both Christoph's and Alexander's lives from early on. [10], The Nazi Party's youth organizations took over some of the elements of the Youth Movement, and engaged their members in activities similar to the adventures of the Boy Scouts, but also subjected them to ideological indoctrination. kilian “Following the fall of Stalingrad in February 1943 […] members of the White Rose launched… [13], After their experiences at the Eastern Front, having learned about mass murder in Poland and the Soviet Union, Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell felt compelled to take action. Das bestärkt sie darin, nach ihrer Rückkehr im November weiter Widerstand zu leisten, indem sie die Bevölkerung aufklären, vor allem andere Jugendliche. Schmid, Jakob. The Newsletter of the Center for White Rose Studies: "The White Rose Revolt & Resistance www.HolocaustResearchProject.org", "Nazis Execute 3 Munich Students For Writing Anti-Hitler Pamphlets", Stephen Thursby re Karen Painter's 'symphonic aspirations: German music and politics 1900â1945', https://www.ac-paris.fr/serail/jcms/s2_1064115/fr/accueil, https://www.paris.fr/equipements/jardin-hans-et-sophie-scholl-19654, International Music Score Library Project, "Story of courage amid horrors of holocaust", http://white-rose-studies.org/The_Leaflets.html, A collaborative, student-led translation of the six printed leaflets by students at the University of Oxford, translated by students at the University of Oxford, Court testimony, records and documents (English), Center for White Rose Studies â Making the White Rose relevant to the 21st century, Wittenstein, George. [28] Hans and Sophie Scholl were taken into Gestapo custody. In addition, a group of students in the city of Ulm distributed a number of the group's leaflets and were arrested and tried. Willi Graf was further interrogated, but managed to cover his friend Willi Bollinger, and was finally executed on 12 October 1943. Alexander Schmorell was born in Russia, and his first language was Russian. Hans Scholl, Alexander Schmorell, Christoph Probst, and Willi Graf were medical students. The documents were distributed between the Central Archive of the communist Socialist Unity Party of Germany and the archive of the Ministry for State Security. Gemeinsam besuchten sie auch die Vorlesungen des Philosophie-Professors Kurt Huber, der schon mit den Nazis in Konflikt geraten war und der später ebenfalls ein aktives Mitglied der Gruppe werden sollte. Wollt Ihr und Eure Kinder dasselbe Schicksal erleiden, das den Juden widerfahren ist? In total six leaflets were printed and distributed by the White Rose. RGWA I361K-I-8808. Die Weiße Rose war eine Gruppe von Münchner Studenten, die insgesamt sechs Flugblätter entworfen und verbreitet hatten, die sich gegen das NS-Regime richteten. The pamphlets were now entitled "And their spirit lives on."[31]. Schmaus. Kurt Huber was known amongst his students for the political innuendos which he used to include in his university lectures, by which he criticized Nazi ideology by talking about classical philosophers like Leibniz. No defendants were given any opportunity to speak. The text of the sixth leaflet of the White Rose was smuggled out of Germany through Scandinavia to the United Kingdom by the German lawyer and member of the Kreisau Circle, Helmuth James Graf von Moltke. Sophie Scholl – Widerstandskämpferin gegen Hitler, "Nieder mit Hitler!" Consequently, in the fifth leaflet, the name of the group was changed from White Rose to "German Resistance Movement", and also the style of writing became more polemic and less intellectual. On 22 February 1943, the students of Munich were assembled, and officially protested against the "traitors" who came from within their ranks. Geschrieben von ihrem Mentor Kurt Huber, einem Professor für Philosophie und Musikwissenschaften, geißelt es die Kriegspolitik Hitlers, welcher in Stalingrad allein auf deutscher Seite 300.000 Soldaten zum Opfer gefallen sind. His wife Jenny was murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, presumably on 2 December 1943. Die wohl bekannteste Widerstandsgruppe gegen das NS-Regime ist die Weiße Rose, zu der auch die Geschwister Sophie und Hans Scholl gehörten. In Stalingrad, World War II had taken a decisive turn, inspiring resistance movements throughout the European countries then occupied by Germany. Noch zwei Tage vor ihrer Verhaftung sagte Sophie Scholl: "Es fallen so viele Menschen für dieses Regime. Since Freisler did not preside over the third trial, the judge acquitted for lack of evidence all but Söhngen, who was sentenced to a six months' term in prison. [4] Willi Graf, Kurt Huber, and Alexander Schmorell were sentenced to death. The first was a film financed by the Bavarian state government entitled, In February 1993, the Long Island newspaper, In an extended German national TV competition held in the autumn of 2003 to choose "the ten greatest Germans of all time" (. The fall of Stalingrad in February 1943 was a great turning point in the war and inspired Huber to write the fifth leaflet at the request of Hans. The movement aimed at providing free space to develop a healthy life. Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your rightâor rather, your moral dutyâto eliminate this system? Was not this sense of fellowship overpowering? Why are you so cowardly that you won't admit it? There, they observed the horrors of war, saw beatings and other mistreatment of Jews by the Germans, and heard about the persecution of the Jews from reliable sources. (the now-iconic Kommilitoninnen! So vervielfältigte der Münchner Chemiestudent Hans Leipelt gemeinsam mit gleichgesinnten Freunden das letzte Flugblatt und verteilte es, versehen mit dem Zusatz "Und ihr Geist lebt trotzdem weiter", in Hamburg. Geschwister Scholl: Liebe zu Natur und Literatur. [12] As Mosse indicated, idealized romantic attachments among male youths were not uncommon in Germany, especially among members of the "Bündische Jugend" associations. However, the evidence against them was lost, and the trial finally took place on 13 July 1943. Under Gestapo interrogation, Hans Scholl gave several explanations for the origin of the name "The White Rose", and suggested he may have chosen it while he was under the emotional influence of a 19th-century poem with the same name by German poet Clemens Brentano. 1,131 Followers, 635 Following, 899 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Berger (@davidbergerberlin) On 13 January 1943, a student riot broke out at Munich University after a speech by the Nazi Gauleiter of Munich and Upper Bavaria, in which he had denounced male students not serving in the army as skulkers and had also made obscene remarks to female students. Shortly after, Willi Graf, and by the end of December 1942, Kurt Huber became members of the White Rose.[9]. ("Appeal to all Germans!") Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, p.186 Sophie Scholl: The Untold Story, p.99 Leaflet 3 Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, p.94 Leaflet 4 Ibid Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, p.96 Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, p.113 Ibid, p.115 Sophie Scholl: The True Story, p.108 Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, p.117 All three were noted for the courage with which they faced their deaths, particularly Sophie, who remained firm despite intense interrogation, and intimidation by Freisler during the trial. Soviet Army propaganda issued a leaflet, wrongly attributed by later researchers to the National Committee for a Free Germany, in honour of the White Rose's fight for freedom.[37]. [36] Though they did not correctly record all of the information about the resistance, the trials, and the execution, they were the first acknowledgement of the White Rose in the United States. Alexander Schmorell was an Orthodox Christian. Political indoctrination started at a very early age, and continued by means of the Hitler Youth with the ultimate goal of complete mind control. Söhngen kept a stash of banned books hidden in his store, and had also hidden the pamphlets when they had been printed. Broadway actors have recorded performances of a number of songs from White Rose, The Musical, as part of the workshop phase of the project. Darauf antwortete Sophie Scholl laut Vernehmungsprotokoll: "Ich bin nach wie vor der Meinung, das Beste getan zu haben, was ich gerade jetzt für mein Volk tun konnte. The argument was built partially on the work of Eckard Holler, a sociologist specializing in the German Youth Movement,[11] as well as on the Gestapo interrogation transcripts from the 1937â38 arrest, and with reference to historian George Mosse's discussion of the homoerotic aspects of the German "Bündische Jugend" Youth Movement. ("German Audience!") 18 February 1943. Am Ende bezahlten die … Das "Münchner Abkommen" Ende September 1938 sowie die deutschen Erfolge zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs machten erfolgversprechende Aktionen des Militärs gegen die NS-Führung schließlich unmöglich.Hitler war nach dem Frankreichfeldzug 1940 auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Popularität, zu groß war bis 1941 der Siegesrausch in Deutschland, zu gering jegliche … Die Weiße Rose [The White Rose] was a German resistance group whose members were imprisoned and executed during Hitler's reign for creating and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.. See also: Sophie Scholl Leaflets []. This leaflet had a circulation of more than 3.000 copies and was sent by mail all around in Germany. [23] Some witnessed atrocities of the war on the battlefield and against civilian populations in the East.