How to Test a Transformer. this gives toy 110Vav, 120Vac, 220Vac, 230Vac, and 240Vac operation. The small, miniature and tiny LED lights at Evan Designs are crafted with every unique hobbyist in mind. 5 out of 5 stars (2) Total Ratings 2, $49.95 New. Making her laugh, cry, angry, and surprisingly it made her worried for each character, human and cybertronian. Originally a blacksmith, Anode was a specialist who is able to—with training—sculpt a malfunctioning protoform into its intended working order. Generation One. Some Other Cybertron, Anode and "Lug" later reconvened by the Necrobot's monument to the disappeared, where they discussed recent events and what the future held for them. The toy features Sing-Back technology and records little girls and boys voices and plays it back over fresh beats making it an excellent choice for children aged 6 years and above. Buy Miniature LEDs for All Kinds of Models. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Rodimus and Drift caught her before they could escape; although she received a reprimand for almost wasting the one-use teleporter, Anode was fascinated to see Drift's Great Sword. You Are Here. Types of Transformers based on Usage. . Unique Toys Alberich, O-02 (2015) Power of the Primes Alchemist Prime, PP-10 (2017) Prime Master : G1 Japan Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Alert, 05 (1985) Autobot Car : G1 Reissues Alert, 05 (2001) Autobot Car : World's Smallest Transformers Alert (2004) Binaltech Asterisk Alert, BTA-01 (2005) 5,444 figures and 1,572 accessories currently in database (65,78% of ToyDB figures categorized) Welcome to the Transformers-Universe Identification Guide. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. Arcee is a female Autobot warrior who turns into a pink convertible. The Lost Light series plays with gender and sexuality; the newest tv series has gender fluidity. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 99 Anode boarded the ship when the group left Necroworld. Anode was born assigned male on Cybertron. You Might Like ... 966 Views. 2017 has come and gone, a year of ups and downs for our beloved Robots in Disguise. Anode was less than impressed by the Autobot's boring delivery. We feature Lionel, American Flyer, MTH, Atlas O, Williams Trains, K-Line, Weaver Models, and more. 5 out of 5 stars (1) Total Ratings 1, $40.74 New. 00 Lost Light acts as a sequel to The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye which was published from 2012 to 2016, also written by Roberts. Earth Mode Muscle car is perfect for Most series in the franchise are about Optimus Prime and his Autobots fighting Megatron and his Decepticons, although the reasons and stakes vary depending on the series.. Transformers Universes Generation One But Lug and Anode never will, and Lug isn't the same character as 1987 Lug. Get it as soon as Wed, Mar 3. Find unique gifts and other personal designs in Shapeways Games. Shop for titans return Toys in the Shapeways 3D printing marketplace. 99. Transformers - All Media Types (278) The Transformers (IDW Generation One) (187) Transformers Generation One (149) Transformers: Prime (29) Transformers (Bay Movies) (23) The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) (19) Transformers Animated (2007) (13) Transformers: Shattered Glass (7) Transformers (Dreamwave Generation One) (5) Bumblebee is a singing and dancing toy ideal for kids aged six years and above. Transformers by 72Acemon. BBTS offers a massive selection of Hasbro and Takara Transformers toys as well as a wide variety of licensed TF goods from many other manufacturers. The two then were accosted by Swerve, who annoyed them with some nonsensical questions under the pretense of conducting "background checks." In this capacity she worked alongside rogue Council member Nine-of-Twelve. Sardines, On Ten's instructions, the crew modified the ship so they could jump through "compressed space" and get a Mederi center so they could save the ailing Ratchet. An Axe to Break the Ice, Anode took this in stride and happily greeted Flame...only for Wipe-Out to inform her that Flame wasn't the Grand Architect. A daring risk-taker from an early age, she began honing her natural skills as a blacksmith in the Lighthouse, helping newborn protoforms by sculpting their sentio metallico. Dark of the Moon. Masterpiece. Bad Moon Rising. Through circumstances untold, she had adopted a feminine identity and chassis like her main timeline counterpart. A World Misplaced Anode and Nine-of-Twelve watched in abject horror as the now-weaponized moon began laying waste to their city using tractor beams. Hasbro Transformers Toys Studio Series 55 Leader Class Revenge of The Fallen Constructicon Scavenger 8.5 inch Action Figure - E7216. Her one-sided conversation was interrupted by Tailgate's fight with Fangry, and over the course of the battle she was sent flying and impaled on a piece of debris. The Lost Light series plays with gender and sexuality; the newest tv series has gender fluidity. Though the assassination attempt was successful, other leaders quickly … $24.99 $ 24. There are several types of transformers also available which works in a specific domain. While Lug succeeded in pulling Anode off of Magnus, she was thrown into an emotionally devastated Cyclonus. The Transformers line of toys from Hasbro that debuted in 1984 is one of the most successful toy franchises in the history of toys; and yet, it only began after a failed attempt by the Japanese company Takara to bring the same basic toys to the market in the United States in the early 1980s. Perma-Cast Ladder Anode Kit Protects. Vintage 1985 Transformers Coloring Books/Marvel books/ 3 book lot Uncolored. Robots in Disguise. High quality Transformers gifts and merchandise. Recently I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Transformers: Cyberverse Staff Writer Mae Catt, credited on episodes like “Bring Me The Spark Of Optimus Prime” and the four-part “The End Of The Universe” arc. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at Go to previous slide - Shop by Transformer Toy Series. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. With the original show's conclusion in 1987, original … like all Transformers, they were also assigned … 94 This Machine Kills Fascists After Lug had fully grown, Anode confessed the truth behind the Lighthouse. It turned out to be easiest to get them from Mouser and instead of getting a multi-winding valve amp power transformer, I got separate transformers for the heaters and anodes (as in the schematic!) In previous issues they'd been presented as a male or gender-neutral couple. As it turned out, the coffin was a mech. 5 out of 5 stars Beast Wars. Decepticons at the Pole Searching for a new source of lubricant on Nebulos, the Autobots located a vast reservoir of oil. As the three escaped, Wipe-Out revealed that the blacksmiths were under threat and being targeted. Anode was spared by the machinations of the time travelling Necrobot; as part of his efforts to rescue the "Disappeared", he took Anode to the future and stored her in a stasis pod until she could recover from the disorienting effects of the time-skip. Anode and Lug are revealed to be the first explicitly self-defined transgender Cybertronians in mainstream Transformers fiction; Anode is noted to have changed her appearance in concert with her self-realization ("new shape, new me"), while it is implied that Lug has not felt the need to make any physical changes. Anyway, my fanfic aside, I am loving Anode and Lug so much. Fans Toys FT43 Transformers Dunerider Beachcomber Action Figure. Likewise, Drift and Nautica was given toys after they appeared in the comics so they're okay too. This special … $29.99. Rodimus and his allies decided to use the teleporter to head back to Cybertron to pick up another ship, and Anode stayed behind with the other time-displaced Cybertronians. As Anode and Lug gathered under the Matrix so they could "ascend", Rodimus and his group destroyed Mederi's power source, shattering the illusion. Classic Toy Trains magazine offers information about toy trains operating and collecting, toy train product news and reviews, toy train layout tips, toy train layout designs and track plans, and more. $120.00 shipping. Both electronics and electrical sectors, several dedicated transformers are used as a step-down or step-up transformer based on the application of application. Transformers for Tube Amplifiers: HOW TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT & USE POWER, OUTPUT & INTERSTAGE TRANSFORMERS AND CHOKES IN AUDIOPHILE AND GUITAR TUBE AMPLIFIERS [Popovich, Igor S.] on See more ideas about transformers, custom toys, hasbro. However, as Skip was contracting in on them as his body returned to regular size, Anode and the others were forced to abandon ship and were subsequently exposed to compressed space, seemingly killing them and bringing them to the Afterspark. So after doing the Anode piece with Shatter I had an itching to make use of the Dropkick base I picked up, especially after seeing @markerguru001's concept design for Transformers x Terminators version of Velocity from @idwpublishing. Free shipping. After fleeing from a displeased (and quite scary looking) Rust Giant, Anode began smelling sentio metallico and followed it to a warehouse where she flung open a coffin to try and find the new body. Combine Wars. When Rodimus crawls out, Lug asks if there are any more in there. Anode's explanation prompted the staff to reveal security tapes of her emerging alone from her stasis pod; after scanning the list of names on the Necrobot's monument, she realized that Lug hadn't travelled to the future with her, and was merely a timesickness-induced hallucination. $8.00 shipping. by April. In the present day, Anode woke up on the Necroworld along with the dozens of other refugees the Necrobot had collected. Whatever your tastes, you're sure to find something that will awaken the Transformers nostalgia in you. Originally a blacksmith, Anode was a specialist who is able to—with training—sculpt a malfunctioning protoform into its intended working order. Showing slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES} - Shop by Transformer Toy Series. When she told Swerve to leave, the red Autobot sarcastically mentioned that she should see Velocity for "timesickness"—remembering Velocity from their time together on Caminus, Anode tried to leave the Necroworld via teleporter before Velocity could track her down. However, this only succeeded in causing a fire and triggering the ship's sprinklers, which Swerve had already filled with the magnetizing spray so he could trick her into getting stuck onto Ultra Magnus. $324.95. This article is a featured article, and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki. Windblade had a toy before she appeared in the comics so she's okay. Transformers Toys Heroic Bumblebee Action Figure - Timeless Large-Scale Figure, Changes into Yellow Toy Car, 11" (Amazon Exclusive) 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,795 $50.00 $ 50 . $8.25 shipping. Rescue Bots. Lug & Anode MTO Lino Print OneTrueBirb. Animated series. I defy anyone to spend an afternoon with her and not end up. She was voiced by Susan Blu.. When a group of castaways from an alternate universe arrived and immediately ran afoul of the local Functionaries, Anode watched as the group returned to their headquarters in Adaptica, and later observed a live feed of the Functionist Council revealing the "true purpose" of Rung. Buying grief does sound ever so creepy though, doesn't it. Overall weight: 3kg Overall size: 98mm height x 88mm width (including soldering tags) x 86mm depth Fixing holes: Smaller footprint centers on a … After Megatron, When the ladies stopped off at Troja Major's Howling Town, Anode asked to borrow money from Nautica only to learn ten thousand shanix was still considered a lot of money so she decided to steal the mood pipes she wanted instead. While certain members of the Primal Vanguard began identifying as "she" after off-world missions and encounters with organic races, Anode became bemused by the very concept of gender, and did not understand the significance of the pronouns until she left Cybertron when the Great War broke out. Page 2 of 4 - What non-toy character do you want a toy of right now? Favorite Add to FDI 1995 NL Dick Bruna retromotion $ 6.60. Favorites-Transformers by Bakuopp. Transformers are an electrical component that transmit electrical energy between at least two circuits. Five hundred years ago, Anode and Lug travelled to Luna 2 at the behest of the mysterious Grand Architect (who she called "Techy") in search of a piece of rare widowed metal. Modes of Production, Anode attended a debriefing held by Ultra Magnus to help bring the disoriented time-travelers up to speed on recent events. After the departure of Optimus Prime, Megatron and their troops from the war, Emirate Xaaron assigned the Wreckers to assassinate the warlord Trannis, who came into power in Megatron's absence. Transformers Generation 1 Toys ← Back to toy list menu All Transformers Characters → ... • G1 1989 (39 toys) • G1 1990 (42 toys) • G1 1991 (14 toys) • G1 1992 (16 toys) ↑ top. Anode and Lug are not new characters in Transformer series they both have appeared before in the IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family. Pool Tool Zinc Anode Basket Weight. After said getaway, Anode offered Wipe-Out a place in their adventures but he turned it down. Some Other Cybertron However, her senses were still scrambled by the effects of the time jump, and as a result she began hallucinating that Lug had arrived with her, holding regular conversations between herself and "Lug." Vintage Power Transformer Tube Amp Anode voltage USSR, NOS. Studio. Though the other members of the Lighthouse were understanding and forgiving, Anode couldn't bring herself to quit, so instead she fudged the facility's records to make it look like she'd stolen the facility's supplies of sentio metallico, then fled Caminus forever. In previous issues they'd been presented as a male or gender-neutral couple. Masterpiece, Power of the Primes, Generations, Exclusives, Legends, Titans Return, Imports, Movie, G1 inspired and much more. Transformers: Generations Power of the Primes Punch-Counterpunch and Prima Prime. Classic Toy Trains magazine offers information about toy trains operating and collecting, toy train product news and reviews, toy train layout tips, toy train layout designs and track plans, and more. Transformers I finally ordered the transformers. Takara had two lines of toys, Diaclone and Microchange, and Hasbro hired Marvel Comics to … After doing a deep dive on "The Basics" from Chris McFeely a few months ago I was inspired to tackle an old favorite in Hauler. 4.4 out of 5 stars 315. In retaliation, Swerve had Velocity call in Anode for a medical exam and inform her that she had a "second head" in her rear armature. She flew back to the funeral compound where they'd fist found the coffin mech and procured a leftover sample of his sentio metallico for Wipe-Out to analyze who found the metal held the blueprints for millions of alternate modes. Anode apologized, but realized that her friend had vanished...Bad Moon Rising, Anode returned to the medibay to search for Lug, only to realize that nobody had any idea who she was talking about. She explained her plan to resurrect Lug by using the snowflake as a receptacle for Lug's Spark. Anomie Anode explained that she'd falsified her records before fleeing; realizing that she'd never heard the story, "Lug" was unable to conceal her sense of betrayal and fled back to the memorial. As Lug played with Roller, Anode questioned Nautica (since they were now besties!) The whole time you just saw a big planet that destroyed other planets ala Death star. Whether it's an original toy or a meticulous reissue, you're getting authentic piece of Transformers … 5 out of 5 stars (6) $ 12.27. English German. After meeting several organic races, Anode decided she felt more comfortable as a "she" and she had her chassis rebuilt into a more feminine form. I've always been wanting to do a figure of her since I saw her in the comics, just never found an alt mode I liked until now. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings," and cool stuff is the right of all Autobot and Decepticon fans! Transformers: Lost Light #8 features Anode and Lug taking on feminine pronouns. Here you will find all the Hottest and Newest 3rd Party Transformers from makers like TFC Toys, Make Toys, Mastermind Creations, FansProject and more Anode was able to avoid the irate Cyclonus' sword thanks to a warning from Swerve, though the blade cut through Rewind instead. I want to tell you about the Transformers! I just wish Hasbro would make a real toy of Anode. Unique Toys YM04 Palm Collection No Minds & Unhappy Mini Action Figure. Anode explains that their travels brought them into first-hand contact with species that had defined genders, and this experience caused both her and Lug to realize that they were both, well, “hers” at heart. Hayward ColorLogic Light Controller ... Pentair IntelliBrite Controller for. It was touch and go for a second there but the new protoform stabilized and Anode showed off her "new" backpack to Roller when the group returned to their own universe. Great deals on Metal Transformers & Robot Action Figures. Anode revealed her history as a blacksmith and noted that she needed a reason for her coworkers to hate her, unable to live with the guilt. Anode gets into trouble. Top 5 Best Giant Transformers Toys Remember that scene in the Transformers movie where Unicron transformed? As Anode and Lug are trying to leave through the teleporter, Drift pops out of the den and stops them. There are hundreds of Transformers, ... Luckily I'm loving collecting the toys at the moment so my TF fix will still be satisfied. Toys, Masks, Lounges, Infalables ... Controls / Timers / Transformers / Electrical Sort by Filters. Micro Machines National Geographic Mission Blast Off Action Play Set - New . As Anode grieved, Wipe-Out suddenly made himself known and motioned for the two to follow him. But Lug and Anode never will, and Lug isn't the same character as 1987 Lug. You’ll find plenty of Hasbro and Takara Tomy pieces here, but there are plenty of 3rd Party Transformers options available with items from Make Toys, Iron Factory, and Fans Hobby represented among the plethora of options. Titans Return. I love that the joke about people thinking Cyclonus is rich is still getting hauled out too. Unwilling to do so, the organics opened fire only for Lug to tackle Anode to safety but allowing the newborn to die. Likewise, Drift and Nautica was given toys after they appeared in the comics so they're okay too. $29.99. detailed designs of various power, output & interstage transformers and filtering, grid & anode chokes in this unique manual. However, for reasons she long refused to disclose, the sharp-tongued and irreverent Anode fled this life and declared herself instead an archaeologist, treasure-hunter, and adventurer. Hauler Transformers Custom (Transformers) by Swittcraft. Transformers: Lost Light #8 features Anode and Lug taking on feminine pronouns. ... we go in this issue with Anode and she's back to being annoying as all hell. Realizing that the Necrobot had preserved some of Lug's Spark energy inside the flower, Anode had a brainwave and rushed back to the fortress. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. - easier that way. The two snuggled up afterwards. Constructed of durable plastic and available in a range of scales, vintage transformers offer tremendous variety--from classic mini-cassette characters we adored as kids to the forgotten treasures of collections past. Transformers is an entertainment franchise that began as a toy property and expanded into television, comics, books, video games, and film. The three were then ambushed by the Black Block Consortia who demanded Anode and Lug step aside and hand over the mech. The group's musings were interrupted by the sudden return of Luna 2. Favorite Add to USPS ... Dinobot Snarl take apart Stamp G1 Transformers rare toy nos HG toys Popculturemania. Rise of the Decepticons: Swindle's, Welcome to life with Anode. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. At a bar, the three compared notes (namely who the Black Block Consortia was and Anode and Lug's genders) before Techy's troops, led by Flame teleported into the bar and cornered them. Here i have used a old flyback transformer's ferrite core. Transformers: Generation 1. Before the team could figure out where to go from there, they were attacked by an army of sparkeaters created from the mutineers of the Lost Light. Windblade had a toy before she appeared in the comics so she's okay. Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron Titan WFC-S29 Omega Supreme Action Figure - Converts to Command Center - Adults and Kids Ages 8 and Up, … ... Lug and Anode are definitely a far cry from the original Arcee storyline, which was pretty transphobic. So, the transformers can be classified as below based on usage: Toyworld Transformers G2 Constructor Devastator Set of 6 USA. $44.90 Used. Chasing the Infinite, Back on Skip, Anode engaged a prank war with Swerve by having Lug repaint herself and pretend to be Swerve's biggest fan. Modes of Production Kaput then took her, Nautica, and Velocity to Lug's flower where he explained how Lug had died. Bad Cube BUG CORPS (Value Pack) (Pre-Owned MIB Set), Fans Hobby MasterBuilder MB-04 GUNFIGHTER II, Magic Square Toys B14 BEAT BACK & B15 COLLIDE 2 Pack, Ocular Max PS-01C SPHINX CEL (2021 Reissue), DNA Design DK-09 Upgrade Kit for Studio Series Megatron, Iron Factory EX38 OPTICS HUNTER (2021 Reissue), DNA Design DK-10 Upgrade Kit for Studio Series Ironhide, DNA Design DK-09EX Upgrade Kit for Studio Series Battle Damaged Megatron, DNA Design DK-12 Upgrade Kit for MPM-6 Ironhide, TFC Toys STC-01NB SUPREME TACTICAL NUCLEAR BLAST, DNA Design DK-14 Upgrade Kit for Transformers; Siege Ultra Magnus, DNA Design DK-14N Upgrade Kit for Netflix Transformers Siege Ultra Magnus, Fans Hobby MasterBuilder MB-06C POWER BASER V2 (2021 Reissue), Fans Hobby MasterBuilder MBA-04 Upgrade Kit for MB-08 Double Evil, Dr Wu Extreme Warfare DW-E01 DESTROY EMPEROR and DW-E02B MONITOR OFFICER (Black Version), MechFansToys / Mechanic Studio MS-25 FLYWHEEL, MechFansToys / Mechanic Studio MS-25R RAPID SPEED, MechFansToys / Vecma Studio VS05 CROCODILE, X-Transbots MX-12C MONOLITH / BERSERKARS Accessory Kit, MechFansToys / Vecma Studio VS05B COMMANDER, Mechanical Alliance SX-01 THUNDER WARRIOR, TT Hongli HF-01 PATROL & HF-02 FAST (Set of 2), Magic Square Toys B21 INTELLIGENCE OFFICER, Fans Hobby MasterBuilder MB-11 GOD ARMOUR (2021 Reissue), Yolo Park IIES 24" Cybertronian Optimus Prime (Deluxe Version), Ocular Max REmix RMX-06 FUROR & RMX-07 RIOT 2-Pack (2021 Reissue), Generation Toy GT-2 RE TYRANT w/Bonus Effects (2021 Reissue), DNA Design DK-14K Upgrade Kit for Transformers Kingdom Ultra Magnus, Gigapower HQ-05R GAUDENTER (Chrome Version - Blue Chest) (2021 Reissue), Gigapower HQ-04R GRAVITER (Chrome Version) (2021 Reissue), Gigapower HQ-01R SUPERATOR (CHROME) (2021 Reissue), TFC Toys HERCULES w/RAGE of HERCULES UPGRADE KIT. Transformers Toys Generations War for Cybertron: Siege Micromaster Wfc-S33 Autobot Off-Road Patrol 2-Pack - Adults and Kids Ages 8 and Up, 1.5-Inch 4.4 out of 5 stars 436 $9.99 $ 9 . Transformers is surprisingly chill on this, for what you might expect out of a cash-grab toy advertisement. Transformers: Lost Light is an American science fiction / action-adventure comic book written by James Roberts and published by IDW Publishing, taking place in their Transformers universe. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. After enduring Flame's annoyingly euphemistic phrases, Anode attempted a heroic punch but soon decided to flee, turning to jet mode while having Lug and Wipe-Out grab her. $503.49 New. ... One pair 300B tube power transformers(for Western Electric -91A) $420.00. This includes goods sent to you from abroad. Transformers Playskool Heroes Rescue Bots Academy Heatwave The Fire-Bot Converting Toy, 4.5" Action Figure, Toys for Kids Ages 3 & Up 4.7 out of 5 stars 395 $15.94 $ 15 . An enraged Anode decided to take things further by getting Whirl to plant a fake bomb in Swerve's head before waking him up to make it seem like she was using magnetizing spray to fuse him to his recharge slab. Transformers is surprisingly chill on this, for what you might expect out of a cash-grab toy advertisement. Kaput tended to her wounds before Velocity arrived to discuss what had transpired when Anode fled Caminus. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Prime. However, for reasons she long refused to disclose, the sharp-tongued and irreverent Anode fled this life and declared herself instead an archaeologist, treasure-hunter, and adventurer. Cybertron. This page was last modified on 22 December 2020, at 10:26. R-03 Dragoon and Base | Unique Toys 3rd Party Figure Masterpiece Scale. Anode and Lug being transgender is pretty cool, and retroactively explains any female background Transformers in past comics. Regular price $269 00 $269.00. There are more than 40 (!) Regular price $18 99 $18.99. The couple then went for the giant Matrix floating in the Afterspark's sky to see what they could pillage from it. [ 1 Comments. Sep 9, 2019 - Explore michael daniel's board "Stuff to Buy" on Pinterest. Whether you enjoy building model locomotives, buildings, emergency vehicles or complex dioramas, our LED modeling lights can provide that extra sense of realism to your models and function as a unique aesthetic in countless other hobby applications. on her eye-patch. I'm ambivalent on Anode - would, as always, have much preferred an old character re-used - but quite like the art. Go to next slide - Shop by Transformer Toy Series. Armada. Impactor was chosen to lead this team. As the ship erupted into chaos, Anode revealed her full scheme to Swerve just before Ten interrupted the squabbling by unexpectedly speaking. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. - posted in Transformers Discussion: Rorza the Rocket-Cycle Racer from Rigel III Anode gets into trouble. Transformers Toys Cyberverse Deluxe Class Bumblebee Action Figure, Sting Shot Attack Move and Build-A-Figure Piece, for Kids Ages 6 and Up, 5-inch. Hello friends, today in this video i have shown how to make a high voltage transformer. Though Anode professed an aloofness regarding her new friends, she eventually confessed that she was interested in their quest for Cyberutopia, though "Lug" joked that she would be more interested in plundering its treasures than starting a new life there., Anode was originally going to appear by running into. The transformers are classified based on voltage levels, Core medium used, winding arrangements, use and installation place, etc. Unfortunately, Anode's brash nature led her into performing a live sculpting on a struggling protoform before she was truly ready, and the protoform subsequently died. The two new trans women Autobots are Anode and Lug and according to Bleeding Cool the art is created by Priscilla Tramontano and Joana Lafuente and written by James Roberts and Jack Lawrence. On the positives we had some excellent new toys including the ongoing Titans Return line, an all-new convention in Hascon, and a strong conclusion to the Transformers: Robots in Disguise show. From Cybertron to Caminus and beyond, there's no large, menacing creature she's not willing to tick off (either on purpose or by accident) and no artifact too risky for her to retrieve. In an alternate timeline where the Great War never occurred, Anode was a qualified blacksmith who had abandoned her comfortable life in favor of joining the Anti-Vocationist League in fighting the totalitarian Functionist Council. $30.00 shipping (1) VINTAGE WESTERN ELECTRIC TRANS D-165658 TUBE AMP POWER TRANSFORMER. IDW Transformers: Lost Light #13 Full ... New 2021 Transformers Barricade Toy Found in Chile 21,130 views.