We like this cheap, top-rated bicycle floor pump with built-in gauge, available on Amazon. This work has paid off! I don't know if use the same firmware as this. Yes, with the older models you have to be careful with tuning. L’autore dei file suggerisce di disinstallare le app Xiaomi e Ninebot o di dissociarle in altro modo. I don't believe it was anything too exotic (probably CFW) (edit: they just flashed 1.3.3), just to get higher top speed. @losnir do you have starting point / rom size for the firmware files to … Before the update, the M365 accelerates pretty good and the top speed was 27,2 km/h on flat roads and on a bit ascending road too.Battery consumption was good too, for example 14 km ride, 21.7 km/h av. But it didn't work for me. Xiaomi m365 Firmware/BMS Flash Fail. Battery voltage limit Issue. Updated! Hi Devs, hi Users! Keep default if you have stock wheels. Xiaomi M365, non Pro, with the pro display. Change ESC->BMS baud rate to 76800 Only if you use the compatible open source BMS! Wheel Size Wheel diameter - inches. This works only on Xiaomi M365 scooters manufactured on May 2017 and Later. Is this firmware compatible with the new ( 2019) xiaomi m365 pro ??. Bird abandoned the scooters and did not pick them up from the company that was ordered to seize them. M365 1.5.1 Downgrade - Xiaomi Firmware Solutions Question by Bleebleblatt - Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:34 pm. Copy link Quote reply Aciid commented Oct 12, 2018. Altid de rigtige priser! It’s easiest to do this with a bike pump with the built in gauge. To check the date. This guide will walk you through steps unlocking your Xiaomi M365 firmware and removing the 25km/h legal speed limit from your scooter. Perchè è proprio così, i nostri monopattini nascondono … July 18, ... Xiaomi M365 scooter isn’t new product. Regular M365 Display Changes dashboard message type from "Pro" to "Regular" (for 4-dot M365 dashboard only!). I have recently purchased a M365 Pro running 1.55 firmware and immediately implemented the Gorka speed hack. Given the great success of the previous guide for increase the maximum speed of the QiCycle electric bicycle, we continue this line of modification of the "two-wheeled" ! Dopo l’articolo “Aumentare le prestazione dello Xiaomi M365” e “Aumentare le prestazioni dello Xiaomi M365 PRO” è giunto il momento di parlare anche di questo famoso monopattino, e su come aumentare le prestazioni e velocità massima del Ninebot ES2, il tutto senza modifiche hardware ma solo via software. So I've just tried to change the firmware of my M365, but it's problematic. I purchased my M365 from an individual who seized all of the Bird scooters in RICHMOND, Va, as Bird was operating without a license. Assicurati, tuttavia, che questi non siano in esecuzione. Xiaomi, please fix this or give us the ability to … It seems to work, but after the flash is complete my scooter does not turn off. On your Xiaomi Mi M365, with the stock 8.5″ tires, the pressure is 55 PSI. XIAOMI M365/M365 PRO Front Suspension Kit ... Making sure m365 is safe and operationally consistent for users starts with a quality inspection performed upon every repair. 3) launch the app M365 downgrade (you should not have open your xiaomi/ninebot app while performing this procedure) 4) connect your scooter to the app via bluetooth 5) upload into the scooter the firmware called CMW from the list of files you uploaded in step 1 that's all !! Circuitbreaker Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:16 pm 1 Replies 828 Views Last post Celarevo 21413 Sat Jan ... M365 after flashing (Doesnt drive) no firmware etc.. ST LINK doesnt work. Xiaomi Mijia M365/Pro users has 9,269 members. To thank Nikita for his Non abbiamo avuto problemi anche se non abbiamo seguito queste istruzioni. Same here! 0 Replies 57 Views by RobertD I use the custom m365downgrade app, upload the .bin and flash. I acquired an m365 from a previous owner who had flashed an unknown custom firmware to the scooter. I'm on 1.6.6 but I'm pretty sure it's the same software as 1.5.4 just with support for the Pro display that I have. This guide will walk you through steps unlocking your Xiaomi M365 firmware and removing the 25km/h legal speed limit from your scooter. It's group there we share our experiences, minds and other stuff. Much worse performance, especially in acceleration. App to send firmware to M365 Scooter over bluetooth, it includes all official firmwares available over internet. Tym razem jest kolej na Xiaomi Mijia M365 skuter elektryczny że dzięki temu hackowi pozwolisz dotrzeć do 35km, mieć więcej … Sign in to view. speed, … It allows downgrade. One of the news more curious is the anti-theft system... yes, an anti-theft system!!! I've updated my brand new (1 month old, 174 km mileage) M365 via Mi Home with Firmware 1.5.4. after a morning ride to work. Go to Segway-Ninebot app > settings > basic information Nun ist das Problem das ab ca. To begin the Xiaomi has updated the firmware version 1.3.1 to version 1.3.4. This comment has been minimized. So join if you are fan of/ user of/ or want to buy Mijia scooter.#xiaomi … So I just bought one of those Xiaomi m365 kickscooters. To check the date. Accendiamo lo scooter (carico almeno al 70%) Avviamo l’app m365 DownG If you upgraded your Xiaomi M365 electric scooter to firmware version 1.5.4 and now you can't use any 3rd part apps (e.g. I imagine that after I have surprised a lot of people over the time that i walk with the Xiaomi M365, with its capabilities and funcionalities, i think i'll go back to amaze. I tried with the one marked "mine" and "rollerpauch" on the m365.botox site. I wanted to document this and ask for input. Hallo Leute habe ein großes Problem, Hab meinen Xiaomi pro 2 über downG und scooterhacking also mit der zip Datei auf über 30 kmh getunt. Biorąc pod uwagę wielki sukces poprzedniego przewodnika dla zwiększyć maksymalną prędkość roweru elektrycznego QiCyclekontynuujemy tę linię modyfikacji "dwukołowych" urządzeń Xiaomi poprzez zmodyfikowane oprogramowanie układowe. Buy Xiaomi M365 scooter https://goo.gl/MMG2Ve Warning! Version française ici The M365 Pro, an improved version of the famous M365, is just beginning to arrive in Europe from the Chinese market. The app is free and it comes without any warranty, all flashable files belong to their respective owners, This app is compatible on the M365 … Warning! Xiaomi Mi M365 - Elektrisk Løbehjul - Sort (Rækkevidde: Op til 30km - Topfart: 25km/t) | Computersalg.dk : Alt inden for løbeure, segboards, legetøj, outdoor. Go to Segway-Ninebot app > settings > basic information WARNING! A hacker can accelerate Xiaomi M365 scooter—or hit the breaks—while a rider is on it. GoldenF33T Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:20 pm 0 Replies 638 Views Last post GoldenF33T Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:20 pm; M365 Flashing Issue. The pro version has a LED screen with speed in the scooter, and also a more big battery. M365 tuning. KKmoon Circuito del Motorino, Sostituzione per Coperchio del Circuito Stampato e del Cruscotto BT Nuovo per Xiaomi M365 Scooter Elettrico: Amazon.it: Auto e Moto After sitting in storage for almost a year, this individual filed paperwork to take ownership of the scooters. 4 Replies 18498 Views by snackman Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:52 pm: Xiaomi M365 Dual motor by RobertD - Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:53 pm. Xiaomi m365 / m365 pro electric scooter flashing firmware basic information By Adan Flannigan 2019-08-07 31251 0 Xiaomi M365 / M365 pro electric scooter, a new stylish way to get around, has won the confidence of many commuters thanks to its simple design, lightweight and reliable performance. 4) Installazione del firmware. How to flash the Xiaomi Mi M365 firmware for increased performance. But this youth didn't stop one of the best hackers on the circuit Nikita (telegram: @nickkee) from working on the firmware. This works only on Xiaomi M365 scooters manufactured on May 2017 and Later. UPDATE: used the wrong app - see BotoX/xiaomi-m365-firmware-patcher#3. Xiaomi m365 pro battery reading low after flash.