She has been in six celebrity relationships averaging approximately 3.6 years each. She was replaced by Carly Spencer in the third film, due to how she broke up with him. Mikaela learned how to fix cars from her father, a long-time car thief who has presumably been single for some time. Many People Watch The Movie Because, Shes ON IT ! She took him with her by tying him with a vehicle just in the middle of the battle without considering the lif… Sub went into a duel with Megatron who was resurrected, with the Decepticon eventualy defeating him but before he could do anything, he was pounded away by Optimus who blasted his way through the wall at that time, saving the three. Personally I think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world but looks isn’t all she is, she also has great talent and she’s done nothing but become a better actress from the first two movies it would be crazy to cancel her out. Human and yeah it doesnt mainly have to do with their love, but since it was put in there, you need to keep it without it then i wont watch the movie. There are lots of beautiful women out there. When the car suffered engine trouble, she took a look at the engine and was very impressed wi… Hair color Jetfire then transported everyone to Cairo via a wormhole but the group soon realized that he forgot where he hid the matrix. i hope she doesnt get killed. Nooo if they kill megan is the movie boring!!! I would’ve never seen the first or second movie if she wasn’t in it. While they were driving, the car, who was secretly an Autobot named J4U, took over his controls and drove them on the edge of the city and faked. But as far as her needing you? Michael Bay thank you for Bad Boys 2, best F***ing movie of all time and Transformers is a close number 2. Months later she was part of the resistance in the Decepticon-occupied United States. Mikaela Banes is Sam's first girlfriend and the human deuteragonist of the first two films in The Transformers film series. Only the stupidest person will do that Minecraftia Mikaela Banes is one of the human characters in the film. Please consult your Physician when working under my direction because some side effects can occur, such as mild dizziness, intense nausea, suicidal tendencies, depression, minor chest hair growth, random internal hemorrhaging and inability to sleep. He then told them. Shia LaBeouf spills the REAL reason Megan Fox left Transformers. when i see you it’s the best day of meeee i love you megan pleas write me becouse i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu you are the most beuitifull girl in old world i hope to see you and dedicate one song i love youuuu. Just my OC'S and the plot of this fic. no one will know her if not because of micheal bay take her in his movie…, IF MEGAN FOX WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE TRANSFORMERS MOVIES I WOULD STILL WATCH THEM BUT I WOULD NOT LIKE THEM AS MUCH AS I WILL IF MEGAN FOX IS IN THERE AND WE SHOULD ALL E-MAIL MICHAEL BAY SAYING NOT TO TAKE OUT MEGAN FOX OR PEOPLE WILL LOSE INTREST IN TRANSFORMERS, Hey megan it’s me again Shopping. "The name is Mikaela Banes and it seems I ended up getting involved in an alien struggle with Sam. After a while of digging, Subwoofer started to get annoyed, saying that they didn't even know what they were looking for and that the matrix could be in a hill, under the ground or even up in the sky. thats just so stupid, so he better not make her die in the movie. Entertainment News India: Find the latest Hollywood, Bollywood today's news headlines, tv news, read new movie reviews. Maybe NoBody Will See It . Mikaela Banes is a former junior hijacker, who lives in an unknown city located in USA and is the daughter of Colin Banes and the girlfriend of Sam Witwicky. Unfortunately, Sam has been in love with Mikeala Banes for even longer. I just hope there is no cussing in this next film it is great with out it. When they arrived to Optimus and his team, the autobot leader introduced himself and all five Autobots around him: Jazz, Bumblebee, J4U, Ratchet and Ironhide. There she stayed on the edge of the city, while J4U went in, killed Bonecrusher and reported that the millitary can come in. Alice has a retractable long tongue and a retractable long spiked tail. (spoilers) also convinient that he has a mouth. I don’t want to see Megan Fox get killed off in TRANSFORMERS 3, She’s awesome and beautiful. They soon decided that if they had to, they would destroy every block as Prime would do the same for them. Tell Michael Bay you are sorry (but lie) only so he won’t kill you off in the rest of the Transformers movies! but, I watch the movies for the transformations, raw power and the very cool effects. Kill Megan’s character, kill the movie, that’s basically what’s going to happen I know for a fact if she’s not in it I won’t be buying a ticket to see it and I guarantee alot of other people won’t just because the fact that Megan Fox attracts the male audience. You guys are nuts! Mikaela Banes's popularity ranking on CharacTour is #1739 out of 5,600+ characters. The robot, alien, or whatever it was decided to choose that moment to lean closer to the window and speak. Shes Been Doing Good In This Transformer Movies . It’s no doubt that Megan will appear in transformers 3 and 4 and the whole series movies!!! J0sh Frazin… Light That’s what it is period. She made a mistake, just like everyone on this planet has. 1 Fiction 1.1 Dark of the Moon film 2 Notes After Mikaela Banes dumps him and he gets the Medal of Freedom from the President, Sam meets Carly, a beautiful, young British woman, and is attracted to her instantly and begins dating her. She hid her automo… I think she’s great! Mikaela was upset over that but Sam quickly pulled her with him as he was chased by the Decepticon Barricade who was battling J4U and Bumblebee. I think Micheal Bay is making a huge mistake by even thinking of killing Megan Fox I can honestly say over millions of ppl watch transformers Because of megan,she is one of the most amazing person ever an she is perfect in TransFormers no one should take her luv life in transformers,,so I beg of you Micheal Bay please do not kill one of the most amazing person in the world, ill give you my number bbe, 0161 330 5221 thats h=my house fone ring me when u have spare time.x, hia megan i watch you in all of your movies, i am goin to have plastic surgery so that i can be like you. Gender This entry was posted by admin on October 10, 2009 at 8:19 pm, We all know about the supposed feud between Megan Fox and Michael Bay, director of Transformers. A beauty with brains, a penchant for fixing cars, and accepted Sam Witwicky offer to "ride" her home in his "new car." nobody can take her place, shes perfect as Mikaele! especially so soon! You're signed out. After the call, the group went back to Jetfire whom Subwoofer told to get to the city with Simmons and that they will regroup there. 1 Biography 1.1 Earthrise 2 Relationships 3 Appearances On January 3, 2025, Mikaela was at the Food Court at the L.A. …. That Would Be Beyond Boring . Michala's career began very early with her first film credit at the age of 5. Prime's body was also located there and he was soon resurrected by the group, though it costed them the lives of Jetfire and Jolt as both of them sacrificed themselves in order to make this happen. Alice continues to attack them, but Mikaela kills her by crushing her against a lightpole and running her over, saying "kiss this, bitch!" =) XD. Sub fell unconcious so Sam and Mikaela climbed out of him. Transformers Interslellar is a 2021 Film. Movies don’t have to have crude sexual inuendo, cuss words or naked people in them to be great. He also has learnt English, seemingly only so he can threaten you with a messy death. And now we look back at Michael Bays words, do they also include Mikaela Banes, Megan Fox’s Character? Add my number to the previous comment she needs me 3214800247. The Arrival TBE The Arrival There the three Decepticons took on the Autobots with both Grindor and Optimus getting killed in the proces. egan Fox Hot In Minimal Makeup As Brian Austin Green’s Wife Rocks Destroyed Jeans For Easter Outing, Megan Fox Blast Critics for Saying She Is Dumb and Superficial, Megan Fox looks pretty as a princess after Easter celebration in LA, Stephen Amell May Not Play Megan Fox Love Interest In ‘TMNT’ Sequel. Mikaela was upset over that but Sam quickly pulled her with him as he was chased by the Decepticon Barricade who was battling J4U and Bumblebee. Actress: Megan Fox (English) Kanako Toujô(Japanese-language dub voice) Mikaela learned how to fix cars from her father, a long-time car thief who has presumably been single for some time. They caught J4U not long after as well. When the millitary arrived, Mikaela along with Sam and the Autobots grouped up with them. J4U howevhere began playing music and stopped faking, promping her to sit back in. Author's notes I don't own Transformers. Now star Shia LaBeouf has revealed exactly what went down. you cant kill megan fox. Info. Short summary describing this character. Summary. dont act foolish megan just do what your heart says and ps say sorry to michael, If they kill her early I wii sue MichaelBay. After the Constructicon was killed, the group contacted Ironhide who told them to come to a nearby city. Second off, no I totally agree. Take CharacTour's quiz to get recommendations for thousands of characters, movies, TV shows, books, and games that are high matches for … Born Eye color The Autobots then drove into the citys direction and soon confronted the Constructicons whom they killed. One night when Mikaela was at the power station, Sam ran into her. Another Decepticon Frenzy tried to kill her but was shot on place by Bumblebee. Immediately after this was revealed, Mikaela and Sam climbed down the ladder that was placed on the walls with the Autobots coming after them. Their conversation was secretly overheard by Soundwave who told the matrixs location to Megatron who told him to alert The Fallen and send all Decepticon forces to its location in order to end the war. well i say if megan fox is killed first in the movie or takin off the movie,all i have to say to micheal bay is f*** you cause megan is the whole movie everybody loves her just because shes sexy,well she is but nobody sees that she is an amazing act0r and that is a big part in a movie and the franchise of the TRANSFORMERS movies, cause bad actors bad movie,am i right i mean anbody would say megan and shias love for eachother make up the movies and that is true so i mean i know anyguy would cut off two nuts just to bang her am i right so yeah micheal bay if u do that too her i will take out your kneecaps with a tire iron and i’ll shove my foot so far in your butt you will be pulling shoe laces out of your mouth for a week. will I have to say, yes she is hot! MIchael Bay is making the worst mistake of his life !! Later when J4U headed for a meating with another Autobot Bumblebee, he drove past her disquised into a truck so she wouldn't recognize him. After making sure that they were allrigt the Autobot let them back in and the group proceeded to battle their way into the city through a large army of protoforms. Megan Fox is one of the main things in the Transformers franchise. She's an experienced veteran … mikaela banes in transformers rise of the fallen We all know about the supposed feud between Megan Fox and Michael Bay, director of Transformers. He was still mad howevhere, as if the Decepticons would show up then there would be six Autobots against the entire Decepticon army. For the reminder of the battle Sam and Mikaela stayed in the corner. He at first meant toshoot Simmons but Sam calmed him down by saying that he's OK. Mikaela then went with the rest of the group to Mission City, as they got the Cube and had to get away from the dam. One night when Mikaela was at the power station, Sam ran into her. Sam revealed to the two that he was seeing a map in his head and that he didn't told this to Optimus because it didn't feel as the right time. Michala Banas is a multi award winning film, television and theatre actor. Always on your side megan. Because of that, they went to talk to Jetfire with Sub asking him if he was sure that this was the right place and that it could take them years to find the matrix but he soon realised that the Decepticons were looking for it to, so they had an advantage on them. Sorry kiddo, she’s got Shia. Bane is usually depicted as an adversary of the superhero Batman and belongs to the collective of enemies that make up the Batman rogues gallery.